Continued From Page 3

–from Buckshot
THE INNOCENT ONE– A father watched his precious 6yr old daughter playingin the garden. He smiled as he reflected on how sweetand innocent his little girl was.
Suddenly she just stopped and stared at the ground. He went over to her and noticed she was looking at twospiders mating.
“Daddy, what are those two spiders doing?” she asked.
“They’re mating,” her father replied.
“What do you call the spider on top, Daddy?” sheasked.
“That’s a Daddy Longlegs.” Her father answered.
“So, the other one is a Mommy Longlegs?” the littlegirl asked.
“No,” her father replied. “Both of them are DaddyLonglegs.”
The little girl thought for a moment, then took herfoot and stomped them flat. “Well, she said, we’re nothaving any of that shit in our garden.”
–from Redhorse
GOOD OL’ FATHER-SON SCOOTER TRASH REUNION–I’m writing in regards to a photo in the August issue (34) page 14, your Easy Writer page in HORSE, about a Death Valley run in ’78. I’m curious as to what you know about that photo, and who’s in it. Because if the people who are in that photo, are, who I think they are, and if you can tell me, that would answer alot of questions about my whole life.
I don’t want to give you a long drawn out sob story, because we both have better shit to do, but the fact of the matter is, is that the woman on the right side of the picture, facing the camera, (bandana & glasses) is my mom. Which means that hairy fucker in the middle of the photo, with the beard and shades on his head is my ol’ man. Who I’ve never met. If that picture was REALLY taken between 77-80, and in Southern California, or TX, then it fits, and if you know ANYTHING about that photo I’d greatly appreciate any info! How fuckin’ cool would that be if you and “The Horse” were responsible for a good ol’ father-n-son scooter trash reunoin!
So anyway, if you can’t tell me anything because of legal shit or whatever, or just don’t know that’s cool, but please get back to me either way. I’m a huge fan of your rag, and I don’t need to say you guys put out the most bitchin’ chopper mag , because everyone already knows!
By the way this is a NO-BULLSHIT letter and thanks for taking the time to read it.

POWER PACKAGE KIT–The good folks at DaVinci Performance (Yes kids they built the Fire Hydrant Carburetor for O.C.C.) offer a kit they call the Power Package Kit. I have been aware of the company for some time but had not been at a point that I was ready to invest the coin needed for the kit.

A friend picked one up and began to tell about the way his S&S performed after the installation. I was still a little skeptical, mainly because he does not ride much anymore.
However, it is now available direct from DaVinci. While I was a little skeptical as to whether or not I would get enough value from the kit to justify the cost I am glad I did make the purchase. This product works great on the S&S carburetors, smoothing out the transition from circuit to circuit. DaVinci has been involved in performance with the NHRA And NASCAR, for sometime, so I believe it is safe to assume they know a thing or two about carburetors.

While I have no data on the changes it made on my bike other then I slide farther off the seat now. There is an article at “” on the installation of this Power Package kit on a 107-inch S&S engine in a 2003 Big Dog Mastiff that bike gained 5.5hp and 5.2lb-ft of torque, not bad for an installation that takes about 15 minutes!
DaVinci Performance can be reached at (936) 264-1759 or at HYPERLINK “” .

–Rigid Frame Richard

FUCK YOU– Perhaps one of the most interesting and colorful words in the English language today is the word “fuck”. It is the one magical word which, just by it’s sound, can describe pain, pleasure, love, and hate. In language, “fuck” falls into many grammatical categories. It can be used as a verb, both transitive, (John fucked Jane) and intransitive (Jane was fucked by John). It can be used as an active verb (John fucked Jane), an intransitive passive verb (Jane doesn’t really give a fuck) or an adverb (Jane is fucking interested in John), and as a noun (Jane is a good fuck). It can be used as an adjective (Jane is fucking beautiful). As you can see, there are few words with the versatility of “fuck”.
Besides it’s sexual connotations, this incredible word can be used to describe many situations:
Greetings…………………………………………..”How the fuck are you?”
Fraud………………………………………………..”I got fucked by the car dealer.”
Dismay………………………………………………”Oh, fuck it.”
Trouble………………………………………………”Well, I guess I’m fucked now.”
Aggression………………………………………….”Fuck You!!”
Disgust………………………………………………”Fuck me.”
Confusion……………………………………………”What the fuck?”
Difficulty……………………………………………..”I don’t understand this fucking thing.”
Despair………………………………………………”Fucked again.”
Incompetence………………………………………”He fucked up everything.”
Displeasure………………………………………….”What the fuck is going on here?”
Lost……………………………………………………”Where the fuck are we?”
Retaliation…………………………………………….”Up your fucking ass.”
It can be used as an anatomical description: “He’s a fucking asshole.”
It can be used to tell time: “It’s five fucking thirty.”
It can be used in business: “How did I wind up with this fucking job?”
It can be maternal: “Motherfucker.”
It can be political: “Fuck Bill Clinton.”
It can be used socially: “Nice fucking day we’re having.” or “How the fuck have you been?”
And never forget General Custer’s last words: “Where did all these fucking Indians come from?” Also the famous last words of the mayor of Hiroshima: “What the fuck was that?” And, last but not least, the immortal words of the captain of the Titanic: “Where is all the fucking water coming from?”
The mind fairly boggles at the many creative uses of the word. How can anyone be offended when you say fuck? Use it frequently in your daily speech. It will add to our prestige.
Say “Fuck you” to someone today!!

ONLINE REGISTRATION FOR BEACH RIDE–ECF Beach Ride is excited to announce that online fund raising (registration and pledge program) on
–Carmela Anne Burke
Exceptional Children’s Foundation

Custom Chrome ? and Chrome Specialties ? have joined forces to bring you the most comprehensive product offering in the Harley-Davidson ? aftermarket! At over 1,400 pages and over 25,000 part numbers, our 2003 Catalog features everything from nuts & bolts to HR3 bike kits, and sets the NEW industry standard.
ONLY $9.95 + 6.95 Shipping**

I told you these guys lacked class.
LABOR DAY IS HERE–That’s a sad indication that the Summer is rolling to a close. This has been one of the busiest biker years I’ve experienced. Like Jose rants, we’ve been launched into the main stream through Discovery. With television coverage, 100th and 911 tributes there’s more runs, rides, and events than ever before. Jose might not care for the cut of each jib, but what the hell, if ya don’t like their party, don’t go.
I don’t watch OCC because I’m into building bikes not arguing. Besides, these guys can’t keep a bike on a lift.
I don’t watch Jesse because of personal reasons. That’s the way it goes.
On the other hand, my congratulations to Jesse, the OCC guys, Billy Lane, event promoters, Harley and all the Kats who have the mettle to keep this prosperity crop growing. Success is a wonderful thing and I hope they all respect what slipped onto their chromed plates. Each program, event and anniversary is good for motorcycling. Hopefully the heightened awareness will prevent an accident or two. And may many of these opportunities to have a good time, attend an event or become a star befall you or a partner.

That reminds me, Billy Tinney, Mike Lichter and I, reached out to document the guys who started this lifestyle, veteran club members for decades. It’s a tough assignment which might become a Motorbooks Int. book, “Badlands” in the future. Two chapters have been published in American Rider, one on Sloopy from the Diablos and one on the President of the Vagos, Terry the Tramp. Well, we decided to publish them in Bandit’s Cantina. Cantina Members will be fortunate enough to snatch a honest glimpse into club members’ lives on Bikernet. Watch for Terry’s story to be posted in the next couple of days. You will have the opportunity to witness another book project in motion, one chapter at a time.
May the Adventure never end. Let’s ride, we’re burnin’ daylight.