
We had a quick adhoc meeting regarding Bikernet projects. There’s been some pressure to reduce the number of projects, but in a sense I feel it’s the nature of things flying at us constantly. The key is saying, “No.” That’s a tough one around the headquarters.

In the event of any question regarding projects, the immediate number one mantra is to start another project: Make a list. So let’s see:
Las Vegas Bike Fest sponsorship
Indian Day Sponsorship
Born to Ride Movie involvement
Help my son and a local kid build motorcycles
Open a coffee shop, Bandit’s Barista
Build a custom ground-up FXR Mudflap Girl bike–Yes!
Work with Erik and Tim on a TV series
Work with some local guys, Hamiliton and Ryan on a film Noir movie
Build a deck on the side of the building using old telephone poles
Expand the Cantina membership and support our Bikernet Sponsors
Start planning for 2012 Bonneville
Work with Ray at Air Fasteners on our stainless Allen collection
Work with Edge of the SmokeOut and the Horse, with Mystery design to turn a FXR in to a trike for a brother.
Work with the MRF, several Hamsters, and the industry to build an aftermarket committee
Work with a number of moto-journalists and the Thailand Tourism Authority to create a motorcycle tour of Thailand.

How am I doing? Let’s hit the news and I’ll continue the list.


9. “The answer to this last question will determine whether you are drunk or not. Was Mickey Mouse a cat or a dog?”
10. “Fair? You want me to be fair? Listen, fair is a place where you go to ride on rides, eat cotton candy and corn dogs and step in monkey poop.”
11. “Yeah, we have a quota. Two more tickets and my wife gets a toaster oven.”
12. “In God we trust; all others we run through NCIC.” ( National Crime Information Center )
13. “Just how big were those ‘two beers’ you say you had?”
14. “No sir, we don’t have quotas anymore. We used to, but now we’re allowed to write as many tickets as we can.”
15. “I’m glad to hear that the Chief (of Police) is a personal friend of yours. So you know someone who can post your bail.”

16. “You didn’t think we give pretty women tickets? You’re right, we don’t. Sign here.”
–Bob Clark

Pressure Still Needed on the California Legislature to Oppose Anti-Gun Legislation–

Contact your state Senator and Assemblyman TODAY!

The California Legislature is back to work and it is crucial that all California gun owners and sportsmen keep the pressure on their state Senator and Assemblyman to OPPOSE all anti-gun legislation. Don’t forget to forward this alert to your family, friends and fellow gun owners across California urging them to contact their state legislators.

The following bills are scheduled to be heard this Monday, August 22, for final reading in the state Senate and Assembly. It is imperative that you contact your state Senator and Assemblyman TODAY to OPPOSE these bills, because if they pass, the next stop is the Governor’s office for his consideration.

Call AND e-mail your state Senator TODAY and urge him or her to OPPOSE the following bill:

 Assembly Bill 144, back for a second consecutive year, would ban the open carrying of an unloaded handgun. In reality, the open carrying of firearms by law-abiding citizens is caused by California’s unfair concealed carry laws, which allow citizens from one county to apply for and receive a permit while neighbors in the next county are denied that basic right in an arbitrary manner.

Call and e-mail your state Assemblyman TODAY and urge him or her to OPPOSE:

Senate Bill 427 would grant authority to law enforcement to collect sales records from ammunition retailers, require ammunition vendors to notify local law enforcement of their intention to engage in the business of selling ammunition AND include a list of “calibers” which would have to be registered at the point-of-purchase. This would include ammunition popular among hunters and collectors that has no association with crime. This point-of-sale registration of all ammunition purchases in the state would be available for inspection by the California Department of Justice at any time. If enacted, SB 427 would add significant costs to the state, in terms of enforcement and lost sales tax revenue by driving business out-of-state.

Senate Bill 798 would overturn California’s long-standing preemption statute that promotes consistent statewide regulation of air-soft guns, BB guns, and imitation firearms. California’s statute preempting local regulation of air-soft guns, BB guns and imitation firearms was passed in 1988 in response to violations that occurred due to the confusion caused by a patchwork of varying local ordinances. This firearms preemption statute was necessary to avoid the very problems that SB 798 will create if enacted.

Anti-gun extremists are working hard to eliminate gun ownership in California by any possible means. WE need to work harder to remind them that the Constitution still applies to California. Take action today and help save California from destroying what our Founding Fathers established over two centuries ago – FREEDOM.

MORE RELATIVES OF VINCENT VAN GOGH– His magician uncle — Where-diddy Gogh
His Mexican cousin —————————————- A Mee Gogh
The Mexican cousin’s American half-brother — Gring Gogh
The nephew who drove a stage coach — Wells-far Gogh
The constipated uncle — Can’t Gogh
The ballroom dancing aunt — Tang Gogh
–Ted Franks


I Watched Born to ride:

Purchase price 12.00
Watching it.. somewhat painful
Seeing you play yourself……………. PRICELESS

Great Job.

–Richard Kranzler

BUDGETING FOR DUMMIES–2011 Federal Budget Deal

Federal Budget: $3,820,000,000,000 (3.82 Trillion)

Income: $2,170,000,000,000 (2.17 Trillion)

New Debt: $1,650,000,000,000 (1.65 Trillion)

Amount Cut: $38,500,000,000 (38.5 Billion) – about 1% of the total budget.

National Debt Total: $14,271,000,000,000 before this year’s budget.

Harry Reid is calling this a “historic amount“. The President said it is a “historic deal”. John Boehner simply said, “We’ve come to an agreement”.

Let’s Put This In Perspective. It helps me to think about these numbers in terms that we can relate to.

Let’s remove eight zeroes from those numbers and pretend this is a household budget for the fictitious Jones family.

Amount of money the “Jones’s family spent this Year: $38,200

Total income for the “Jones’s family this Year: $21,700

Amount of new debt added to the credit card this Year: $16,500

Outstanding balance on the credit card: $142,710
New outstanding balance on credit card: $159,210
So last week, the “Jones’s” sat down at the kitchen table and agreed to cut $385 from their yearly budget. A historic amount isn’t it!! We Are Screwed”

Matthew Osburn
–from Scooter Grubb
Bikernet financial consultant

My newest book, American Biker, is available now at

My upcoming book, The One-Percenter Encyclopedia: The World of Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs from Abyss Ghosts to Zombies Elite! is available now for pre-order at

Check out the new website for legendary L.A. DJ, Dave Hull “The Hullabalooer” and get ready for his new book, Hullabaloo! The Life and (Mis) Adventures of L.A. Radio Legend, Dave Hull

Attached is the information once again for the Hamsters Halloween in Hawaii. Friday is the deadline to get rooms at a very discounted rate. So if you’re planning to go, you better get busy and make your reservation. 😉 Also including a rooming list, so you know who is signed up already!

— Patty

BIKERNET GAME OF THE DAY NOW LIVE–Incredible. We now have the video game of the day on the free section of Bikernet.

If you become addicted to a game, you are forced to buy a Cantina membership to feed your addiction.

If that game doesn’t do the trick, hang on. We now have 126 games in the cantina to keep you entertained and out of trouble.

Algae to solve the Pentagon’s jet fuel problem–US scientists believe they will soon be able to use algae to produce biofuel for the same cost as fossil fuel

Algae on China’s Yangtze river. Beijing, as well as the US military, is looking at ways to turn it into aviation fuel.


The brains trust of the Pentagon says it is just months away from producing a jet fuel from algae for the same cost as its fossil-fuel equivalent.

The claim, which comes from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) that helped to develop the internet and satellite navigation systems, has taken industry insiders by surprise. A cheap, low-carbon fuel would not only help the US military, the nation’s single largest consumer of energy, to wean itself off its oil addiction, but would also hold the promise of low-carbon driving and flying for all.

Darpa’s research projects have already extracted oil from algal ponds at a cost of $2 per gallon. It is now on track to begin large-scale refining of that oil into jet fuel, at a cost of less than $3 a gallon, according to Barbara McQuiston, special assistant for energy at Darpa. That could turn a promising technology into a –market-ready one. Researchers have cracked the problem of turning pond scum and seaweed into fuel, but finding a cost-effective method of mass production could be a game-changer. “Everyone is well aware that a lot of things were started in the military,” McQuiston said.

The work is part of a broader Pentagon effort to reduce the military’s thirst for oil, which runs at between 60 and 75 million barrels of oil a year. Much of that is used to keep the US Air Force in flight. Commercial airlines – such as Continental and Virgin Atlantic – have also been looking at the viability of an algae-based jet fuel, as has the Chinese government.

INDIAN MOTORCYCLES JOB OPENING–Check this out. They are looking for a new
Director, Marketing Indian Motorcycles
Polaris Location, Minneapolis, MN
Employment Status Full-time
Lead Indian marketing efforts in development and implementation of strategies and plan that meet or exceed retail sales objectives. Key leader in driving Indian Motorcycles to become a Global Motorcycle Brand.

Marketing/Brand Strategies and Plan Development
• Develops and implements short and long-term marketing plans and strategies to support the growth objectives of the company. Identifies, qualifies and pursues growth opportunities.
• Develops and executes purchase funnel strategies from awareness to purchase.
• Leads development and implementation of branding/positioning strategies that differentiates the products in the marketplace through product advertising, including consumer shows.
• Creates, tests, and executes retail programs and promotions that are impactful and cost effective.
• Responsible for delivering retail market share growth.
• Develop marketing budget and manage accordingly

Lead “Grass Roots” Strategies of the Indian Marketing Plan
• Development of marketing plan elements (i.e. consumer demo events, local consumer events, targeted marketing efforts, impactful dealership point-of-sale, effective dealership retail selling training support)
• Deliver breakthrough publicity efforts that generate awareness and consumer-driven retail sales pull demand
• Lead marketing strategies for Indian website and on-line marketing resources
• Recommend and lead development of high impact partnerships and sponsorships
• Responsible for delivering consumer retail sales results within limits of marketing budget

Product Development, Voice of Customer and Competition
• Lead Voice of the Customer strategies to drive effective and compelling Indian product development.
• Integrates with Product Managers and PDC to lead effective product development portfolio planning and compelling product commercialization strategies.
• Tracks and analyzes competitive programs, products and activities in the marketplace.
• Analyzes and reports market share results; develops plans and programs which capitalize on opportunities and addresses issues.

Marketing Team Leadership and Development
• Hires, trains, develops, coaches and builds an A-1 marketing team. Expands the team, as needed, to meet the growth goals.
• Builds the functional expertise and organizational credibility of the marketing department, transforming the organization from a sales/product driven environment to a marketing/product driven culture.
• Leads cross-functional teams to bring new products to market rapidly and on budget.
• Manages outside agency resources including the advertising agency and, together with the Corporate Communications Manager, manages press, public relations and legislative efforts to capitalize on brand presence opportunities.

• MBA or advanced degree preferred, with 8-12 years marketing experience and 3-5+ years managerial experience.
• Proven track record of marketing expertise and successes, with hands-on knowledge of strategy, competitive analysis, development, advertising, promotion, market research and portfolio management
• Global brand strategy experience (global plans and strategies with North America primary focus)
• Retail driven B2C communications executed through B2B
• Premium brand management experience (CI, CSI, CRM), drive consistent strategy and execution across all the brand/consumer touch points
• Outstanding leadership skills.
• An understanding, appreciation and or passion for motorized vehicles.
• Strong problem solving & organizational skills
Apply On-line Apply On-line

is this Saturday, August 27, 2011 6:00 pm to 11:00 pm in the Glendora Downtown Village. Please visit our website for more details or call the Chamber at
626-963-4128. See you there!

NEWS FROM THE WD-40 ARCHIVES–Does anybody know what the main ingredient of WD-40 is? Read to the end to find out.

I had a neighbor who bought a new pickup. I got up very early one Sunday morning and saw that someone had spray painted red all around the sides of this beige truck (for some unknown reason). I went over, woke him up, and told him the bad news. He was very upset and was trying to figure out what to do….probably nothing until Monday morning, since nothing was open.

Another neighbor came out and told him to get his WD-40 and clean it off. It removed the unwanted paint beautifully and did not harm his paint job that was on the truck.

I’m impressed! WD-40 who knew? ‘Water Displacement #40’.

The product began from a search for a rust preventative solvent and degreaser to
protect missile parts. WD-40 was created in 1953 by three technicians at the San Diego Rocket Chemical Company. Its name comes from the project that was to find a ‘water displacement’ compound. They were successful with the 40th formulation, thus WD-40. The Convair Company bought it in bulk to protect their atlas missile parts. Ken East (one of the original founders) says there is nothing in WD-40 that would hurt you…

When you read the ‘shower door’ part, try it. It’s the first thing that has ever cleaned that spotty shower door. If yours is plastic, it works just as
well as glass. It’s a miracle! Then try it on your stove top…Viola!

It’s now shinier than it’s ever been. You’ll be amazed.

WD-40 uses:
1. Protects silver from tarnishing
2. Removes road tar and grime from cars
3. Cleans and lubricates guitar strings
4. Gives floors that ‘just-waxed’ sheen without making them
5. Keeps flies off cows
6. Restores and cleans chalkboards
7. Removes lipstick stains
8. Loosens stubborn zippers
9. Untangles jewelry chains
10. Removes stains from stainless steel sinks
11. Removes dirt and grime from the barbecue grill
12. Keeps ceramic/terra-cotta garden pots from oxidizing
13. Removes tomato stains from clothing
14. Keeps glass (and plastic)shower doors free of water spots
15. Camouflages scratches in ceramic and marble floors
16. Keeps scissors working smoothly
17. Lubricates noisy door hinges on vehicles and doors in homes
18. It removes black scuff marks from the kitchen floor! Use WD-40 for
those nasty tar and scuff marks on flooring. It doesn’t seem to harm the
finish and you won’t have to scrub nearly as hard to get them off. Just
remember to open some windows if you have a lot of marks
19. Bug guts will eat away the finish on your car if not removed quickly!
Use WD-40!
20. Gives a children’s playground slide a shine for a super fast slide
21.Lubricates gear shift and mower deck lever for ease of handling on
riding mowers
22. Rids kids rocking chairs and swings of squeaky noises
23. Lubricates tracks in sticking home windows and makes them easier to open
24. Spraying an umbrella stem makes it easier to open and close
25. Restores and cleans padded leather dashboards in vehicles, as well as
vinyl bumpers
26. Restores and cleans roof racks on vehicles
27. Lubricates and stops squeaks in electric fans
28. Lubricates wheel sprockets on tricycles, wagons, and bicycles for easy
29. Lubricates fan belts on washers and dryers and keeps them running
30. Keeps rust from forming on saws and saw blades, and other tools
31. Removes splattered grease on stove
32. Keeps bathroom mirror from fogging
33. Lubricates prosthetic limbs
34. Keeps pigeons off the balcony (they hate the smell)
35. WD-40 attracts fish. Spray a little on live bait or lures and you
will be catching the big one in no time. Also, it’s a lot cheaper than
the chemical attractants that are made for just that purpose. Keep in
mind though, using some chemical laced baits or lures for fishing are not
allowed in some states
36. Removes all traces of duct tape
37. Folks even spray it on their arms, hands, and knees to relieve
arthritis pain
38. Florida ‘s favorite use is: ‘cleans and removes love bugs from grills
and bumpers
39. The favorite use in the state of New York , WD-40 protects the Statue
of Liberty from the elements
40. Use it for fire ant bites. It takes the sting away immediately and
stops the itch
41. WD-40 is great for removing crayon from walls. Spray on the mark and
wipe with a clean rag
42. Also, if you’ve discovered that your teenage daughter has washed and
dried a tube of lipstick with a load of laundry, saturate the lipstick
spots with WD-40 and rewash. Presto! The lipstick is gone!
43. If you spray WD-40 on a distributor cap, it will displace the moisture
and allow the car to start
P.S. The basic ingredient is FISH OIL!

Despite beautiful scenery and weather, California is among the worst states for motorcycle riders.

Although motorcyclists in California enjoy great weather and beautiful scenery, the state is still among the most dangerous for bikers, according to a recent survey conducted by Progressive Insurance.

According to Dan Kamionkowski, the company’s Motorcycle Product Manager, California ranked 42nd in the country for motorcyclists because of the state’s high gas prices, population density and motorcycle accident rates, as well as the poor road conditions throughout the state. Thanks to these factors, California is not an ideal place for motorcyclists.

“Based on our experience, we pulled together what we consider to be important data to help bikers make better riding decisions,” Kamionkowski explained in a statement. “It’s not the end-all-be-all list of variables, for sure; since preferences vary from rider to rider, but we hope it will help riders plan their next road trip.”

Rough Riding in California

Roads in California are rough, and according to a report released by Smart Growth America, only 30 percent of the state’s highways are in good shape. For bikers around the state, this is no surprise: Everyday, motorcycle riders must navigate around obstructions like potholes and problems with the roads’ poorly maintained pavement.

While such conditions may be considered a mere annoyance for other drivers, they put bikers at considerable risk. The lighter weight of motorcycles makes it difficult to drive over potholes and when bikers do, they can either crash because of the obstruction or become unstable and get hit by motorists in cars and trucks.

As a result, California’s roads are not only undesirable, they can be dangerous. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that California has the most motorcycle fatalities in the country — and the number of fatalities around the state has been steadily on the rise for the last ten years.

Motorcyclists face many dangers on the roadways from inattentive drivers failing to see motorcycles . Now studies show that another hazard contributing to motorcycle accidents are the roads themselves. Riders can be vigilant and drive defensively when facing other motorists, but dangerous California roadways may prove to be a risk difficult for riders to avoid.

If you were injured in a motorcycle accident due to an unsafe or poorly maintained road, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries and property damage. Speak to an experienced attorney to learn more about your legal options.

Article provided by The Law Firm of Phillips & Pelly

Visit us at

DONALD TRUMP EXPLAINS Govt Managed Health Care by Cristy Lion August 9, 2011

“Let me get this straight…We’re going to be ‘gifted’ with a health care plan we are forced to purchase and fined if we don’t, which purportedly covers at least ten million more people without adding a single new doctor but provides for 16,000 new IRS agents.

It was written by a committee whose Chairman says that he doesn’t understand it, passed by Congress that didn’t read it but exempted themselves from it…with funding administered by a Treasury Chief who didn’t pay his taxes, for which we’ll be taxed for 4 years before any benefits take effect, by a government that has already bankrupted Social Security and Medicare…and financed by a country that is broke.

What the hell could possibly go wrong? Obama, you’re fired.”

–from James Schnarr

ABATE of Florida Attempting To Terminate Rogue’s Lifetime Membership

On July 26, 2011 a letter dated July 13, 2011 from the Law Office of Larry Crow who states he represents ABATE of Florida as General Counsel was delivered to my Post Office Box in Melbourne Florida.
Here is a copy of that letter.
larry crow, P.A,



TEL: (727) 945-1112
FAX: (727) 945-9224

July 13, 2011

Certified Mail and U.S.Mail.

Mr. John Herlilty Post Office Box 184 Melbourne, Florida 32902-0184
Re: ABATE Membership

Dear Mr. Herlilty:
Please be advised this office represents ABATE of Florida Inc., as General Counsel. At the July board meeting for the Corporation, your publicized comments against ABATE were discussed. It was noted that your comments were untruthful and derogatory, and generally harmful to the good of ABATE.
Based upon the above, a vote was taken by the Board and it has been unanimously agreed that your membership in Abate is terminated.
Cc: ABATE of Florida, Inc.

Very truly yours

Larry Crow P.A. LC/cmc

Cc: ABATE of Florida, Inc

I was scheduled to leave the next morning to cover an event in West Virginia and then continue on to Sturgis so it did take me a little time to respond. I sent Larry Crow a letter by Certified Mail from Nemo South Dakota on August 13, 2011
Here is a copy of that letter.

P.O .Box 184
Melbourne, FL. 32902

Certified Mail and
US Mail

Mr. Larry Crow
Mr. Larry Crow
1247 South Pinellas Ave.
Tarpon Springs, FL. 34689

RE: ABATE Membership

Dear Mr. Crow

On July 26, 2011 your letter dated July 13, 2011 to John Herlilty was delivered to my address. Please be informed that there is no such person at that address.

Sorry for the delay in answering you but I have been busy with more important issues.

Since receiving your letter I have been informed that the issue you mentioned was discussed at the Independence Chapter meeting and you were actually referring to me.

If the board of directors of ABATE of Florida wishes to proceed with attempting to terminate my Life Membership in ABATE of Florida they will be required to notify me by my correct name.

Since the reason they state they wish to terminate my membership is written untruthful comments they also need to supply copies of said documents.

I am officially Contesting the Attempted Termination of my Membership.



John Herlihy.

I will note at this time that the By Laws State: That I am to be notified of the meeting and given the opportunity to attend. That not being done the decision of the board is Not Valid.

ABATE of Florida MUST supply me with Original Articles that have comments by me that are Untruthful and give me time to review them so that I am able to defend myself against these charges.
I further contend that this action is in retaliation for my supporting Frankie Kennedy when he ran against Doc Reichenbach for the position of President and questioning how votes were counted, also for asking Questions about how Grant Money Received from the State of Florida Was Being Spent.

The fact that the Life Membership was Awarded me by a Previous Administration for Services Rendered to ABATE of Florida is in question.
Hopefully these issues can be resolved internally and not require this to go to a civil court in the State of Florida.

–John Herlihy

THREESOME TRIKES WILLING TO HELP DOWNED VETERAN–We are working with Edge of the Smokeout to help a brother find the open road once more, and Mike from Threesomecycles stepped up. I am in Huntington Beach. I deal with Frankenstein and Mystery designs. You can check out my site or you can call me at 714 323 2453 714 848

My trike has been featured in the Sept issue of In the Wind, and my other Chopper trike (that is for Sale) was in the American Trike Shootout as a supplement for Bagger magazine. Let me know if I can assist, would love to help.

–Thanx and happy riding Mike

CUSTOM CHROME ANNOUNCES ITALIAN CHAMPIONSHIP–Custom Chrome today announces the addition of the Custom Chrome International Bike Show Series: Italian Championship at the Motor Bike Expo in Verona, Italy, January 20th – 22nd, 2012. Custom Chrome Europe has long been a sponsor of Motor Bike Expo since the beginning, donating prizes to various bike shows throughout the history of the event. The collaboration will feature Verona becoming an integral part of the growing Custom Chrome International Bike Show Series, which already includes shows in Santa Clara, California for the North American Championship; Mainz, Germany for the European Championship and Faak, Austria for the Faaker See Championship.

“Motor Bike Expo organizers have agreed with us to make a more exciting and competitive program to the already popular event for the 2012 edition. This will allow manufacturers to gain more recognition at the international level.” explains Andreas Scholz, General Manager of Custom Chrome Europe. “We recognize and value the creativity and diversity of Italian manufacturers, which have a big impact in the pages of our catalog. The time is ripe for an Italian competition.” Scholz adds.

Custom Chrome also recognizes the quality and level of organization at the various bike shows at the Motor Bike Expo, organized by Italian magazines. “We will not interfere or clash with any existing bike show organized by the magazines.” says Scholz. “Our participants will be chosen among the existing bike entries already present at the event, as at the Custom Chrome European Championship in Mainz, we will work with the magazines to reward the best creations brought to Verona.”

Participating bikes will be nominated and marked with special Custom Chrome International Bike Show Series “ITALIAN CHAMPIONSHIP” markers, out of all motorcycles present at the 2012 Motor Bike Expo. A distinguished panel of international judges from both press and custom aftermarket professionals will vote on the winners.

The categories will follow the criteria of the Custom Chrome European Championship. Championship Class, Modified Harley Class, Jammer Old School Class and RevTech Performance Class.

The awards ceremony will be held Sunday, January 22, 2012 at noon with the winning bike photographed by “Motographer” Horst Roesler for the international press.

For more information, please visit


Hey Bandit, just wanted to forward you the flyer for our upcoming Swap Meet in October. If you get a chance to help spread the word, that would be great.


Kundratic Kustom Motorcycles
6310 Holabird Avenue
Baltimore MD 21224
Ph: 410.633.3113
Fx: 410.633.3022

DAVE ZIEN IS BACK IN THE WIND–Our longtime friend and client is doing well. I was on Dave’s bike on April 4,2009, when he became the first man to go 1,000,000 miles on the same motorcycle.

Two days later Harley Davidson gave him a new bike and he set another record by riding 135,000 miles in one year. Dave lost his leg earlier this year in a motorcycle accident, but now he’s back in the wind.

Attitude is everything. M. Hupy

Attorney Michael F. Hupy
Hupy and Abraham, S.C.
111 E. KIlbourn Avenue, Suite 1100
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Main: (414) 223-4800 Fax: (414) 271-3374

SUMMER RUN PICKS–Shots from the 23rd annual Summer Run in Northern California. Sure. Well what happened is we were riding back on Sunday from a weekend overnight camping run up the north coast thrown by Mid Cal Cycles and we rode south on Hwy 1 into Bodega bay and stopped at a bar for a drink. Other riders who were on the summer run out of Michael’s HD in Cotati happened to be there as well invited us to join them and meet in Petaluma where their run ended.

The run is presented by Redwood Empire Chapter H.O.G. Benefits Council on Aging, Meals on Wheels Program. So we took them up on their offer and rode to the Petaluma fairgrounds where there was a band, food, biker games and a bike show. Really nice venue so we grabbed a couple of beers and walked around met some cool people and then left to visit a friend in Santa Rosa who crashed the previous night on our way to the coast.

–Rudy Alba

UNCLE MONKEY FACING SELF-EXILE–  The wind in my hair. The warm sun against my skin. The rush of the pavement below my feet. Its been a long time since I’ve been out on a bike. A self-imposed exile, I haven’t ridden since March 2010 and even then it was for a grand total of 40 miles. My idea behind this punishment is to give my back proper time to heal. It seems to be working. With the temptation to ride gone everyday my back feels stronger.

With almost two years under my belt I looked forward to Prairie Motorcycle’s demo rides this last weekend at the Royal Canadian Air Force base 15 Wing in Moose Jaw (home of the Snowbirds acrobatic flight squadron). Besides an opportunity to get up close and personal with the new models, I would take a model or two out for a short loop to test my back.

Having to give up my FatBoy last year I turned my attention to the touring bikes. Over the years, I have tried out my friend’s new Road King and Electra Glide but I found them to be too tall in the saddle, uncomfortable and awkward. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying they are bad bikes, just that they are not right for me especially at that time.

My same friend recently traded both bikes in on a new Road Glide Ultra and he has been ranting and raving ever since. He loves the Frame-mounted fairing saying that it takes so much weight from the bars. The demo ride group had a 2012 Road Glide Custom. I was excited to throw my leg over it. The first thing I noticed is that it sat lower (yes I’ve rode Street Glides too) and the extra weight/torque/buffering of the batwing was gone from the bars.

Riding the bike felt nimble and light footed with the low windscreen deflecting most of the wind away from my body and kept buffering away from the bars. My friend was right; the Road Glide is a different beast. So much so that if/when I shop for a new bike it will probably be for a new Road Glide.

But the bike was a secondary goal of the day. I wanted to know how my back would hold up under riding. Last year with only 40 miles it took nearly three months for the pain to go away and everything to start operating as normal. After a couple short loops in the demo ride my back felt good even with tempting fate by hitting a pothole or two.

Thankfully the Road Glide”s air suspension was more forgiving then my lowered Softail. I won’t be running out and buying a new bike anytime soon or even finishing my new Softail this year, but it means I’m on the right track. My back will never be a hundred percent and I’ll most likely have to trailer to Sturgis and Daytona, but I still will be able to ride which was my goal; sacrifice two years of riding for a lifetime as opposed to giving up a lifetime for only a couple more years of riding. It was a difficult decision, even harder for someone like me who is trying to eek out a living writing about motorcycles.

We all have to make those tough decisions in life. Sometimes it means leaving the person we love because they are destroying us. Sometimes it means selling everything and moving across the state or to a new country. Maybe it is walking away from a safe, secure job for something unknown. We are full of self-doubt, unsure if the decisions we make are the right ones. But as we go on, we find out that right or wrong, we made the best decision.

-bad Uncle Monkey

NEW from T-BAGS,this windshield bag fits Harley-Davidson FLH models
(FLHX, FLHT, FLHTC, FLHTCU) except FLHR and FLHRS with 4” or taller
windshields. Will not fit FLTR Road Glides. The 3 streamline pockets fit iPods and other small items such as your cell phone or small wallet. Made of tough embossed PVC with UV inhibitors to help protect it from the sun’s rays.

Easy to install and custom cut to fit all 4” and taller FLHT windshields. See catalog page for dimensions and to see more T-BAGS bags.

For more information on this and other bags, check out our website at

Happy Riding!



The English language has some wonderfully anthropomorphic collective nouns for groups of animals.

There is a Pride of lions, a Murder of crows (as well as their cousins the rooks and ravens), a School of fish, an Exaltation of doves and, presumably because they look so wise, a Parliament of owls.

Now consider the baboon. The loudest, most dangerous and viciously aggressive of all primates. And what is the proper collective noun for a group of baboons – a Congress.

Sometimes the jokes just write themselves…

•Interview with Kenji Nagai of Ken’s Factory / Cycle Kraft
•Interview with Zero Engineering
•Interview with Troy Kyne @ AMD World Championship of Custom Bike Building
•Interview with Abnormal Cycles 2011 AMD World Championship
•AMD Sturgis 2011 Bob Kay & Katy of AFT Customs
•Interview with Joshua Lee of JDA Custom
•2011 AMD World Championship Interview with SRB Customs

•Interview with Doc @ AMD World Championship

GET YOUR TICKETS FOR THE PROGRESSIVE SHOWS–The Progressive International Motorcycle Shows’ 2011-2012 tour season is right around the corner! Coming in early September, our ticketing site will go live and you will be able to purchase your tickets to all of the shows exclusively from

Set your plans, organize a ride with your group, and get ready to see what exciting new features the show has to offer! Look for special discounts online, through dealers, and in your favorite moto-magazines and newspapers.

LIGHTENING ELECTRIC MOTORCYCLE HITS 206 MPH–Lightning Motorcycles is claiming bragging rights as the first electric motorcycle in the world to exceed 200 mph. The company reports one of its motorcycles blew through the land-speed record for production electric bikes by 30 mph in an Aug. 14 Southern California Timing Association-sanctioned run at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah.

NATIONAL MOTORCYCLE MUSEUM TAKES DOUBLE WIN AT PEBBLE BEACH–  ANAMOSA, Iowa – Over 200 automobiles and only 18 select Italian motorcycles graced the 18th fairway at the 61st Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance Sunday, Aug. 21. When motorcycles were called to the presentation stage for awards, machines from the National Motorcycle Museum, Anamosa, Iowa, won first and second places in the Italian Touring Motorcycles class competition. First place went to a 1957 Aermacchi Chimera, a striking blue and yellow “streamlined” machine, and second place went to a bright red 1956 Maserati 160 LM.

Two years ago the producers of what is likely the world’s most prestigious Concours d’Elegance decided to add motorcycles to the competition. First came a round of British bikes, then American and this year a carefully vetted group of Italian motorcycles were invited to the wonderful coastal setting near Carmel, California. “We feel extremely privileged to have been invited to attend then take such a high honor in the Concours d’Elegance world. To be among a group of such great motorcycles and take a double win is certainly among my life’s greatest experiences,” said John Parham, President of the Board of Directors of the National Motorcycle Museum.

In addition to the Concours d’Elegance, all cars and motorcycles were invited to participate in the Thursday Tour d’Elegance, a 65 mile drive on the coast highway and the hilly winding roads nearby. The Aermacchi completed the Tour, a bit of a challenge for its 175cc power, barely staying up with the parading Ferrari GTOs and over 100 other entries, but giving it bonus points in the Sunday Concours d’Elegance judging.

The Maserati and Aermacchi are on loan to the Museum by Parham, also President of J&P Cycles®, Anamosa, Iowa, and will be featured in the lobby of the National Motorcycle Museum in Anamosa, Iowa. The Museum contains over 320 motorcycles and thousands of pieces of art, photographs, posters, postcards and motorcycle memorabilia, even rare bicycles and more from all corners of the motorcycling world. The National Motorcycle Museum is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) corporation. For more information, call 319-462-3925 or plan your visit to the Museum on the web at

Angela Kearney
J&P Cycles, Inc

Do they make a drop seat kit, For a 2006 Roadglide? Or just Newer models?–John A.

I contacted J&P Cycles for you. When did Harley convert to the new frame. That’s the key element, but we will find out.


SMOKE OUT COVERAGE ON BIKERNET–  I have to assume at this point that we won’t be seeing an article on the Smoke Out this year.

–Bad Monkey Motorworks

An immediate Bikernet Editorial board meeting was called and the finger-pointing started.

BRAND NEW VICTORY CRUISING PEGS FROM AEROMACH–Wanted to give you a sneak peek at the Victory Cruisin’ Pegs. I’ve got them mocked up on my “Coupe de Vision”. They are presently available for Harley Standard (which is same design as Indian) and Sweptwing floor boards but we’ve received numerous calls from the Victory crowd. They will fit the Cross Country and Cross Roads as well as the Vision, they all have the same floor boards.

Our patented Cruisin’ Pegs solve the problem of having nowhere to put your feet on long rides if you don’t have crash bars to mount pegs to. They bolt to the bottom of the floor boards and are adjustable in three positions. The arm is available in Ball Milled, Smooth, Flame and Tribal designs.

Hope to have them available in about 3-4 weeks. Still Made in the USA!

Paul Aiken

Aeromach USA, LLC “Still Made in the USA!”
10015 Metromont Industrial Blvd
Suite F
Charlotte, NC 28269
704-599-1333 phone
800-990-9392 sales line

THE MADE IN AMERICA MISSION–We need to build more American Products. Jerry from Rollin’ Sixes called the other day. He builds a line of grips and pegs, but only in America, like Aeromach above.

We realize that the world is turning into a global economy, but we need to support and continue to be innovative and create more American products.

— Jerry from Rollin Sixes. (239-770-6024) Phantom5100


GEORGE THE AMAZING PAINTER COMES TO BIKERNET–I didn’t go to Sturgis this year, but worked with “George the Painter” (Artist from The Horse Back Street Choppers) who showed his paintings at the Broken Spoke Legends Galley along with David Uhl.

I meant to contact Bikernet a while ago to let you know I was working with George… I found out that he served in the Navy (6 years, USS Coral Sea) with an honorable discharge, when I interviewed him for his press release. I immediately thought of you and wanted to get you guys together. George mentioned he met you at the Smoke Out East!

He did this wonderful painting (see attached) which he donated to Rolling Thunder, he released all the rights to them for both the painting and any reproductions as long as the proceeds went to benefit veterans organizations.

I look forward to writing a feature for Bikernet on George’s creative spirit.

Bought myself a 1966 FLH for my 50th… Put 1000 miles on it on and off road hanging out with “Panhead Billy” Burrows recently at East Coast Sturgis… He’s a character… Been on the road on his 1960 pan for 12-13 years… He rides approx. 300,000 miles a year at 65 years old… He’s a vet too!

Short YouTube footage of Billy I shot in the woods of MD Aug. 11, 2011:


MYSTERIES OF THE VIETNAM UNVIELED–  A main river is so polluted it is causing the whole factory industrial area to be moved.

vnd = Vietnamese Dong – 20,800/$ – divide by two and drop the zeros gets it close

Yeslterday the 19th was the 66th year of independence from theFrench.

Why did we just give N. Korea $900,000 aid – Do’lt they hate us????????????

Business opportunity – birds nests have gone up from $30/kilo to $1500/k in one year !!!
Build a Swift bird nest making bird house

Honda to start making 2.5 MILLION motorlbikes/ year in Vn.

S Korea ordered banks to stop lending money as people are to far in debt.

B of A cuts 3,500 jobs – maybe they can come to Vn and make Hondas

–from Quick Throttle Art

MR. LUCKY BIKES FOR SALE–I’m working on some new bike build projects, and need to free up shop space/cash to do it.

Designed and built “Delta 88” as the show bike that we took around to the various shows/rallies celebrating the re-launch of the old school Jammer brand when I acquired it in 2002.

Just listed it for sale on E-Bay motors, and below is the link. It’s a really sweet retro ride and I priced it right at less than what the parts alone to build the bike cost.

–Ed Martin
“Mr Luckys”
Spring, TX 77379
P: 832-559-8560


INDIAN MOTORCYCLE SURVEY–  FirstHand Research has been asked by Polaris Industries to conduct an online survey with riders interested Indian motorcycle owners. The purpose of the survey is to understand what attributes are most important to Indian owners when purchasing a motorcycle.

The information will be used to guide the design process for future bikes, so it’s a great chance to make your opinion known. The survey takes less than 5 minutes and your participation will be greatly appreciated. If you would like to participate, click the link below to begin:

Thank you for your time.

–Bill Morrow
FirstHand Research

NINO TO MAKE 15TH ANNIVERSARY BIKERNET RING– It took me a week to get back to normal, wow Sturgis knock me out!! Hope you made it back safe!! Hey can you send me the pic of the new logo again, will star working on it and should have it by 1-2 weeks….

— Frank Zubieta
Phone: 877.646.6925

Like us on Facebook


OFF TO BONNEVILLE!– Littleton Father To Attempt To Break Land Speed Record For Daughter

LITTLETON, Colo. (CBS4)- His goal is to ride his customized Harley Sportster at a speed of 200 miles an hour.

“I’m trying to break a world record, period,” says Geoff Giles of Littleton.

His mission is to raise awareness for all children who share his daughter’s disease, Type One Juvenile Diabetes.

“It’s an autoimmune disease you’re born with, live with, and it can kill you,” explains Giles.

Geoff, 41, and his wife Roxanne have a 3-and-a-half year old daughter, Hayden, who was diagnosed with the disease. Her nickname is Haydo.

Haydo’s Heros is the nonprofit foundation created by the couple to generate research funds for battling Juvenile Diabetes.

“My thing is I want to help young families with children that get it,” adds Giles.

This weekend, with the foundation name emblazoned on his bike, Geoff will head to Utah’s Bonneville Salt Flats. There he’ll attempt to set a new world speed record for his type of motorcycle.

He has only one week available to get the job done. But experience is on his side.

Giles says he’s been riding motorcycles since age 10.

“You’re comfortable, confident, you’re relaxed and if you’re not, things happen bad,” says the racer.

The souped up Harley is a high profile way draw attention to his worthy cause. Fortunately, Hayden’s outlook is for a normal life because she already gets the medical treatment she needs.

“This is kind of a way for me to give back,” says Geoff.

You can learn more about Haydo’s Heroes at

–from curt lout

RENEGADE GARDEN PARTY DRAWS OVER 400 DEALERS FROM AROUND THE GLOBE–  In today’s economy most companies are pulling back the marketing budget, but that is not the case for Renegade Wheels. Nobody puts on a classier show or treats their clientele to a finer product and customer service experience than Renegade Wheels. True to their notable reputation, the Renegade team recently held a Garden Party that even Ricky Nelson would have liked to attend.

The three-day event was held in a transformed 3,000 sq ft storefront at the Anaheim Garden Walk, an outside mall near Disneyland in southern California. It was held within blocks of the annual Harley-Davidson summer dealer gathering at the Anaheim Convention Center, and adjacent to Tom Scott’s Harley-Davidson of Anaheim satellite store. The end results appeared to be nothing short of a high-scale art exhibit.

Renegade’s stylish presentation drew over 400 H-D dealer personnel from over 18 countries. Attendees were able to meet one-on-one with the entire Renegade team, and take in exclusive displays by Danny Gray, Heartland USA, Avon and Dragonfly while visiting with friends, new and old, from around the globe.

The Renegade Wheels displays provided a close look and a hands-on experience with over 50 of the company’s trend-setting, custom motorcycle wheels, rotors, air cleaners and other specialty parts. Items were displayed individually, as well as mounted on an impressive fleet of striking custom bikes.

Guests had considerable interest in the “Evolution Corner,” which walked them through the entire Renegade Wheels manufacturing process: from aluminum ingot, forging, design, machining, polishing, finish applications and then to final finished product.

For information on other upcoming events and the entire Renegade line of trend-setting wheels and other fine accessories, all you could ask for can be found on the company’s visually stunning web site. Visit or call the Renegade Wheels Team at 714-988-7241

TRILLION INDUSTRIES HEADED TO BONNEVILLE– Back in ‘07 we were introduced at the Cinci show by my friend Ski from Avon Tyres where I had my latest custom on display in their booth. I even had the honour of you doing a story of that bike which was titled “The Mysterious Rovad”.

Forward a few years later and I’m still doing customs and have lately gotten into the British stuff….still not sure why and how but I seem to want to make them better. Along with that I’ve been bitten by the salt bug, I went to Wendover this past May to check it out and it has assured me that I will be building a bike for the 2012 BUB trials next year- I’ve already started!

I did as much research as a person can to learn on how to go about making a bike for Bonneville and that’s when I purchased a copy of your “How To Build A Bonneville Salt Flats Motorcycle” oh and thanks for the personalized inscription- pure class! I enjoyed the read very much and can understand the panics and hardship to do what you did and still run a company! I wanted to write you and tell you all this to show my appreciation and envy.

I am headed with three of my friends to the BUB Speed Trials this weekend! A fifteen hour road trip from Calgary, Alberta, leaving at 9pm tomorrow to show up in the early afternoon and enjoy a few days of racing and research before heading home on Tuesday. I talked with Roger Goldammer earlier and he will be there this year too. I hope you might make it so I can shake your hand again in person.

–Derek Pauletto


Every once in a while you meet someone that you know is all about making things happen. At the same time, they find time out of their busy schedule to support their favorite charities and do other good deeds along the way. Meet Valerie Thompson. Motorcycle Racer and Team owner of Valerie Thompson Racing of Scottsdale, Arizona.

Valerie Thompson’s ascension in the sport of motorcycle racing has been nothing short of remarkable. In less than five years, Valerie has risen from a multi-year competitor in the All Harley Drag Racing Association series, to becoming a 2-time land speed record holder at the famed Bonneville Salt Flats.

This is the Harley inspired racer that Valerie scored her 2007 World Speed Record on.
156.717 mph AMA Land Speed Record 2007.
Inspired by this success, Valerie established her own team and became a licensed Pro Stock Motorcycle driver in the National Hot Rod Association drag racing series (NHRA), drag racing’s largest and most elite series.
Bonneville Speed Trials 2011 – The Alter/Bivins Racing Team
Valerie’s current goals are setting additional land speed records with the Alter/Bivins Racing Team at Bonneville during the 2011- 8th Annual BUB Speed Trials. Also a priority, is gaining sponsorship for a full season of competition in the NHRA’s Pro Stock Motorcycle class.

Valerie will be piloting the famed BMW S 1000cc RR Superbike during BUBs Speed Trials 2011.

The world’s smartest battery chargers have joined the VTR Team.

Valerie and her team are grateful that the world’s smartest battery chargers, the CTEK company, have joined her team in the pursuit of speed records at Bonneville. Check out their website for a good look at their superb line of battery chargers and related accessories.


The Scottsdale International Auto Museum connection.
When not on the road competing or promoting her sponsors, Valerie’s drag racing bike can be found on display at the Scottsdale Arizona International Auto Museum. The display includes her Buell drag bike, racing leathers, sponsor information and additional background on her racing feats. Check out the museum –
Barrett-Jackson & Val’s Pals also get her time.
Valerie’s accomplishments both on and off the track have lead to her becoming a spokeswoman/motorcycle presenter for the most famous auto auction company in the world, Barrett-Jackson ( She is also a spokeswoman for “Val’s Pals” Children charities, most notably HopeKids. Go to for more details on Val’s Hope For Kids organization.

Get your company’s brand winning with Valerie Thompson.
Valerie’s winning attitude makes her a powerful brand ambassador and inspirational role model for motor sports fans everywhere. She knows how to utilize her high quality image and engaging personality to generate incremental sales for charities, race team sponsors and major corporations.

There you have it folks. A quick look at a true competitor. Ray C. Wheeler and yours truly, Motorcycle Marc, will be updating regularly while at Bonneville next week so stay close to the action by checking in.

Ride safe out there folks.
Motorcycle Marc
For information on how Valerie can help promote your brand, contact her marketing team.
Mr. Eric Studer
Marketing & Sponsorships
Valerie Thompson Racing Team
P: 214-676-3860
For good motorcycle insurance, contact the Crew at Bikernet Insurance.
P: 888-467-8703 Fax: 858-693-8703
Sources: VTR Facebook Page, VTR Website.
Resident State CA 0G67810 & 0D71028 – Serving 20 states with enthusiasm.
Copyrights and Trademarks are the property of their owners. No infringement intended.

THE NEXT GIRL OF BIKERNET--his baby is the Penthouse Pet of the Year and was the star on a reality TV show for two years, so folks may actually want to see her nude.

The Pan is from Black Magic custom out of Sandwitch Il. Phil and Lynn Hoffman.

–Mike Farabaugh

BIKERNET’S KID INTERVIEW OF THE WEEK–My Favorite Animal Our teacher asked what my favorite animal was, and I said, “Fried chicken.”

She said I wasn’t funny, but she couldn’t have been right, because everyone else laughed.
My parents told me to always tell the truth. I did. Fried chicken is my favorite animal.
I told my dad what happened, and he said my teacher was probably a member of PETA.

He said they love animals very much. I do, too. Especially chicken, pork and beef. Anyway, my teacher sent me to the principal’s office.

I told him what happened, and he laughed, too. Then he told me not to do it again.

The next day in class my teacher asked me what my favorite live animal was.
I told her it was chicken. She asked me why, so I told her it was because you could make them into fried chicken..

She sent me back to the principal’s office.
He laughed, and told me not to do it again.
I don’t understand.

My parents taught me to be honest, but my teacher doesn’t like it when I am.
Today, my teacher asked us to tell her what famous person we admire most.
I told her, “Colonel Sanders.”
Guess where I am now…

–from Bob Clark

BIKERNET MEDICAL CENTER TURNS OFF THE TVS–In June of this year, a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association demonstrated that watching two or more hours of television daily raises the risk of heart disease and diabetes, and now a report from Australia has calculated how many years a daily TV viewing habit can shave off life expectancy. Investigators from the University of Queensland suggest that every hour spent watching TV lowers life expectancy by nearly 22 minutes.

The study team reviewed data on more than 11,000 individuals age 25 and older and found that sitting in front of the TV for an average of six hours a day may mean a loss of nearly five years of life and that watching six hours of television daily may shorten life even more than smoking and obesity. The researchers looked at data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics and the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle study and calculated their results based on the 9.8 billion hours of TV that participants watched in 2008, which would add up to the loss of 286,000 life years. The findings were published online August 15 by the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

My take? This report echoes earlier evidence that a TV habit can be unhealthy. In the past, my objections to watching a lot of television have focused on associated unhealthy behaviors: eating too much junk food or using television for stress management instead of utilizing more effective approaches, such as breath work and other relaxation techniques. Clearly, time spent watching television can eat into available time for daily exercise, which we all need for optimum health. The Australian researchers noted that the effects of watching television elsewhere in the world are likely to be comparable which they claim represents a public health problem on par with smoking, obesity and an inactive lifestyle.

–from Dr. Weil

NEW RIDICULOUS LAWS FILE OPENED–Heads up New Hampshire riders…. we need your feedback! There’s pending legislation that needs your support! The alcohol commission is attempting to “force” bar owners to initiate a “NO COLORS, NO TRIBAL WORK, NO TATTOOS, etc.” policy for bars in New Hampshire!! Rep Sherm Packard and Jenn Coffey are working to stop this.

Please take a moment to respond to the poll below. Copy and paste your responses and email back to:

Attention NH Residents what do you think your government should do in this situation:

A bar has a lot of fights, almost every night they wake the neighbors the police come and rival gangs hang there. The liquor commission comes in and says something has to be done, what do you think is the right answer?

1. The commission should fine the place and shut ’em down for a few days or longer if needed

2. the commission should force the owner to put up a sign that says no one can work there or come in if they have on colors, tribal marking, clothing, sign, symbol, logo, letter, physical marking, or tattoo
3. The owner should take responsibility and work to shut down the violence on his own or with help from the cops, i.e. hire bouncers (though he may face a fine or temp. shut down because he has already gotten into trouble with the law)

4. The owner should have prevented it from the start and never had to deal with the commission so he gets what he deserves

Right now NH allows for number 1 or you can take door number 2 to avoid the high fines and shut down. The question becomes, should government be able to force a business to put up a sign saying what kind of employees and or patrons a business can have based on appearance?


# yes
# no

Rep. Jenn Coffey, NREMT-I

Merrimack District 6
Vice-Chairman Commerce and Consumer Affairs
Chairman Business and Banking Division

MORE NEW HAMPSHIRE BULLSHIT–  Sound and the fury: Lawmaker’s bill will target loud motorcycle pipes .
They rev They roar. But if one New Hampshire legislator has her way, they could soon be relegated to a lesser rumble.

State Rep. Michele Peckham, R-North Hampton, said she will submit a bill in the next legislative session to limit the amount of noise motorcycles can produce.

The current state law allows up to 106 decibels, and Peckham has proposed cutting that to 84 decibels, the level approved by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Under the bill, motorcycles would have to meet the new noise standard as part of their annual inspection. Police could stop a motorcyclist whose bike they suspect is above 84 decibels, and if the motorcyclist can’t prove the bike passed inspection, he or she would be fined.

He or she would then have 15 days to meet the standard and have the fine waived.

The Legislature has tried — and failed — to regulate motorcycle noise before.

Peckham said her bill differs from the failed attempts in that it grandfathers in all bikes on the road today that meet the current 106-decibel standard. But any motorcycle brought into a repair shop after January 2013 — when the law would take effect — would be required to have EPA-compliant mufflers put on.

And dealers would have until then to sell their bikes that don’t meet the new standard, she said.

But all that sound isn’t just for show, said Jason W. Peate, the general manager of Monadnock Harley-Davidson in Swanzey. It’s to let other drivers know where the motorcycle is on the road.

“We don’t consider it loud. It’s about sound, feel and safety,” Peate said. As for the 84-decibels standard, he said: “I would consider that unsafe.”

Peckham disputes that idea, saying “If that were true, wouldn’t everyone have super-loud pipes?”

Chad A. Frazier, who owns Chad’s Cycle Works in Marlborough, said the bill goes too far: “106 decibels is a lot of noise, obviously, but 80 decibels is pretty quiet,” he said. “They should find a happy medium.”

According to the American Speech-Hearing-Language Association, it’s the difference between a gas lawnmower (106 decibels) and a kitchen blender (80 to 90).

“If you have to do 80 decibels, nobody’s going to own a Harley,” Frazier said. (Peate said Harleys start at 80 decibels.)

By Abby Spegman Sentinel Staff

–from Rogue



1. To act or talk in a foolish or silly way.

1. Nonsense; silliness.

Sometimes, on a good day, I would go upstairs with my duster and footle around the parlor, adjusting paintings and straightening cushions, knocking them into shape with such military precision that even my mother would have saluted them.
— Marion McGilvary, A Lost Wife’s Tale: A Novel

I say, Charlie, for any sake do play up tomorrow, and don’t footle.
— Rose Macaulay, Abbots Verney: a novel

Footle has an uncertain origin. One candidate is the French se foutre, to care nothing.” Another possibility is the Dutch vochtig, “damp or musty.”


ACE CAFÉ LONDON & SORRYMATE.COM– It’s no accident that Ace Cafe London has teamed up with, specialising in accidents involving ‘SMIDSY’ – Sorry Mate I didn’t See You! Meet the team from on occasion of the forthcoming 18th annual Ace Cafe Reunion, Saturday 10th September at the cafe & Sunday 11th September on Madeira Drive Brighton.

Ask the team for a SMIDSY card & enter the free draw to win a pair of VIP tickets to BSB Brands Hatch October 8th & 9th & meet Jenny Tinmouth. Jenny is racing in the British Supersport class & currently holds the world record as the fastest female rider at the Isle of Man TT

Welcome to

Apparently car drivers don’t see bikers. Why? because they don’t look for us! – until that is we’ve been hit by them and flown over the bonnet of their shiny car.

Accidents do happen and will happen. So what should we do if it happens to us? Our bikes are more than a mode of transport and we are more than a reference number.

If you’ve been injured in a bike accident that was caused by another driver, whether or not you were given the excuse as featured above, you could be in a position to make a personal injury compensation claim with our Bike Accident Advice Line. Sign up today with and we will send you and your partner one of our new designed ‘smidsy’ ID Cards.

Once you receive your ‘Smidsy’ cards you simply need to make sure you keep it safe. Should you be involved in a bike accident, simply call sorrymate and we will take care of all your personal injury claims for you, it really is that simple!

We have many years of experience in helping motorcycle accident victims and people involved in cycling accidents throughout the UK. You can view some of our biking client testimonials and see the motorbike accident claims that we deal with regularly. As bikers we understand all elements of making a motorcycle accident claim and related injuries that are associated with this.

As well as dealing with road traffic accident claims and smidsy claims is also a central hub for motorbike and cyclist enthusiasts, providing industry news, relevant biking related sites and competitions for biking enthusiasts. We operate throughout the UK, including Warrington, Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham and Greater London.





They tasted fantastic, just dripping with flavor,
A Phuck was a treat everybody would savor!




BONNEVILLE 2011, Wheeler’s Performance Corner–Meet “Turk” from Wichita, Ks.

Since the late 1960’s a close friend, known associate and one helleva motorcycle builder (el.bag-o-tricks include) welder, machinist, polisher, painter, electrical (mag & kill switch specialist. “because that’s all ya fukin need”).

Look for “Turk” and his sweetheart “JEZABEL” on the Bonneville salt flats and meet a livin legend…….. .

“Guess I’d beter make a formal anouncement of the birth of ‘ JEZABEL’– Harlot of the salt—-daughter of ‘THE IRON MISTRESS’,” said Turk.

Stats, 118 two rear head shovelhead. S&S carbs off of the “TRAMP”, Sifton 625 cam, Morris mag, and all the latest 1985 technology, 4-speed 2.44 low.

Hayabusa wheels, forks, and brakes,and front fender. An old motor with and old rider. Thanks and appreciation is due here to “Stainless Steel” for loan of parts and great help and advice he has offered.

“Hope to meet you all at BUB.”—Turk

–from Ray C. Wheeler
Bikernet Performance Editor in Chief

BIKERNET POLITICAL DESK REPORT–Bill Clinton announces support for Bachmann Candidacy the day after the Iowa State Fair.

Read How in 2010 the Sturgis, SD justice system screwed disabled Vietnam Era Veteran Rick Thorne
Read the mind blowing PREVIEW for FREE!
Discover the story the South Dakota media won’t touch because of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally…….

Rick and his elderly wife is also being evicted from Mountain View Mobile Home Park in Srugis owned by Rand Willaims for complaining….



HERE IS THE DEAL OF THE WEEK FROM THE BIKERNET CLASSIFIEDS! A 1989 FXSTC SOFTAIL!– 20k on the clock, new top end, S & S carb, upswept drag pipes, saddlebags. $6500 takes it home. A solid bike at a GREAT price! CHECK OUT THE BIKERNET CLASSIFIEDS, WHERE THE ADVENTURE IS JUST WAITING TO BEGIN!


NEW ROCK GROUPS COMING TO BIKERNET– I would like to introduce you to two independent music groups: Candy’s .22 (poetic hip hop) and Knives and Gasoline (indie punk rock with a splash of hip hop.)

Candy’s .22 are rappers Stereo 13 and Barfly. Long lost step-cousins who make stunning, unaffected rap songs likely to be embraced by hip hop outsiders as much as purists. . Together they mine cautionary tales and confessional memoirs from a sort of pathological over-sharing set to rhyme and beat with unique and infecting result. The pair recently released their album “A Girl and her Gun” through Grimm Image Records.

Bay Area’s finest music duo Knives and Gasoline consist of Stacey Dee who brings the indie punk rock feel and Noel “Deeskee” Demello who brings the Hip Hop flavor. While maintaining in their own unique sounds, the group presents an eclectic form of punk rock and hip hop that creates a whole new level of originality in the music scene.The dynamic duo is set to release their debut album “Love Songs For Crime Scenes” on August 30 featuring their single ” Off The Air”.

Candy’s .22

Candy’s .22 are rappers Stereo 13 and Barfly. Long lost step-cousins who make stunning, unaffected rap songs likely to be embraced by hip hop outsiders as much as purists. Though rap music the pair are years removed from the youthful trappings of by-the-numbers hip hop identity They’ve grown into the people they are, for better or worse and they’re letting their music represent just that. Together they mine cautionary tales and confessional memoirs from a sort of pathological over-sharing set to rhyme and beat with unique and infecting result.

Stereo’s urgent, dense baritone delivery coupled with Barfly’s ranging, measured drawl recalls the work of such delightfully contrasting vocal duos as Cypress Hill and the Smut Peddlers. Poetic lyrics and themes that have more in common with Gram Parsons than Nas. Infectious, sing-along hooks that have more in common with Garth Brooks than De La Soul. All of it set to a backdrop of cohesive beat selections which draw from a spectrum of folk, rock and country while never feeling shoe-horned into the rap genre.

These unlikely rap troubadours earned credibility and paid dues within the culture of hip hop and rap music respectively as members of some very respected West Coast crews. Stereo as a member of fabled L.A. rap collective the Shapeshifters and the world famous CBS graffiti crew while Barfly made his bones as a member of Seattle’s Oldominion crew and with his former group the Saturday Knights. The pair appear to have a lot left in the tank as new album, “A Girl and Her Gun” is set for release on Grimm Image Records in 2011 and a handful of other projects are in the pipeline. The unusual name and their startlingly un-hip-hop image may give you pause but the music undoubtedly speaks for itself.

Knives and Gasoline
Growing up together and a shared enthusiasm for music may have been exactly what San Francisco Bay Area Natives Noel “Deeskee” DeMello and Stacey Dee needed in order to make the most Honest, Heartfelt and Hopeful songs that two people could ever make together. Throughout their lives, they have always been huge fans of both Hip Hop and Punk Rock music. When time finally drove them apart, Noel began taking his career as a Hip Hop Producer/Engineer seriously and moved to LA and gained worldwide notoriety for his work with dozens of iconic artists such as 2mex, Xololanxinxo, The Shapeshifters, The Visionaries and even members of Freestyle Fellowship. Stacey made her mark with several touring punk rock bands that she fronted, such as The Angry Amputees (who were featured on Tony Hawk’s Underground), Compton SF and The CITY. She inevitably ended up in LA and in 2009 Noel and Stacey released their first collaborative project with fellow artists 2mex and Die Del Amor forming the short-lived hip hop quartet The Returners who released their album “Break Up Your Make-up” digitally on Strange Famous Records. The album continues to be well received and has quickly become a cult favorite. They collaborated with 2mex once again on “My Fanbase Will Destroy you” producing “Fun In Funeral” and “I Just Didn’t Know”.

The culmination of their life long friendship and having come from the same background, with the same stories and experiences to reflect upon, is the one of the most important reasons why their music comes off so genuine, and true. Of Course, the added bonus of coming from two completely different musical backgrounds didn’t hurt either. It really only adds to their adaptability when writing, what they call, “The Best Music They’ve Ever Made”, which is why they formed their new group, Knives and Gasoline.

Their combined love for so many genres of music, their lifetime of friendship, and the trust that Noel and Stacey have for each are truly the influences for their debut release, “Love Songs for Crime Scenes”. There is nothing contrived or trite about Knives and Gasoline…. THEY ARE PURE ART! They have never tried to sound like anyone else… and in doing so may have stumbled onto a completely new genre of music…. The essential mixed tape of every song you’ve ever loved to and wanted to kill to!

FANTASTIC EXILE BIKE TO BE FEATURED ON BIKERNET–Super-Moto bike to be featured. The master, Markus Cuff, shot this bike several months ago. We hope to see it featured in a national magazine and then on Bikernet. Hang on!


SUBJECT: The Arrogance of Authority–

A DEA officer stopped at a ranch in Texas , and talked with an old rancher.

He told the rancher, “I need to inspect your ranch for illegally grown drugs.”

The rancher said, “Okay , but don’t go in that field over there…..”, as he pointed out the location.

The DEA officer verbally exploded saying, ” Mister, I have the authority of the Federal Government with me !”

Reaching into his rear pants pocket, he removed his badge and proudly displayed it to the rancher.

“See this badge?! This badge means I am allowed to go wherever I wish….  On any land !!

No questions asked or answers given!! Have I made myself clear……do you understand ?!!”

The rancher nodded politely, apologized, and went about his chores.

A short time later, the old rancher heard loud screams, looked up, and saw the DEA officer running for his life, being chased by the rancher’s big Santa Gertrudis bull……

With every step the bull was gaining ground on the officer, and it seemed likely that he’d sure enough get gored before he reached safety. The officer was clearly terrified.

The rancher threw down his tools, ran to the fence and yelled at the top of his lungs…..

(I just love this part….)

“Your badge, show him your BADGE…….. ! !”

–from Irving Marsh


Borders: Closed!
Language: English only
Culture: A Constitution, and the Bill of Rights!
Drug Free: Mandatory Drug Screening before Welfare checks!
NO freebies: To Non-Citizens!
Balanced budget


The Buffalo Chip in Sturgis South Dakota was celebrating its 30th Year as the Largest Music Festival In Motorcycling and the place was rockin.

Ron Woodruff (Woody ) and his crew did a great job putting it all together.

For me it began Friday August 5th when I appeared with Charlie Brechtel and a host of others at the Fund Raiser for the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum Expansion.

Beside the Big Name entertainers performing on the Main Stage there was also performers at Sam Kinison, Bikini Beach, and Hoyt Axton stages. Shogun Bar and the Comedy Club were also open.

Michael Lichter’s Motorcycles as Art Exhibit featuring the work of Jeff Decker was definitely something to see. This is a free event open daily from 10am to 10pm.

A contest for Miss Buffalo Chip, Tattoos, Guns of Freedom firing range, Mud Races, Burn Out Drags and so much more.

The Biker Belles had a ride from Deadwood to the Chip as did the 4th annual Legends Ride.
There were all kinds of things going on to see that everyone had a Good Time. I know that I Did.

If you want to know more I will see you at the “CHIP’ in 2012


ROLAND SANDS DESIGN PILES ON THE GOOD STUFF FOR 2012–MADISON, Wis. – Seventy six new products for 2012. That’s the offering Roland Sands Design has put forth for the coming year.

The heaping helping of motorcycle goodness was delivered by Sands himself to Drag Specialties reps gathered to hear the latest and greatest during the LeMans Corp. NVP.

So what kind of sickness is RSD serving up? One of the most unique for sure is the new Clarity line, which includes an air cleaner, a clutch cover and a timing cover. And, as the name implies, each features a see-through design that allows a rider to view his motor’s inner workings. (See pic to right. It’s a little blurry so pretend it’s a spy shot.) Also, go to for a quick video of the timing cover in place with the motor starting up.

RSD is also going all out with levers for 2012, with the first additions to the lineup including the Regulator, a fully adjustable lever, and the Avenger, which features a rubber inlay where your fingers connect with the lever.

Of course, your customers will need something to connect those levers to and for that, there are additions to RSD’s handlebar lineup. Sands tips his hat to the BMX bike of everyone’s youth with the Crossbar Mini Apes and the Crossbar Moto, both of which sport — wait for it — a crossbar. (See pic to left.)

The list goes on and on — like the Chrono grips, the Tracker belt guard and the LED fuel indicator cap (lets you know when the tank is empty) — so you owe to yourself to get over to to see the latest additions as they come online.

In other RSD news, Sands explained that the company’s Black Ops finish was absolutely killing it and remains one of the most popular finishes in the lineup. Expect to see many of the brand’s existing products coming out in the Black Ops finish.

–Dennis Johnson, Dealernews

SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BIKERS HOLD OFF REACTING TO NEW LAWS– SA’s motorcycle clubs have not reacted to planned new legislation to target outlaw motorcycle club members.

United Motorcycle Council spokesman Tom Mackie said the proposed legislation would be studied by its lawyers if it reached debate in the Parliament.

But with just 15 more sitting days for this year after Parliament resumes on September 13, any new anti-biker/anti-association legislation is unlikely to be tabled.

The High Court in November ruled SA’s Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Act – sold as aimed at bikers – unconstitutional and the flagged legislation was likely to also fail, he said.

“From what we can tell by the limited words (in media) we know about it, I think they’ll have problems getting it through,” Mr Mackie said.

He said he believed the suggestion of pending legislation aimed at bikers was a Government “diversion” to take attention off the state of the economy.

Attorney-General John Rau was reported as saying the new laws would outlaw club “colors and tattoos”.

Mr Mackie rejected the Government’s power to dictate how people dress.

THE FINAL BAD COP REPORT–Woman who recorded cops acquitted of felony eavesdropping

A former stripper, who secretly recorded two Chicago Police Internal Affairs investigators while filing a sexual harassment complaint against another officer was acquitted on eavesdropping charges Wednesday.

“I’m feeling a lot better now,” a smiling Tiawanda Moore said after a Cook County jury returned the verdict in a little over an hour.

The 20-year-old Indiana woman admitted she taped the officers on her Blackberry in August of last year. But she said she only did it because the investigators were coaxing her to not go forward with her complaint.

“I wanted him to be fired,” Moore testified of the cop she alleges fondled her and gave her his phone number during a domestic battery call at the South Side residence she sometimes shares with her boyfriend.

Moore said she didn’t know about the Illinois Eavesdropping Act, which prohibits the recording of private or public conversations without the consent of all parties. Even so, Moore’s attorney, Robert Johnson, said his client was protected under an exemption to the statute that allows such recordings if someone believes a crime is being committed or is about to be committed.

The Internal Affairs officers were “stalling, intimidating and bullying her,” Johnson said. The recording, which was played in court during the one-day trial, proved it, Johnson said.

Assistant State’s Attorney Mary Jo Murtaugh told jurors, “The content of the tape is not the issue. The issue is that the words were taped.”

But Ed Yohnka, spokesman for the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois, said the verdict “reflects a repudiation of the eavesdropping law in Illinois. Clearly, the public believes that individuals should be able to record police engaged in their public duties, in a public space in an audible voice.”

The ACLU has challenged the eavesdropping law in federal court.

Johnson said the findings in Moore’s sexual harassment allegations were under protective order and have not been released.

BY RUMMANA HUSSAIN Criminal Courts Reporter
Chicago Sun Times

DIRECT QUOTE FROM TWO MEMBERS OF THE BIKERNET LAW FIRM– Two of our lawyers are walking out of a bar when a beautiful young woman walks by. The first lawyer says, “boy I would like to f%!k her.”

And the second one says, “out of what?”



THE LIST GOES ON–Remember we’re involved in an Algae production system that may kick ass on Arab oil for good, and give us the first pure, no-emission bio fuel. Could be incredible. I will enumerate no more projects. It’s daunting goddamnit, and I suppose I should say, “No,” more often.

I feel a negative vibe from the news, and I don’t want to go there. Ray C. Wheeler commented the other day, that predominately Bikernet is devoted to the good-shit side of the street, and why not. Generally we reside in the creative, freewheeling, sexy, Bikernet stronghold, where the walls are metal flake, the girls are beyond cute and always friendly, and we can create unhindered 24/7. It’s just the outside world that has its downsides.

Last night someone dropped a dime to the Bikernet Headquarters and requested our presence on Melrose in Hollywood for a Brough Superior/Ace Café/ Triumph/Café Racer gathering at the Ralph Lauren Vintage clothing store called Double RL. Brand new $300,000 Brough Superiors were on display, several models, including their Bonneville model heading to the Salt Flats to prove they function as well as they look. The boss, Mark Upham, was on hand, along with the owners of the ACE café in London.

Bikernet immediately commissioned a photo shoot by the esteemed photographer, Markus Cuff. But then in rolled in Mark Mckee, the man behind the ACE Café license in America. He will scour the country in an effort to kick off one or perhaps a series of ACE Cafes in the states. He is also working with South Bay Triumph on an Ace café hot rod, café racing, hot rod Triumph Bonneville, and we will bring you a feature on this tight puppy in the near future.

Jay Leno rolled up in this half-million-dollar Porche. He hung out and talked with riders and ACE café owners. According to Markus there are only a handful or double RL clothing stores in the country. Some of their products are actually vintage, whereas others are made to look vintage. Why the hell would anyone want to pay $500 for a pair of jeans that look worn out. I don’t get it.

Have a helluva weekend. I’m hoping to have a couple of days to work on my Mudflap girl FXR. If I can squeak out the time, without a meeting, I’ll be very close. Hang on for the next report.

Ride Forever,

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