The dry ice Martinis are bubbling over the Southland. I was in Mastros Restaurant last night in Los Angeles with Paul Yaffee, Myron Larrabee, antique bike collector Urban Hirsh, his bodacious blond girlfriend and a surfer from Cabo San Lucas. A strange mixture of Jack Daniels and colored Martinis that boiled in thin glasses. We started talking about the bike shown here.

The Twin Cam powered full rubber mount custom was fabricated flawlessly in Europe by House of Thunder in Germany, as attested to by Paul who was a judge at a European bike rally and spent four hours studying each meticulous detail. Arlen Ness viewed the crafty creation in Daytona and said, “This bike has raised the bar for all custom motorcycle builders.”

This is a shot taken from Garry Stuart’s collection on his website which highlight his portfolio. Garry was recently at the Bikernet Headquarters shooting bikes and interviewing staff for a couple of upcoming publishing projects. Back to the bike. Check the bars. No controls other than twist grips. Check the lower legs and the foot controls. The artist/engineer here has gone beyond.

Now for sex. Two models will roam the streets of Laughlin giving out Bikernet stickers. They will be wearing Biker sashes and Nasty Bad Pig clothing. If you get a shot of them send it to and you may win a prize. She’s trying to confirm that I won’t have one locked in my room. Let’s get to the news.

AVON IS BACK–Avon Tyre is back in the House of Bikernet as a long standing sponsor. We will feature the new Venom Line of Tyres and Avon is working with us on our new Nuttboy project which you will find to be an interestin’ old, new, and out of school relic.
DEATH & TAXES– A visitor from Holland was chatting with his American friend and was jokingly explaining about the red, white and blue in the Netherlands flag. “Our flag symbolizes our taxes,” he said. “We get red when we talk about them, white when we get our tax bill, and blue after we pay them.”
“That’s the same with us,” the American said, “only we see stars,too.”

BIKERNET NUTTBOY PROJECT REPORT–Here’s a shot of the Rev Tech engine crate and transmission. The Case the 88-inch engine was shipped in is worth the price of the engine. Keep it forever incase you need to ship an engine to a rebuilder, like I did with a ’48 Panhead to Lee Clemens at Departure Bike Works to be rebuilt by the master. A case like this can be a life saver.

EASYRIDERS REPORTS DELISTING BY THE AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE–April 24, 2002–Easyriders Inc.(AMEX:EZR) announced today that on April 16, 2002 it received notice fromthe American Stock Exchange indicating that the Company no longer complieswith the Exchange’s continued listing guidelines.
Accordingly, the Company’s stock will no longer be listed on the AmericanStock Exchange as of the opening of business on May 6, 2002.
The Company recently reported in its Form 10-K for the fiscal year endedDecember 31, 2001 that it had a net loss of $17.1 million on revenues of$28.3 million, at which time the Company had a stockholders’ deficit of$28.4 million. Consequently, Easyriders has fallen below the continuedlisting requirements of the Exchange with respect to deficient stockholders’equity and continued losses as required by Sections 1003(a)(i),(ii), and(iii) of the AMEX “Company Guide.”
The Exchange also noted that the Company’s auditors Stonefield Josephson,Inc. stated in the recently filed 10-K that there exists “substantial doubtabout the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern.”
The Company does not intend to appeal the decision by the Exchange.
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