The shrunken FXR lives. It’s off the lift, and I’m ready to build a chopper. Big inch Shovelhead in a Pauchco chopper, rigid frame with a JIMS tranny and a blacked out Paughco Springer. The rest is up in the air.
We’re packing right now, for a midnight run to Laughlin, riding the King. I checked the fluids, clutch cable, rear air shocks, tire pressure and what else? Next I need to pack. I’m going to write a piece on packing. I always pack too much. You can help me out with this one. I pack light but too tight.

Let’s hit the news. While you’re reading this I’ll be flying across the desert.

NEW H-D BOLT-ON PERFORMANCE BOOK–North Branch, MN — Modern Harley-Davidsons are worthy performers – they’re powerful, reliable, comfortable, and they handle and brake. But if you really want to turn your particular H-D into a canyon carver, a tire smoker, or the ultimate in cross-country transportation, there’s room for improvement.
Those who want to boost their Harley?s performance will be glad to learn of a new book packed with-detailed information on engine modifications and performance, including nitrous, turbocharging, and supercharging. The book, written by Jerry Smith will be available in August 2004, covers the most popular Harley-Davidson models and applications.
Whether you want a replacement carb and add a set of pipes, or you’re looking for the biggest crate motor that will fit in your frame, Harley-Davidson Bolt-On Performance gives you the information you need.
Harley-Davidson Bolt-On Performance is a softbound, 128-page book featuring over 300 black and white photos and carries a retail price of $18.95. The book may be ordered by calling CarTech Books at 1-800-551-4754 or by visiting www.cartechbooks.com; please note that a $4.95 shipping and handling fee will apply. CarTech is already accepting advance orders for the book.

AMERICAN IRON HORSE TEXAS CHOPPER MOD–Hello sweets,We don’t have any press releases on the 4 degree trees. It’savailable as an upgrade when the bike is ordered and Bob said customers areordering them around 50/50 with and without. They are also available forpurchase as an accessory from our dealers for customers who had bought aChopper before we had the 4 degree trees available.
My nephew bought them acouple months after having his chopper and really likes the way it handleswith the 4 degree trees. The attached image is what we put on theGunslinger accessory page of the catalog. As I mentioned Friday, it comeswith 4 degree trees, 12 over tubes and longer brake lines. $750.00 Retail.
Are you going to be in Laughlin? We’ll bethere Tuesday thru Sunday.

STEALTH MAGIC–This week it has been tough to come up with something to write about. Spring has sprung around here and the local bike nights are getting started as are the poker runs and just riding in general. The winters are not that tough here, but it is good to see spring arrive. It is a time of new life and new beginings!
So with that being said I think I will write about what I do for a job. My “official” title is “Design Consultant.” A lot of you are probably saying “What is that?” Well, let me explain. I help and assist people with customizing their bikes. Most of us who read Bikernet and the staff probably don’t need a lot of help in this area, but the newbies do! When they come into my office they are as confused as a termite in a yo-yo!
I try to make them feel comfortable and tell them there is no such thing as a dumb question. That is how we learn and you have to start somewhere. Some have watched too much of the Discovery channel and think they are the next great bike builder just waiting to be discovered. Most come in with an idea or two and a good base foundation for a start, others havea dozen ideas and none of them flow together. I try to guide them and get them to choose a direction, instead of going in three directions at once. I never force my ideas on them. I only suggest. After all it’s their dream, their bike and their money that they are spending.
Another part of my job is to gain their trust and let them know that they will not end up with a cross between a VW bus and a bike. I show them pictures of my bikes and this usually helps with the trust issue. Another obstacle to overcome is the money issue. I usually try to convince them that life is short and who knows about next month or next year. You only live once, so go for the bike you really want. I also tell them that if you really want this or that and you decide not to get it, you are going to think about it until you do. I truly believe the part about only living once and that is how I try to approach things. The one obstacle I have the hardest time overcoming is “The wife or girlfriend won’t let me!” I have written on this before, and I have to tell you, women control those bank accounts! Well I guess that is enough of what I do, didn’t mean to bore anyone!

An update on the 6th Annual Run For Breath “In Memory of Justin Pullin” to be held July 25th here in Charlotte. Next week we will lay the t-shirt design out. So far we have about 25 sponsors, we are always looking for new sponsors. You don’t have be close to the Charlotte area to be a sponsor. All proceeds go to the American Lung Association and their ashma camps for kids. Sponsorship fee is just $100 and your name is on the official run shirt if you sign up by May 7th. You also receive two t-shirts. The shirts are always cool, artwork is by Chris Kallas, the same Chris that does the bikernet artwork.
The run and bike show that follows grows every year, so if you are in the Charlotte area at the time of the event or would like to be a sponsor give me a call and we will get you set up.
Work: 704-847-4647
Okay enough, the wind is blowing warm tonight, the stars are bright and the time is right, let’s ride!

As part of our ten-year anniversary, we are planning a national ride-in and celebration at our factory in Wichita. The dates are June 11 & 12 and will include an evening welcome party, factory open house complete with contests, food and drinks, tours, trials demonstration, and custom bike show, as well as music by Dewy & The Big Dogs (Dewy is our own Sheldon Coleman).
Below is information about the event. We are asking you to not only join us, but to also help us promote it through your publications. Also, to help promote it, we are sending information to our dealers as well as personal invititations, including a massive four-foot long, ten-year timeline poster to you and the 8,600 known Big Dog Motorcycles riders.
Make plans to attend (be sure to pre-register). Start spreading the word. And check the website for updates.

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