We encountered a full moon this week and the wolves slipped out of the woodwork. Folks got pissed, misunderstood, cranky, and evil. It was time to crawl under a rock with a bottle of Jack and a saved cigar from the 110th Anniversary in Milwaukee, and hide out.
Ah, but the Moon passed its brilliant ebb and folks become docile once more, and it’s safe on the streets. Yeah right.
Let’s hit the news, before I get into anymore trouble. It’s packed with Biketoberfest action, girls from Vegas, and more. This could be a good one.
The Thursday News is sponsored in part by IronWorks and Cycle Source Magazines and Bikerpics.org.
The Combat Veterans Association, members of the AMVET and American Legion Riders invite the public to learn and share in the Veterans Appreciation Week festivities. “Numerous unique opportunities will be revealed to honor and remember loved ones”, said Cody ‘Rooster’ Bresina of the Combat Vets Association.
“Colorful, sometimes controversial inside track perspectives will be revealed, “said former State Senator Dave Zien. Many Resources will be shared with those in attendance.
Wednesday, November 6:
11:00 to noon Tour Highground, Neillsville (A spiritual legacy, indeed).
1:30 – 2:30PM Tour area Historical Tribute/Fairchild (announcing potential signage plans for the only United States location intersecting 3 named highways, Hwy 10-Vietnam, Hwy 12 Iron Brigade, Hwy 27- Citizens Soldier).
3:30 – 4:30PM Tour Wisconsin Veterans Tribute, Cadott. (88 unique characteristics in United States/World.)
6:30- 8:00 PM Movie, “Last Ounce of Courage”, Chippewa Falls, Veterans Home (Christian based, extremely patriotic with no profanity or pornography).
10:00 AM Depart Veterans Home
Cycle & caravan to American Motorcyclists Tribute I and II/Hallie Peace Park, Chippewa Falls to the CC Rider M.C. Clubhouse, 1325 Parkside Drive, Madison. One of the world’s foremost motorcyclists, positive image and product promotion, “Two Wheel Thunder T.V.” will be present.
7:00-8:00PM Unsung Hero Program (Recognizing Dr. Ron ‘Preacher’ Clutter, Chippewa Falls; Jerry Green, Elk Mound; Mike Hupy, Milwaukee; Daron ‘Preacher’ Jensen, Bryan ‘Doc’ Murphy, Madison; Tim Staats, Milwaukee; Tim Thiers, Manitowoc.
8:00-9:30PM Movie, “Easy Rider II – The Ride Back”.
10:00 AM – Motorcycle Parade; possible military branch & Veterans group reunions.
Please be super-sensitive, hyper-vigilant and mindful during the Veterans Appreciation Week and Forever!
God Bless You, your loved ones and our troops.
Pray to live
Live to Ride!
–Dave Zien,
Former State Senator, Million Mile Motorcycle Man
1716 63rd Street, Eau Claire, Wis. 54703
Home: 715-874-6450; Cell, 715-829-9436
Cody “Rooster” Bresina, Combat Vets Association, 715-944-4596
QUICK, OPEN THE BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY–Two Norwegians from Minnesota went fishing in Canada and returned with only one fish. “The way I figger it, dat fish cost us $400” said the first Norwegian
“Vell,” said the other one, “At dat price it´s a good ting ve didn´t catch any more.”
–from Rogue
****Oct. 19-20**** Houston Mile****Results no posted*****
****NHRA****Oct. 24-27**** Las Vegas****
The sun has been blazing in SoCal the past week with a high of 78 degrees expected this Saturday.
Although it’s undoubtedly winter somewhere and our loved ones are safely strapped and mounted on a Handy lift in the rebuilding process. Not the latest soon to be ex-wife…your motorcycle. Today our 5-Ball Racing Teams Raycer is experiencing a major Air Plenum make-over in Marc Susman’s, Colorado Custom shop. Monday morning the aluminum plate arrived that Marc’s stellar crew of machinist will whittle the backing plate out of. With all plans subject to change at a moments notice, we’re on schedule to load and ship across the U S to Dan Thayers shop in New York @ www.vtwinfuelinjection.com. for a tune up the end of the month.
The latest greatest rear sets are machined out of 1/2 inch plate, drilled and mounted to the frame. Next we park my ass on the hot rod to pinpoint a comfortable location for the foot pegs. We’ll re-position the handle bars, changing the angle for the perfect fit. Rebuild the wheels with ceramic bearings, paint, stripe, then mount the latest offering from Lyndall Racing Brakes. The newest Lug-Drive Composite ceramic rotors will mount front and rear.
Our local Terry Stewart is headed to the NHRA Las Vegas drag strip to burn a few gallons of Nitro in his Pro Dragster. Ride safe and Fast…
Have a great weekend, ride safe and fast wherever you are.
Thanks….With one helleva lot of help from my family and Industry friends….Thanks, Thanks, Thanks.
We’re on track for a stellar year on the street and on the Bonneville Salt Flats.
Tobey The Welder, 2 out 3 Ex-Wives, My 3 Sons, Aerocharger, All Balls Racing, Kent Rich, Dutch and the Crew@Air Tech Streamlining, Arai Helmets, Keith Ball and the Crew@Bikernet, Bikers Choice, Brad Beach@Beach Racing, Cadillac Joe, Craig Cole, Dr. Willie Lanham, Long Beach, Ca., Cometic Gaskets, Dan Thayer@vtwinfuelinjection, Allen Alvarez@Daytona Twin Tech, Dave Butler, ERC Race Gas, George The Wild Brush, ET Krankvents (Thanks Ted Shrode, Ph.D—- R. I. P.), Fisher Harmonic Damper, Dan Stern@House of Thunder H-D, Horsepower Inc., Ron Williams, Jeff, Kevin@Hardtailz, Randy Torgeson, Michelle and the Crew@Hyperformance, Jim’s Machine USA, K&N Air Cleaner, Paul Kittrell@Lyndall Racing Brakes, Marc Susman@Colorado Custom Cycle Wheels, Juan, Colorado Custom Cycle Wheels, Ray Askew, Ray Whitehead@Pegasus, Pingel, Walt, Pro Charger, Jim @Sharp Eye Transmission, Reggie and Crew@R&R Cycle, Ben Kudon@Rivera Primo, Matthew Wiley@Race Tech Suspension, Rick Tedder@ R/T Performance, Schnitz Racing, Mr. McCahill@Spyke, S&S Cycle, Matthew Negherbon@Thunder Motorcycles in San Jose, Guy Caputo@Tiger Racing, Steve The Turbo Doc, Tsubaki Chains, Vanderbeck Race Cars, Vanson Leathers, World Wide Bearings, Duncan Keller, Yankee Engineuity in San Jose, Ca..
Haul Ass!
Ride for your Life!
–Ray C Wheeler
Performance Editor
LATEST CREATION FROM CROFT LEATHER– Weather is slowly changing here. I went to the Rollin Thunder Bike Rally in Chillicothe Il a couple weeks back, it was a great time. They had awesome music, the atmosphere and people was all fun. I did freeze my ass of camping but it was well worth it. Hope they have it next year.
Anyway, I wanted to share a seat I made for Warren Lane. I do my best to incorporate style in to my custom seats. The seat pan fit snug up to the rear fender, so I worked the leather as if it were metal to keep the slim aggressive look I go after.
I was very happy with the outcome of this leather seat and hoped you would share it with the rest of the Bikernet community.
–Adam Croft
Of course we will share it. It’s a classic!–Bandit
MORE THAN 29,000 HARLEY 2014 MODELS RECALLED–MILWAUKEE, Wis. – Harley-Davidson announced it is “acting quickly” to
address potential safety issues by voluntarily recalling certain 2014 Touring motorcycles equipped with a hydraulic clutch system that may pose a safety issue.
The recalls affect 25,185 Touring motorcycles, models FLHTCU, FLHTK, FLHTP,
FLHX, FLHXS, FLHTKSE and FLHRSE, and 3,861 Softail CVOs and Trikes, models
FLHTCUTG, FXSBSE and FLSTNSE. The models were built between May 3 and Oct.
“Some of these motorcycles may exhibit a condition in which the hydraulic clutch system may lose the ability to generate enough lift to disengage the clutch. If the clutch does not disengage as intended, the rider may have
difficulty slowing or stopping the motorcycle, which could result in an accident,” the Motor Co. stated.
The recalls include a Do Not Ride notice to owners and a Do Not Deliver notice to Harley-Davidson dealers until the motorcycle is fixed. The company
wants owners of affected motorcycles to contact an authorized Harley-Davidson dealer immediately to arrange for an inspection. The dealer
will pick up, inspect and make the necessary repairs at no cost to the owner. The repairs have been identified and should take less than one hour.
“The safety of our customers is our highest priority,” said Tony Wilcox,Harley-Davidson general manager of Motorcycle New Product Delivery. “We have identified potential safety issues and are moving quickly to notify our
customers and dealers. The inspection and repair of these motorcycles is extremely important, so it’s critical that our customers with affected
vehicles contact their dealers immediately.”
–from Dave Dwyer

Right now we are developing a 2-into-1 exhaust for the HD V-Rod Muscle. With the introduction of the Muscle line, the oil fill dipstick has been moved to the right side of the motorcycle which makes our existing pipe (and most other pipes on the market) block access to the dipstick. This problem has been fixed and are in the final stages of development.

BIKERNET OFFICIAL PHILOSOPHER TALKS ABOUT GETTING IT DONE–Have you ever been in the position in your Life in which you know that you must make changes but you are stuck in a rut? Everything is telling you that it isn’t working and that you must make a major change yet you hold on hoping for a miracle to happen.
I have been facing some challenges in my business almost since I opened the doors that has progressively gotten worse. Rather than making major changes and getting out of the service end and concentrate on the ecommerce side, which I have been successful at, I have held on to a losing proposition.
Even though the writing has been on the wall for a long time I have continued to flog a dead horse. I am not sure why I didn’t make the changes earlier, maybe pride, fear, embarrassment but the whatever the reason is I should have made the changes a long time ago.
Over this period of being sick during the past 7 weeks I have a lot of time to Pause. It has become very clear that I must make a change and I must do it now. As I have gone within I have been lifted up above the present situation and move into a level of consciousness of changeI have learned from my lessons and am now ready to move on.
I made a choice to Get R Done. I need, the confidence to start and the knowledge to form a path to my goal.
And So It IS
Today let go of all fear, negativity and doubt and replace them with Love, Peace, Joy, Faith and Harmony— yALE
Yale Custom Cycles
2003 11 ST SE
Calgary AB
T2G 3G6

Offered in both stretched and stock OEM style versions each is hand crafted using 3-layers of whole sheet fiberglass and a potent resin for superior strength and smooth finish. The Paughco bags are sold pre-painted in a vivid gloss black. Both the stretched and standard saddle bag sets come complete with tether straps, hinges, grommets, inner locking plates, lower cushions, and custom designed chrome CNC machined billet latch covers and locks.
Insides are covered with an intact velvet liner to protect against scratching while providing a luxurious look and feel. Stretched bags model PSB1 retail for $1169.95 complete and the stock version model PBS2 goes for just $1089.95. Call 775-246-5738 or catch the complete Paughco catalog at www.paughco.com.
AUSTRALIAN Bikers move to bypass new laws by resigning– They entered the law firm, two by two … as they did in Noah Ark.
Not animals, although many have argued they are being treated as such by the Queensland government, but members of the Brisbane Centro chapter of the Bandidos. They came in pairs because if just one more of their number joined them, they risked being arrested.
The dozen or so members co-ordinated their visits to Brisbane’s Bosscher Lawyers carefully, to avoid being caught by the anti-association clause of the new Vicious Lawless Associate Disestablishment legislation.
Two would leave. Two more would arrive. Laden down with: bags of vests; belts; caricatures; patches and other club paraphernalia; they dumped the items, signed an affidavit renouncing their membership and left, hoping it would be enough to keep them free men.
The laws passed and gazetted this week have caught the attention of motorcycle club members like nothing before.
The threat of a mandatory 15-year sentence on top of any penalty dished out by the courts for their offence – with another decade on top of that if a member is also an office bearer – has many patched members deciding defence is the stronger offence.
Michael Bosscher, who has represented Bandidos members on and off for the past two decades, said he had “never seen anything like it” – referring to both the mass resignation and the laws themselves.
“They have come in here, they have signed documents which have been forwarded to the national chapter indicating they have resigned from their membership and we will be forwarding all of that material to the national club,” he said.
“I have never seen it before in 25 years of practicing criminal law. These types of laws are unprecedented, I have never seen laws passed in this way before.
“We have been speaking with senior members of the club for a couple of days and they wanted us to make a statement on their behalf that the club has been disbanded and they are no longer members of that club and they have surrendered all of their insignia, which is particularly important to any club member to show their bona fides in relation to their resignation.”
It’s a fancy way of saying they have thrown in their patches. And they won’t be the only ones. Members of the Bandidos and the Rebels, both named as criminal organizations under the new legislation, have resigned or are planning to. The Finks – many of who have patched over to the Mongols – have been less public about their plans.
“All of them have put a lot of years into the club, most of the members of the club haven’t been in trouble with the law before,” Mr Bosscher said.
“A lot of them have jobs that they go to like everybody else, so there is genuine heartbreak about the fact that they have had to disband.”
But police would disagree – they have previously linked the Centro chapter to a drive-by shooting of a Rebels clubhouse in Albion, an attack on a couple in Garden City and beatings at Hells Angels affiliated tattoo parlors.
More seriously members of the fledging chapter, whose new breed members were referred to as “Nike bikies”, were put under the microscope for the murder of Jei Jack Lee at an Eight Mile Plains shopping centre in April last year.
Mr Bosscher said his clients hoped that by handing in their patches the police attention will eventually disperse.
The government says it’s just as determined to chase all bikers.
Been a fan and subscriber for a number of years, over 10 I know for sure. It’s the only bike website I read (for the most part), and really the only one I ever recommend to people.
My subscriptions always seem to run out at the worst possible time and without warning. And it always a bummer because I spent a lot
of time deployed while in the military and I am now a contractor over in Afghanistan. So, I don’t always have my debit card with me
wherever I may be. So it always seems to take a few day’s to get back to being a member.
I know that does not seem like a long time
especially since Bandit has plenty of free material. But when reading about the bike culture is all you have it seems like an eternity not to have complete access to all information.
I do have just a small gripe. When my last subscription ran out and I was setting it back up I noticed there was an option to enroll (If you will) for the two year subscription at a different rate if you were a member. Well I guess since mine had just expired I was not able to use that as an option. Kind of made me feel like I had
never been a member when in fact just the opposite is true.
I’m not looking for you guy’s to reimburse me or anything. Just throw in a couple of extra stickers or patches or something. Maybe have Bandit sign both books (Unless that was already part or the
deal). I think I had just ordered Chance II, but on this receipt it shows I also got the Salt Flats one also. No big deal, it was a hard decision any ways.
Hey, I’m all about supporting Bikernet because Bikernet provides me with plenty of entertainment while I’m gone away from home. Great
stories of people having some great adventure. Plus, I like to support all small business if able.
I have added my current subscription expiration date on my calendar so I will have some heads up. So do not consider this as an unhappy
customer because that is not the case. Keep up the good work and stay safe.
JIMS TOOL OF THE WEEK, Lift Caddy– The patent pending JIMS Lift Caddy allows you to maneuver occupied bike lifts around your shop or garage effortlessly.
Have you ever started repairing a motorcycle only to discover you are waiting for parts with a bike stuck on a lift and in the way? JIMS Lift Caddy can be installed in the time it takes to change oil and will allow you to easily roll the delayed bike out of the way.
The Lift Caddy remains locked whenever the lift is on any of the locking bar positions; the heavy-duty casters spin 360 degrees and should be adjusted to engage the ground only when your bike lift is raised past the top locking bar to its highest possible position.
JIMS Lift Caddy will fit Handy Lifts, Direct Lifts or any lift with a 2-inch square bottom cross member and 15 inches of mounting space. A handy device whether you are a professional mechanic, a racer, or just tooling around when you can…
Tool No.776 has an MSRP of $197.50 and like hundreds of other JIMS tools is backed by a lifetime warranty. For more information, visit www.jimsusa.com, become a JIMS Facebook fan, or call 805-482-6913.
With the shutdown over, Congress is literally limping back to work. The House of Representatives is working on the other side of the Hill and the U.S. Senate has decided to give themselves one more week of vacation. During the government shutdown both bodies of Congress missed a recess period. The House opted to stick to the schedule, but the Senate decided it needs the missed recess week so they are adjourned until next week.
Representative Tom Petri (WI) has drafted a letter to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) asking them to cease their meddling with motorcycle safety. As previously reported here, the CDC did a weak reconfiguring of some other tired studies done by other government agencies.
The letter is being held until November 1st when it will be sent to the CDC director. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) is asking you to contact your Member of the House of Representatives to ask them to cosign the Petri CDC motorcycle letter.
The text of the letter is below and the CDC response will be printed here when it is received.
Dr. Thomas Frieden Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Rd Atlanta, GA 30333 Dear Dr. Frieden:
We are writing to express our concern about activities of the CDC regarding motorcycle safety, in particular the Motorcycle Safety report, which focuses on pressuring states to pass universal helmet laws.
The issue of transportation and motorcycle safety has been studied extensively by agencies within the Department of Transportation and the National Transportation Safety Board. These agencies have transportation professionals who are experienced in this area.
The extensively footnoted report seems to be little more than a compilation of work that other agencies have done, and with questionable conclusions.
For example, the report states that motorcycle-related deaths have increased by 55 percent since 2000. But nowhere in the report is it mentioned that motorcycle registrations have also increased substantially since 2000.
The report also notes that 41 percent of motorcycle operators and 50 percent of motorcycle passengers who died in 2010 were not wearing a helmet – which seems to indicate there were more deaths with helmets than without. It would seem to follow that 59 percent of motorcycle operators and 50 percent of passengers who died in 2010 were wearing a helmet. Interesting, but what is the conclusion we should reasonably draw from these figures?
Given the demands on your budget and the unique ability of the CDC to address such pressing issues as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimers and a host of other conditions and issues which afflict millions of Americans and others around the globe, we encourage you to direct your attention and resources to areas that are not currently already being addressed elsewhere in the government.
*Bring a pair of Old Shoes!
Volunteers will assist in counting 25,000 pairs of Shoes for American Soldier Network.
12:30 performance by Westminster High School DRUM CORE, trumpets & flags honoring our Military.
Meet our City Mayor, and special guests from television & film industry.
Food by Rancho-Go-Go, complimentary beverages.
VIDEO courtesy OCTV explaining event with K.O. & Rusty
YES, please post Video & Flyer on Twitter, FB & internet boards, Thank You!
DAR HOLDSWORTH BRASS BALLS BOBBERS ESCAPES TO DUBAI—He’s working a deal in Dubai to deliver bikes overseas. He’s also working with Toby Keith on a deal to supply one Brass Balls Bobber to each of Toby’s I Love The Bar and Grill restaurants.
Next we need to have Toby ride a Brass Balls Bobber onto every concert stage.
How cool would that be? Hang on for the next report.
Tucker Rocky/Biker’s Choice has announced the inking of a long term exclusive partnership agreement with legendary custom builder/designer, Jesse Rooke.
The new partnership will see Rooke developing a complete offering of custom and performance products for both the Harley-Davidson and Metric segments.
While the full scope of the project has yet to be made public, expect the assortment of Rooke Customs parts and accessories to include everything from Jesse Rooke is a world renowned custom builder/design visionary who got his start in the industry building trend setting “one off” motorcycles for everyone from the hardcore enthusiast to the biggest names in Hollywood.
With a reputation for crafting distinctive head-turning designs and ultra fast build times, Rooke is one of the most sought out custom builders in the industry today. Regarding his signing with Tucker Rocky/Biker’s Choice, Rooke was quoted, “Having worked with some of the greatest names in the industry, I am truly excited about the prospect of partnering with Tucker Rocky/Biker’s Choice so that we can offer Rooke branded products to a much broader segment of the motorcycling world.”
When asked about the recent agreement, Charlie Hadayia, Director of Biker’s Choice said, “I’m really excited about the opportunity to collaborate and work with Jesse to bring the Rooke brand to the powersports market.” Dan Courtney, President of Tucker Rocky/Biker’s Choice went on to say, “We couldn’t be happier to have Jesse Rooke onboard, his distinctive, innovative style will be a major competitive differentiator for Biker’s Choice.”
1. mere nonsense; foolish talk or ideas.?2. a trifle; gimcrack; gew-gaw.
“All this political falderal is making me crazy, Pete. I hear cuckoo statements being made by cuckoo politicians…”
— Irwin Wolfe, Goodbye Beaver Lake, 2001
Jimmy Pendleton told himself that it was not true at all; that it was all falderal, what Sadie Dean had said.
— Eleanor H. Porter, Pollyanna Grows Up, 1915
The word falderal imitates the sound of nonsense lyrics in songs. It came to English at the turn of the 18th century.
BIKERNET STAFFER OF THE WEEK, THE BIZARRE AND WONDEROUS TRIKING VIKING–Kozmo Marz was raised a Wiccan Priestess, his mother published a magazine called “Occult Americana” and his father owned a nightclub called “The Zombie Club.”
HARLEY OFFERS FIVE REASONS YOU COULD HATE YOURSELF NEXT SPRING–If You Want to Ride in April, Take Care of Storage Chores Today
It just snowed in Sturgis. This means the motorcycling season will soon be over in much of the country. If off-season motorcycle storage is inevitable in your neighborhood, the service gurus at Harley-Davidson® remind you to do the job right.
Or simply park your baby in the corner, and leave it untouched behind the snowblower until you’re ready for your first ride next spring. And when everyone else is cruising, you will hate yourself, because:
1. You Didn’t Put Your Battery on a Smart Charger
We call it a smart charger because you’re smart to use it. Clean and inspect the battery and use a battery charger like the Harley-Davidson 750mA SuperSmart™ Battery Tender (P/N 66000038, $39.95) that incorporates a microprocessor to maintain the battery at full charge capacity during storage. Do not use steady-rate battery chargers because they may over- or under-charge a Harley-Davidson AGM battery.
SERVICE TIP: Do not attempt to keep a motorcycle battery charged by starting and running the bike for a few minutes while it is in storage. These short run cycles leave the battery in a discharged condition, and susceptible to sulfation, a common cause of battery failure, and leave moisture and combustion acids in the engine that may have corrosive effects.
2. You Didn’t Change the Engine Oil.
Dirty oil is like dirty underwear – it needs to be changed. Fuel and acids in dirty oil may accelerate engine corrosion during long-term storage. A fresh fill of Screamin’ Eagle® SYN3® Full Synthetic Lubricant or H-D® 360 Motorcycle Oil will help protect the engine, even when it isn’t running.
If you choose to change your oil yourself, the Harley-Davidson Oil Change Accessory Kit (P/N 14900058, $59.95) includes a 10-quart Low Profile Oil Drain Pan, an Oil Absorbent Work Station Mat, an End Cap Oil Filter Wrench, and a Transmission/Crankcase Filler Funnel with an anti-burp design for smooth oil flow.
3. You Didn’t Stabilize the Fuel.
Ethanol hates your Harley. So fill the tank with fresh gas and add a product like Ethanol Guard Fuel Stabilizer (P/N 91600001, $5.95) to protect the fuel tank, fuel lines, carburetor and injectors from long-term exposure to the adverse affects of ethanol-blended fuel. If the motorcycle has a carburetor, evacuate the fuel line and carburetor by letting the engine idle with fuel valve turned off until the engine quits. This prevents varnish deposits from accumulating inside the carburetor.
SERVICE TIP: If a motorcycle is stored with the fuel tank less than full, moisture may collect in the tank and expose the bare metal interior to potential corrosion – a rusty fuel tank can cause lots of headaches down the road.
4. You Didn’t Wash Your Harley-Davidson.
Dead bugs hate your Harley, too. Give the motorcycle a good scrub to remove road grime, dirt and insect remains that can attract moisture and cause corrosion during storage. The Harley Bike Wash Kit (P/N 93600056, $49.95) and Detailing Kit (P/N 93600057, $49.95) each include products specifically formulated for use on a variety of motorcycle surfaces, including plastic, chrome and paint. Pay special attention to unfinished aluminum (like wheels and the fins of the engine) and chrome (especially mufflers) to minimize the onset of corrosion. Allow your motorcycle to dry completely before covering it for storage.
SERVICE TIP: To maintain the original silky matte finish of Harley-Davidson Denim paint, always clean with Harley Davidson Denim Paint Cleaner (P/N 93600064, $8.95). This spray lifts away oils, fingerprints, dust, and cleans without buffing.
5. You Covered Your Harley with a Blue Tarp.
Nice try. You know a motorcycle covered during storage will be protected from scratches, dust and dirt. But use a quality motorcycle cover like the Harley-Davidson Premium Indoor Motorcycle Cover (P/N 93100020, $159.95). Its breathable polyester fabric promotes air circulation to reduce moisture build-up and minimize corrosion during long term storage. Your blue tarp will trap moisture that promotes corrosion, aned could also scratch the finish.
SERVICE TIP: Never store a motorcycle near agricultural fertilizers, swimming pool chemicals, salt for icy roads or water softeners, or any other chemicals that may emit caustic gases that greatly accelerate corrosion.
Always check the owner’s manual for long-term storage procedures specific to each Harley-Davidson model. Or if you don’t want to deal with all this on your own, long-term storage prep is a service provided by most authorized Harley-Davidson dealers.
For more information, visit Harley-Davidson’s Web site at www.harley-davidson.com.
ROGUE WANDERS THROUGH THE BROKEN SPOKE AT BIKETOBERFEST—You’ll see the full report on Bikernet next week, plus a report on the Bikernet Trikes Trike Show at Trike-Toberfest in Daytona on Bikernet Trikes. How’s that? But here are some teaser shots to get you warmed up.—Bandit
[page break]
Hang on for his full reports from the sandy Mai tai coated coast.—Bandit
Tom Caldwell/OLD GUYS DO RULE RACING Broke Records– Wins the Pro Gas Championship
at the AMRA Jim McClure Nitro Nationals
Rockingham Dragway.
Tom Caldwell/OLD GUYS DO RULE RACING made a clean sweep at the AMRA Jim McClure Nitro Nationals finals at Rockingham race
last weekend, winning the 2013 AMRA Pro Gas Championship, winning the event, and resetting 3 of his records!
“It is always a good trip to Rockingham in the fall where we have great air and quick runs at the “ROCK”! Steve Earwood, track owner, always makes sure the racers are taken care of.
A lot of racers attend as, this is a memorial race for “DA JUDGE”, and the track prep usually results in record breaking times!” said Tom Caldwell who’s been racing at the Rock for over 25 years.
“We arrived at the Rock around noon on Friday, set up our pit and prepped the bike for the T&T. I did 1 test & tune hit, resulting in a 8.03 ET, we checked over the data and loaded it up for qualifying Saturday.
Everyone was asking if I was going to make another hit?
I said, I am saving it for Saturday!”
Saturday morning, I went to Don Plesser at the PR Factory truck for a new Mickey Thompson slick; we wanted to make sure we would perform at our best for the finale.”
According to Caldwell, “Qualifying round 1 resulted in a 8.13 @ 160.96, spinning just off the line . Most of us had the same problem Saturday! On Q2, it spun again and went hard right so I rolled out and cruised the rest of the way down the track .
Q3 came after dark again, and I ran another 8.03 @ 162. The 8.03 made us the #1 qualifier for the event.”
“In the first round of eliminations, I tried a couple of changes and the motor did not like it.So, in the 2nd round I got the bye run. I went back to my base tune up and relaxed and threw the clutch and ran a sound 7.92. My sixty foot times were coming back and ran a clean pass.”
“I knew it would be a GREAT match up in the finals. Andy Simon and I are very seasoned racers, I think we have the two best looking and quickest Pro Gassers. We staged, the yellows flashed and we were off, Andy got out on me by .009 seconds. He had a .035 and I had a .044 light, not too shabby for a couple of OLD GUYS!”
Our times were:
Caldwell .044 RT, 1.169 – 60’, 3.214 – 330’, 4.983 – 1/8 ET, 137.60 1/8 MPH, 6.550 – 1000’, 7.916 ¼ ET @ 162.10 MPH
to Andy’s .035 RT, 1.145 – 60’, 3.302 – 330’, 5.176 – 1/8 ET, 129.94 1/8 MPH, 6.831 – 1000’, 8.268 ¼ ET @ 152.16 MPH.
“So, at the end of the weekend and the season, we won the 2013 AMRA Pro Gas Championship, won the race, another #1 qualifier position, and again, reset 3 of my records in Pro Gas. The OLD man is happy!”
4.983 = 1/8 ET
137.60 = 1/8 MPH
7.916 = 1/4 ET
“We finished 2013 with 1575 points winning the AMRA Pro Gas championship by 345 points.
Another GREAT year for the OLD GUYS DO RULE RACING Harley.
My new Vanson Leathers are great, I did it in style and comfort.
Thanks to my supporters below, I again achieved the winning performance to capture my 4th Pro Championship in my career.”
Thanks to:
Southern Biker Magazine
SA Racing
Robert’s Machine & Welding
Trammel Creek Cycle Works
S & S Cycle
Red Line Oils
Energy One Clutches
Rigging Institute
VP Fuels
Mickey Thompson Tires
Vanson Leathers
R&D Motorsports
MTC Components
Dana Eckhardt
Steve Allstaedt
Mary Lou Brewton
Robert Minge
Craig Cochran
Ray Matlock
Garvin Wiawiaole
Jerry Cardwell
Janet (sister)
Tom can be reached at tcaldwellps9@comcast.net or Tom Caldwell on Facebook.
ACCUWEATHER SAYS – Pretty Weather The First Weekend In November!!!
…And one of Texas Biker’s FAVORITE RIDES is to Central Texas where Under
the Giant Shade Trees along the Banks of the Little River – MOTORCYCLES of ALL
BRANDS AND DESCRIPTIONS will be battling it out on Historic Little River
Dragway’s 1/8th mile
…Headlined by a $1500 to Win, 16 Bike, Run-What-You-Brung Top Bike Eleminator,
Sunday Afternoon’s race will also include a 5.80 Index Class, 6.20 Index
Class, Pro E.T., Street E.T., and Harley E.T. Harley Street Eleminator & Harley
Modified Eleminator Sportsman Classes will also be contested at this race AS
AA/Vintage Fuel – A/Vintage Fuel & B/Vintage Fuel * Nitro Drag bikes *
FAST BIKES In Hot Competition All Sunday Afternoon!!!!!!!
See The Stars OR Be One!!!
Nitro HARLEYS Vs Turbo – Nitrous & Nitro IMPORTS – Don’t Miss The
CHECK THESE OUT!!- Harleys ALREADY PRE-ENTERED from 10/13’s rain-out..
…..Located on Hwy 95, 9 miles south of Temple Texas, Little River
Dragway’s gate will open at 8am for Little River Dragway’s MOTORCYCLE
SUNDAY All Motorcycle Drags. Time Trials are at 10am and Eliminations start at
track phone 254-982-9188
Mark Your Calendars For THIS ONE!!!!
ACE CAFÉ at Salon Moto Legende Paris 25th – 27th October–Celebrating this year’s 75th anniversary of the cafe having originally opened in 1938, and teaming up with the 59 Club’s official French Section, Ace Cafe London is privileged to be able to confirm attendance at the annual Salon Moto Legende Show, Parc Floral de Paris, Vincennes.
The Ace presence and display at the show, will include the 1958 Royal Enfield Constellation motorcycle that featured on the front page of the UK’s national newspaper, The Daily Mirror, of Thursday 9th February 1961 together with an array of Ace Cafe, Rockers and StoMoCo items, alongside “Gear with Grit” from Red Torpedo, sponsors of the TT Red Riders (to include Guy Martin, Conor Cummins, John McGuinness and Maria Costello) together with the all new 132 page Ace Cafe London Bookazine and the critically acclaimed seminal, 312 page book, “Ace Times – Speed thrills and tea spills, a cafe and a culture”, by author Mick Duckworth will also be available.
Transmission: 5 Speed
Fuel System: S&S Carb
Accessories: T-bars, sidemount license plate, flush mounted rear lights, chrome rims, polish and chrome inverted front end, JayBrake controls, custom flame alligator seat, open primary, chrome forward controls
POLARIS MARKS GIANT $1 billion in third quarter sales–MEDINA, Minn. – Polaris sales crossed the $1 billion mark in the third quarter ended Sept. 30 on the strength of gains in off-road vehicles, offsetting a 6 percent slide in motorcycle sales as dealers work to adjust inventory levels.
Sales for the third quarter 2013 totaled a record $1,102.6 million, which represents an increase of 25 percent over last year’s third quarter sales of $879.9 million.
“Our record third quarter results reflect both the ongoing demand for our existing products and the potential contained within the initial shipments of our model year 2014 vehicles, the largest new product introduction in the company’s history,” said Polaris Industries Chairman and CEO Scott Wine.
“In the third quarter, we launched more new vehicles than in any previous model year, led by the much-anticipated debut of Indian Motorcycles along with several innovative variants of Rangers, RZRs and Victory motorcycles,” Wine said. “Additionally, to complement and enhance our consumers’ experience with these vehicles, our PG&A business introduced over 300 new model year 2014 accessories plus an expanded apparel lineup. While the new model year 2014 vehicles and accessories are just now arriving at dealers in meaningful quantities, the initial feedback has been extremely positive from consumers to the trade magazines.”
–By Holly J. Wagner
Reprinted courtesy of Dealer News
AMERICAN MOTORCYCLISTS ASSOCIATION TAKES ACTION TO PREVENT E15 FUEL– In an effort to prohibit the availability of E15, a gasoline formulation that contains up to 15 percent ethanol by volume, the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) has announced its support of U.S. Rep. Bob Goodlatte’s (R-Va.) H.R. 1462, the RFS Reform Act of 2013.
The bipartisan bill would amend the Renewable Fuel Standard to recognize market conditions and realities. It would also prohibit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from allowing the introduction into the marketplace of gasoline containing greater than 10 percent of ethanol by volume. In other words, E15 would no longer be permitted if this legislation becomes law.
The AMA has repeatedly expressed concerns to government officials and federal lawmakers about possible damage to motorcycle and all-terrain vehicle engines caused by the inadvertent use of E15 when the new fuel becomes widely available.
In October 2010, the EPA approved E15 for use in model year 2007 and newer light-duty vehicles (cars, light-duty trucks and medium-duty passenger vehicles). In January 2011, it added model year 2001-2006 light-duty vehicles to the approved list.
This new legislation would help protect the 22 million motorcycle and ATVs in the country – and the riders who depend on their safe operation – from inadvertent misfueling, according to the association.
“Preventing these inadvertent misfuelings has been one of the AMA’s top priorities due to the fact that motorcycles and ATVs aren’t designed to run on ethanol fuel blends higher than 10 percent, and many older machines favored by vintage enthusiasts may have problems with any ethanol in the fuel,” said an AMA spokesperson. “In fact, simply using fuel with blends of ethanol over 10 percent could void a vehicle manufacturer’s warranty, potentially leaving motorcyclists with thousands of dollars in additional repair costs.”
To help pass H.R. 1462, the AMA asks industry members to send a prewritten email to their representatives by clicking here.
–from Rogue
BIZ DEAL OF THE WEEK–Towing operation, for sale, reasonable price. One truck only, a little rough…
–Jim Waggaman
If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for entering and remaining in the country illegally — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If you have to get your parents’ permission to go on a field trip or to take an aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If you MUST show your identification to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor, or check out a library book and rent a video, but not to vote for who runs the government — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If the government wants to prevent stable, law-abiding citizens from owning gun magazines that hold more than ten rounds, but gives twenty F-16 fighter jets to the crazy new leaders in Egypt — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If, in the nation’s largest city, you can buy two 16-ounce sodas, but not one 24-ounce soda, because 24-ounces of a sugary drink might make you fat — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If an 80-year-old woman or a three-year-old girl who is confined to a wheelchair can be strip-searched by the TSA at the airport, but a woman in a burka or a hijab is only subject to having her neck and head searched — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If a seven-year-old boy can be thrown out of school for saying his teacher is “cute,” but hosting a sexual exploration or diversity class in grade school is perfectly acceptable — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If hard work and success are met with higher taxes and more government regulation and intrusion, while not working is rewarded with Food Stamps, WIC checks, Medicaid benefits, subsidized housing, and free cell phones — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If the government’s plan for getting people back to work is to provide incentives for not working, by granting 99 weeks of unemployment checks, without any requirement to prove that gainful employment was diligently sought, but couldn’t be found — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If you pay your mortgage faithfully, denying yourself the newest big-screen TV, while your neighbor buys iPhones, time shares, a wall-sized do-it-all plasma screen TV and new cars, and the government forgives his debt when he defaults on his mortgage — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If being stripped of your Constitutional right to defend yourself makes you more “safe” according to the government — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
What a country!
HARLEY SEES NEW MODEL, ANNIVERSARY AND RESTRUCTING BENEFITS IN THIRD QUARTER–HARLEY-Davidson’s third quarter fiscals (released October 22nd 2013) revealed improvements in earnings, sales income and motorcycle unit sales that had Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Keith Wandell purring as the company starts to bank the benefits of the draconian measures that he implemented on taking over as CEO four years ago.
“Harley-Davidson had a great third quarter, with strong financial performance and retail sales growth,” said Wandell. “Rider response to the 2014 motorcycles we introduced in August was extremely positive. In fact, initial retail sales of the new ‘Project Rushmore’ motorcycles sparked the largest year-over-year new model year sales increase in two decades.
“We also capped our year-long 110th Anniversary celebration in late August when throngs of riders joined us in Milwaukee from around the world for a huge three-day party like only Harley-Davidson can throw.
“Everyone at Harley-Davidson is proud of our accomplishments and results so far this year, as we continue to see the benefits of our manufacturing, product development and retail strategies,” Wandell said.
Dealers worldwide are said to have sold 70,517 new Harley-Davidson motorcycles in the third quarter of 2013, compared to 61,053 motorcycles in the year-ago quarter. In the U.S., dealers sold 48,529 new Harley-Davidson motorcycles in the quarter, up 20.1 percent, compared to sales of 40,402 motorcycles in the year-ago period.
In international markets, dealers sold 21,988 new Harley-Davidson motorcycles during the third quarter, up 6.5 percent compared to 20,651 motorcycles in the year-ago period, with unit sales up 10.0 percent in the Asia Pacific region, 1.6 percent in the EMEA region, 15.6 percent in the Latin America region [Europe, Middle East and Africa], and 7.0 percent in Canada.
Motorcycle shipments (as opposed to dealer sales) were said to be in line with prior guidance and up by 2.3 percent on the year-ago period at 54,025.
Retail sales were said to be driven by strong double-digit growth in the sale of touring motorcycles following the third-quarter launch of the Company’s ‘Project Rushmore’ line of revamped motorcycles.
Harley-Davidson says that it continues to expect to ship 259,000 to 264,000 motorcycles to dealers and distributors worldwide in 2013. The Company continues to expect full-year 2013 gross margin of 35.25 percent to 36.25 percent.
The Company also says that in the third quarter, it incurred restructuring charges of just $0.6 million. Harley-Davidson continues to expect restructuring activities initiated since 2009 to result in one-time overall costs of approximately $485 million, of which approximately $3 million will be accounted for in the 2013 fiscals.
For the nine months of 2013 so far, dealers sold 214,964 new Harley-Davidson motorcycles worldwide, compared to 206,444 motorcycles in the year-ago period (up by 4.13 percent), with retail unit sales up 4.1 percent in the US, 11.3 percent in the Asia Pacific region, 20.1 percent in the Latin America region and 3.7 percent in Canada, and down 2.2 percent in the EMEA region, compared to the first nine months of 2012.
Third quarter operating income from motorcycles and related products grew 21.2 percent to $175.5 million in the third quarter of 2013, compared to operating income of $144.8 million in the year-ago period.
Third quarter revenue from motorcycle parts and accessories was $250.2 million during the quarter, up 7.0 percent; revenue from general merchandise (which includes MotorClothes apparel and accessories), was $66.1 million, down 12.6 percent, compared to the year-ago period.
–from AMD club
GRIP-ACE PUTS MOTORCYCLE SWITCHES AT YOUR FINGERTIPS–Radical digital motorcycle switch system allows riders to control all motorcycle switch functions with only a slight movement of the fingers and clean handlebars.
Beverly Hills, CA October, 2013: When people come up with simple brilliant ideas, it usually goes no further than just a simple brilliant idea. GripAce inventor and motorcycle enthusiast, Timothy Ledford had the same inspiration of a brilliant idea that turned into a classic American success story with no compromise.
Timothy envisioned putting all his motorcycle switch controls under his fingers in his left hand grip, a simple, light bulb come on idea. Of all the incredible improvements in motorcycle design and performance over the last 4 decades there has been no significant changes made to the switch systems on motorcycles. From this idea in 1990, Timothy came up with a motorcycle switch system that is multi patented and manufactured by his company, Grip Ace Industries, and being used around the world.
The GripAce hidden switch system controls your turn signals, hi/lo headlights, horn and starter. It also allows handicapped riders that are missing a hand or arm, to control all the necessary switching functions to ride safely and obtain their motorcycle riders license.
Regardless of motorcycle type or hand size, you can position the switch pad so that it’s attainable for the owner of the motorcycle. The GripAce system can be made to work with or without the stock switches, imagine that? Harley-Davison did a beautiful job with throttle by wire while GripAce has completed the “Ride by Wire” system for all motorcycles. Custom motorcycles builders of cruisers and sport bikes have embraced the GripAce because now they can removes all excess wires and switches from the handlebars, allowing for the ultra cool streamlined look and remain legal.
The GripAce hidden switch system adds self- canceling turn signals and hazards lights to motorcycles not equipped with such functions. The riding safety for many riders will be increased because the rider maintains positive control of the motorcycle, without lifting their thumbs, while activating the starter, turn signals, horn and hi/lo beams switches. In addition to these standard functions, the system can be used to control accessories like air ride systems, L.E.D lights, ETC. Ideal for the tech minded, button pushing generation.
–Joe Distefano
If three Florida State football players are in the same car, who is driving? The police officer.
What do you say to a University of Miami Hurricane football player dressed in a three-piece suit?
“Will the defendant please rise.”
On a hot summer day, a redneck came into town with his dog He tied the dog under the shade of a tree and went into the bar for a cold beer. About 20 minutes later a policeman came into the bar and asked who owned the dog tied under the tree. The redneck said that it was his. The policeman said, “Your dog seems to be in heat.” The redneck replies, “No way dog’s in heat—she’s cool kawse I got ‘ER tied unner the shade tree.” The policeman says, “No! You don’t understand–your dog needs to be bred. “No way, ” the redneck says, “dog don’t need bread, she ain’t hongry, kawse I fed ‘er beef jerky this mornin’.” Now the policeman gets mad and yells out; “NO! You don’t seem to understand, your dog wants to have sex!” The redneck looks at him with a long pause and says, “Go ‘head. I always wanted a police dog!”
Samson Fishtail Style “Cross-under” Exhaust System– Sturgis, SD – These new True Dual Fishtail Crossunder Exhausts were designed to allow for maximum flow through the system to maintain the engines peak performance with reduced heat to deal with for the rider.
Samson re-engineered this new exhaust by eliminating the rear crossover pipe to the front pipe, creating a true dual exhaust, and provides a cooler and improved ride for both rider and passenger.
Samson is the only manufacturer that does not crimp or reduce the cross-under pipe diameter which robs you of needed horsepower and torque. You will not lose any horsepower due to “crushing the cross under pipe” like other exhaust manufacturers.
Samson’s True Dual Crossunder Systems offer a show quality finish with Samson’s exclusive Quad Chrome plating process that provides ultimate adhesion and corrosion protection. All of Samson’s exhaust systems have been designed and tuned to produce maximum horsepower, torque, and awesome sound. This system is ready to bolt on right out of the box.
O2 sensor ports accept O.E.M. / Aftermarket sensors
Produces up to 20% or more horsepower and torque
Mounting hardware is included
Improves gas mileage
Installer Friendly
Awesome Deep Tone
Available in luxurious chrome or “sinister” black ceramic
Full Coverage Head Pipe Heat Shields
Available for most Harley-Davidson touring models
MSRP: $899.95
Check out Samson Exhaust’s entire 2014 product line at www.SamsonUSA.com. Contact us directly at 888-572-6766, Samson Exhaust, 1151 Industry Road, Sturgis, SD, 57785 or email us at info@SamsonUSA.com. As always, many thanks for your continued support!!
ROGUE REVIEWS ROAD TO SMOKE OUT AT BIKETOBERFEST–I know you have mentioned the Road 2 Smoke Out recently, but I did get to see it while at Biketoberfest.
Of all the events I have been to the Smoke Out has not been one of them. I have known about it and it is on my list of things to do.
During Biketoberfest 2013 I was invited to see a premier showing of the new video Road 2 Smoke Out at the Cinematique a café type theater on Beach Street.
The video is a documentary about the culture of the Horse a well-known motorcycle publication that has put on the event for over a decade. I enjoyed the video and being with the others who also attended. I would suggest that you get a copy.
If you are one of the ones that have attended the Smoke Out I am sure you will enjoy seeing what you were a part of. If you have not been then I am sure you will want to attend in the future.
The Biker Film for our Generation
Road 2 Smoke Out: the culture of the Horse” from Choppertown producer, Zack Coffman and Greg “Edge” Scheuer, promotoer of the Smoke Out Rally.
The film captures the experience of the original garage-built chopper rally and the culture of infamous biker magazine The Horse Backstreet Choppers.
Stay independent.
Featuring: Amateur Chop Off, Drive-in Bike Show, Old School Drags, The Stampede, The Long Road, Minis, Bean’re, George-the-Painter, Jeff “Speed King” Cochran, Hammer, Englishman, Wet T-shirt Contest, Painted Ladies, and a host of chopper crazies!
The story of real men and women who burn the midnight oil with wrenches in their hands and grease under their fingernails.
Road 2 Smoke Out DVD comes with bonus clips.
This film is not rated: Adult themes, strong language, oh and some boobs.
Runtime: 45 minutes, plus 30 minutes of extras!
This film will make you smile and laugh
Get your copy of the film at: http://www.smokeoutrally.com/r2so/
IRONWORK’S GLASS PLATE VINTAGE PHOTOGRAPHS–While the H-D Museum’s new show “Exposed! Lost Photos from 1915-16” taken on glass plates opened on Friday October18th , it isn’t the only collection of images of motorcycles captured on glass plate negatives. That’s right, a certain “IronWorker” has a very small collection of prints that came from a camera that used the glass plate technology. I don’t have an exhibit hall to hang my pictures but I am willing to occasionally share them online.
About 30 some years ago my friends Carol and Ed French, who were photography buffs and collectors, bought a box of glass plate negatives at a yard sale. While they were examining them they found that several had images of motorcycles on them. At the time I was just starting to get into 35mm photography and Carol, who ran the local camera store, was trying to teach me how to use all the functions on my new Canon A-1.
Carol knew I rode motorcycles so she asked me if I’d like a set of prints from the plates. Of course I said yes and was delighted a couple days later when she gave me the images. I was surprised at how well the images transferred from the old plates. A secondary reason for giving me the copies were that they thought I might be able to date the photos, know where they were taken and who the people in the pictures were.
Looking at the images I was able to tell her that it was an Indian Motorcycle (OK, I cheated and saw Indian on the gas tank) and that the bike was probably pre-WW I era. I didn’t recognize either the sites or people in the pictures. Maybe one of you will be able to shed some light. The best part about my collection is that you don’t have to go to Milwaukee to see it, but if you have a chance I think I’d go see the Harley Museum’s collection. I’m sure it’s more extensive than mine.
–Sam Kanish
IronWorks Magazine
IT’S ALL NUTS—I just received a letter from Billy Lane. He’s has less than a year, and he’s working outside in a shop on a Brough Superior six days a week. He’s away from the half-way house more than he’s locked down, and he’s damn excited about what he’s doing.
He mentioned kids and their bad attitudes and apathy. It’s crazy, all the opportunities kids have. Maybe that’s part of the problem. We felt pushed and told what to do constantly. We wanted freedom and opportunities. Now kids aren’t pushed and given opportunities galore and they seem lost.
But we’re not lost. We bust our butts everyday on Bonneville Projects, and planning our run to Houston to work with Kent Weeks on the Bikernet Assalt Weapon streamlined trike (belly tank style). Or we’re finishing up a tech with Eric Bennett, with S&S, Rivera/Primo, Alloy Art, Speed Merchant, etc. Or we are launching a new Bikernet Bagger feature, or the rigid Sporty tech with Asian Dan and Irish Rich, with a LedSled hardtail. Next, we will publish Rogue’s reports on the Broken Spoke at Biketoberfest, or the Trike-tober show sponsored by Bikernet Trikes.
But wait, I need to wrap up another chapter of the Chance II book and get that one published. I’m grappling with the last final chapters. Then I need to take a long weekend in the mountains and read and edit the entire book. And Ray just pointed out that I need to order another shipment of Chance 1 books. And then I need to write another Cantina Episode–GOOD GOD OR BUDDHA. And one of our Editor’s Choice winners is about to see his feature hit the stands in American Iron, then his feature will be launched on Bikernet pronto. And I’m sure Peter Linney will bug me about featuring Akira’s Knucklehead. It’s next.
So, it’s non-stop around the Bikernet Coal Mine, slave-labor camp. Both Tyler and David Campbell have assignments, and something new flies into the Headquarters a couple of times a day. I need to work on Howard Knight’s belt buckle. I wish Heather New was nearby and could teach me some basic engraving skills, as if I could get it, but what the hell, I could try. It’s not all about articles on Bikernet web sites, we are trying to help Kyle get a motorcycle, and Toby fix his blown up 2008 Ninja ZX10R. If you have any ideas or Ninja engines let us know. I tried to help my son get back on the road, and help Jeremiah find the FXR of his dreams. Plus, we are trying to help ATK motorcycles get off the ground. Like I said it’s non-stop. Have a helluva weekend!
Ride Forever,