79th Daytona Beach Bike Week got It’s humble beginning way back in 1937 and started as the Daytona 200 – a motorcycle race that was actually a 3.2 mile course including beach and roadway. Picture that – high banking on sand – in view of the Atlantic Ocean – musta been a sight – especially with all that iron – newer to them then. Now, all vintage iron to us.

Sons of Speed 10 Vintage Motorcycle Race at the New Smyrna Speedway helped to kick off the first weekend of Bike Week. Check Rogue’s coverage.
Hot 61”
Early 61”
45” Class

This year, Billy and Erin gave fans an opportunity to purchase general admission, VIP or HOT passes giving different levels of access to the track, stands, infield, and events. They put a lot of blood, sweat, and ….you got it….gears into the preparation and execution of this event!!!
(I’m sure the tears may flow as well….hopefully happy ones!!!)

This year, the race wrapped up with the first ever unofficial, best of the worst race….a grudge match of brothers held after the last official race and award presentation. Definitely worth sticking around for…
A little insider action before the start: “Freddy hugged everbody before we raced. He hugged Chuck, but it was really Carey in Chuck’s gear and a fake beard…..CHEATER!!!!!” It’s all good!
1st Place – Worse – Chad Bolender – Fathead Flatheads
2nd Place – Worser – Freddie Bollwage – GodSpeed Racing
3rd Place – Worserer – Steve “Hot Shot” Aretz – Team Hot Shot
4th Place – Worsererer – Ryan “Radical Ryan” Meece – GodSpeed Racing
Who knows…maybe next time we’ll see Turbo Charged!!! (inside joke)

This year, Bike Week had an air of uncertainty that was brought in all from bikers all over the country. Seems that some tiny, unseen force was creeping its way into the area – and casting a spell over the entire US of A.

But judging by the attendance, the spell wasn’t working in Daytona and surrounding areas…
Bikers are a resilient bunch. And no, the word is not “re-silent”! Bikers and silent don’t really go together!
Nuthin’ Fancy, the Lynyrd Skynyrd Tribute Band headed up by Lead Singer , Tommy Roxx (Douthat) kicked ass Friday night , March 13th – at the Iron Horse. This was the live, Ormond Beach debut of his song “Freedom isn’t Free”, honoring this great nation of ours, and the service men and women who made it that way. The crowd was wowed by the lyrics of this song – and it hit home for many. What a perfect end to Friday the 13th!

(Rekindled memories of years back – trying to eliminate Bike Week Downtown.)
HAHAHA!! Like a bad virus, Bike Week then began its spread northwards toward Ormond and Korona, and Southward to Edgewater…and westward into Deland. Hell, even the Mouse House town gets into the event hosting shit all week.
(Wonder if the City returned any portion of the fees to the vendors for a shortened permit time?)
Sunday Morning brought the last day of partying…and bikes lined Main Street. Tents were closed up – but the stores and most bars were throttled WIDE OPEN.
Here’s how I’ll remember 2020 Bike Week in Daytona Beach…