We also want to thank everyone in advance for not calling or coming by the headquarters for at least one month so we can fill him in on all that’s been going on (yeah right).
Later Gators and now from Bandit—
Sin & Layla
I?m a tad lost today– I tell ya life is a strange place. I go from folks who were brother associates for 20 years and shit in your hat or don?t pay their bills, to riders who I met yesterday and come across like gang busters. I don?t know what to make of it. At one time I was awake enough to recognize a day of conflict and avoid it like the plague. Then again, sometimes it?s just a fuckin? dog eat dog world.
I generally paint a picture of Bikernet as a crazed bunch of individuals building and riding motorcycles with wild abandon when they?re not chasing wanton, bi-sexual chicks around the office.
The above is why I left Easyriders. That and writing books are the goals. Generally we are having a helluva good time, but like everyone on this planet packed with greed and mayhem, we have a bad day from time to time. We?re a very small shop and we like it that way, but it means that we straddle a thin line from time to time. We have never wanted the site to be saturated with advertisers. Our goals was no more than 20 and do a helluva job for them. Well, if you have a few and a few don?t pay their bills, then we?re struggling.
As young men we struggle for power, titles, money and material bullshit until some dismal, cloud shrouded morning we wake up. We may roll over to a fat ugly broad and on the counter is a stack of insurance bills to cover all the happy bullshit we?ve collected over the years that we can?t use ?cause we?re working all the time. That?s when you come to the rude awakening that all the money in the world ain?t worth a hill of beans, if you?re not having a good time. Okay, goddamnit let?s get to the news:

TREV DEELEY WORLD FAMOUS FOR HIS WORK IN THE MOTORCYCLE INDUSTRY PASSED–away Wednesday March 27th during the night. Trev reached the age 82..The funeral will be a private family affair.
There will however be a Trev Deeley Memorial Ride, assembling On SundayApril 21st 2002 at Trev Deeley Motorcycles 2375 Boundary Rd. VancouverBC, CANADA (604) 291 BIKE at 12:00 Noon, and leaving at 12:30 to go tothe Trev Deeley Motorcycle Museum. 13500 Verdun Place Richmond BC 604273-5421
Trev was one of the first of three non American’s to sit on the Board ofDirectors for the Harley-Davidson Motor Company.
There is a possibility of memory patches and a Trev Deeley memorial pinat a nominal fee. Speak to Darwin At the store to reserve one if youdesire as it’s a one time deal. 291 BIKE
–from Dan
SECRETS FROM SIN WU–In an effort to understand the relationships between men and women on the Bikernet staff we are capturing all the e-mails from and to staff members. Here?s another quote. We?re not sure what to make of it, but it?s all apart of the study:I’ll only fuck other women with your blessings and hopefully one day withyour participation. This I can deal with. Sin Wu
Bikernet Caribbean Report–We spent our Easter weekend putting together the “new” takeoffchopper. In less than four whole days we managed to put the bike together,all with takeoff parts laying in different boxes all over the shop. Sureit’s not a “pretty” bike but it’s cool (to me) and it has it’s ownpersonality. It’s a no frills project at its best and we have kept the project( ’till now) to less than 800 bucks. I planned to start it tonight, but asalways, some little problems showed up and we might have to spend a bit moremoney to solve them the easy way.
I know I promised some photos but they will have to wait for next weeksreport, I was so pissed that left the floppy at the shop.Speaking of coolness and personality, I don’t know if it’s me or that Ihave been around bikes for so long , most of the bikes we see now lack thesetwo qualities. They seem like copies of stuff that other people have done or chromebarges with as much “billet” crap as an 700 page catalog can hold. Don’tget me wrong, we do sell a lot of that stuff, but we also put a lot ofpersonal effort and ideas into each bike. We don’t ever want to have a bikelooking like another, twins are cool if the are doing the nasty thing in aporno flick Also I have noticed that most of the magazines have gone the Gaudy customway, even when they feature choppers they seldom do the cover, or we seeissue after issue of jet sky colored “customs” that looked very similar tothe one’s in past issues, even the ol’ Easyriders have gone the chromebarge way. But have no fear, The Horse stays true to the Chopper scene andthey even have an event for choppers, possers on billet barges are notwelcome. The 3rd SMSO will take place from July 26th to 28th in NorthCarolina, three days of fun, and choppas. We will be there on our way toSturgis and so will Bandit and Billy Lane. It?s gonna be a hell of a party,Check the Horse website or the mag for more info. All this blah, blah. blah, comes from spending a few days in Daytona anddoing several bikes to customer specs (sort of) of getting drowned in chapsand “factory” jackets, and what about all the posers in the West CoastChoppers shirts….. This little flat black chopper brings us closer to what its really allabout, using your knowledge (talent ?) to build something out of nothing.Like someone said before” it’s a blank canvas and you are the artist”. Adding bolt on stuff and building bikes from boxes does not makes you acustom builder, period. Last weeks HOG ride was well attended, as many as 300 bikes showed up forthe ride and party, several clubs joined the event as well as any biker HOGrelated or not, they are following with an exhibition of the new models ata local mall and will close the event this Sunday with a BBQ by Longhorn.Yeap we were invited to show some of our bikes at the mall, and to the BBQ,which we will show up with 20 or so choppers just so the Rubbies know whatthey are missing. Another Rican that lives in New Mexico has started a t-shirt company,pretty cool chopper shirts for rigid riders, Check his website atCrazyRigids, and tell Noel we sent ya’ score one before the posers gettheir hands on them. We also got to check Indian Larry’s new place Gasoline Alley, pretty coolchoppers and stuff, also available in the web, take a look and say hi. The Desertores will have a run this next Sunday, it’s called Visa para unSue?o ( visa for a dream) and all the money will go towards needy children.This group of riders are doing a lot for local charity and doing rides leftand right, congrats to this guys. If you missed Jesse James camel bike, check his websiteWescoastchoppers.com, the bike is already there, pretty wild ! I don’t wanna sound like I’m plugging other people’s stuff, but we have tothank Accutronix, those guys are great and they have excellent products. Wealso want to wish Randy the best of health after his fight with the big C,it’s sad to have bad things happen to good people. We are all praying foryou. Dont miss issue 23 of the Horse where we feature our April Fools Kamelbike by “El chopper man” Well time to go figure out what the hell to do with the primary and rearbrake , also add one more bike for the Bikernet file. Jose– Bikernet poser antichrist agent. Continued On Page 2
See ya next week…..