Continued From Page 3

Sportster/Buell Engine Hop-Up Guide–
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FAMILY CHARGED IN BIKE THEFTS–By Heidi Bell Gease, Journal Staff WriterRAPID CITY ? A Pennsylvania couple and their 24-year-old son have been charged with felony grand theft in connection with three motorcycles stolen from the Sturgis motorcycle rally.
Good timing and quick response from people at Black Hills Harley-Davidson at Rapid City Monday led police to arrest David L. and Linda R. Gebert and their son, Justin Gebert, all of Sarver, Pa. Police also recovered three stolen Harley-Davidson motorcycles valued at a total of $81,000.
According to court documents, a Minnesota man parked his $26,000 Harley-Davidson Road King motorcycle at the Rapid City Harley dealership Monday afternoon and went to buy T-shirts. When he returned, the bike was gone. The owner said he looked up to see David Gebert riding his motorcycle toward a parking lot exit, and reportedly shouted to security guards at the exit to stop the bike.
Gebert later told police the whole thing had been a misunderstanding. He said a “short, fat guy” had asked him to move the motorcycle, and that it was running when he got on it.
However, investigators found chips and scratch marks on the motorcycle that indicated the lock had been broken with channel lock pliers. Pliers were later found in the Geberts’ possession, along with two-way radios.
David Gebert, 56, and Linda Gebert, 55, were each carrying a loaded .380 pistol, and police said a loaded .22 caliber pistol with a silencer device on it was found in the couple’s 2001 Harley-Davidson Ultra Classic motorcycle. Police also found a lock-pick kit in David Gebert’s sock.
According to police reports, Linda Gebert was carrying a key to a motor home parked at Deerview Campground near Sturgis.
When police searched the motor home, they found the key to a trailer containing two Harley-Davidson motorcycles that had been reported stolen from Sturgis on Friday and Monday.
Police said Linda Gebert was also carrying a cell phone labeled with the name of a Wisconsin woman who had reported her motorcycle stolen from Sturgis on Monday. The cell phone was stolen with the motorcycle.
The cycles recovered from the Geberts’ trailer included a 2003 Harley-Davidson Fat Boy worth $30,000 and a 2003 Harley-Davidson Heritage Classic valued at $25,000.
Justin Gebert arrived while police were searching the campsite.
Investigators later determined that his motorcycle included a front-end assembly that was reported stolen from Daytona Beach during Biketoberfest 2001. Justin Gebert was charged in Meade County on Tuesday with three counts of grand theft by possessing or receiving stolen property.
David and Linda Gebert made their initial court appearances in 7th Circuit Court in Rapid City on Tuesday as well.
David Gebert is charged with grand theft, committing a felony while in possession of a firearm, and misdemeanor charges of carrying a pistol without a license and carrying a firearm on a motorcycle. Linda Gebert was charged with grand theft and a misdemeanor charge of carrying a pistol without a license.
Grand theft carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine, and committing a felony with a firearm is punishable by 25 years in prison and a $25,000 fine upon conviction.
Investigators seized a Ford motor home and a Haulmark trailer, along with the elder Geberts’ motorcycle.
Officials said the investigation is ongoing, and additional charges may be pending.
The Motorcycle Theft Task Force is in charge of the investigation with help from the Sturgis Police Department and Meade County Sheriff’s Office.
The task force, which has worked at the Sturgis rally for several years, is a team of special investigators trained and experienced in dealing with stolen-motorcycle cases.
The team is headed by Sgt. Bob Kenney of the Connecticut State Police, who is considered an international expert in Harley-Davidson motorcycle identification and vehicle-theft investigation.
Contact Heidi Bell Gease at 394-8419 or –from Rogue HOW TO DRIVE IN DALLAS, BEWARE– First you must learn to pronounce the city name. It is DAL-LUS, or DAA-LIS depending on if you live inside or outside LBJ Freeway. Next, if your Mapsco is more than a few weeks old, throw it out and buy a new one. If you are in Denton County and your Mapsco is one day old, then it is already obsolete. Forget the traffic rules you learned in Driver’s Ed or elsewhere. Dallas has its own version of traffic rules… “Hold on and pray”. There is no such thing as a dangerous high-speed chase in Dallas. We all drive like that. We have to do that everyday to get to work on time. All directions start with, “Get on Beltline Road”…which has no beginning and no end. (It REALLY DOESN’T!!!) The morning rush hour is from 6 to 10 AM. The evening rush hour is from 3 to 7 PM. Friday’s rush hour starts Thursday morning. If you actually stop at a yellow light, you will be rear-ended, cussed out, and possibly shot. When you are the first one on the starting line at a red light, count to five when the light turns green before going, to avoid crashing into all of the drivers running the red light in the cross-traffic lane. Construction on Central Expressway is a way of life for us in the Metroplex and a permanent form of entertainment. We have had sooo much fun over the last 35 years with that little project that we have added the President George Bush Freeway and the High Five Interchange to the mix. All unexplained sights are explained by the phrase, “Oh, we’ve gone too far, and we’re in Fort Worth!” If someone actually has their turn signal on, it is probably a factory defect. Car horns are actually “Road Rage” indicators, and remember, it’s legal to be armed in Texas. All old ladies with blue hair in Mercedes have the right of way. Period. And remember, it’s legal to be armed in Texas. Inwood Road, Plano Road, NW Highway, East Grand, Garland Road, Marsh Lane, Josey Lane, 15th Street, Preston Road… all mysteriously change names as you cross intersections(these are only a FEW examples). The perfect example is what is MOSTLY known as Plano Road. On the south end, it is known as Lake Highlands Drive. Cross Northwest Highway, and it becomes Plano Road, go about 8 miles more, and it is briefly Greenville Ave, Ave K, and Highway 5. It finally ends in Sherman. If asking directions in Irving or Southeast Dallas, you must have knowledge of Spanish. If in central Richardson or on Harry Hines, Mandarin Chinese will be your best bet. If you are in Arlington, you had better know some Vietnamese. If you stop to ask directions on Gaston or Live Oak, you better be armed (and remember, it’s legal to be armed in Texas). A trip across town (east to west) will take a minimum of four hours, although many north/south freeways have unposted minimum speeds of 75. The minimum acceptable speed on the Dallas North Toll Road is 85. Anything less is considered downright sissy. The wrought iron on house windows near Oak Cliff and Fair Park is not ornamental!! It is possible to be driving WEST in the NORTH-bound lane of EAST NORTHWEST Highway. Don’t let this confuse you. The North Dallas Tollway is our daily version of NASCAR. It also ends in Sherman. LBJ Freeway is called “The Death Trap” for two very good reasons: “death” and “trap.” If it’s 100 degrees, Thanksgiving must be the very next weekend. If it’s 10 degrees and sleeting/snowing, the Fort Worth Stock Show is going on. If it has rained 6 inches in the last hour, and it is springtime, the Byron Nelson Golf Classic is in the second round. If it is autumn, then the State Fair is in full swing. Can’t you just smell those Corny Dogs and Turkey Legs? If you go to the Fair, splurge and pay the $8.00 to park INSIDE Fair Park. Parking elsewhere could cost up to $2500 for damages, towing fees, parking tickets, etc. If some guy with a flag tries to get you to park in his yard, run over him. Any amusement parks, stadiums, arenas, race tracks, airports, etc., are conveniently located as far away from EVERYTHING as possible so as to allow for ample parking on grassy areas. Final Warning: Don’t Mess With Texas Drivers.It’s legal to be armed in Texas. –from Rev CarlR Photo from Michael Lichter’s book “Sturgis”. THE SILENT TREATMENT–A man and his wife were having some problems at home and weregiving each other the silent treatment. The next week the man realizedthat he would need his wife to wake him at 5:00 AM for an early morningbusiness flight to Chicago. Not wanting to be the first to break thesilence (AND LOSE), he wrote on a piece of paper, “Please wake meat 5:00 AM.” The next morning the man woke up, only to discover it was 9:00 AMand that he had missed his flight. Furious, he was about to go and seewhy his wife hadn’t awakened him when he noticed a piece of paper bythe bed. The paper said, “It is 5:00 AM. Wake up.” Men simply are not equipped for these kinds of contests. –from Rev CarlR –from Dr. Hamster THE EAGLE IS FLYING FOR TRUTH AND JUSTICE– Saddam should have read up on his Muslim passages… The following verse is from the Quran, (the Islamic Bible)Quran ( 9:11) — For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken afearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands ofAllah and lo, while some of the people trembled in despair still morerejoiced; for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah; and therewas peace. (Note the verse number!!!!!) –from Redhorse THAT’S ALL FOLKS–I received a call today from a pal across town. He needs welding, so were loading the truck with the Bikernet Millermatic MIG machine and heading out after launching the news.

Above are shots of James Famighetti’s seat pan handy work on the Shrunken FXR and the bike after we installed the Hot Match, weld-on kickstand from CCI. At last, it’s on its on feet.
I wish I knew what I was doing, but I don’t. Should be in Sturgis or heading to Milwaukee. Instead I’ll sharpen my knife on a rock and have a drink of Tullamore Dew, thanks to Rigid Frame Richard.
Ride Forever,