Bandit’s out of touch and has no sympathy for you poor souls who couldn’t go to Sturgis. He calls every night to check on us but we don’t answer the phone. Non-stop parties since he left. As long as he can’t reach us, he can’t tell us how to do the news. So………………
Hello men. For this week’s news, you may want to turn the computer over to your lady. Sin here, and I’ve taken over the news while Bandit’s gone. No blonde jokes and not too much news for men.
Oh, I’ll add a few tasty shots of women, so stick around, you may learn something.

Check out her Web site. Very nice lady. She’s sending me one of her books and I’ll give a review next week. Meanwhile, here are some reviews she’s already received.
“To find your beautiful book now underlines what those of us who really understand it all know, which is that women riders have always been an essential part of our motorcycle culture history (not just objects placed next to bikes for stupid photos in dumb magazines) and that it’s high time to set the record straight.. Your book contributes to this record straightening and I congratulate you.”
Martin Rosenblum, historian, Harley-Davidson Motor Company
“We all love the book and calendar–it’s very attractive and excellently designed. We are excited about adding it to our next catalog. We’re delighted that you published this book–it’s a class act, and we’re proud to be able to offer it to our customers. “
Erika Rundle/Whitehorse Press
This Won’t Hurt A Bit
The pretty young miss was having a toothpulled and the dentist gave her the usual”This won’t hurt a bit” routine before bendingover her with a drill in his hand.
He immediately drew back in completealarm. “Miss,” he said in a barely audiblewhisper, “You have hold of my privates!””Yes, doc, I know,” she smiled, “and wearen’t going to hurt each other, are we?”

Wine her,
Dine her,
Call her,
Hug her,
Hold her,
Surprise her,
Compliment her,
Smile at her,
Laugh with her,
Cry with her,
Cuddle with her,
Shop with her,
Give her jewelry,
Buy her flowers,
Hold her hand,
Write love letters to her,
Go to the end of the earth and back again for her.
Show up naked.Bring beer.

Continued On Page 2