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A guy walking down the street sees a woman with perfect breasts. He saysto her “Hey miss, would you let me bite your breasts for 100 dollars?”
“Areyou nuts?”, she replies. And keeps walking away.
He turns around,runs around the block and gets to the corner before she does. “Would you let me bite your breasts for 1,000 dollars?” he asks again.
“Listen sir, I’m not thatkind of woman. Got it?”
So the guy runs again around the next block and faces her again:”Would let me bite your breasts for 10,000 dollars?”
She thinks about it for a while and says “Hmmm 10,000 dollars eh? Ok, but not here. Let’s go to that dark alley over there” So they went to that alley and she takes off the blouse to reveal the most perfect breasts in the world. As soon ashe sees them, he jumps on them and start caressing them, fondling them, kissing them, licking them, burying his face in them… but no biting. In the end the woman gets all annoyed and asks: “Are you gonna bite them or what?”
“Nah”, he replies. “Too expensive.”
–from Chris T.

HARLEY-DAVIDSON HONORS VETERANS WITH GENUINE HERO AWARD–Through a new contest, an American legend is looking to honor an American hero.
Harley-Davidson will present its inaugural Genuine Hero Award to a veteran for dedication and service to our country. Veterans, or family and friends of veterans are asked to write about how someone has made a positive impact on the country or community through such characteristics as patriotism, citizenship, wartime heroism or community service. Veterans may nominate themselves.
The winning veteran will receive $1,000 in Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Parts and Genuine Motor Accessories. Two other winners will receive $500 and $250 Harley-Davidson Genuine P&A prize packages.
Letters of 200 words or less should be sent to Harley-Davidson Genuine Hero Award, c/o Bellwether Communications, 510 College Avenue, Racine, WI 53403. Include the nominee?s name, address, phone number, age, branch of service, dates of time in service, and year and model of Harley-Davidson motorcycle. All entries must be received by Oct. 24, 2003.

CHOPPERS AND FREE BEER–Here’s a recent letter to American Rider. This is becoming the only H-D related mag to focus on riders and their experiences. Check it out:
Picked up a copy of your magazine tonight while trying to figure out what to eat for dinner. Not sure if you’re interested in this story, perhaps been done a 1000 times, but I am building a custom chopper. I have never built a chopper, I do not work in a shop, and I do not own any tools – I am honestly going to attempt this and it will turn out to be a chopper built and designed by me.
A little back groud about me. I am 34 years and am a Microsystems Analyst – computer geek basically. I work for a large manufacturing compnay ensuring the 3 local facilities have network and enterprise connectivity. I have been riding bikes all my life, starting out on moto-x and my last bike was a Suzuki GSX-r. If you had asked me a few years back if I would ever own a Harley I would have replied, they’re nice, but for performance you can not beat a Japanese bike. To this day I still feel that way in the lines of race minded performance – however I would also say if I want a cruiser style of chopper I would buy a Japanese bike. Follow my logic – it’s apples and oranges and one is better suited for its purpose than the other – it boils down to your chioce of style.
Anyway, about 2 years ago I sold my bike, first time I have been without bike since I was like 4 years old. The sad truth of the matter was I had no time to ride. In looking back, I feel I should kick my own ass on principal. 🙂 So, I have decided to finally go with a 2 cylinder monster – but I want my own, not a Harley or chopper kit like everyone else. I am not trying to create a new style, but I want something that I BUILT – we have all had this vision I would think.
So, about a month ago I did a little research, the internet of course, and found places to order frames, handle bars, etc. So far I have invested a small fortune, but honestly feel I have managed to be somewhat frugel without compromising the style I want. I am building a softail w/ 43 degree rake [38 frame and 5 on triple trees] with 6″ downtube stretch, 3″ backbone and a 6″ over frontend. I just ordered the 113″ S&S motor, which I will be building – no, I have not built an engine before. Truth of the matter, I had to go buy some tools to start this project.
In any event, if you’d like to follow this, or better yet write about [as I feel this could help a lot of other guys] I would be more than happy to keep you posted. Please be sure to hit my website [ , click the Orange Crush link] to see progress of the project.
Thanks, Kerry F. Corcoran
You can check out his project to date at: Http://

BEACH RIDE BIKE REPORT FROM VEGAS– Actually the show was very well attended and We passed out all the Biker stickers we had and about 2/3rds of the Beach Ride brochures that Carmella gave us. There was serious interest in the Beach Ride Bike Auction and attendance at the Beach Ride event. I believe Vegas to be a fertile location for marketing the Beach Ride. The amount of bike traffic on 15 is pretty amazing.
We made several contacts with vendors and came away with many options for future Beach Rides. The Harley dealership is awesome. It is the largest I have ever seen and claims to be the largest dealership in the world. They have 5 location in and around Vegas, so it is not hard to imagine. I would peg the Saturday attendance at 2,000 and Sunday there were probably 1500.
Now we move onto the “local hangouts” and as many ride origination points as possible before the Beach Ride.
–George Hayward

INDIAN MOTORCYCLE PARTS CONNECTION–Large inventory of NEW Indian Motorcycle parts available at liquidation prices. Our prices cannot be beat. The majority of these parts are not Indian specific.
Push rod cover assembly $19.90 qty available 1,900
Brake line kit $44.90 qty available 434
Clutch cover gasket $1.99 qty available 2,040
Mini Speedometer $4.99 qty available 400
Tires, handlebars, sissy bars, headlights, ignition switches and much, much more. **
Lot’s of great deals on motorcycle products please check our full inventory at: us for a full list of prices or for specific product information or questions at Mention this e-mail and get an additional 10% off your order!

Hi Sin and Bandit,
I wanted to share some pictures with you. Last Friday we got to see the 750kick stand pads that the Lindenhurst summer program kids have been workingon. These kickstand pads will be used on the upcoming 3rd annual Ride ForThe Heroes. The kids did a great job. The kickstand pads are awesome. Thewood was donated by a local lumber yard, the paint was donated and theSenior HS donated there time and labor to cut up the pads.
I also attached some promotional info about the ride. Please post it whereever you can to help us promote the ride.
Thank you for your continued support of our event,
Frank Falco
Seven Horsemen MC

Join the Town of Lindenhurst, NY on August 31st, 2003 for: 3rd Annual Joseph Angelini & Joseph Angelini Jr. “Ride For The Heroes”. Joseph Angelini & Joseph Angelini Jr. are the only father and son to be killed in the line of duty in the history of the New York City Fire Department. They were both lost on September 11th, 2001.
Sunday August 31st, 2003 (Rain Date Monday September 1st)
Registration: 9:30am to 11:00am at the Bald Hill Amphitheater (the site of Tuesday night bike nights).
Run Begins: 11:30am SHARP!
Ride Ends: Lindenhurst Firemen’s Park, Hartford St. and Charles St., Lindenhurst NY 11757
Donation: $10.00 per rider / $5.00 per passenger.
All Motorcycle types are welcome.

At Lindenhurst Firemen’s Park there will be:
Free Food – provided by Applebees
Live Music by Bluezin
WBAB Rock Van
Motorcycle Stunt Show
Special Appearances by: Chuck Zito – Star of the hit new movie “This Thing Of Ours”, the HBO TV series OZ, and author of the best seller “Street Justice”.

See CHUCK ZITO in the hit new movie: THIS THING OF OURS – opening on July 16th
This crime story tells the story of a group of gangsters who steal hundreds of millions of dollars from the world’s banks using a sophisticated Internet and satellite system, pulling off the biggest heist in the history of the American Mafia.
Angela Marie and Friends – Model and Pin-up Girl

All Proceeds will be donated in the Angelini name, to the FDNY Widow’s and Children’s Fund.
For information and Vendor inquiries call: 631-436-6524 or

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