Since the visit to the Biker Net Headquarters a lot has transpired. First off thanks to the 5-Ball Racing Team we were able to score some parts from some of our sponsors. Jims USA and BDL Belt Drives. Also a few extra parts unknown to the 5-Ball team. What the hell. they were just lying around. I thought everything was up for grabs. There were parts everywhere; we just helped ourselves to all the good stuff.

Well all hell has broken out since then. 5-Ball Minutemen were spotted all over the desert looking for us. We are now forced to go underground. Our original shop has been shut down due to all the heat from our so called brother team. Shit, I just took a few parts, no big deal. So we found a secret bunker in the middle of nowhere. It’s a big desert, so I suggest our 5-Ball competitors watch your step. People tend to get lost out here, fast.

The good news: Dave Mackie finished the heads. Jim Leinweber is going to deliver the cams. One set of Avon Tires are being buffed and shaved at Nicks Tires Service in Long Beach (5-Ball Territory). Ross Forged Pistons are ready to go. A small amount of welding is yet to come on the rear controls.

We are on our way. I would like to say thanks to all our sponsors and all those who have contributed to our cause. I have received a lot of e-mails from other riders and race buffs across the country, looking forward to meeting you all on the salt.

Saw the “World’s Fastest Indian” the other night. Now, I can’t wait to get on the Salt again. Remember if you can throw a few bucks our way, it sure will help. We’re getting down to the wire. Larry P still needs Race Leathers, pop-ups for the shade on the Salt, and other miscellaneous items. But this won’t keep us down. We are going come “Hell or High water”.

We’re proud to report Bill Hayes of the Booze Fighters wrote an article on the 5-Ball team for The HORSE Magazine, look for it in July /August issue.


–Bob T