Continued From Page 2

STURGIS THUNDER ROAD LINE-UP–I thought your readers would be interested in hearing about some of the top events at Thunder Road for Sturgis Bike Week. I’ve attached information regarding Thunder Road’s bike shows, bands and entertainment. I’ve also attached information about Michael Lichter’s 7th Annual One World Choppers Show, an influential art show featuring 24 foreign-born builder-artists from around the world. Below you will find a convenient list of events at Thunder Road as well.
Weekly Events:Michael Lichter’s Motorcycle-As-Art Exhibit “One World Choppers”, August 3-10.
STROKERS STURGIS: A little slice of Dallas in the heart of the Thunderdome. The baddest bikes, hottest chicks and coldest beer? Rick Fairless’ Strokers Sturgis is open daily, 9 am to 7 pm, August 3-10.
Seminole Hard Rock Caf? Celebrity Bike Tour
Miss Sturgis Autograph Sessions from 11 am to 4 pm, August 3-10.
Boss Hoss Demo Rides- August 3-11, 8 am-6 pm.
Las Vegas Trikes Demo Rides – August 3-11, by appointment only.
Daily Events:
Friday, August 3rd
Thunder Road and the Thunderdome open at 9am
Saturday, August 4th
Sunday, August 5th
Feel The Thunder Race Bike show ($5 admission to Thunderdome, free parking & Glencoe campers get in free).
Monday, August 6thTHE HORSE, Backstreet Chopper Sturgis Invasion Bike Show. ($5 admission to Thunderdome, free parking & Glencoe campers get in free)
Tuesday, August 7th
9 am -6pm – 5th Annual Metzeler Sturgis V-Twin Custom Bike Contest. ($5 admission to Thunderdome, free parking & Glencoe campers get in free)
4-6 pm – Public Reception for Michael Lichter’s Exhibit “One World.” Meet the featured builders and artists.
Wednesday, August 8th
9 am -6 pm – Sculptures In Steel Bike Show. Awards at 5 pm. ($5 admission to Thunderdome, free parking & Glencoe campers get in free)
6-10 pm – Charity auction and private party hosted by Phoenix Airbrush and Planet Color (Sherwin-Williams) and IronWorks magazine.
Thursday, August 9th
9 am -6 pm – Rat’s Hole Custom Bike Show. Awards at 5 pm. ($5 admission to Thunderdome, free parking & Glencoe campers get in free)
Friday, August 10th
Trike Wars – The Power of Three Trike Show. Awards at 5 pm . ($5 admission to Thunderdome, free parking & Glencoe campers get in free)
Thunder Road and the Thunderdome close at 7 pm
For updates, be sure to sign up for our newsletter at

TUCK A BUCK RUN – AUG 11– Sponsored by Full Throttle Magazine and Nightmoves Magazine. Run Starts at Foxy’s Show bar 13415 N. Nebraska Ave. Tampa. Sign up at 4pm with the last bike out by 8pm. There will be food, vendors, a bikini bike wash, 50/50 and great give-a-ways. Stops also include 2001 Odyssey, Deja Vu and Scarlett’s.
There is a guaranteed prize fun of $1,600.00. 1st place $750.00, 2nd place $500.00, third place wins $250.00 and last place wins $100.00. Entry fee is $20 per hand and includes 1 poker hand, event t-shirt and arm band for free entry to the clubs. Extra poker hands can be purchased for $5 each. % of the money collected will be donated to Peewee of Full Throttle for his “New Leg” Fund. Vendors wanted call 813-814-1424 for more information.
Full Throttle will also be at the Too Broke for Sturgis event the same day in Charlotte County.

AUGUST 11 – TOO BROKE FOR STURGIS —August 11th (Saturday)- “TOO BROKE FOR STURGIS” Motorcycle Rally at the Charlotte County Fairgrounds. $10 tickets at the gate, $8 advance. Live music with great regional bands, food, beer, full liquor bar, vendors, and contests. Gates open at noon. Your price of admission includes a chance to win a new 2007 Harley-Davidson motorcycle with the drawing at 8PM. No charge for parking, no coolers please.
Have a great weekend and be safe.
–Tony Cianci
Editor – Florida Full Throttle Magazine
850 Dunbar Ave.
Oldsmar, FL 34677
800-889-8180 – Toll Free
813-814-1424 – Local Office

5-BALL RACING TEAM QUESTIONED BY J&P–Been to the dyno yet? One month from tomorrow! Better get that nitrous dialed in…..
–Scott A. Holton
Senior Technician
You’re right. Won’t have the engine from Accurate Engineering until the end of next week. Still need to build the front fender. We’re scrambling. The painted frame is on the lift, and I’m missing one part of the front end. We’ll make it.

By the end of next week the front fender will be at paint and we’ll make the pipes. By the first of the following week, we should be running. Hang on.–Bandit

EUROPEAN HOG RALLY ROCK THE WORLD–Ela came out of hiding to cover the recent massive European HOG rally. Watch for more coverage coming soon to Bikernet.

EXERPT FROM BIKERNET DATING BOOK–A guy walks into a bookstore, not looking for anything in particular. On his way to the back of the store, he spots something of interest. A book by Bikernet staffer, Snake, with a very interesting title, “Dating for the New Millennium. What Women Want.” So, he picks it up and opens it to a random page.
“Chapter 1: The First Date.”
He glances the chapter over for a few minutes and then rushes out of the bookstore to call a girl he’s wanted to ask out for quite awhile.
When he gets home, he picks up the phone and calls her.
She answers, “Hello?”
He says, “Hi, Jessica. Listen, I was wondering if you would want to go see a movie with me tonight?”
She says, “Sure, I don’t see anything wrong with that.”
He gets excited. He thought she’d say no way, but she didn’t. So, he decided to take it one step further.
He asks, “Great, well how about dinner before the movie?”
She replies, “Sure, that would be great too!”
“Fine, I’ll pick you up about nine. You should be finished eating by then.”
–from CarlR

RUN FOR BREATH SUCCESS FOR 8TH YEAR–Sunday July 22nd the 8th Annual Run For breath “In Memory of Justin Pullin” took place. We were blessed with a beautiful day, 85 degrees, sunny, no humidity and a slight breeze, PERFECT!
The crew at STEALTH BIKE WORKS arrived at 8:30 Sunday morning to set up registration. The poker run started at 10am. The riders came in packs of 5 or 6 at a time so everyone was taken care of with little delay. The poker run hands were one for $10 and three for $25, most of the riders went for the three for $25. At the end of the day this really added up. There were also run t-shirts for sale for $15. Chris Kallas did a GREAT job designing the shirt and compliments were passed along all day on the shirts. Thanks Chris for your efforts on the run t-shirt! We have a few left if anyone would like one. The money will go to the American Lung Association. If you are interested in a shirt give me a call at STEALTH BIKE WORKS, 704-882-0889.

The day moved on and we headed for Lone Star Steak House in Monroe NC. It was a short trip for the SBW crew. It was only a 10 mile ride for us as we closed down and headed for the bike show.
The numbers were not as big in the bike show this year but the bikes were big on quality! This year we had one class for all bikes and gave awards for the top 10 bikes. In addition we gave a “Best of Show” award made by Bandit and we also give an award we call the “Justin” award. This award is kinda like an editor?s choice award. I pick a bike that doesn’t win in the bike show but for one reason or another stands out. The awards for the bike show are all hand made from used bike parts. The awards were some of the best we have ever had.
All day people seemed to have a GREAT time and the people at Lone Star did an outstanding job. All day people would come up say how much they appreciated the Run For Breath making a comeback.Plans are already being made for next year!
At the end of the day the Run For breath “In Memory of Justin Pullin” had raised $4300! That is enough to pay for the American Lung Associations Camp Air Care next summer, a week long camp for kids with asthma.

So the 8th Annual Run For Breath goes down in the books as not the biggest but in my opinion the best so far. I would like to thank Lone Star for all they did, all the volunteers who gave their time to help, and to my wife Sandy(a.k.a. “THE MEANEST,” she is the one who makes the RFB happen on the day of the run. Last but not least, Thanks to all who participated in the 8th Annual Run For Breath. you make the RFB what it is, a GREAT event! We will see you all next July!

THE BONNEVILLE SALT REPORT– July 30, 2007Larry Volk called Mike Waters this afternoon (7-30-07) about 2:30, he had been out on the salt.Conditions are as follows:There is standing water, about 6″ deep at the end of the road,There is about 2″ at the starting lines and it’s about 1″ deep at the 2 mile.The courses are in need of further work (Dragging) due to the flooding.
The salt is mostly dry around the side of Saldero Dike.

A LETTER ABOUT HELMET LAWS THAT DON’T WORK–I read your article and feel you did a good job researching the data. Except, as usual, it misses the point that motorists in the US (Cars &Trucks) drive like inattentive morons.
Yes, I wear a helmet, boots and an armored jacket, but that won’t prevent some distracted motorist from turning into me, turning in front of me or running into the back of me. When will the issue become, “teaching, testing and enforcing safe driving practices?”
My company belongs to the Motorcycle Industry Council and at our annual meeting in February the guest speaker was Mary Peters, now Secretary of Transportation. The good news is that she and her husband both ride their own motorcycle. The bad news is that her big plan to reduce deaths is to encourage motorcycle dealers to give away helmets on every motorcycle purchase. You know what? Most dealers I know would do that, if motorcyclists would get equal rights and protection under Federal and State law. But damage control with increased helmet use is only one part of the answer. How about preventing the collision from happening in the first place?
Here in Arizona if a motorist runs into or over you, but they’re not alcohol or drug impaired they will go free almost 100% of the time; they won’t even get a traffic ticket. In just the last two years in our little community of Prescott, Arizona a female rider was killed when an auto-driving woman turned left in front of her. The woman admitted seeing the motorcyclist, but thought “she had more time”. No ticket issued, even though a mother of three was killed.
Just this June four motorcyclists were riding near Prescott when an oncoming truck illegally crossed the double yellow to pass a slow moving vehicle and hit the motorcyclists head-on. Two died at the scene. The other two were air evacuated in critical condition. No ticket issued, even though the trucker made an illegal maneuver and killed two people.
Two years ago a good friend and one of the best motorcycle restorers I knew, Lynn Snodgress was riding with his wife and was hit head-on by a vehicle that crossed the centerline into his path. He and his wife died at the scene. No ticket issued.
The first week of July a friend of mine, Wayne Pierce, owner of Pierce Harley-Davidson of Dekalb, IL was killed when a Jeep turned left in front of him. No ticket issued. Wayne was 56, an experienced rider and a strong advocate for safe riding. He always wore a helmet, but that didn’t save him when he T-boned the 2-ton vehicle that turned into his path.
And last. I want to point out how car commercials have changed in the US in the last couple years. For example, a Subaru ad running recently for their Impreza shows a young woman checking her makeup, adjusting her boyfriend’s hair and then pulling a U-Turn from the curb to be on her merry way. All the while the voice-over is pitching the attributes of the Impreza enjoying a 5-star crash rating. So, it seems that car manufacturers have figured out that Americans drive like idiots, so they can sell cars based on protecting them from the many crashes they’re sure to have in their lifetime. And, I might add, that car manufacturers continue to add electronic gadgets to their cars, only to draw more critical attention away from the road.
My opinion is that the motorcycle industry is headed for a major crash. That before too long, if left unattended motorists will make it just too dangerous to ride. The result? Mass exodus from an industry that does in the neighborhood of $20-billion in sales per year. Putting hundreds of thousands of people out of work. Putting millions of motorcycle riders into cars and trucks to clog the roads even more. When that happens we all lose the benefits of more motorcycles on the road more often. Motorcycles produce less road wear, use fewer natural resources, can park 2-3 to one car space and reduce gridlock.
It would be nice if a prestigious paper like yours would address these concerns before it’s too late. To date the only major entity doing this is the American Motorcycle Association that sponsors a program called “Justice for All”. They have lobbied to get 11-States to enact some sort of legislation that encourages better driving by enforcing severe penalties for injuring or killing motorcyclists by inattentive or illegal driving.
Thank you,
–David G. Koshollek
DAKO Management Company, LLC
Prescott, AZ 86305
Tel: 928-445-8286
Fax: 928-443

DARWIN MOTORCYCLES WILL HAVE LUNCH READY IN STURGIS–Darwin Motorcycles, the manufacturers of Brass Balls Bobbers and Choppers, is providing a lunch for the media on Thursday, August 9, 2007 at 12:30PM at the Brass Balls Transporter located at 955 Lazelle, down the street from the Broke Spoke Saloon.
Master Designer Dar Holdsworth and Master Builder Sam Wills will be on hand to showcase their cutting edge old skool kool Bobbers and Choppers. Each Brass Balls motorcycle comes with an Indian Power Plus option that really make these bikes standout.
The introductory Bobber from Darwin Motorcycles is value priced at $16,995 that rivals motorcycles over $20,000. That?s why we say that Darwin Motorcycles is Building Above Average Bikes for the Average Joe!
These bikes are locked, cocked and ready to rock. Motorcycles will be available to the media for test rides. Spend your lunch hour on us and meet Dar and Sam at 955 Lazelle. Dar?s call is 405-388-8883.

BIKERNET WEEKLY PHOTO ART EXHIBIT–Have one on me at Sturgis ’07.
Live it up!
–Whiplash Biker Photog>

MYSTERIOUS FLAKE DISCOVERED– I was told the flake was found and shipped out to you today. Wait till you open the jar and see it in the sun. Your going to love it. Let me know when you get it. The manufacturer said he doesn’t know if it was us or not but since we have been showing our bike, it has been moving off the shelves steady.
Things always look better when you see them in person.
— Jerry
Rollin Sixes.

BIKERNET GARDENING CIRCLE– A man and his wife were working in their garden one day and the manlooked over at his wife and said: “Your butt is getting really big, I meanreally big. I bet your butt is bigger than the barbecue.”
With that, he proceeded to get a measuring tape and measured thegrill and then went over to where his wife was working and measured hiswife’s bottom.
“Yes, I was right; your butt is two inches wider than thebarbecue!!!”
The woman chose to ignore her husband.
Later that night in bed, the husband was feeling a little frisky. Hemade some advances towards his wife who completely brushed him off. “What’swrong?” he asked.
She answered: “Do you really think I’m going to fire upthis big-ass grill for one little weenie
–from Chris T.

CONFEDERATE MOTOR COMPANY TO EXHIBITAT MOTOEXPO SAN DIEGO–Del Mar, CA, August 1, 2007 —- Confederate Motor Company – the legendary, 16-year-old motorcycle company that has achieved reverential respect and near-instant celebrity cult status – will exhibit its revolutionary radial twin B120 Wraith at MOTOEXPO SAN DIEGO, October 6 and 7 at the Del Mar Fairgrounds.
David Arnold, show director, made the announcement this week. The first annual event will bring together a remarkable assemblage of one-of-a kind, handcrafted motorcycles, along with a juried show of customized sports and street cruisers.
“We believe this will be the first appearance of the B120 Wraith in San Diego, ” says Arnold. “It is a totally awesome bike and its debut here it is expected to generate a lot of buzz among collectors and aficionados because it follows on the heels of the company’s extraordinary Hellcat motorcycle, the bike associated with Tom Cruise and Brad Pitts. We’re fortunate because both the Hellcat and the B-120 Wraith will be on display.”
The B-120 Wraith, according to Confederate officials, was inspired by the pre-1916 era of motoring and “the courageous free spirited nature of the board track racer.” The company’s Website says that the 1911 Pierce “illuminates what the Wraith would be – the world’s most luxurious, sporting two-wheeled device.” Only 250 B-series – starting at $55,000 – will be created, according to the company.
“It’s a thrill for us to be invited to showcase our new B120 Wraith at MOTOEXPO San Diego,” says Matt Chamber, Confederate president, in a written statement to MOTOEXPO San Diego. “We eager to share her with San Diego and be able to tell her story with motoring enthusiasts in attendance. “
“Having both the B-120 Wraith and Hellcat at the MOTOEXPO SAN DIEGO is quite an honor, ” says Arnold. “The B-120 Wraith design and engineering is evocative of individuality so much associated with riders and collectors.”
First-in-the-world features of the B-120 Wraith, according to the company’s news release, include the first triple load path carbon fiber Monocoque chassis design and the first-ever carbon fiber, multi-link double wishbone front suspension. Other features unique to the B-120 Wraith include:
? Lightweight, single-sided aluminum rear suspension
? Multi-adjustable Penske titanium coil over shock dampeners
? Patented Confederate close ratio, vertically-stacked, five-speed transmission with output shaft bearing support at the swing arm pivot
? Counter-balanced 120 cubic inch 45-degree radial twin power
“This is totally cool to have both bikes – the Hellcat the B-120 Wraith at MOTOEXPO,” says Arnold. “Typically, when people gawk at these bikes they seldom notice that a celebrity is in the saddle – that’s how amazing they are in terms of design and aesthetics.”
Trekking from Alabama, the Confederate Motor Company will be part of the expansive line-up that will include Jason Britton and his team of extreme motorcycle stunt riders and the personal appearance of wrestling superstar GOLDBERG, star of Spike TV’s “Bullrun,” and an avid motorcycle enthusiast and collector.
The two-day event will also feature a dazzling array of vintage motorcycles and MOTOMASTERS – an invitation only, beyond-the-jury collection of priceless, one-of-a-kind handcrafted motorcycles that epitomize the highest achievement in aesthetics and engineering. Among the first entrants is Christian Dotson’s award-winning bike that won the coveted “America’s Most Beautiful Motorcycle award” at this year’s Los Angeles Roadster Show in Pomona. Tickets will be available online and at the gate. For additional information go to

Continued On Page 4