Continued From Page 2

300 FENDERS NOW AVAILABLE FROM KRAFT TECH–The first company to build production 300 tire fenders. They are rolled mild steel, over .200 thick and doubled at the tip for strength. The fenders are bitchen contoured to fit the 300 tire and notched for chains and belts. Just drill ’em and mount ’em.

KRAFT/Tech Inc.
651 Arroyo Ave.
San Fernando, CA 91340
(818) 837-3520

THE FLOW BENCH PROJECT HASN’T DIED– As you know this is a work in progress. It started out as a project being made from these old plans. Since then I have found out there are some flaws with the plans. Nothing major. Mostly just little things that have to be redesigned. All that adds up to is time and money.
More flow bench info coming soon.

THREE BUELL PROMOTIONS GET RIDERS READY FOR SPRING–Demo Days, Fuel in the Frame for a Year and No Down Payment Programs.
MILWAUKEE (April 21, 2004) – Motorcycle enthusiasts who want to experience the adventure of riding Buell motorcycles this spring can take advantage of three promotional offers at participating Buell dealerships.
Motorcyclists who demo ride a Buell motorcycle through May 31, 2004 during Buell Demo Days will receive a free Buell Sling Bag. A valid motorcycle endorsement and proper riding gear are required for the demo ride. The customized sling bag, a $50 retail value, is made from heavy-duty denier fabric with nylon lining and features four individual storage compartments.
Those who purchase a Buell before May 31 will receive free gasoline during the Buell ?Fuel in the Frame for a Year? promotion. Fuel in the Frame for a Year will be provided through a $150 Visa Gift Card. The Visa Gift Card is a prepaid card that can be used at millions of worldwide locations. Instead of worrying about rising gas prices, new Buell owners can focus on enjoying the ride. Highway gas mileage averages for the Firebolt and Lightning models are 65 mpg, and the Blast boasts nearly 73 mpg on the highway.
In addition, eligible buyers can also qualify for No Down Payment financing. This option is available through Eaglemark Savings Bank and Harley-Davidson Credit until June 30 on all 2003 and 2004 new, previously untitled Buell motorcycles including Blast.
Riders should stop by their participating Buell dealer or for full details on all of the Spring promotions. A guy walks into a bar with his pet monkey. He orders a drink and while he’s drinking, the monkey jumps all around the place. The monkey grabs some olives off the bar and eats them, then grabs some sliced limes and eats them, then jumps onto the pool table, grabs one of the billiard balls, sticks it in his mouth, and to everyone’s amazement, somehow swallows it whole.

BANDIT’S CANTINA SAGA–The bartender screams at the guy, “Did you see what your monkey just did?”
The guy says “No, what?”
“He just ate the cue ball off my pool table-whole!”
“Yeah, that doesn’t surprise me,” replied the guy, “he eats everything in sight, the little bastard. Sorry. I’ll pay for the cue ball and stuff.”
He finishes his drink, pays his bill, pays for the stuff the monkey ate, then leaves.
Two weeks later he’s in the bar again, and has his monkey with him. He orders a drink and the monkey starts running around the bar again. While the man is finishing his drink, the monkey finds a maraschino cherry on the bar.
He grabs it, sticks it up his ass, pulls it out, and eats it. Then themonkey finds a peanut, and again sticks it up his ass, pulls it out, and eats it.
The bartender is disgusted.”Did you see what your monkey did now?” he asks.
“No, what?” replies the guy.
“Well, he stuck a maraschino cherry and a peanut up his ass, pulled it out, and ate it!” said the bartender.
“Yeah, that doesn’t surprise me,” replied the guy. “He still eatseverything in sight, but ever since he had to shit out that cue ball, he measures everything first.”
–Ken Miller

PAINT JOB OF THE WEEK–Here’s another Jim Murillo creation. This bike hit the cover of Hot Bike, but not with this paint. Jim fixed it after the cover shoot. Jim’s located on the west coast in the LA region. For more info drop him a line to: James Murillo Just don’t call him James. Only his mom does when he’s in trouble. BIKERNET HISTORY LESSON–Almost 150 years ago, President Lincoln found it necessary to hire a privateinvestigator, Alan Pinkerton, for protection. That was the beginning of theSecret ServiceSince that time, federal police authority has grown to a large number ofmulti-letter agencies – FBI , CIA , INS , IRS , DEA , ATF , etc. Now comes the Federal Air Transportation Airport Security Service. Can’t yousee them now? These highly trained men and women in their black outfits withinitials in large white letters across their backs?F. A. T. A. S. S. – – – – – – – I feel safer already –from Rogue AUSTRALIAN BIKERNET REPORTER’S PROJECT–Yep, we’ll show you how a brother in Australia builds a Panhead chopper. Glen Priddle kicked off his project by stripping his bike to the frame out in the yard. That’s how it’s done in Australia. Everything including building bikes is handled on the road. Hang on for complete reports. COPS RAID HOME FOR POT– Carlsbad, California police raided a suburban home after the family’s U.S. $250-$300 per month electricity bills led them to suspect that the homeowners were growing marijuana under high-intensity lamps. Instead, they found often-used washing machines and dryers, three computers always left on, a dishwashing machine running often and three children who forgot to turn off lights when they left a room. “It’s hard to believe a high utility bill would be enough to issue a state warrant,” said Dina Dagy, who owns the home. She is demanding a written apology. Police said they have apologized verbally and were following proper procedure. –from Rogue AGENT ZEBRA ALIVE AND WELL–And still training attack dogs. This was a demostration behind the new Bikernet headquarters. The strong shepherd bit through his attack gear and wet suit sleeves, to puncture his arms. Zebra never gives up. RFR REPORTS FROM IRAQ– I have some stuff to send you from a benefit we had on Saturday for a soldier that was wounded in Iraq. A medic that got hit going to help a wounded soldier. The fight was so intense that it was 3 hours before they could evacuate Alan the medic. He has already had numerous surgeries and he still has many more to go. The young man that finally was able to help Alan was there along with his father, both who ride. I am waiting for some info on them since I took a couple images for Christina for the Texas Thunder Roads she was getting the info. The pictures are really a contradiction to his story being as it is images of people having fun. He has received a Purple Heart, the Bronze Star with”V” and an Army Commendation Medal. It is just one story of many throughout the nation, it is just one I am aware of. Later HERITAGE MOTORCYCLE RALLY– Americas Fastest Growing Motorcycle Event The first year of the rally was 2003. Like every new rally there were some growing pains, but the people putting it on had really done their home work and it showed. The magazines and the Internet quickly spread the word as to what a great event it was. The people responded. So in 2004 Dave Harvey, the promoter increased the event to 5 days and utilized more of the Ladson Fairgrounds on route 78, the fairgrounds became Rally Central. The Ladson Fairgrounds is where the Custom Bike Show is held. This is a top notch event with some of the best bikes in the South. The winners received over $50,000.00 in cash and prizes. When you attended the bike show you had an opportunity to vote for the motorcycle of your choice, if you did you were also entered into a contest to win a $26,000 Big Dog Motorcycle at no charge. That is the best raffle I have ever heard of. There were 100s of vendors, beer gardens, live bands, motorcycle stunt shows, flat track racing, wall of death and much more. There were so many people and things going on at once and all running very smoothly. The people putting it on and their staff really had a handle on everything. I have always liked Charleston and the surrounding area. The event has grown to an area of 300 square miles. Okay I didn?t cover the whole area but I sure had fun at the places I did go. I like the Kickin Horse Saloon on Rt. 17 in Awendaw. Kathy Campbell and all the girls there made sure I had fun and plenty to drink. I wonder if they were trying to get me drunk so they could take advantage of me. I guess I?ll never know. Closer to the fairgrounds is Big Deck Daddy?s in North Charleston. This is where the locals go. Thursday is Bike Night. During the rally Every Night Was Bike Night. Historical Downtown Charleston is a must. The Battery and the Market is a couple of places not to be missed. The people in the area are friendly and make you feel welcome and the cops are cool. No Bull Shit stops like Daytona. Yea they will bust you if you are fuckIn’ up but no bullshit roadside stops. YEAH, I HAD A GREAT TIME! I HOPE I GET TO GO AGAIN IN 2005 GREAT NEWS The Rally is Going to 10 Days in 2005 making it the newest Bike Week in the Country. It is Going To Be Hot. Start making your plans to attend now. Visit the Heritage web site at –ROGUE IT’S PACKIN’ TIME–Time to ride. I love to ride, but I’m burnt out on escapin’ the city. I may roll out before the crack of dawn to avoid the bullshit LA traffic. Then as the sun warms the sky I’ll enter the desert for a highspeed romp across the state with my woman at my back. Have a helluva weekend and if you run into me in Laughlin, I’ll be handing out Bikernet stickers. Just ask me. Ride Forever,