You might think that the contents being interviews of the brothel-owner who revolutionized whore-housing are the selling point of this book. No. It’s the price: $3.99. Plus 2 dollars shipping from Amazon.

So, let’s review: You bought a book. You didn’t leave the house. You paid 6 bucks. Some guy you don’t know fucking brings it to your door. It’s got 129 numbered pages. No illustrations, so it’s all text. And you open it and start reading….and it’s all about fucking. And it’s not just fictional fucking like from a….well like something from something that I might write. In fact, it’s about an aspect of fucking that’s even more interesting than fucking. Or I should say more interesting than reading about fucking. It’s about the fucking BUSINESS.

I know what you’re saying: “Actually fucking is more interesting than reading about fucking.” Yeah, but reading about the fucking business is more interesting than NOT fucking. I know what you’re saying. But really, I need to move-along here.

Dennis Hof – now deceased – was to whore-housing like, well, like what Isaac Newton was to outer-space shit. Hof took whore-house shit to, not just shameless status, he brought it to HBO status. The level of innovation was so abrupt and so suddenly successful that, now that he’s dead I guess everyone is gonna haffta go back to shame-faced whoring.

Ron Jeremy found the body. I’m throwing that in just like it was thrown-in in the two-page epilogue. There’s gotta be another four-dollar book buried somewhere in that sentence, but for now: Ron Jeremy found the body. From what I read in the epilogue.

The interviewer was invited to the whorehouse compound I GUESS because Hof was comfortable talking to the guy. The book itself is a transcription – the paper version – of a series of internet interviews. So, I guess you can actually SEE the book in addition to reading the book. However, you can’t view the interviews on the crapper. Which is the real beauty of the Gutenberg printing press invention: you don’t need to bring a computer into the shitter. Plus, in the 4 dollar book you get the interviewer’s routine observations on his experience actually being the free whorehouse guest of the Great American Industrialist version of whorehouse marketing, advertising and enterprise.

Dennis Hof was an innovator in politics as well: he ran for and won a Nevada political-office election….even though he had already been dead a month. He apparently died fucking. I believe Nelson Rockefeller also died fucking. But he never won any elections a month later. And that’s weak.

Is there a lesson to take away from all this to help propel you through life as a wiser and more America-worthy entity? Yes, and this is me talking, not the interviewer: it’s better to be an owner than a CEO. Because if you’re an owner you actually give a shit. If you’re a CEO you probably ARE a shit. Hof was an owner. With ambition. The only ambitions CEO’s have are the same ambitions journalists and bureaucrats have: to be holy under the guise of providing a product or a service, not as a business but as a spiritual journey to perfection through bullshit. One thing Hof didn’t do was bullshit. He didn’t have time. He was too fucking busy – both fucking, and of course bringing fucking to others. I’m crying now!

And thank you Joe Cory for apparently being pleasant enough that Dennis Hof deigned you worthy of hearing his story and then telling it to others the way he said it.

–J.J. Solari

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