THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. For more information, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit us on our website at

WAR STUFF: By the time a lot of you folks read this in print in your newsletters, the war in Iraq, I HOPE, will be long over with. But our boys and girls are out there are fighting hot and heavy as I write this, so I hope you’ll let this old Marine give a little of his own perspective on all this. I saw one e-mail I agreed with, so I’m going to give you a little edited version of what he had to say. He needs to know he isn’t the only one in this country that feels the way he does.
“I’m venting tonight because I’m angry about what I saw tonight I watched as a bunch of misguided ‘citizens’ protesting in Portland tonight. We all have the right to lawful assembly, however last time I checked stopping traffic on freeways, blocking bridges, and unprovoked attacks on law enforcement officers didn’t fall under peaceful demonstration, nor is burning the stars and stripes while chanting we love Iraq. I must conclude that these people are either FOOLS OR COWARDS and if they love some other nation more by all means please leave! I KNOW most of you have a friend or family member who paid some price for freedom in blood or the ultimate sacrifice, [so that] these cowards have the chance to show they enjoy the freedom they [have]… hoo-ya semper-fi, crzycooter roger”
Regardless of what you think about the politics of this war, I agree with this man and say that if YOU burn my flag I will consider you a traitor subject to the laws governing such behavior. If you don’t like the way we do things in this country, if you don’t like the freedom you have here, if you don’t like our laws, change things legally, or move to a country you do like…. I’ll help ya pack!

NEWSBITS’N’PIECES: PHOENIX. AZ: Here’s another celeb that got banged up due to a reckless driver. Los Angeles Dodgers batting coach Jack Clark remained in stable condition at a Phoenix hospital, a day after he was injured in a motorcycle accident. Clark broke eight ribs and had cuts to his head when he was clipped by a car on his way to Bank One Ballpark for a Dodgers workout. No helmet law in AZ. Yet Clark didn’t die! Imagine that.
I have to tell you, if it were one of US, instead of a celeb, no one would even hear about it. The driver who caused the accident was cited for “an unsafe lane change.” Some states are working to change the law to call for stiffer penalties against negligent drivers who cause injury or death…good for them.

WEBSTER, N.Y.: American Motorcycle Corporation has signed a letter of intent to purchase Royal Ryder Motorcycle Manufacturing Company, Inc., of Hudson, Florida. Another Harley clone starting up. Hope they make it, but history tells us a different story. I remember Titan and some others who aren’t on the scene now. The EPA, with their ever-tightening noose around the neck of the motorcycle industry, probably had something to do with it too.

WASHINGTON: I was reading this article about our two-wheeled brothers on the road, the bicyclists. There’s a paradox that has long puzzled those folks, and it applies to us as well. Fact is, under some circumstances, commuters who burn a precious resource – oil – to drive to work get a tax break! Those who use their own muscle power to pedal bikes to the office don’t.
“Why should we discriminate in terms of tax treatment for somebody who is not polluting the air, not causing traffic congestion and not taking away from our petroleum reserves?” asked Rep. Earl Blumenauer, a democrat from here in Oregon.
How about a tax break for motorcycles too? WE burn MUCH less gas and pollute WAY less than cars or busses, even when we lay on the throttle a bit. We have fun and live a lifestyle we love, and we’re very environmentally FRIENDLY. Why don’t our lawmakers like Earl here ever talk about that? Something to think about.
MINNEAPOLIS: Norton Motorcycle Company has announced that it has changed its name to the Viper Motorcycle Company, and Viper has released all trademark rights to the Norton brand. Merch Performance Inc, is to supply engines for the new motorcycle. According to their new CEO, “The initial response to our first model, the Viper Diablo Power Cruiser, has greatly exceeded our expectations.” The goal for Viper Motorcycle Company is to be a full-line manufacturer of high-end motorcycles. The company will introduce 3 additional models sometime this year. Now THIS one just might be worth watching. My boss Sam Hochberg says that the Norton Commando was the very first bike he lusted after as a kid. Too bad for Sam: These new ones are NOT likely to look much like Nortons at all – especially since they aren’t even going to CALL ’em Nortons.

IRVINE, CA: According to the Business Wire news service, motorcycle sales for 2002 are up a remarkable 9.4 percent, and the U.S. motorcycle market is celebrating TEN consecutive years of rising sales! In 2001, new unit motorcycle sales topped 850,000 in the fourth straight year of double-digit increases. Strong demand for two-wheelers beat that mark in 2002, with total motorcycle sales of more than 937,000. ONE little contribution to the 2003 statistics will be that our Oregon AIM Attorney Sam Hochberg just picked up an Anniversary Edition Heritage Softail Classic. Old Sam just looks like a kid at Christmas. Sam’s not the type to splash out on big fancy cars – he hasn’t bought a brand new car since 1974. His last brand new BIKE was a little two-stroke he picked up in the Bronx in 1971! Sam, you ride safe on that new bike. His old shovel is now for sale, if anyone has a mind to inquire. His office is 503-224-1106, or you can just email him at anytime.
Like most of our AIM (Aid to Injured Motorcyclists) Attorneys, Sam has been an avid rider most of his adult life. Ain’t it nice when we can go to one of our OWN if god forbid, we go down? The whole AIM system is set up like that. You get ’em by calling 1-800-ON-A-BIKE, or at You can get lots of info about Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (AIM) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), of course, plus news, motorcycle laws, and plenty of links. Sam’s personal website is

KAMPALA, UGANDA: Bikers here in America are always doing toy runs, poker runs, and other fundraisers, usually for sick kids. Turns out we aren’t the only bikers concerned about the welfare of others. In Uganda, Africa, there are bikers too, and they recently staged a rally and ride for the benefit of AIDS-stricken kids, so they could go to school. The ride was to raise funds for school supplies. This was a two week ride that netted $7,600 for the children. That will do a lot of good for those 60 kids. Hooray for the Ugandan bikers who care for kids. I guess bikers are the same the world over.

GUNNY AGAIN: As you good folks are reading these pearls of wisdom, my wife and I are riding on my motorcycle to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to attend the NCOM Convention starting on May 8th. I sincerely hope to see many of you there. Come over and say hi to me. I will be there the Tuesday preceding the festivities, and I’ll be part of the AIM Chiefs of Staff meeting held on Wednesday, the day before the Convention actually starts. These Conventions are the lifeblood of the AIM and NCOM programs. The very purpose for the existence of NCOM is to be a clearing house for information for any motorcycle organization or even individual, needing help with information relating to bikers rights. AIM of course is the vehicle to help those who are hurt in a mishap, either in their car or motorcycle. Our hardworking attorneys (who ride, as most Sack readers know) are working daily in our best interests. They never charge us up-front fees for their injury cases, and they do just about all their accident work on a contingency basis. They get paid when they get you paid. Then, of all things, they GIVE a large chunk of their fees to support the work of AIM/NCOM. That includes sponsorship of the Confederations of Clubs all over the country.
I’ve never been a big fan of lawyers, but over these ten years I’ve worked with Sam Hochberg, and for all the Conventions I’ve been to and all the Oregon Confederation meetings I’ve seen, I can tell you that THIS BUNCH IS ACES. These attorneys provide legal advice for SMRO’s all over the country, usually pro bono (for free). I hesitate to try and list all the free work they do for the motorcycle world for fear of missing someone important. If you want more good info, get in touch with the AIM/NCOM folks at 1-800-ON-A-BIKE or 1-800-531-2424.
Keep the round side on the bottom. Gunny, Oregon AIM Chief Of Staff