Continued From Page 1
BIKERNET STICKERS FREE–Just send a goddamn self addressed stamped envelop. If you send a 8×10 folder, we’ll send you a big one.
It’s that simple. Send the SASE to Bikernet, P.O.Box 1168 San Pedro, CA 90733.
THE NATIONAL COALITION OF MOTORCYCLISTS BANQUET IS COMING– At last year’s NCOM Convention in New Orleans, in a moving tribute to Brothers & Sisters Lost, Doc Reichenbach, Chairman of the NCOM Board and President of ABATE of Florida, read a list of names of recently deceased Freedom Fighters submitted by motorcycle clubs and organizations nationwide for this special dedication. ABATE of Florida donated a brass bell to NCOM which was rung once for each name on an 18-page list, which took eight minutes to read.
This dedication will once again take place during the Convention, and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists is requesting that MRO’s, motorcycle clubs, and riding associations submit the names of those members and supporters who have died since May 2002, so that we may pay tribute to their memories.
Please submit names to, with the Subject Line: NCOM Convention Dedication. The cutoff date for submissions will be May 1, 2003.
If you have not already made plans to attend the NCOM Convention in Milwaukee, WI, May 8-10, 2003, at the Four Points Sheraton, rooms may be selling out. This year’s Convention will coincide with Harley-Davidson’s 100th birthday, so Milwaukee should be a great place for bikers this year! Make your reservations now, because this will be one of the best ever. Get with the people at AIM headquarters at 800-ON-A-BIKE to pre-register or for additional information, or you can download a pre-registration form and Convention flyer at www.ON-A-BIKE-com.
Thank you, and we hope to see you in Milwaukee!
–Bill Bish,

CYRIL HUZE NEO/RETRO AIR CLEANERS– These air cleaners will never go out of style. They are small and will not hide your engine details. They fit a total of 22 different carburetor applications! From the very old to the latest fuel injected models. From EL bikes to the newest Twin Cam 88. These art-deco style air cleaners are 100% hand made and offered in three styles: smooth with top ridge- all smooth- flamed. Each air cleaner includes the cover, the back plate and an exclusive teardrop filter element by Unifilter. All covers are top quality polished aluminum and reasonably priced. Chrome on request.
See details & prices at: Cyril Huze Custom ARIZONA SHOOT OUT– March 23, 2003 The president of a Cave Creek Hells Angels club was shot to death outside a north Phoenix bar early Saturday. Daniel Leroy Seybert, 46, a biker whom most people knew only as “Hoover,” was shot in the head at Bridget’s Last Laugh, a family member from Minnesota said. Hoover headed the club’s Cave Creek charter. Lt. Joe Harris of the Desert Horizon Precinct in Phoenix confirmed the homicide, saying Seybert suffered “upper-body trauma.” He declined to give more details. “It was a shock,” said Hoover’s sister, Becky Paggen, 31, of Foley, Minn. “We know he was shot coming out of a bar. “We don’t know much else, and the less we know probably better.” It’s unknown if the death is related to a long-simmering rivalry between other motorcycle gangs and the Angels, who dominate the state’s tough biker scene. [From Az. Republic.] POW/MIA RIDE–On September the 14th the 4th annual POW/MIA Ride For Rememberance will take place. Ride meets 11:30 am at VFW post 6643 on rt.18 in East Freetown MA. the ride then goes to the VFW/WASHINGTON CLUB in New Bedford MA., where there is a cookout & live band.The cost is $5.oo per bike. All proceeds will go to the veterans transition house in New Bedford MA. for more info call 508-992-8511 –from Rogue and Bandit, just a little something to brighten your day–Barbi. TEXAN ARTILLERY TECHNIQUES–A large group of Iraqi soldiers are moving down a road when theyhear a voice call from behind a sand dune. “One Texas soldier is betterthan tenIraqis.” The Iraqi commander quickly orders 10 of his best men over thedune whereupon a gun-battle breaks out and continues for a few minutes andthen, silence. The voice once again calls out “One Texan is better than one hundred Iraqi.” Furious, the Iraqi commander sends his next best 100 troops over the dune and instantly a huge gun fight commences. After 10 minutes of battle, again, silence. The Texan voice calls out gain “OneTexan is better than one thousand Iraqi.” The enraged Iraqi commander musters 1000 fighters and sends them to the other side of the dune. Rifle fire, machine guns, grenades, rockets and cannon fire ring out as a terrible battle is fought…. Then silence. Eventually one badly wounded Iraqi fighter crawls back over the dune andwith his dying words tells his commander, “Don’t send any more men……it’s a trap. There’s two of them. –from R.R. SHOP AT SEARS–IT IS ALL ABOUT HOW YOU TREAT THE PROTECTORS OF OUR LAND. I assume you haveall seen the reports about how Sears is treating its reservist employees whoare called up? By law, they are required to hold their jobs open andavailable, but nothing more. Usually, people take a big pay cut and losebenefits as a result of being called up… Sears is voluntarily paying thedifference in salaries and maintaining all benefits, including medicalinsurance and bonus programs, for all called up reservist employees for upto two years. I submit that Sears is an exemplary corporate citizen andshould be recognized for its contribution. I suggest we all shop at Sears,and be sure to find a manager to tell them why we are there so the companygets the positive reinforcement it well deserves.This is definitely one to pass on. –from Rogue MA APPEALS COURT AGREES WITH BIKERS, NO TEST, NO TICKET– (Cambridge, MA) Siding with three motorcyclists ticketed by theNewburyport Police for ‘excessive noise’ violations, the Appellate Divisionof the District Court Department, Northern District reversed the lowerCourt’s ‘responsible’ findings, vacating the judgments and dismissed thecitations, reported Paul W. Cote, Legislative Director of the MassachusettsMotorcycle Association. “This reaffirms what other District Courts have decided in similarsituations, ‘no test, no ticket,’ Cote roared. “The Court’s decision alsoshows,” he continued, ‘riders can ALTER their exhaust systems so long asthey do not exceed the State’s allowable decibel level of 99.” The citations stemmed from Patriot’s Day weekend last year when theNewburyport Police Department instituted a ‘motorcycle noise abatementpolicy,’ stopping over 55 riders who complained they were detained,harassed, threatened with towing and told to ‘stay out of my town,’ by thepolice. The MMA engaged its chief legal counsel, Joseph S. Provanzano ofPeabody who argued at trials the sound meter was required. When threeriders were found ‘responsible’ during trial in July despite no ‘testing,’Provanzano appealed. –from AOL SoLRHawk Watch out for guys pulling trailers. MARKETING FLORIDA DRIVERS LICENSES–FACT: The Florida DMV can sell your personal information unless you secureyour records by activating a block.Take a moment and check if your name is blocked from selling yourinformation. The DMV is authorized to give out (sell) your personal information toanyone: (name, DOB, phone number, address, SS#, Medical disabilities,etc)with no problem. You can go to the State of Florida web site and block theDMV from passing on any of your information.Go to and click on ON LINE DRIVER LICENSE CHECK toverify if your driver’s license is valid – once it verifies that yourlicense is valid or not it will let you know whether or not your license isblocked and it will give you the opportunity to block it at that time byfollowing the instructions.Pass it along to your Florida friends. — AOL SoLRHawk MYRTLE BEACH BOYCOTT STILL ROCKS–5000 flyers go SC to be distributed about the boycott. With the donationsreceived, the folks in SC should be able to educate some folks as to theinjustice committed there. To all those who helped in anyway …….. ThankYou ……… we achieved our goal on the flyers.The URL for the flyer is it’s in .pdfform –Hawk BIKERNET EXCLUSIVE–Just in the last couple of weeks Otis Chandler, Los Angeles Times magnet, appeared at a private auction and paid $310,000 for a 1907 Single. There are only four known Harley-Davidson strap tank models in the country. The price of antique bikes just went up. TERRORIST ATTACK SURVIVAL KIT–This is a Terrorist attack survival kit. Comes with one filter mask, one roll Terrorist Duct Tape, One roll Contractor quality clear plastic. 1 flag and instructions on use. In case of terrorist attack: Place mask over mouth, Place plastic over head, seal at neck with duct tape, hold flag in hand. PRAY! Use at own discretion! –from Bob T. Continued On Page 3
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