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THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE —is brought to you by Aid to InjuredMotorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM),and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. For moreinformation, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE. Visit us on our website at
My wife and I had the privilege of attending the 7th annual FREE SOULS MCMotorcycle Rodeo this year near the town of Veneta, Ore. What a greatexperience.
The music was enjoyable and well played and the bands closed the eveningsaround midnight so everyone was able to get some sleep and enjoy the nextmorning.
SPRINGFIELD, MASS: Champion bicycle racers Oscar Hedstron and George Hendeelaunched America’s love affair with the open road on May 24, 1901, when thecountry’s first motorcycle rumbled through Springfield’s streets. Springfieldcelebrated the 100th birthday of the Indian Motocycle.Hundreds of antique bikes with the skirted fenders and left hand throttlesrallied at the Indian Motocycle Museum. Yes, it was spelled ”MOTOCYCLE,”and it was an excellent machine over the years. It truly was the FIRSTmotorcycle made in this country.

SHREWSBURY, CONN: Here’s a doozy for road rage. A car passes two womenriding a motorcycle and allegedly one of the women flips the guy off. Theclown chases them off the road into a parking lot and gets an aluminum batfrom the trunk of his car and proceeds to whack them around. One gal triesto protect herself with her helmet and he smashed it with the bat. Bothwomen were hurt, but refused medical aid. The cops arrested the nut at hishome. Moral of this story is be careful who you flip a bird to. WOW!

WORLD BIKER ARRIVES IN NORTH AMERICA: Simon Milward, a 36-year-old Briton,former Secretary General of the European Federation of Motorcyclists, arrivedin Anchorage, Alaska from Magadan in Russia.
Milward left England on January 1st, 2000 and the USA will be the 28thcountry on his trip around the world. He has ridden 72,000km through Europe,the Middle East, South Asia, Indonesia, Australia, SE Asia, Japan and Russia.
There is a serious side to Milward’s trip. He is raising $100,000 for twomedical charities. One is Doctors Without Borders, the other is Riders forHealth, specializing in healthcare delivery to out of reach regions bymotorcycle. His primary purpose in North America is to find sponsorship fortwelve motorcycles to use in a new project in Indonesia.
Milward’s motorcycle, the John T Overlander, was handmade in the UK in 1999from 90% donated parts and equipment. It uses a 600cc single cylinder enginefrom Austria, a huge 45 liter Italian fuel tank, and a French internettracking system. For more information on Simon’s trip, log on to SUMMARY: Our summer is fast coming to an end folks and I’m sure you allhad a happy safe one. For those of you that ran into accident misfortune, Ihope you called your nearest Aid To Injured Motorcyclists (AIM) attorney forhelp. These folks ride the same as we do and know our lifestyle and what weface every time we ride because they face the same things we do. They arehere to help us. The national number is1-(800) 531-2424 and your local AIM attorney is in your phone book. You canreach Sam Hochberg in Oregon at 503/224-1106, or You canalso find your local AIM attorney on our website,
Keep the round side on the bottom.Gunny, Oregon AIM Chief of Staff

BOB BITCHIN’ RETURNS– I don’t really know Bob personally, of course, but I owe him a hugedebt of gratitude. After reading his work at Choppers magazine in the 1970’s,I became inspired enough to try a journalistic adventure of my own. When heused my work at Biker Lifestyle (1983-1988) I was thrilled. There are fewindividuals who can so accurately be called ‘unique’. Bob is truly ‘one of akind’. I grew up in a family of writers, but would never have ‘connected’with the profession if not for his carefree, authentic approach towordsmithing.
I was pleased to note that you have his books available inthe Bandit Library.
–Rod Ice
FIA WORLD RECORD OPPORTUNITY–and an “FYI” for the rest of you . . .
TEAMVesco, led by Rick and Don Vesco, will be making an attempt to regain the World Land Speed Record for wheel-driven cars immediately following the USFRA World of Speed land speed time trials event September 21-24.
The Vesco brothers invite any other racers interested in running for a World Record to contact them as soon as possible. While the sanction will initially be for automobiles, a possibility exists to expand the sanction to include motorcycles and the FIM.
It ought be noted that there is a tremendous “economy of scale” advantage potential, the greater the number of racers sharing in the costs, the more economical a world record might be earned.
Turbinator driver Don Vesco is seeking to end the 403 mph record book reign of Britain’s Donald Campbell set in 1964 on Australia’s Lake Eyre. In view of the Turbinator’s one-way “tune-up” run at the BNI Speedweek this past August in excess of 455 mph, the outstanding racing surface (“This is the best salt ever,” says D. Vesco) and very cooperative weather, the odds are favorable that he will easily eclipse Campbell’s mark.
For more information contact:
Don Vesco at 909.677.0750 or
Louise Ann Noeth at 805.445.8414

THUNDER OVER DIXIE SCUTTLEBUTT–Well, I have a bit of news about the ride…..Corbin is one of our sponsorsand they are bringing their big rig on the run complete with banners andgraphics blah blah….and they are going to throw a party at the end of therun in their parking lot…should be lots of fun.
We still havesome ride packages that includes rooms…people can book thru Tri CommunityTravel at 800-582-2263 and ask for Lynn.
Don’t miss the best run to Biketoberfest.
BIKERNET ORWELL BUZZ–I thought you might get a kick out of knowing that the autographed copy of Orwell I won in the cyberbike show last April is now proudly gracing the shelves of the PapaetePublic Library compliments of yours truly.
“JAG” FANS WORLDWIDE GATHER–On October 12th through the 15th at the Four Points Sheraton LAX in Los Angeles join die-hard JAGnik fans from the United States, Australia, Denmark, England, Italy and elsewhere to meet the stars and celebrate their enthusiasm for the hit TV series, “JAG,” the story of the United States Navy’s Judge Advocate General’s program, at the JAGnik Invasion 2001.
The JAGnik 2001 convention – the 2nd one of its kind — will host panel discussions with the cast and crew of JAG, as well as autograph sessions, a charity auction, and a “Charity Brunch” with the stars of one of the most popular programs ever produced.
JAG’s “Top Gun” stars are expected to be there. Heartthrobs David James Elliot as Lt. Cmdr Harmon Rabb, Jr. and Catherine Bell as Lt. Colonel Sarah “Mac” MacKenzie, who portray military legal eagles who investigate, prosecute, and defend Navy and Marine personnel around the world.
Jagnik Invasion 2001 will be held October 12 – 15 at the Four Points Sheraton LAX in Los Angeles, CA. Information about the convention can be found at our website,

TAHITAIN RIDER ASSISTANCE PROGRAM–The above rider, Teddy Bear, has kicked off a program to help destitude island riders. “These are good dudes and can use whatever help they can get keeping their scoots up and running. Unfortunately the don’t have the bucks.
Their address is:
Tahiti Harley Riders Club
c/o Kiki Teagai
BP 13717
Punaaui, Tahiti
email: tahiti_harley_riders@yahoo

BIKERNET DRAG UPDATE–The All Harley Drag Racing Association – AHDRA – presents the NORTHWESTNATIONALS at Woodburn, Oregon (30 miles south of Portland on I-5) onSeptember 8th & 9th. I’ll be there taking pictures and enjoying the groundpounding vibration. If you haven’t experienced it yet, give it a try.Woodburn is a favorite track of many racers and it is easy for specatatorsto get close to the bikes and racers in the pits. Entry fee always includesa pit pass.
The Digitalis Gangsteritis and I have finally completed the points database.I take the points info provided by AHDRA and show the results of each raceinstead of only the year-to-date totals. Lisa Hegler of AHDRA has been verycooperative on this and has even extended a trade – Bikernet’s banner willappear on their homepage to guide folks to the points page and vice-versa.Check out their site at for schedules and directions to racesand much more.Helen Wolfe
HORSE MAGAZINE LOOKING FOR AD SALES GIANT–Advertising Sales Manager needed for an established international motorcyclemagazine. Responsibilities include new ad sales, billing and managing ad reps…Great opportunity, commission plus…Must have previous motorcycle advertisingsales experience. Call 561 394 5353 or 810 292 5993

THE INTERNET DIRECTORY THAT IS ALL HARLEY– Launched just in time for Sturgis 2001, WebHarley.Com will provideHarley-Davidson owners with an “all Harley all the time” only directory.Whether your looking for a Chrome Plater or a Custom Pair of breaks it down in zip codes or geographics. Just enter avendors name and we can find them too. Harley only retailers/dealers areinvited to list there business in our directories. Find it now in one spot,no need to go anywhere else-sign up on our mailing lists its free!
JAY LENO TO LEAD PACK OF 20,000 MOTORCYCLISTS IN LOVE RIDE 18, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11– Grand Marshal Jay Leno will lead the pack for the largest fundraising event in the world. Jay will be joined by honorary Grand Marshals Peter Fonda, Robert Patrick and lorenzo Lamas. The 50-mile caravan from Harley-Davidson of Glendale to Castaic Lake will feature a Tony Roma’s barbecue, motorcycle trade show and concert.
The Love Ride is expected to raise over a million for the Los Angeles Times’ “Reading By 9” literacy initiative, the Muscular Dystrophy Association and Bikernet’s Human Services Network for abandoned children. Over 17 years the Love Ride has raised $14 million.
We’ll be giving you regular reports on the progress of this year’s event.
TIME TO HIT THE ROAD–If you read the news last week you would have seen where some of the members of the community in Long Beach, Calif., put the heat on the cops to bury bikers with loud pipes. As I mentioned last week, loud pipes keep some of us alive. Loud pipes are pure freedom and represent the American way. Besides bikers could be calling the cops constantly and complaining about women who don’t use turn signals, jerks who pay more attention to talking on their cell phone than driving, about people who pay no attention to bikes and put our lives at risk, and the list goes on.
The city of Long Beach wants to hear what you think. The number is (562) 570-7210.
Watch for the Jay Springsteen interview to be launched on the site any day now. Soon after I hope to interview Phil Ross, the developer behind many of the belt drive systems on the road today and Supermax Belt Drives. I also interviewed the main designer behind custom parts for Custom Chrome, Englishman John Reed. That interview is headed toward Hot Rod Bikes.
In a couple weeks I will take the new-used Bikernet pickup for a roll to Phoenix to pick up the deer- soaked Cyclone and bring it back to Los Angeles for repairs. In the meantime, let’s ride what we got.–Bandit