Continued From Page 1

KENNEDY HIGH SCHOOL CHOPPER CLASS WITH MR. BAAS–Hey Bandit, hope all is well had a great time inSturgis, anyone I talked to knew of the KennedyChopper Class so that was cool. Thanks again for thesupport getting the word out. Here is where we arefor the new 2008 build:
Got an Ethyl frame with an ironhead motor donated byScott Webster-Leroy Thompson Choppers Pearson is donating another springer Counes gave us a copper oil bag St Cycle donated a ribbed rear fender Metal Craft donated stainless Steel seat pan andside mount tag bracket http://www.baasmetalcraft.comSPS is going to donate again as well and hopefully S&SAlso have a ton of cards from Sturgis I need to getthe kids on e-mailing for people that expressedinterest in helping this year.
Any other companies that may want to help pleasecontact me..there is a full story in this months IronWorks issue check it out to see the exposure we getfor our sponsors.….aspx?Uid=6757
Kevin Baas
Custom made steel signs, art, furniture and fabricated parts.
“When in doubt, burn out!”

REAL FUCKING BROTHERHOOD–Hey Bandit, D- Day is coming soon, like I have to tell you. I check everyday to see how everything is going with the bike. I’ve got to tell you I see a lot of red eyeballs in your shop and can smell the midnight oil burning all the way on the east coast. Can anyone say “REAL FUCKING BROTHERHOOD!” to those who always ask what a real biker is? Well just follow this bike being built and you might just learn something. These guys and everybody who helped out are the REAL FUCKING DEAL. Real brothers helping a real bro build a real bike. Maybe if I say “real” a lot it might sink in.
If anybody thinks all these ladies and gents are doing it for the big bucks they would be wrong again. Everybody is busting their ass for no other reason than it’s a dream that one of their brothers have, that?s it! You think these people don’t have anything else to do, MY ASS. This my friends is what they mean when they say A BIKER HAS HEART.
This bike is going to have a lot of soul in it because of all the people who have touched it and left a little bit of themselves behind. This my friends is how most bikes used to be built; built not for the money but by a few brothers helping another brother get his ride on the road. I wish a lot more people would have gotten on board, but hey maybe this is the way it was meant to be. Maybe this highway we are on is meant for only a few and I’ve got to tell you I’m damn fucking proud to be one of them.
I’ve always read interviews where people say they aren’t like the bikers of old, blah, blah, blah ( I admit us real guys have a rough spot or two, but hey that’s what makes us the sunshiny guys that we are) I’ll say it again, I’m proud to be one of them. Those that are opposed, WELL !!.
If anyone agrees with me, let Bandit know.
Jerry Rollin Sixes.
P.S. Hey Bandit, Sorry if I rambled on but it’s coming to the end of my 15 hr workday and you know how it gets when you are running on empty and what the hell, somebody had to say it. To all the Ladies and Gentlemen (sounds respectable doesn’t it LOL) involved with the Five Ball Racing Team. Godspeed people, Godspeed.

BIKES FOR WOMEN FROM 1 IN 8 AND BOURGET–The 1 in 8 Motorsports Series Against Beast Cancer is very proud to announce the exclusive partnership between the 1 in 8 and preeminent motorcycle builder Roger Bourget Motorcycle to build a limited edition 1 in 8 motorcycle, especially for women. This motorcycle will be a slightly downsized version of their conventional bike, for women who are uncomfortable trying to handle a bike that may weight more than my house and yet the power and styling will be retained. A portion of the sale price will come back to the 1 in 8 to aid women with early detection of breast cancer. Initially there will only be 25 of these bikes available and customers with be able to further modify their bikes to taste. If you know anyone who would like to purchase one of these amazing bikes we will be happy to pay you a commission for you time and energy. Meanwhile, I’d personally love your feedback on the bike. Thanks so much and have a great day!

BUSH IN A BAR–President Bush decides to leave the White House and goes out to sit in a local bar.A guy walks in and asks the barman, “Isn’t that Bush sitting at the end of the bar?”The bartender says, “Yep, that’s him.”So the guy walks over and says, “Wow, this is a real honor! What are you doing in here?”President Bush says, “I’m planning World War III.”The guy says, “Really? What’s going to happen?”Bush says, “Well, I’m going to kill 140 million Muslims and one blonde with big tits”.The guy exclaimed, “A blonde with big tits? Why kill a blonde with big tits?”Bush turns to the bartender and says, “See, I told you, no one gives ashit, about the 140 million Muslims…!”
God Bless America!
Time Until BUB Motorcycle Speed Trials 2008
10 Days, 13 Hours, 04 Minutes, 41 Seconds.

METRIC THUNDER?S CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAY–Metric Thunder’s first Customer Appreciation Day was held back in December of 2005 and was a great success. Over 150 bikes and 200+ bikers spent the day with us at our first location back on Batavia in Orange. Somehow we pulled this off with only 3 weeks notice!
Although many customers have been asking about our next CAD, we decided to hold off until we relocated our showroom and were in a position to accommodate an anticipated 300+ bikes and 400+ bikers. Now that we are settled in, we are ready to roll. We’ll provide all the food & beverages, live music, 6 bike category-contests & trophies and organizational requirements. We are looking to each of you for your product support again this time around. Last time around we gave away over $2,500 in products and have already received a like amount in commitments for this year.
The flier below will provide each of you with most of the specifics for the 2007 event and has not been distributed to retail customers and prospects yet. We are planning to begin promoting this CAD during the first week in September. In addition to distribution of fliers locally and during the upcoming Las Vegas Bike Fest, we will be sending 3 waves of communication to our entire customer base and throughout all Southern California Motorcycle clubs and organizations. Your contribution will be included in each communication and live during the day of the event.
Please contact us regarding your level of contribution or participation this year.
Thanks again for your support,
Bob Osias
Metric Thunder
Motorcycle Parts & Accessories
307 W. Taft Ave Suite A
Orange, CA 92865
(714) 744-8900

AREA 51–By now, everyone has heard of the Air Force’s ultra-high-security, super-secret base in Nevada, known simply as “Area 51.” Late one afternoon, the Air Force folks out at Area 51 were very surprised to see a Cessna landing at their “secret” base. They immediately impounded the aircraft and hauled the pilot into an interrogation room.
The pilot’s story was that he took off from Vegas, got lost, and spotted the Base just as he was about to run out of fuel. The Air Force started a full FBI background check on the pilot and held him overnight during the investigation.
By the next day, they were finally convinced that the pilot really was lost and wasn’t a spy. They gassed up his airplane, gave him a terrifying “you-did-not-see-a-base” briefing, complete with threats of spending the rest of his life in prison, told him Vegas was that-a-way on such-and-such a heading, and sent him on his way.
The next day, to the total disbelief of the Air Force, the same Cessna showed up again. Once again, the MP’s surrounded the plane . . . only this time there were two people in the plane.
The same pilot jumped out and said, “Do anything you want to me, but my wife is in the plane and you have to tell her where I was last night!”
–from Art Friedman

UPDATE ON ENGRAVING–Teardrop piece I will change the letting to “Racing” not “Racing Team”???) Here?s the latest sketches Did you ever find a photo of the edging you wanted?
Heather Oops, he wants nipples on the girl.Bandit 2008 IRON & LACE CUSTOM MOTORCYCLE–The 2008 Iron & Lace Custom Bike and Centerfold Model Calendar sponsored by Mikuni Carburetors and Performance Machine features the world’s top custom bikes together with sexy centerfold models. Photographed by Jim Gianatsis, Iron & Lace offers a month by month look at the top winning bikes from the LA Calendar Motorcycle Show including Best of Show winner “Art Attack” from Russ Hess of Cowboy Customs in Texas, and Pro Builder Class winner Mark Daley of thunderstruck Customs in Medford, Oregon. Also featured are Biker Build Off TV show challengers Roland Sands’ “No Regrets” American V-twin powered sportbike, together with his contender, 3-time LA Calendar Motorcycle Show winner Jesse Rooke’s KTM V-twin retro board track racer. Plus there’s Sand’s incredible Kenny Roberts commissioned KR 990cc 5-cylinder 230hp MotoGP engined retro board tracker, along with other incredible bikes from top name builders Russell Mitchell, Shinya Kimoura, Joe Takai, Yasuyoshi Chikawaza and Randy Hocker. This year’s Iron & Lace models are even beautiful than the bikes with Playboy Playmates Tamara Witmer and Athena Lundburg, Miss Hooters National Swimsuit Pageant finalist Cora Skinner, Russian hottie Masha Lund and Big Daddy’s TV show star Natalie Green. Jim Gianatsis, Director “POST-STURGIS”OPEN HOUSE PARTY & SIDEWALK SALESATURDAY, AUGUST 25TH 9AM – 6PM–We’re Bringing the Heat of Sturgis to PalatineIt’s hot out and City Limits is turning up the heat even more! Join us for Our “Post-Sturgis” Open House Party & Sidewalk Sale. This one day only – once a year event is a great time to gear up at unbeatable prices. With storewide savings of 20% off, select merchandise up to 75% off, a variety of vendors, Free Food & Drinks, & Live Music, this is one party & sale you don’t want to miss. So get into City Limits on August 25th for this great event! Huge storewide savings of 20% off LITTLE CITY’S “RIDE FOR SMILES”–Looking for a great ride? Well you’re in luck; the annual Little City “Ride for Smiles” is on Sunday, August 26th. Registration & Breakfast begins at 8:00am at Little City on Algonquin Rd. in Palatine and all proceeds benefit the Little City and the disabled children and adults that call Little City “Home”. $25 per rider / $15 passenger DEFINITION OF A VETERAN–Just got this from a friend, thought I would share! A veteran – whether active duty, retired, or national guard or reserve – is someone who, at one point in his/her life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America,” for an amount of “up to and including my life.” –from Mothergoose NEW FORWARD CONTROL KIT FOR HARLEY-DAVIDSON NIGHTSTER–Converts Nightster and Other Sportster Models to Forward Foot ControlsMILWAUKEE (July 30, 2007) – The new Gloss Black Forward Control Kit for Sportster Models (P/N 33397-07, $399.95) from Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories features a gloss-black finish that complements the Harley-Davidson Nightster model, but will fit all 2006-later XL models. The complete kit includes all hardware necessary to convert a Sportster model from mid controls to forward controls for added style and long-range riding comfort. The kit does not include footpegs and a shifter peg, which are sold separately. For additional information on Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories, see your local Harley-Davidson dealer or visit the Harley-Davidson Web site at To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada. SEX IN THE OFFICE–Eddie wanted desperately to have sex with this really cute, really hotgirl in his office… But she was dating someone else. One day Eddie gotso frustrated that he went to her and said, “I’ll give you a $100 if youlet me have sex with you…” The girl looked at him, and then said, “NO!” Eddie said, I’ll be realfast. I’ll throw the money on the floor, you bend down, and I’ll finishby the time you’ve picked it up.” She thought for a moment and said thatshe would consult with her boyfriend… so she called him and explainedthe situation. Her boyfriend says, “Ask him for $200, and pick up themoney really fast. He won’t even be able to get his pants down.” Sheagreed and accepts the proposal. Over half an hour goes by and the boyfriend is still waiting for hisgirlfriend’s call. Finally, after 45 minutes the boyfriend calls andasks what happened…? Still breathing hard, she managed to reply, “Thebastard has all quarters!” –from RFR MSD POWERSPORTS V-SERIES IGNITIONPN 4226–The V-Series Ignition will get your Harley-Davidson fired up! It allows you to select your own timing curve for a smoother idle and snappy throttle response. You can also choose between single fire or dual fire mode, and it gives you the choice of kick or electric start. A programmable rev-limiter keeps things under control should you miss a shift or break the drive belt. For 1970-1999 Shovelhead and Big Twin (except fuel injected) and 1971-1997 Sportster(except 1998-2007 1200’s) For more information, contact MSD Powersports, 1490 Henry Brennan Dr, El Paso, Texas 79936, 1-888-258-3835 or THAT?S IT FOR THE NEWS–Bandit is in the warehouse working with Berry Wardlaw, trying to get the Assalt Weapan ready to fire. No time to waste, since Berry is on a tight schedule, flying back outta here on Sunday. We?re down to a week and a day before we load up and head to Wendover, UT/NV. There is so much excitement surrounding this years BUB event and I?m not sure if it?s because of Laura and Brian Klock pending nuptials, the anticipated speed of the Assalt Weapan, or the people we?re gonna see? I know, for me it?s the people. I?m so excited to see Hiway again plus some other Bikernet regulars that I?ve never met before. I?m excited for Valerie to challenge herself on the salt, for her goal of 200mph. I am especially excited and pray that we make every person who sponsored us proud to be a part of this team, with many successful runs. I?m hopeful that every person who attends BUB Speed Trials leaves with a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction. Layla
4801 Reforma Road . Woodland Hills, CA 91364 USA
PH: (01) 818.223.8550 . FX: (01) 818.223.8590
Additional savings up to 75% off
Tons of great deals
Free health club memberships (with every bike sold)
Free food and drinks
Patch Sewing & Leather Repair
Elmhurst Cigar House
Live music
Pin Striping from Brian Kite
Other great vendorsand more!
Registration Starts at 8:00am at Little City – 1760 W. Algonquin Rd., in Palatine, IL
Rain or Shine
Live Music
Food & Drinks
All Makes & Models are Welcome. So, Bring Your Friends
You’re guaranteed to have a great time at his awesome annual ride. Don’t miss out.
For more information regarding the ride call the Little City at 847.221.7892