Continued From Page 2

MRS. STEALTH REPORT–Hey Layla and Mr. Bandit and Readers,
This is Meanest! Maybe you haven’t heard from me in a while, but I’ve been around. Life has been crazy lately, getting Stealth Bike Works off the ground. Looks like we won the final battle in the red tape war and the shop should be open on May 10th. We have tried to make the shop the way Mike remembers a bike shop used to be, and we have tried to add our own special touches and make it a place where you can stop by or you can stay awhile. There is the corner where you can play checkers; there are some of Mike’s most prized collectibles, and then there is “The Wall” where our friends and neighbors can permanently make their mark with their comments and their signatures.
I asked Mike if I could do the Thursday news this week, but I didn’t tell him why. He sent me the following e-mail today and the way he pours out his heart and soul is something that I would like to share with all of you. We should all be so lucky to be so excited about going to work every day!
Mike mentions Ben and Chopper John and Shorty — without the help of these guys, we would never be where we are right now. We couldn’t have done it without them!
Love and kisses,
E-Mail from Mike to Meanest, 4/23/05
Hey Meanest,You know sometimes it does not seem real that the shop will be open in a couple of weeks. I am really at home there. I am comfortable there and I can be myself. I like the feeling of not having anyone looking over my shoulder. This has been a long time coming and I have always dreamed about it. No matter what the shop turns into or how big it gets or how much it grows I am never going to lose sight of who I am and what it is supposed to be about. I can’t wait for the shop to open on the May 10th. It is funny how you never know where you will end up or how things will turn out.
Last October I felt like I lost who I was when I left my job but you know I now realize that was never who I really was. It was some good experience but it was not who I was or what I believe. Now I believe in what I am doing and I know if I do it right the money will come, but what is most important to me is to make a decent living and when I know someone needs help to help if I can, not to just see the $$$$$ signs.
My heart for what I love and do will never leave. It is funny that after all these years of being into bikes I still get excited and I get a certain feeling inside when I see a nice bike and I get that same feeling when I am around Ben, John, Jay and Shorty, they all do it because they love it. You can tell who those people are, the ones with heart. I think that is what I got tired of the most at a dealership, there was no heart or soul.
I feel like I have a new beginning and everything is new again. I never thought I would be this close to opening a shop. I feel like I belong to a special club with people like Bandit, Jose, Ben Edwards and everyone else who owns his own shop or business in motorcycles. It is a special feeling to think that you belong with people you have looked up to for a long time.
So I guess that is enough, I am anxious and real excited and I want to thank you for everything you have put up with and for everything you have done for me. You are half of STEALTH BIKE WORKS and that is a pretty big part!
So as we set out on this journey I look forward to it all, the tough times, the in between times, the good times, and the really good times because come what may it is ours and we have each other and no one can change that or take that away and that is the best thing about all of this!
I love you!

MOTOJOURNALISM MUSEUMAND INTERNET CAF?–Coming This Springin beautifulEagle Nest, New Mexico.Featuring men & women?s bunkrooms with full bath and lockers, covered, locked bike parking, in-house computers with free hi-speed internet serviced by:
Enchanted Circle Macintosh
For more information call:
(505) 377-3010

NEW FROM FAB KEVIN–I finally have these taillights ready for sale. They have 2 high intensity (dual intensity) LED lights, housed in a case machined of 6061 aluminum.The light is held onto the bracket with polished stainless steel fasteners, and polished brass wingnuts.

The bracket is my “standard” style steel side mount, designed to last forever.
It is also available as a “custom” fender mount too.
Priced at $200 for the side mount, and $175 for the fender mount.

HEY, IS THAT LIVIA?–Chopperz4Life Mfg. Co. signs Livia as spokesmodel for 10 shows and will be using her photos in a national advertising campaign covering several biker magazines.
This weekend is the Virginia Beach Bike Classic held in Virginia Beach, VA. Livia will be signing new photos of her on a Chopperz4Life Pro Street 300 Series. You’ll also be able to check out the new 330 Series Chopper at the show. Just look for Livia in the Chopperz4Life Booth and stop by to get a signed photo or polaroid.

You’ll also be able to see Livia at these events in the Chopperz4Life booth:
Virginia Beach Bike Classic – Virginia Beach, VA April 29 – May 1
Myrtle Beach Weekend – Mrytle Beach, SC May 12-22
Thunder Run in DC – Bull Run, VA May 27-29
Gettysburg Bike Week – Gettysburg, PA June 7-10
Thunder in the Valley – Johnstown, PA June 23-26
Little Sturgis Rally – Sturgis, KY July 14-17
Summer Bikefest – Carlisle, PA July 22-24
WVMountainFest – Morgantown, WV July 29-31
Mid-Atlantic MotorFest – Fairfax, VA September 2-3
Delmarva Bike Week – Ocean City, MD September 15-18

MANURE– In the 16th and 17th centuries, everything had to be transported by ship, and it was also before commercial fertilizer’s invention, so large shipments of manure were common. It was shipped dry, because in dry form it weighed a lot less than when wet, but once water (at sea) hit it, it not only became heavier, but the process of fermentation began again, of which a by-product is methane gas.
As the stuff was stored below decks in bundles, you can see what could (and did) happen. Methane began to build up below decks and the first time someone came below at night with a lantern, BOOOOM! Several ships were destroyed in this manner before it was determined what caused theexplosions.
After that, the bundles of manure were always stamped with the term “Ship High In Transit” on them which meant for the sailors to stow it high enough off the lower decks so that any water that came into the hold would not touch this volatile cargo and start the production of methane.
Thus evolved the term “S.H.I.T.,” (Ship High In Transit) which has come down through the centuries and is in use to this very day. You probably did not know the true history of this word.
Neither did I. I thought it was a golf term.
Chris T.

Crime Scene Choppers Introduces Speedster? Gas Cap
Flip-top gas cap brings vintage race car style to your bike
? Crime Scene Choppers announces the availability of the Speedster gas cap ? a custom gas cap inspired by vintage race car style, scaled for a bike.
The Speedster is CNC machined from 6061-T6 and hand finished. The pivot arms are mirror-finished stainless. The Speedster is available with your choice of brass or polished stainless pivots and mounting screws. A weld-in mounting boss and gasket are available separately.
The Speedster is made in the USA.
Quality and Style
?Our new gas cap? said Joe McGlynn, owner of Crime Scene Choppers. ?traces its roots to quick release gas fillers used on Indy cars in the 1950s. I wanted to capture that style with lots of fine details, and scale it to look right on a custom bike. We introduced the cap at the Laughlin run last week and we?ve had an unbelievable response!?
Speedster Availability
The Speedster gas cap is available through immediately. The cap may be ordered with either stainless or brass pivots and mounting screws. New products are being introduced every month, so check the website for the latest news.

REQUEST FROM THE NATIONAL COALITION OF MOTORCYCLISTS–At the 2002 NCOM Convention in New Orleans, in a moving tribute to Brothers &Sisters Lost, Doc Reichenbach, Chairman of the NCOM Board and President of ABATEof Florida, read a list of names of recently deceased Freedom Fighters submittedby motorcycle organizations and clubs nationwide for this special dedication.ABATE of Florida donated a brass bell to the National Coalition of Motorcyclistswhich was rung once for each name on an 18-page list, which took eight minutesto read.
This dedication has become a Convention tradition and will once again take placeduring the 20th Annual NCOM Convention in Nashville, Tennessee, and the NationalCoalition of Motorcyclists is requesting that MRO’s, motorcycle clubs, andriding associations submit the names of those members and supporters who havedied since May 2004, so that we may pay tribute to their memories.
IN ADDITION, the National Coalition of Motorcyclists is once again requestingthat Convention attendees from motorcycle rights organizations, clubs andassociations please bring an auction item on behalf of your group to help raisemoney for bikers? rights and provide entertainment after the Silver Spoke AwardsBanquet on Saturday evening. Proceeds from the auction go into the Freedom Fund,which provides funding for several NCOM programs and projects that benefitmotorcycling and bikers? rights efforts.
The 20th Annual NCOM Convention will be held May 5-7, 2005 at the Sheraton MusicCity Hotel, 777 McGavock Pike, Nashville, Tenn 37214. Call (615) 885-2200. CallNCOM for Convention registration information and hotel availability at (800)525-5355.

RFR – RIGID FRAME RICHARD ? ROVING FREELANCE REPORTER–So how was the weekend? Not bad here I had to miss a party at Spanky & Vanna’s with ALL the girls from here club last night in Houston. I shot that orange panhead today for Greg, he called after you forwarded my e-mail and said he was interested. It won 3rd Place Spectator Class at the ER show yesterday.

I also shot this bike for the shop, it won 2nd Place Antique Judged Class. They took two bikes and came home with two trophies, not bad for a days work. There are no riding shots it was just finished, Seth said they fired it off for a few minutes and rolled it in the trailer and went to Dallas. I told them I would let you check it out. I have 3 other contact sheets if you want to see more.
P.S. You are more then welcome to send large cash donations for my birthday in the am or high end photography equipment. Someday I may learn to use it.
When is/was your birthday?

CYRIL HUZE SPIKEE RISERS– These riser kits have a unique design with spike covers. They feature invisible hardware: cover hides the upper handlebar clamp bolts. They are beautifully chrome plated. Available in 3″, 5″ and 7″ rise for 1″ handlebars. Matching hand grips, foot pegs, mirrors, coil brackets, engine head bolts, are also available.
Cyril Huze.
Tel 561-392-5557
Fax 561-392-9923
Continued On Page 4