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HOW-TO COMPOSITE IN YOUR GARAGE FROM WOLFGANG BOOKS–While most books on composites approach the subject from a very technical standpoint, Beginning Composites presents practical, hands-on information about these versatile materials. From explanations of what a composite is, to demonstrations on how to actually utilize them in various projects, this book provides a simple, concise perspective on molding and finishing techniques to empower even the most apprehensive beginner.
Topics include: What is a composite, why use composites, general composite types and where composites are typically used. Composite Materials Fabrication Handbook includes shop set up, design and a number of hands-on start-to-finish projects documented with abundant photographs.
Surface sanding and finishing makes up an entire chapter, ensuring that the parts you manufacture are not only light and extremely strong, but also good looking as well.
Available from Wolfgang Publications, order by mail at PO Box 223, Stillwater, MN. By phone at 651-275-0194, or on the web at, priced at $27.95 + $5.50 S&H.
Composite Materials – Fabrication Handbook
Author: John Wanberg
ISBN: 1-929133-76-6
ISBN -13: 978-1-929133-76-5

HELP BIKERNET & BRASS BALLS HELP OUR VETS–Bandit of and Dar Holdsworth, Brass Balls Bobbers? BossMan, has something special for all motorcycle enthusiasts? A chance to win a $30,000 custom Brass Balls Bobbers? sled for just $10. Click here to enter. Proceeds go to the Intrepid Fallen Heros Fund. Drawing at Biketoberfest. Need not be present to win.
It is the least expensive way to put a custom motorcycle in your garage.

FIVE REASONS ENTREPRENEURS SHOULD OWN MOTORCYCLES–We?ve heard about how poorly the motorcycle manufacturers are doing these days. Sales and profits are down, some plants are in danger of closing and now dealers with multiple dealerships in one city are being asked to consolidate into one location. They say it?s because ?discretionary spending? is down.
When did owning a motorcycle become discretionary??
As American as entrepreneurship, I argue that owning a motorcycle is vital to an entrepreneur?s long -term business success. I learned many years ago that the skills and techniques necessary to be a successful biker directly transfer into my daily business life. Here?s my List of 5 reasons why:
1. Running a business is one long road trip ? The first thing bikers learn is how to get from here to there safely and successfully. We know how to select the right destination, plot out the right course to get there and prepare for the unexpected. We know how to overcome adversity along the way whether it?s bad weather (the economy), poor road conditions (market fluctuations), or crazy cagers (competitors). After all, both biking and business are nothing more than vehicles designed to take us where we want to go?one physically ? the other economically.
2. Sharpens your focus ? Biking and business both require that we assume reasonable and controllable risk. And that if not ridden properly?can cause severe damage to you. Therefore, staying upright requires awareness, timing, and a keen ability to sift through the background noise and BS that surrounds you. So the lesson here is not about overcoming fear, but instead understanding and embracing it. Because riding scared is a fast ticket to the hospital and you darned sure can?t run a company scared and be successful.
3. You get to hang out with real people ? Bikers and entrepreneurs are a similar and bold lot ? we?re independent, adventurous, strong-willed, and utterly intolerant of fences. Go to any biker hangout and you?ll see business leaders and professionals sitting next to mechanics, carpenters and real life bikers.
We come together to celebrate the culture of riding?we come to exercise our passion. And we come together to have the type of real-life, no BS conversations that can only happen between two people with nothing to gain but an honest point of view. When?s the last time that?s happened at some flipping Chamber of Commerce meeting?
4. It re-charges your passions ? Passion is the fuel of desire. When that desire is properly channeled you achieve excellence. For an entrepreneur, this passion is fired up by the jazz you can only get when putting yourself ?out there. On a bike, it?s about feeling the crisp air while navigating the winding roads?in business it?s the winding roads of the marketplace. At the end of the day, happiness comes when we turn our passion into performance.
5. It?s a total attitude adjustment ? Ask any entrepreneur who rides and we?ll all say the same thing ? we ride to get away from it all for a while. We do some of our best thinking in the saddle because our synapses are popping right along with that V-twin. Riding an open road seems to charge our brain impulses with an even hotter spark as the sights, sounds and smells combine to rev up all the senses.
That?s why I?d rather be riding my motorcycle thinking about my business instead of sitting in an office thinking about my motorcycle!That?s my list?what do you think? Let me know if you have any other reasons.
–from Bikers Guide to

BIKERNET UNIVERSITY ADVANCED WRITING CLASS, Beware the preposition–On my 70th birthday, I got a gift certificate from my wife. The certificatepaid for a visit to a medicine man living on the Pima Indian reservationwho was rumored to have a wonderful cure for erectile dysfunction. Afterbeing persuaded, I drove to the reservation, handed my certificate to themedicine man and nervously awaited what would happen next.
The old man slowly and methodically produced a potion, handed it to me, andwith a grip on my shoulder, warned, “This is powerful medicine and it mustbe respected. You take only a teaspoonful and then say ‘1-2-3.’ When you dothat, you will become more manly than you have ever been in your life, andyou can perform as long as you want.”
I was encouraged. As I walked away, I turned and asked, “How do I stop theaction of the medicine?” “Your partner must say ‘1-2-3-4,’ he responded.”But when she does, the medicine will not work again until the next fullmoon.”
I was very eager to see if it worked so I went home, showered, shaved,fluffed up the three remaining hairs I have on my head, put on lots ofcologne, took a spoonful of the medicine, and then invited my wife to joinme in the bedroom. When she came in, I took off my clothes and said,”1-2-3!”
Immediately, the glory of my manhood expanded to fulfill both of ourlongings. My wife was so excited that she began ripping off her clothes..
When almost fully disrobed, she asked, “Honey, what was the 1-2-3 for?”
And that, boys and girls, is why we should NEVER end our sentences with apreposition! — Otherwise you will end up with a dangling participle!
–Jim Waggaman

JOIN THE MOTORCYCLE RIDERS FOUNDATION (MRF) HERE’S WHY–You can join by phone, mail or by visiting We are very careful to make sure that every dollar is spent to achieve the goals of the MRF. Below are some of the things we have been working on for you.
Progress on the HIPPA Loophole
Your help has enabled the MRF to continue the vital work of closing the HIPPA Loophole. Currently, this loophole allows insurers to conceal exclusions of benefits from the insured until a claim has been filed. On March, 31, 2009, the U.S. House of Representatives pass HR 1253, the Health Insurance Restrictions and Clarifications Act of 2009. The current legislation will require insurance providers to fully disclose, prior to sale of the plan and prior to participant?s enrollment in the plan, all of the limitations and restrictions of the plan. The bill is now awaiting action by the Senate Committee of Health, Education, Labor and Pensions.
First Annual Bikers Inside the Beltway
The Michael ?Boz? Kerr Bikers Inside the Beltway national motorcycle awareness day event took place this past May on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol. The event attracted more than 75 attendees and gave our members and Congress an opportunity to discuss motorcycle awareness. The MRF wishes to hold this event every May to continue our efforts to educate Congress and encourage MRF members to participate in our National lobbying efforts.
Right to Repair Act
Currently, manufacturers have been allowed to withhold repair data from anyone other than their own facilities and dealers effectively making it impossible for owners or small repair shops to service some vehicles and bikes. After the introduction of HR 2057, manufactures would be required to make tools and diagnostic information available to independent repair shops on the same basis they make them available to dealer operated shops. Please contact your U.S. Representative and ask them to co-sponsor this piece of legislation.
As always, we thank you for supporting the MRF so we can continue to fight for you and all motorcyclists here in Washington, D.C. If you had any difficulties with your membership, please contact the MRF office by phone at (202) 546-0983 or by e-mail at
Ride Free,
–MRF Staff

TEXAS BUILDER REPORT– We didn’t make it to Sturgis. I hope all hada good time. I’m attaching a snapshot of the progress of our new bike “Esperanza.”We’re planning on wrapping it up and unveiling it next year at Sturgis.
–Johnny Gil

THE COURTS TOOK THE MONGOL PATCH AWAY. WILL THEY TRY A SIMILAR MANEUVER WITH OTHER CLUBS?–The Feds were trying to set a precedent so that they could eventually take trademarked property from anyone and then anyone?s personal property for whatever reason.
Judge Florence-Marie Cooper of the Central District issued an interesting order last week barring the government from seizing any property displaying the “Mongols” trademark. The word “interesting” gets thrown around a lot on the internet (to the point of dilution), but this dispute is darn “interesting.” [Rivera v. U.S., Case No. 2:09-cv-2435-FMC-VBKx (C.D. Cal.; Aug. 3, 2009)] [link to opinion at Scribd This article has been cut, due the length of it. Watch for the whole story in Special Reports.

THE UNCLE MONKEY CRYSTAL BALL SPARKLES ON NEW HARLEYS–August is always an exciting month. Many of us finally break away from the office or job site to get out on the road and really rack up the miles on our bikes. August is also the time when Harley-Davidson rolls out their new models for us to gawk, ooh and awe at.
I had some friends over and as usual the conversation centered on bikes. What’s new, what’s old and what’s on the horizon? So I brushed off the old headlight and peered into it glassy glaze to see what’s coming down the road after stock.
Baggers have never been more popular and that trend will continue. The next big thing in the world of baggers will be killer stereo systems. Yes your Electra Glide has a nice stereo, and this is nothing new for the boys in the sunshine states, but it is only a matter of time before the rest of us realize that Alpine, Pioneer and the works have complete marine lines of components. The only real question is where to mount the 12″ sub woofer.
The switch body wise is that we will start to see more baggers with the frames being chopped and stretched. Save what your opinions of what a true chopper is, trust me I know, and I agree but until someone comes up with a good name like Choggers or Bappers I’ll simply refer to them as Chopper Baggers.
High end choppers will still see decline as more and more people switch to baggers to carry their three pairs of sunglasses, silk bandannas, different riding coats…
Choppers won’t die, as hard-core riders will continue building low buck, old skool choppers with skinny rear tires and a few fat tire ones that they scored at discount prices. Also expect to see a resurgence of Triumph choppers.
Softails, while loosing ground to true baggers and Dyna?s will go on. The most versatile of bikes has been around for 25 years and still looks classy but expect to see a change from ape hangers to low-wide bars and more traditional looks a la Knuckle/Panhead.
Sportsters will continue to make huge strides as it is being marketed to the young skate boarder crowd. Always fun, always cheap. The question becomes in which direction will these “kids” go after they outgrow their stock Sportster. Unlike their parents they are a generation that grew up tinkering with their BMX bikes and changing trucks and wheels on their skateboards. The smart money will be on low buck choppers. Hard and edgy. It is going to be exciting to see exactly they will build. Detroit Bros may have been truly ahead of their time.
Dyna?s will continue to grow as more and more people look to them as cheap entry-level bikes that offer the best combination of a rubber mount frame and a plush ride from traditional shocks. Don’t be surprised to see a full fendered FL Dua-Glide coming from the factory as more and more people switch their Super Glides to full fenders, quick detachable saddle bags and windshields. It is only a matter of time. A sensible alternative to the Heritage Softail. You’re welcome Willie G.
My sleeper prediction is the return of the Wide Glide. Uhm, no not the new Wide Glide the factory rolled out this year, but the Wide Glide that we all grew up with and eventually neglected until the factory took it away. Like the band Cinderella said “You don’t know what you got until its gone” and the disappearance of the Wide Glide in 2009 got us all pining for the bike. The classic looks of long stretched forks, 21″ wheel, mini ape hangers and a fat bobbed rear fender with the comfort of a rear suspension. My generation remembers them with the mandatory black and flame paint job, king and queen seat with sissy bar and the rumble of drag pipes. The Wide Glide was thee bike to own after a rigid. The Wide Glide?s glory began to fade with the introduction of the Softail with its pseudo hardtail styling. The aftermarket exploded around the Softail format leaving the Wide Glide/Dyna’s behind. It not a bagger, chopper or a Softail, not old skool or nu-school but simply a Harley. You are already thinking about one right now.
As a whole I see the “Harley crowd” to continue to fracture apart much like we see in automobiles; hot rodders, muscle cars, tuners etc. Each specializing in one specific “model” or genre instead of presenting a unified front as we had in the past. Each group will continue to claim that their style of bike is the one and only to own.
Will I be right? Time will only tell as the mirrored inside of a headlight can only reflect that what is in front of it. Whatever happens to the market in the foreseeable future remember you and your bike are a truly unique and individual ? just like everyone else.
–Wayne ?uncle Monkey? Wuschke

BIKERS CHOICE CHECKS IN FROM STURGIS–Sturgis was okay…I had fun. Number of people was comparable to last year, but sales were down is the gist I’m hearing. Our awning was destroyed by the storm that went through it. What a fuckin storm…LOL!!! Bent our steel poles like they were plastic.
I’ll start sending you new products from Bikers Choice next week.
–Carmen J. Nelson
Biker’s Choice New Dealer Development

STRANGE GUN BILLS–Senate Bill SB-2099 will require us to put on our 2009 1040 federal tax form all guns that you have or own. It may require fingerprints and a tax of $50 per gun.
This bill was introduced on Feb.. 24. This bill will become public knowledge 30 days after it is voted into law. This is an amendment to the Internal Revenue Act of 1986. This means that the Finance Committee can pass this without the Senate voting on it at all.
The full text of the proposed amendment is on the U.S. Senate homepage,
You know who to call; I strongly suggest you do. Please send a copy of this e-mail to every gun owner you know.|
Congress is now starting on the firearms confiscation bill. If it passes, gun owners will become criminals if you don’t fully comply. It has started. Very Important for you to be aware of a new bill HR 45 introduced into the House. This is the Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sale Act of 2009.| Even gun shop owners didn’t know about this because the government is trying to fly it under the radar. To find out about this – go to any government website and type in HR 45 or Google HR 45 Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sales Act of 2009. You will get all the information. | Basically this would make it illegal to own a firearm – any rifle with a clip or ANY pistol unless: -It is registered -You are fingerprinted -You supply a current Driver’s License -You supply yourSocial Security&n bsp;# -You will submit to a physical & mental evaluation at any time of their choosing -Each update – change or ownership through private or public sale must be reported and costs $25 – Failure to do so you automatically lose the right to own a firearm and are subject up to a year in jail. -There is a child provision clause on page 16 section 305 stating a child-access provision. Gun must be locked and inaccessible to any child under 18. -They would have the right to come and inspect that you are storing your gun safely away from accessibility to children and fine is punishable for up to 5 yrs. in prison. | If you think this is a joke – go to the website and take your pick of many options to read this. It is long and lengthy. But, more and more people are becoming aware of this. Pass the word along.. Any hunters in your family pass this along.| This is just a “termite” approach to complete confiscation of guns and disarming of our society to the point we have no defense – chip away a little here and there until the goal is accomplished before anyone realizes it. Just wanted to clear up some FUD that I saw in the news. This is from the NRA: Clearing Up the Rumors: The Truth About The “Gun Tax Bill” Like many rumors, there’s just a grain of truth to this one. Someone’s recycling an old alert, which wasn’t even very accurate when it was new. Ride Free, –Rebel

NANCY KIMZEY, DAUGHTER OF EASYRIDERS CREATOR, ACCEPTS LOU KIMZEY’S INDOCTRINATION INTO STURGIS HALL OF FAME– Thank you so much for your write up – I summed up my Dad’stribute with your words.The awards banquet was so much bigger that I expected – wow what a turn out!
I had a good time telling stories – they did a great tribute to my dad – would you like a copy of the video?If so, let me know where I can send it.
No one from Easyriders was there – Biker Rogue said hello – and many ABATEfolks were there. It was too funny that people wanted myautograph at the end.
And the “paparazzi” photographers at the end washysterical! All in all it was fun. It was an honor torepresent the family for Lou. He would have been proud.
Thank you for being a part of this honor – you and dad were great friends.
Turns out Rogue was reporting for Bikernet and Easyriders, so a longtime Easyriders contributor was on hand.–Bandit

5-BALL RACING TEAM’S RACE MEETING IN PREPARATION FOR 2010–The Bikernet staff had our annual 5-Ball Racing Team meeting this week. The lengthly agenda was arduous and the margaritas strong. We discussed Valerie Thompson our famous rider, who was recently kidnapped by Wink Eller to ride one of his bikes at Speed Week. I told her I would never marry her, if she rides for Wink. Our investigation continues.

Rick Krost, from U.S. Choppers stopped by and delivered our first pit bike, a 1968 Harley-Davidson Rapido.

We discussed uniforms for 2010 with Chris Kallas, the Bikernet 5-Ball Racing Logo, creator.

We voted on creating a Bikernet frame table for checking and strengthening our Peashooter frame. The engine is being rebuilt by Tom Rodan, and the 4-speed triumph 500 transmission is being checked over by Earl.
The Bonne Belle is in the hands of the Departure Bike Works Crew, Lee Clemens, Andrew, the master fabricator and Brenda Clemens. We are now using a stretched Paughco 45 frame and a big twin 5-speed transmission.
We’ll bring you more report fraught with controversy in the coming weeks. Will we make it back with three bikes next year, or die trying.

BIKERNET METRIC CHECKS IN– Metrics Take 7 of the Top 10 Trophies at the AMD World Championships
It is no secret that Jim Giuffra of AFT Customs and I are good friends. In fact, I am friends with all of his models too?..why wouldn?t I be. Jim and his models, just got back from Sturgis where they entered the latest model-built custom into the AMD World Championships. The bike, known as LowLa, was unveiled at the LA Calendar Show in July where it took first place. Unfortunately, LowLa did not take home a trophy at the AMD World Championships. Jim was not surprised or upset for not taking home a trophy.
?The bikes that won were awesome builds and they deserved to win,? said AFT Customs? Jim Giuffra. ?Though the girls and I built a great custom bike, there was a set budget for it not allowing for all out creativity. I am still very happy for the attention the bike and the girls got at Sturgis as a whole.?
The bike did go to the Rats Hole show while at Sturgis and LowLa took first place in the Custom Metric class. Er Hed, AFT?s entry in last year?s World Championships were it took home first place for Metrics, had not previously been at the Rat Hole show so it was entered and took home the first place in the Radical Metric category. Overall, the AFT Customs team was very pleased and had a kick-ass time at Sturgis.
On the way home, they stopped by Bonneville to check out the Salt Flat races and there was some cool pictures taken of them. I will be sharing all of the cool pictures in the next few weeks and we will be featuring LowLa as soon as it is photographed.
Of the bikes that won at the AMD World Championships, there were Hondas and Triumphs that topped the list. I will be working with AMD to make sure that ALL of the Metric bikes are seen on Bikernet Metric. Stay right and stay tuned.

WHEELS THROUGH TIME SURVIVES STURGIS 69TH RALLY–What a week. We just got back from the annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in Sturgis, SD and I’ve got to say it was one of the most incredible weeks I’ve had in a long time.
Several months back, I got a phone call from my friend Christine Diers from the Sturgis Hall of Fame Museum to let me in on a bit of great news. Christine informed me that I was to be inducted to the Sturgis Motorcycle Hall of Fame in the Class of 2009 during this year’s rally. Extremely excited about the news, we began making plans for the weekend right away.

As I’d never been to Sturgis before, I thought it’d be a great idea to bring a other first-timers with me. My son Matt and good buddy Myron were up to the task. Matt had already been talking with Mike Lichter, the world-renowned Easyriders photographer who has chronicled the Sturgis Rally for over 30 years, about helping with Mikes annual motorcycle exhibit, which would be held for the first time at the Buffalo Chip Campground and Event Center. Matt and Mike picked out some great motorcycles and memorabilia for the exhibit, and we knew it would be an honor to participate.
Fast forward to July 29th. The truck was packed and we were ready to go. We decided it’d be nice to take a bit of a detour, so we headed north to Milwaukee to check out the new Harley museum. I plan on writing about our experience there in the near future, so I won’t get into too much detail, but the place was UNBELIEVABLE. My friend Bill Rodencal showed us all around for the day, and let me tell you, the amount of history encompassed there is fantastic. Original paint bikes with zero miles, nearly 100 year old race trophies, original ads and artwork….I could go on and on.

RM AUCTIONS, IN ASSOCIATION WITH SOTHEBY?S, ANNOUNCE EARLY HIGHLIGHTS FOR AUTOMOBILES OF LONDON EVENT —A very rare 1928 Rolls-Royce Phantom 1 ?Jarvis Torpedo? and a hugely historic 1950 Aston Martin DB2 Team Car lead early consignments for RM Auctions, in association with Sotheby?s ?Automobiles of London? event, October 28th, 2009.
LONDON, England (August 11, 2009) – Building upon the success of their recent record-breaking Ferrari Leggenda e Passione event in Maranello, Italy, RM Auctions, in association with Sotheby?s, will proudly return to England on October 28th for the distinguished Automobiles of London event at Battersea Park.
Over the past three years this stylish event has attracted discerning collectors from around the world, emerging as one of Europe?s leading collector car events for the highest quality automobiles.
This year?s event is set to continue the momentum with over 75 of the world?s finest collector cars set to go under the hammer. Amongst early highlights are a very rare, remarkable 1928 Rolls-Royce Phantom I ?Jarvis Torpedo?, a unique 1914 Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost Boattail Skiff, and a hugely historic 1950 Aston Martin DB2 Team Car, which is coming to market for the first time in 53 years.
The elegant, streamlined 1928 Rolls-Royce Phantom I ?Jarvis Torpedo?, chassis number 17EX, boasts a rich history. One of only three experimental chassis produced by Rolls-Royce at the time, 17EX was completed and sold new to Maharaja Hari Sigh Bahadur, ruler of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir, who kept the car until 1932. The car remained in India up until 1976 when it was shipped to Europe.

Another notable early consignment for the London auction is the 1950 Aston Martin DB2 Team Car ?VMF 64?, which boasts an impressive race history, including Le Mans and Mille Miglia provenance. Retained by the factory for five years and employed by Aston Martin Chairman, David Brown as his personal transport in the 1950 ? 1955 era, VMF 64 is regarded as the most successful of the three early Team DB2 sports cars. Over the years it has been driven by such period greats as Abecassis, Macklin, Sommer and Brackenbury, and its competition career has included two Le Mans, two Mille Miglias, two Alpine Rallies and one Ulster TT, Shelsley Walsh and Silverstone event. Notably, in 1951 it finished third overall at Le Mans.
The October 28th event will also present a rare, historically important 1962 Chaparral 1 Sports Racing Car, chassis number C1-004, one of only five built; a right-hand drive Mercedes-Benz CLK GTR Roadster, the only right-hand-drive example ever made; a stylish 1929 Alfa Romeo 6C 1750; and a magnificent series of cars from the renowned Dutch collector, Mr. Edgar Schermerhorn, boasting awe-inspiring coachwork and fascinating provenance. Highlights from the Schermerhorn Collection set to go under the hammer include: a 1967 Ferrari 330 GTC Zagato, a 1932 Lancia Astura Limousine by Boneschi and a 1947 Cisitalia 202 Cabriolet.
For further information, to discuss consignment opportunities, or for further information on early consignments, please contact RM London at +44 20 7851 7070 or visit

BIKERNET SAFETY MEDICAL ALERT, EMERGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT, STRATEGIC LIFESAVING WARNING PROCLAMATION–Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.
Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:
S *Ask the individual to SMILE.
T *Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently)(i.e.. It is sunny out today.)
R *Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.
If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call emergency number immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.
New Sign of a Stroke ——– Stick out Your Tongue
NOTE: Another ‘sign’ of a stroke is this: Ask the person to ‘stick’ out his tongue.. If the tongue is ‘crooked’, if it goes to one side or the other, that is also an indication of a stroke.
–from Bob G.

Continued On Page 3