HELLO ALL! And welcome back for another week of news and jokes. It?s been quiet around the Headquarters; not much in construction since we?re in the final phases of the master bedroom finale. Waiting on Toresten, the master wood craftsmen to build the closet and Kyle, the master electrician to give us light. Two more weeks and another room will be finished.

Bandit?s Sturgis Chopper is sort of at a stand still. The carb has to be sent off for something, (guess I should pay more attention) and other than that, he?s ready to tear it back down for? what? It?s not gonna be painted, oh, powdercoating. Right?

I have a list of articles that will go up next week, in addition to the two I posted yesterday. If you?re not a Cantina member, you should pay the five bucks just to read the ?Poem of the Year?. It?s great by itself but I added some great beauty shots from Todd8080 to top it off. And the new feature on Steed?s Quarterhorse. Lots more on the way so stay tuned.

BIKERNET PAINT JOB OF THE WEEK– I started painting tanks again…thought you might like to see the 1st one. Hope you’re doing well…..Apache Jil

2005 V-Twin Expo Seminars Now Available on DVD
Fresh from this years most successful v-twin trade show, the V-Twin Expo by Easyriders presents three insightful video seminars. Each seminar was presented to live standing room only crowds. For those not able to attend, each is now offered on DVD. Get one for the shop or for home, either way they are a must have for your video library.
?We increased both the quantity and content of our seminars at the ?05 Expo- quantity because of demand for seating by v-twin dealers and content because the dealers want substance, not fluff. They asked for information that would be valuable to their business, not just entertainment? said show producer Jim Betlach.
Seminars available on DVD include;
Engine Panel Discussion
Learn from the country?s leading engine experts from S&S Cycles, TP Engineering, Kuryakyn, Zipper?s and Axtell. This informative video covers the biggest problems facing today?s big inch motors and how to overcome them. This 50 minute-long video is a must have for either the big inch motor owner or for the shop selling v-twin high performance products.
Electronic Fuel Injection Panel
In this video you will see and learn about the evolution of EFI and where technology is taking the motorcycle industry. Top professionals from Dyno-Jet, Terry Components, S&S Cycle, Daytona Twin Tec and Thunder Heart discuss the important issues and answer questions from motorcycle dealers across the country.
Way Outside the Box
Learn how to push the envelope and think outside of the box from motorcycle maverick John Wyckoff. John offers his amazing and fresh thinking to seminar attendees and now you! Wyckoff brings a lifetime of knowledge and insight to this highly entertaining and thought provoking seminar. John Wyckoff was the recipient of the 2005 Lifetime Achievement Award at the V-Twin Expo ?Excellence in Motorcycling? awards.
Custom Paint Made Easy with Jon Kosmoski
Learn from the master, Jon Kosmoski. Jon, founder of House of Kolor, presents the latest technology, equipment, products and brand new techniques to keep you on the cutting edge of the custom paint universe. This seminar is upbeat and lively, we guarantee you will be not only entertained, but learn from the master too.
Order on or all of the videos today. Any single video is $19.95, or get both the Engine Panel Discussion and Electronic Fuel Injection Panel for an ultra low of $29.95. Each is produced in limited numbers so order quickly- supplies won?t last. Call 1-800-247-6246 or order online at: http://www.vtwin-expo.com
The V-Twin Expo by Easyriders focuses exclusively on the V-twin motorcycle market, takes place in Cincinnati and has become the v-twin industry?s premier trade show. It has steadily grown over the past five years in terms of exhibitors, exhibit space and V-twin dealers who attend the show.
The Expo attracts worldwide dealers with exhibitor space completely sold out. A waiting list now exists for exhibitors to secure display space.
Each Expo includes informative seminars for dealers, an industry reception, custom bike displays and honors for industry leaders and their products.
Dealers can register online now for the 2006 Expo at: www.vtwin-expo.com. 2006 Expo dates are February 4,5 and 6th. To learn more about exhibit space availability, contact Jim Betlach of Easyriders at 952-443-4168.

BLUE SUIT– A man who just died is delivered to the mortuary wearing an expensive,expertly tailored black suit. The mortician asks the deceased’s wifehow she would like the body dressed. He points out that the man doeslook good in the black suit he is already wearing.The widow, however, says that she always thought her husband lookedhis best in blue, and that she wants him in a blue suit. She gives themortician a blank check and says, “I don’t care what it costs, butplease have my husband in a blue suit for the viewing.”
The woman returns the next day for the wake. To her delight, she findsher husband dressed in a gorgeous blue suit with a subtle chalk stripe;the suit fits him perfectly.
She says to the mortician, “Whatever this cost, I’m very satisfied.You did an excellent job and I’m very grateful. How much did you spend?”
To her astonishment, the mortician presents her with the blank check.”There’s no charge,” he says.
“No, really, I must compensate you for the cost of that exquisite bluesuit!” she says.
“Honestly, ma’am,” the mortician says, “it cost nothing. You see, adeceased gentleman of about your husband’s size was brought in shortlyafter you left yesterday, and he was wearing an attractive blue suit. I askedhis wife if she minded him going to his grave wearing a black suit instead,and she said it made no difference as long as he looked nice.
“So I switched the heads.”
Chris T.

THE FEELING OF POWER–I was getting ready for work when I looked out the window and saw the utility company starting to erect a pole in front of my house. They were going to position it directly in front of my picture window.
No way, absolutely no way was I going to permit this. I gulped down my last bit of coffee and went directly to the crew supervisor and told him in no uncertain terms that I was not going to permit his crew to put that stupid electrical pole directly in front of my picture window.
He took out a map for pole locations and a right of way document and explained that it is the best location for it. I told him it is not thebest location for me and when I came home from work that day I did not want to find that pole in front of my window.
I told him I didn’t give a hoot where he put it but not in front of my window. I felt pretty smug as I drove off to work because I felt I got my point across. I know darn well they are afraid to put it there now.
Ahhhh….. the feeling of power…………
Chris T.

BIKERNET THOUGHT FOR TODAY–Laughter can cure a physical condition; it can and will positively affect an emotional illness as well. Laughter ushers in a new perspective which gives vent to a changed attitude. And our attitude toward any situation, any individual, is all-powerful.
A negative, critical attitude toward our financial situation, toward our disease, toward our boss, or spouse, or children, determines how we feel moment by moment. In like manner, when we raise our sights, look at the world with lightness in our hearts, expecting to enjoy the day, the people, the activity, we’ll succeed.
Finding humor in a situation, any situation prevents us from succumbing to feelings of powerlessness. Feeling powerless, behaving as victims, came easily for many of us before we chose this program and the Twelve Steps to live by. Choosing a humorous response, opting to laugh at our situation, at any point in time, keeps our personal power where it belongs–with ourselves.
My emotional health depends on my active involvement in deciding who I am, right now. Deciding to chuckle rather than snarl will give me an unexpected emotional boost.

STEALTH REPORT–I have been real busy this past week. I have been buying displays and getting security system estimates for “STEALTH BIKE WORKS.” One thing about doing this is the list of things to do continues to grow. We have a “town planning meeting” to attend on the 19th. Hopefully after that Stealth Bike Works will be cleared for take off. I would like to ask a little favor from everyone out there to keep your fingers crossed, say a prayer, whatever you think will help to get us through the meeting. Thanks in advance!
I am excited about the possibilities for STEALTH BIKE WORKS. It seems every day we have people wishing us well or asking when we will be open. Hopefully we will be open by the end of April. So far we have our wrench “Little Mikey” in place and my buddy and good friend “Chopper John” will be doing some fab work as needed. He already has some of his wicked fuel finished and ready for display. This guy has some great talent with welding and a torch. I did a story on him last summer.
We have had a number of friends volunteer their services to help up fit the building. My buddy Shorty, the powdercoat king Ben Jordan, Chopper John and Jay the electrical wizard. As always I have had a ton of encouragement from my wife and best friend “THE MEANEST,” without her all of this would not be possible. I would like to also thank my friend Fritz who has encouraged me along the way, especially when the low times hit me, my friend Lee Clemens from Departure Bike Works for his advice last fall. Last but not least, thanks to someone I have always admired and looked up to my good friend Mr. Bandit for all of his positive e-mails. It seems I would get these e-mails when I needed to hear something positive and up-lifting.
One of the best things about doing this is when I put the key in the door, I know it is up to me and I get to call the shots and I know my heart is in the right place. It is a GREAT feeling. So stay tuned for the opening day and phone number and don’t forget to remember us on the 19th with whatever you want to do. Cross those fingers, say a prayer, make a voo-doo doll to persuade the “town planning” people say “YES!”
Until next time, RIDE!

AIRBRUSH ARTIST AVAILABLE–I DO ALL STYLES OF ART. IF YOU EVER NEED MY SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT ME AT 1(570)223-6602, and at http://www.thirddimensiontattoos.com. I attached a sample of some bike parts, thank you for your time.

Photo courtesy of Jim Russi
BILLY IS COMIN? YOUR WAY–Billy Lane and the Blood Sweat & Gears Tour will be fabricating in your face, live on stage at the Edgewater Casino in Laughlin, Nevada.
Show dates and times: April 22 & 23, 2005 from 2:00 pm ? 6:00 pm.
See the bike you could win? Watch Billy add a bit of Choppers Inc to a brand new 2005 Harley-Davidson Springer provided by Carolina Harley-Davidson of Gastonia, NC. When the bike is done, it could be yours. To win it is easy. At one stop during the Blood Sweat & Gears Tour, Billy will simply hand someone in the crowd the keys and they ride it off the stage and home. It?s that easy.
Come watch live fabrication like you have never seen it before~ In your face.
Blood Sweat & Gears is powered by Dodge and Activision games. To see all 2005 Tour dates check out http://www.choppersinc.com.

PARTY IN HELL–We are at it again, it’s party time. What are the chances of getting ya’ll to come out and play? I know it’s a long trip but we’ll rolllll out the red carpet for you.
Hope all is well!
Take care, The Devil
Continued On Page 2