AND THE WINNER IS–Recently we received some great items to review and pass along, starting with a very cool jacket from Scorpion. Bandit did a complete road test and you can read all about it here.
Once the day came to pick a winner, I printed up all the pages of entries and since I asked for a reason why the jacket was wanted, I only cut out the ones that complied. Once cut, I folded them and stapled them shut so it would be easy to grab just one.

Bandit was the official picker, so he shook the hat, swirled the entries around and picked one.

I know you want to know who the winner is, but first let me tell you about what else we have to give away. Along with the jacket, Scorpion also sent us a full face helmet, the EXO-700. A lightweight, fiberglass and Kevlar helmet with a ventilation system, Aero-tuned rear spoiler, Speedshift quick change shield system, Everclear no-fog faceshield, Kwikwick moisture-wicking, breathable helmet liner & cheek pads, Custom liner & cheek pad kits and its Snell M2000 and DOT certified. Not to mention the cool scorpion graphics painted on it. To win this helmet, click on the Bikernet Giveaway banner above and tell us why you should win this helmet. It is a large, so only enter if it will fit you. This will be our July promotion, and you only need to enter once.

Click on the image for more information on Scorpion helmets, and other products.
We also have a Bushwakka swag, from Australia that will be given away for the August promotion.

Some rules about entering the Bikernet Free Contest: Again, you only need to enter once because I will only print out one of your entries to keep it fair. Please fill out the information on the entry page, as that’s how we get our demographics, which really helps us out.
Ok, I guess I should tell you that the winner is—–
Sam Burns from San Marcos, Texas.
Suggestion: The really cool photos (old & back in the day) in the Thursday post. Really wish you could make those available to us.
Wanted:The Scorpion jacket for an old friend. A really big, old friend who’s had some really shitty times.
Hey Sam, a few gracious people have submitted photos to us over the years, but our biggest thanks goes to Bob T. from the Chop N Grind Team, for most of them. Congratulations to you and your friend for winning this jacket. That was really nice of you to do this for him.
Until next week– Even if you’re not interested in the helmet or the swag, we pick a winner every week and give away t-shirts, bandannas & other groovy items. Just enter!