Continued From Page 1

BIKERNET ROVING BANNER ALREADY ON THE STURGIS SCENE–Sturgis 2007 has already started and the banner is first on the scene. Cowboy on the left, Biker on the right. They might saddle up on different horses, but they do agree on one thing RULES!
Mike ( Lawman ) and local cowboy.
On Main St. Downtown

KRAWIEC MAKES FIRST PRO STOCK BIKE FINAL ROUND APPEARANCE–SONOMA, Calif. (July 29, 2007) – Eddie Krawiec earned his first Pro Stock Motorcycle runner-up finish the hard way Sunday at the FRAM-Autolite NHRA Nationals. It was just his ninth appearance on his Screamin’ Eagle/Vance & Hines Harley-Davidson V-Rod and his first event at Infineon Raceway, but it didn’t come easy.
“From the very beginning of the weekend when we unloaded the V-Rod we were working on it, just fine-tuning to make it more competitive as the weekend progressed,” Krawiec said. “We didn’t have any down time but this Screamin’ Eagle team works so well together that we found our way to the final round. This crew makes it possible for me to be calm and cool and I felt comfortable on the bike all weekend.”
Krawiec – the newest member of the Screamin’ Eagle team – has qualified for nine NHRA national events in his career. All of those have come this season. The final round appearance was especially important this weekend because of the NHRA’s new point system, the Countdown to the Championship.
Krawiec was in 12th place before Infineon’s race, 58 points out of eighth place. Those top eight riders will be the only riders able to compete for the NHRA POWERade Pro Stock Motorcycle championship when the Countdown to the Championship point standings are readjusted before the start of the U.S. Nationals in Indianapolis, Ind., on Aug. 29.
The final round appearance bounced Krawiec into 10th place, just 29 points away from eighth place. Riders have two races left before Indy to get into the top eight.
“Believe it or not, I felt very comfortable,” Krawiec said. “I didn’t put any added pressure on myself and I just kept thinking about how much fun I was having and how much closer we were going to be to the top eight. That’s exciting.
“Getting into the top 10 is, out of anything, the most crucial. It’s going to be a battle for the sixth through eight spots and I’m glad we’re going to be in that points fight.”
Krawiec beat Antron Brown in the first round, recording a 6.967-second pass at 190.86 mph to top Brown’s 7.077 at 188.07 on his U.S. Army Suzuki. Teammate Andrew Hines beat Geno Scali in Round One with a career-best E.T. 6.902 pass at 192.93 to Scali’s 7.046 at 189.31 on his Performance Machine Suzuki.
That’s when Screamin’ Eagle teammates Krawiec and Hines met up in the second round. Krawiec bested Hines with a career-best E.T. of 6.946 at 192.28 over Hines’ 7.044 at 192.96.
Krawiec beat Steve Johnson in the semifinal round with a 7.014 at 189.79 over Johnson’s 7.057 at 188.52 on his Snap-on Tools Suzuki. Krawiec lost to Matt Smith and the Torco/Skull Gear Buell team in the final. Smith posted a 6.992 at 189.10 over Krawiec’s 7.090 at 190.16.
Hines was still pleased with the weekend, even if he came up short in his quest for another victory at Infineon Raceway. He’s earned one victory (2005), two No. 1 qualifying awards (2005, ’06) and has set the national record there as well (6.968 seconds, 2005).
“The bike was so quick this weekend that it just made it so fun to ride,” Hines said. “We were running well on the first day of qualifying and then we stumbled on something on Saturday and it worked out even better for the V-Rods. We just barely missed the No. 1 qualifier but we still felt good about our qualifying numbers.”
The Pro Stock Motorcycle class has one weekend off before taking on Brainerd International Raceway in Brainerd, Minn., on Aug. 10-13.

LEATHER MEETS LACE AT THE PLAYBOY MANSION, OCTOBER 6, 2007–This exclusive party will invite motorcycle industry entrepreneurs, such as dealership owners, motorcycle rally organizers, and enthusiasts from all over the country who share the common goal of supporting worthwhile 501(c)(3) charities in research, education, community programs and advocacy efforts.
800-327-1124 Tickets are Limited August 15th Ticket Deadline Prices and/or packages may be subject to change. Party Info : LEROY-THOMPSON STORMS STURGIS–Leroy-Thompson will be in Sturgis at two locations.You can visit Scott Webster and the crew at theSturgis County Line or watch Scott and a bunch of hisfriends from the Blacklist Tour build a bike at theFull Throttle Saloon. You can visit Leroy-Thompsononline at Sucker Punch Sally’s will be at the Full ThrottleSaloon with the Blacklist Tour. You can see Jeff andDonny help build a bike and see all their newestcreations including a bike handpainted by worldrenowned artist Sara Ray. –J. Ken Conte MICHAEL LICHTER RUNS OUT OF FILM, NEEDS DONATION–Annual Sturgis Art Exhibition To Be Presented ByMichael Lichter In Sturgis At Thunder Road August3-10, 2007. Sturgis, SD, July 30, 2007, Michael Lichterannounced today his 7th annual motorcycle-themedexhibit, One World Choppers, to be held in Sturgisat Thunder Road during Bike Week. One World Chopperswas inspired by The British Invasion of music from1964-1966. After R&B and early Rock & Roll made itoverseas, Beat groups like the Beatles, RollingStones and the Yardbirds brought a changed Rock & Rollback to the United States; and the rest is history. Ina similar way, Harley-Davidson motorcycles wereexported all over the world, adapted to local meansand local culture, and something new was born. One World Choppers is limited to 24 foreign-bornbuilder-artists, including some that live and work inthe USA and others that will ship their bikes and artfrom overseas. The show will demonstrate how buildersfrom abroad have influenced and contributed to thecontemporary custom motorcycle scene in America.Foreign-born two-dimensional artists, whose work,while less known in America, is of great importance intheir own countries, will provide art for theaccompanying wall displays. Editors of the foreign anddomestic motorcycle press will provide accompanyingtext and commentary. Given the increasinginterdependence of countries around the globe, thisexhibition is particularly relevant because it bringstogether such a diverse group of people who share acommon passion, and will stir thought and dialogue oncontemporary issues, particularly globalization. OurOne-World continues to get smaller, and what hashappened with custom Harleys and custom choppers is agreat example. This exhibition is being made possiblethrough the generous support from Custom Chrome, DannyGray Seats, DHL Couriers and SBW Productions. Confirmed participants in “One World Choppers”Alan Lee (Gangsta Choppers, Los Angeles, CA,representing Belgium)Aldo Querio Gianetto (AQG Motociclette Italia,Colleretto Castelnuovo, Italy)Chica (Chica Custom Cycles, Huntington Beach, CA,representing Japan)Daniel Crespo (Devil Inside Cycles, representingSpain)Derek Pauletto (Trillion Industries, representingCanada)Frank Pedersen (Motorcycle Works, Olathe, KS,representing Norway)Hideya Togashi (Hide Motorcycles, Kawasaki, Japan -bike courtesy Giovanni Valla, Milan Italy)Hiromichi Ishihara(Satsuma Cycle Works,Yao,Osaka,Japan)Keino Sasaki (Indian Larry Legacy, Brooklyn, NY.representing Japan)Kevin Alsop (Big Bear Choppers, Big Bear Lake, CA,representing Australia)*Kin Koyama (Photographer, Tokyo, Japan)*Manon Elder (Paintings, British Columbia, Canada)*Mark “Duckman” van der Kwaak (Illustrations, Leiden,the Netherlands)Masanori Kimura (Four Speed Garage,Tokyo, Japan)*Michael Knepper (Paintings, Hamburg, Germany)Mike Tomas (Kiwi Indian Motorcycles, Riverside,CA,representing New Zealand)*Motor Marc Lacourciere (Paintings, Ontario, Canada)Peder Johansson (Hogtech, Eskilstuna, Sweden)Piet Hofmann (Violator Motorcycles, Alblasserdam,Netherlands)*Rich King (Illustrator, England)Rikki Battastini (Battastini’s Custsoms, San Ramon,CA, representing England)Roger Goldammer (Goldammer Cycleworks, Kelowna, BC,Canada)Russell Mitchell (Exile Cycles, North Hollywood, CA,representing England)*Takao Isobe (Photographer, Japan)Tom Jansson (Swede Built, Stamford, CT, representingSweden)Walt Siegl (Walt Seigl Customs, New York, NY,representing Austria)*Yoshihito Tomobe (Illustrator, Japan) *Denotes 2-Dimensional artist The exhibition will be held inside the Thunderdome atThunder Road, three miles east of downtown Sturgis.One World Choppers will open to the public Saturdaymorning, August 4th and will remain open throughFriday, August 10th. YOU’RE INVITED TO THE ROAD KILL CAF?!Tuesday August 7, 2007 :: 6:00 P.M. :: Road Kill Caf?– Our team looks forward to seeing you atSturgis! –Adam Roorda BIKERNET’S ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY– A woman from Los Angeles, who was a tree hugger and an anti-hunter, purchased a piece of timberland, near Grants Pass, OR. There was a large tree on one of the highest points in the tract. She wanted a good view of the natural splendor of her land so she started to climb the big tree. As she neared the top she encountered a spotted owl that attacked her. In her haste to escape, the woman slid down the tree to the ground and got many splinters in her crotch. In considerable pain, she hurried to the nearest doctor She told him she was an environmentalist and an anti-hunter and how she came to get all the splinters. The doctor listened to her story with great patience and then told her to go into the examining room and he would see if he could help her. She sat and waited three hours before the doctor reappeared. The angry woman demanded, “What took you so long? “ He smiled and then told her, “Well, I had to get permits from the Environmental Protection Agency, the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management before I could remove old-growth timber from a recreational area. I’m sorry, but they turned me down.” –Joe Lankau INSIDE BOARDTRACK HEAVEN–With his frames being build by Paughco, Rick Krost and the U.S. Choppers team are getting caught up on orders and preparing more rollers for future orders. “We’re picking up a new batch of hand made tanks today,” Rick said heading to his truck. Other than a pause for a Margarita with the Bikernet crew on the harbor, he’ll scramble back to his shop and fill more orders. Watch for this example of U.S. Choppers boardtrack beauty on the streets of Sturgis. U.S. Choppers JERRY OF ROLLIN’ SIXES DISCOVERS RARE GREEN FLAKE TO BE USED IN THE ASSALT WEAPAN GIRL’S SKIMPY OUTFIT– The manufacturer is out of green flake, what the hell ya know. Always a blowjob, why can’t anything go smooth. But all is not lost, we jumped his ass and told him time is of the essence,(LIKE NOW). To his credit he is calling all around the country to other dealers to get the flake we need and will overnight it to you when he gets it. We have been calling him a couple times a day. I’m sure he just loves us. We will keep you posted. –Jerry BOUNTY HUNTER BENEFIT UPDATE–I expect to see you at the Bounty Hunter Benefit. This will no doubt be the largest AND rarest event ever. We are gonna get the Prick that killed one of us, disabled another by ripping1 leg off, half of the other foot. Then ripping 1 arm up so badly that it is useless. He did this to one of us. Ran like a Bitch. Oh by the way. This ASSHOLE was the best man at Brian’s son’s wedding. Stands up for Brian’s son one day, then MURDERS HIS FATHER ANOTHER DAY. Then runs instead of facing the music.People get scared when they have a serious accident. I understand that. But you don’t run. You stand up to what happened. Especially if it is one of your BEST FRIENDS FATHERS. He doesn’t care about anyone. Help us put him where no one is gonna care about him. This is gonna have 3 TV News stations there. 2 for sure. Kan Du Photography, Dixie Biker, Full Throttle, Pushstart and then Bike Week Report TV is gonna be there MAKING a SHOW out of this event. This thing is gonna be on TV. When ever have you seen such a supported event. I have been a Biker for 25 years and have yet to see such a Rare Event or so well covered. People have really come together to help me get this thing heading to be the largest Event in History. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE show this PRICK that he can not do this to us and go on like nothing happened. Let’s show him that this is more than just an inconvenience to him. That it is UNFORGIVEABLE to US. Please check out my website. See how you can help sow support. BUBS MAKES NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC TELEVISION– I just read on that National Geographic show that partly filmed at the BUB 2006 meet will be airing tomorrrow- August 2nd at 8pm. Check the link below for details and check your local listings. I do not have any more information that what was listed on the Landracing forum- but the show is called “Need for Speed Bikes” –Nick Roberts CYCLE SOURCE STAFFERS ABANDON OFFICES, TEAR OUT THEIR COMPUTER AND HEAD FOR THE BADLANDS– lot going on at the Cycle Source office right now. We’re all packed up and leaving for Sturgis so I just wanted to drop you a line and invite you and your readers to ride with us. Monday August 6th we’ll be meeting at the Broken Spoke Sturgis County Line at noon, then leaving on a ride out to Hoover for the afternoon and returning to the Spoke for some fun. Along for the ride will be several Cycle Source photographers and other industry personnel. Several celebrity builders have also accepted out invitation. so it should be a blast man. The best part is, we get to promote an actual RIDE in Sturgis instead of just another party, hope everyone can make it. The Cycle Source truck will be set up all week at the Sturgis County line so make sure you stop by if you get a chance and pick up a free issue and one of our new Scooter Tramp t-shirts. –Chris Callen TURBO NEEDS POWER CHAIR TO KEEP THE PARTY ALIVE–I am in need of a power chair or a scooter of some type and can not afford to buy one. It is extremely hard and tiring getting around the Benefits I throw. If you know someone or you have a used one you would be willing to donate to me or even loan to me until I come across one I can keep. Please call me. “Turbo” Tim I am the guy in the picture with one leg and no prosthetic. 352-476-3420 HOT RUNNING TWIN CAM 96-INCH ENGINES, AMSOIL SAVES THE DAY–Harley-Davidson has recently acknowledged that its Twin Cam 96 engine tends to operate at higher temperatures than any of it’s predecessors . In particular, owners of 2007 Ultra Classic Electra Glide motorcycles have noticed an excessive level of heat radiating from the engine. This model has fairing lowers that obstruct some of the cooling air that would usually cool the rider’s legs at slower speeds. In addition, the Twin Cam 96 engine operates at higher temperatures than the Twin Cam 88 engine because it has almost 10 percent more displacement and is calibrated to run a leaner fuel mixture to meet exhaust emissions standards, often elevating engine heat at slow riding speeds when little air is flowing around the bike. Because of these issues, there is no better time than now to experience the benefits of AMSOIL synthetic oils for H-D V-twin bikes. The reduced friction and cooler operating temps AMSOIL provides will help protect the engine from overheating and excessive wear, especially during these sizzling summertime heat waves. Ordering Amsoil 20W50 Synthetic Motorcycle Oil is easy just go to While you are ordering your oil be sure to take advantage of Amsoil’s Ea Motorcycle Oil Filters, the best oil filters available anywhere,. Order either the EaOM 134 (black) or EaOM134C (chrome) filter for all Twin Cam applications. –Nick Continued On Page 3
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