Bikernet Sponsor Code of the West

Judge bandit

1. We can produce and publish articles on your products as quickly as you can supply us with parts or product information.

2. For as long as you are a sponsor, all your articles areavailable to the entire world of motorcycling – absolutely free.

3. We can correct or modify any article, at any time. It doesn't matter if the article was posted yesterday or two years ago.

4. No matter how many articles are posted or how many banners accompany each article, your fee is always the same.

5. We will never contact you with additional charges. You pay one low monthly fee for as long as your contract exists.

6. We will contact you monthly, to find out if you have newinformation or products that need to be featured.

7. There is never a space limitation, cutting or restricting the effectiveness of an article.

8. We publish several areas capable of spreading the wordabout your products: Your department, a tech area, project bike builds, bike features, Bikernet weekly news and our Sunday Post.

9. You will never find a competitor sharing space with one of your articles.

10. Unlike the uncertainty with most advertising, we will provide you with hit reports at least quarterly. You can also monitor our effectiveness through your own site.

11. Our bottom line is to drive customers to your website and educate riders about your products or services as often as possible.

Phone (310) 830-0630 Fax (310) 830-0530

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