Continued From Page 2

BILL AMICK LEAVES AMA– THE AMA’s Vice-President of Events and Entertainment has resigned after 30 years of service to the Association.Before his final appointment, Bill had held various positions within the AMA.He was Editor of American Motorcyclist magazine and had been department head of AMA Pro Racing and AMA Communications.In his resignation letter, accepted by AMA President Robert Rasor, Bill explained that he wished to take time off to recuperate from successful surgery.In the future, he hoped to open a business specializing in communications, media relations and event management.
He pledged his continued support of the AMA and remains the delegate to the Moto-Cross Commission of the Federation Internationale Motocycliste (FIM), at least until the FIM’s Centenary Congress to be held in October, 2004.
The American Motorcyclist Association was formed in 1924 and its published aims are to pursue, protect and promote the interests of motorcyclists.It represents more than 265,000 members.
Pickerington, Ohio, USA
Tel: 614 856 1900
Fax: 614 856 1921

EUROPEAN CYCLE NEWS INCLUDING DIGITAL TIRE PRESSURE GAUGE–Hey, what are they coming up with next: everybody needs a digital tirepressure gauge that’s inside the tire, around the tube. This way you can know exactly the heat and pressure in your tires upon the push of a button. Except I’m not going to push any button to refill my tires while going 100mph!!!! And the gizmo only costs $250!! A bargain!
–Chris Reichardt

YOUR SHOT DYNA– Thanks posting my “Shot”. Attached are pictures of my DynaThe first picture – is what my bone stock dyna looked like when I brought it home last November.The remaining pictures show what it looks like with the pinstriping and the other things I’ve added so far.

Though I’m no mechanic by any means. Anything that’s been done to the bike (besides the pinstriping), I’ve donemyself.

— Dynarider —

DAKOTA SIGNS–Just got back from Sturgis last week. While riding up hwy 16 through Custer last Monday, we noticed a building on top of this hill with a sign that said “Motorcycle Graphics”. My buddy and I whipped a U-turn and decided to check the place out. As soon as we pull in, we’re very warmly greeted by the owners – Terry & Francey Howard. For the past SIX months, I’ve been thinking about getting red flames pinstriped on my tank and fenders.
After shooting the breeze with Terry & Francey for a bit and checking out some of Terry’s work, I thought now is a better time than ever. While Terry was working on my bike, I enjoyed checking out Francey’s Indian she just recently acquired and is working on. I bull shitted with Terry, the whole time, which was really cool.
They also have a pool table in their garage to keep you busy while you wait for your bike. About an hour later, it was done, and the job Terry did was awesome.
Let me tell you, both Terry and Francey are stand up people and if you ever pass by the place while making your way through Custer one day, stop in and say hello. They’re very cool people and they don’t care if you do business with them or not, they just like meeting and talking with bikers that are passing through.
The link to their website is:
Minneapolis MN

NATIONAL BIKERS ROUNDUP A SUCCESS IN WISCONSIN– For the eighth straight year, Harley-Davidson Motor Company participated in the National Biker Roundup. This year?s Roundup was held August 2 through 8 in the Motor Company?s backyard of West Bend, Wis.
During the seven-day event, 700 Harley Owners Group members attended the rally. The Motor Company offered demo rides from Wednesday through Saturday of the Roundup. Nearly 1,500 demo rides were given with 400 rides on Touring bikes alone.
Once again this year, Friday night at the Roundup was considered to be Harley night. Harley-Davidson sponsored live entertainment and put on a fashion show hosted by Vice President of General Merchandise, Ruth Crowley. Event attendees modeled the newest Harley-Davidson MotorClothes fashions before a crowd of enthusiasts.
For the sixth year in a row, Harley-Davidson teamed up with motorcycle club God?s Wheels to collect food and money for the Hunger Task Force. Harley-Davidson pledged to match food donations with 33 cents per pound of donated food. Overall, Harley-Davidson donated $5,000 to the Hunger Task Force at this year?s event.

BUTT CRACK SEATS– These extremely cool seats recently introduced by PRO-ONE are the perfect compliment for today?s solo cruisers and hot rod scooters. Available in three distinct styles BUTT CRACK SEATS feature a rugged fiberglass pan and extremely durable, high quality leather.
Styles include the Two-Tone Stitched Leather, Stitched and Smooth Leather. Each seat mounts easily and securely to your frame with Velcro making installation and removal a snap. If you?re looking for the ultimate in clean lines, molded comfort/support and uncompromised quality, BUTT CRACK SEATS offer it all.
Pricing starts at $299.00 for the Smooth style and they are all available from Pro-One and Pro-One dealers worldwide. For additional details call 800-884-4173 or visit WWW.PRO-ONE.COM

ON THE RECORD FROM HOOKER HEADERS–I was very impressed with your gorilla marketing on this project. Bikernet helped us complete our survey in one week. The same survey we had on competive magazine sites for three weeks with little response. Bikernet rules! Thanks!
Bill Tichenor
Marketing Manager
Hooker Headers
I would like to thank all the bikernet readers, over 700 that responded to the Hooker Survey. I’ll try to find out if a Bikernet Reader won the exhaust system.

SUCKERPUNCH WINS CHOPPERS ONLY– Donny from Don’s Custom Cycle here. Just wanted to let you know and check out my new second company. I’ve partnered with an old friend Jeff Cochran of Sinwear apparel. Please check it out and let me know what you think. I was on your site and read you were in Hawaii for the choppers only show. One of our bikes we sold and shipped over there supposedly won best of show. The burnt orange candy oldschooler with the cream scallops. Well, check the site out and let me know what you think!
–Don’s Custom Cycle
Suckerpunch Old School Choppers and Hotrods
THE BIKER AND THE SPARROW–A biker is riding along a country lane, when a sparrow flies up in front of him. The biker can’t do anything and hits the sparrow. As he looks in his rear view mirror, he sees the sparrow lying in the road. Being the kind of guy he is, he stops, picks up the sparrow and takes it home and puts it in a cage, still in a coma.
When the sparrow wakes up the following morning, he looks through the bars of the cage and says, “Shit, I must have killed the biker”.
–from Katmandu

STEALTH REPORT FROM NORTH CAROLINA–It has been a couple of weeks since I have sent anything in. As most of you know I had back surgery a couple of weeks ago to remove a tumor from the base of my spinal cord. Everything checked out good and now it is just a matter of time before I am back in the wind.
Speaking of riding and being in the wind this is the first time in 28 years that I have been unable to ride. I have never taken my ability to ride for granted and have always been thankful to be able to ride but when something like this stops you from riding you learn real quick to appreciate being able to ride even more. I have missed the wind in my face and the sound of pipes bouncing off pavement. More than all of this, I have missed being around the people who ride.
think. I have been catching up on my reading, The Horse, American Iron and of course Bikernet. Thanks Bandit for mentioning the Run For Breath in your American Iron feature. I have also dreamed up a couple of bike projects for the future. We will see how that goes?
I also have a lot of projects planned for the “STEALTH” reports in the near future. I just have to get my release from the doctor. I have reports planned on a local powder coat business, one on Ben’s V-Twins, an aftermarket and custom bike shop here in Charlotte.
This weekend the First Annual Liquid Steel Tour comes to the Cabarrus Arena. The show features some of the top names in bike building such as Billy Lane, Kendall Johnson, Indian Larry and Dave Perewitz to name just a few. The show is from Friday through Sunday (8-27 – -8-29). Hopefully I will get to attend, depending on my back.
Last, I would like to thank everyone for all their well wishes through Bikernet and all the phone calls. Thanks to the “Meanest” for all she’s done and for filling in for me over the last couple of weeks. You did a great job!
Well it is time to go take some pain killers!Until next week, go for a ride for me!
P.S. This is Meanest. I just read this week’s Stealth report. New projects??? What new projects??? I don’t remember approving any new projects! I think Stealthman has had too many drugs!
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