Continued From Page 2

TRIBUTE TO WIL PHILLIPS FROM JOHN COVINGTON–Wil Phillips was a very talented motorcycle designer/engineer. Wil was one of the first people I met when I got my first Harley, I think his shop was called Hawg Dawgs in Burbank. When I met him he was doing a bunch of work on celebrity and high profile musician’s bikes at the time. He cut and welded the rear swing arm shock mounts on my ’85 FXWG to lower it back in the day.
He actually stopped working on Bruce Springsteen’s bike to get my stuff done, and that really made me feel like he was a real kind of person, always taking the time to fully explain all the how, what and why’s to what he was doing to my bike when I was very green. I knew he was very passionate about his work the first day I met him.
When I opened my first little motorcycle shop in Sun Valley I would buy his parts directly from him. Not a lot of people know it, but he innovated the adjustable lowering kits for Softails. I think he produced those first lowering kits because he was tired of cutting up and welding on Softail frames to drop the rear end suspension. I clearly remember his yellow “Ride 1” packaging, and then seeing his innovative adjustable Softail lowering solution knocked off by tons of companies – but none of them had the inherent quality of the original pieces made by Wil. His stuff was always bulletproof.
I haven’t seen him in person since ’87 when he went off on me at the Mikuni Bike Show in Santa Monica thinking I ‘stole’ his Rubbertail design. At the time apparently we were both looking for different solutions to some of the handling issues with Softail’s, and rubber-mounting a drive train in a chassis never interested me – he spent a lot of time and energy looking for solutions to the issues inherent in the design with rubber-mounting V-Twin engines. I think sometimes he let his passion get in the way of his financial success.
He was one of those guys that was very inspirational to me in the motorcycle design world with his mindset that the stuff that H-D delivered on their bikes wasn’t the end all “perfect” package. Wil always displayed out of the box thinking with his designs to find ways to improve upon the status quo. He had “his” way of doing things that sometimes became very complex and complicated engineering solutions.
I could always relate to his challenges in the motorcycle industry where flash seems to draw in the money while he stayed focused on meat and potatoes solutions to making bikes handle and ride better.
He definitely made a huge mark, directly and indirectly upon a ton of the custom bikes built that are rolling on the road today. There are so many solutions that Wil innovated or inspired that ultimately ended up on factory H-D bikes that he will never get proper credit for.
He was a trail blazer, and I always respected his passion as a designer and engineer. Wil will be sorely missed.
RIP Mr. Phillips.
–John Covington

ROT PRE-REGISTER UNTIL MAY 1ST–Let this year’s party begin!! The weather’s getting warmer, and biker fever is in the air. With Austin’s wildest biker event just around the corner, there are less than 12 days until the clock winds down and pre-registration closes. Sport your FREE ROT t-shirt and pass up the long lines at the rally when you ride in and grab your pre-ordered wristband. This year’s rally is going to be hotter than ever with enough wild biker fun to keep everyone entertained. So don’t procrastinate, pre-register today.
Bring yourself, your bike, and your party hat to this year’s amped up pre-rally events. We’re sure you all know how to pre-party, so don’t miss the “events before the event.” These pre-rally parties will be getting the biker buzz going all over Austin starting May 9th. Bring cash in hand because ROT rally tickets will be available to those of you who missed online pre-registration. All of our favorite biker friendly locations have jumped on board for the fun, so don’t miss the chance to drink a cold beer and get psyched up for the big event.

ARIZONA BIKE WEEK MARKS ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL RALLY FOR HARLEY-DAVIDSON–At Arizona Bike Week, March 28 through April 1, 2007, Harley-Davidson offered demo rides of 2007 models from Thursday to Sunday. Also, the H-D Traveling Museum was on-site to show visitors the incredible and extensive history of Harley-Davidson.
On Saturday, March 31, West World of Scottsdale hosted “A Tribute to Excellence” to celebrate the accomplishments of Willie G. Davidson, who signed autographs there and also on Sunday at the Firebird International Raceway at the Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.) Pit Stop.
On March 31 and April 1, Arrowhead Harley-Davidson and Chandler Harley-Davidson presented the Screamin’ Eagle Performance Parts Arizona Bike Week Nationals, which featured an all Harley-Davidson drag race. Also on April 1, Arrowhead Harley-Davidson hosted the 11th Annual Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) Rally and Silent Auction, which featured a more scenic route with a new destination and raised over $8,000 for MDA.
The Harley-Davidson New Product Trailer was open from Thursday to Sunday and featured 12 H-D motorcycles, three of which were accessorized with Genuine Parts and Accessories. The New Product Trailer also featured core and seasonal MotorClothes merchandise and Parts and Accessories displays.

THE AMERICAN MOTORCYCLIST ASSOCIATION– (AMA) announced that bipartisan bills have been introduced in both the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate that would end health-care discrimination against motorcyclists, ATV enthusiasts, and participants in other legal recreational activities.US Representatives Michael C. Burgess (R-Texas) and Bart Stupak (D-Michigan) introduced HR1076, “The HIPAA Recreational Injury Technical Correction Act.” On the same day, Senators Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Russ Feingold (D-Wisconsin) introduced identical companion legislation, S 616.
The bills seek to bar employers from discriminating against those who take part in activities such as motorcycling, ATV riding, skiing, snowmobiling or horseback riding in the health-insurance programs they offer their workers.
HIPAA originally prohibited employers from denying health-care coverage based on a worker’s pre-existing medical conditions or participation in legal activities, such as motorcycling. But later federal bureaucrats reversed the law, writing rules to allow health-insurance discrimination against motorcyclists and others who engage in legal activities like ATV riding, or horseback riding — employees were guaranteed the right to health-care coverage, but not guaranteed any benefits under those plans.
Motorcyclists were outraged when federal bureaucrats went against the will of Congress, and the AMA immediately lobbied legislators to right this wrong. Others involved in the effort include the All-Terrain Vehicle Association, the American Council of Snowmobile Associations, the American Horse Council, the BlueRibbon Coalition, the Motorcycle Industry Council, Motorcycle Riders Foundation, and the National Ski Areas Association.
Enthusiasts can send letters of support to members of Congress through the AMA Rapid Response Center at
MASSACHUSETTS MOTORCYCLE AWARENESS PERIOD– Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick proclaimed the last week of March through the last week of April as the Commonwealth’s Motorcycle Safety Awareness Period, to remind motorists more than 165,000 street legal motorcycles will be back on the roads, and to help prevent accidents and injuries.
Paul W. Cote, the current Legislative Director of Modified Motorcycle Association of Massachusetts, Inc.(MMA) and AMA Community Council activist, said most motorcycle/car accidents can be prevented by simply looking for a motorcycle on the road.
As a result of a $15,000 grant from Plymouth Rock Assurance Corporation, the statewide MMA’s all-volunteer membership has purchased and erected large “Check Twice — Save a Life” motorcycle safety signs in more than 150 communities to remind motorists that motorcycles will be on the roads soon.

THE LEAN AND HUNGRY NIGHTSTER DEBUTS IN MILWAUKEE–On Thursday March 29, the House of Harley-Davidson in Milwaukee hosted a Nightster Motorcycle Launch Party. The event – the first of its kind – was held at the HiHat & Garage on Milwaukee’s East Side.
Motorcycles lined the street outside the bars, but the motorcycle that stole the show was actually inside. On display within the HiHat & Garage were two 2007 Harley-Davidson XL 1200N Nightster motorcycles – the newest, grittiest, bare-knuckled edition of H-D’s Sportster motorcycles. More than 200 people attended the event to witness this exclusive debut of the Nightster.
The event also showcased the H-D Styling team responsible for bringing the Nightster motorcycle to life. With original Nightster sketches on display, the event took on the vibe of a bike night crossed with an art gallery installation.
In addition to throwing a leg over the new Nightster, attendees were treated to various giveaways including exclusive t-shirts, hats, stickers and key chains. The prize of the night was a sweepstakes for a Riders Edge New Rider Course for one guest and a friend, courtesy of the House of Harley-Davidson.
Look for additional Nightster Launch Parties as Harley-Davidson brings its newest motorcycles to the streets.
ABATE OF MISSOURI CALLS FOR YOUR CALLS TO GET HELMET MODIFICATION BILL HB155HEARD ON THE SENATE FLOOR–Since then, we received the notices below from Mark Chapman (Chairman,Missouri Freedom Of Road Riders) and Tony Shepherd (Chairman, ABATE forMissouri) that Missouri State Senator Chuck Graham…
State Capitol Building
Room 329
Jefferson City, Missouri 65101
(573) 751-2162
FAX: (573) 751-4703
…plans to fillibuster HB155 when it reaches the Senate floor. They arecalling on us to CALL AND EMAIL Senator Graham, ask him NOT to fillibusterHB155… motorcyclists age 21 and older from wearing a helmet when operatinga motorcycle or motortricycle…and respectfully give him your reasons why. We are also asked to CALL orEMAIL the other Missouri State Senators listed below, and ask them tosupport HB155 and do what they can to kill or counter Senator Graham’sthreatened fillibuster.
PLEASE contact these politicians and urge them to recognize the differencebetween the UTILITY OF HELMETS and the FUTILITY OF HELMET LAWS. PLEASEinform them that mandatory helmet laws are discriminatorily unconstitutionalin that–by mandating helmets for motorcyclists as opposed to ALLmotorists–they violate the “equal protection” guaranteed by the 14th
Amendment to the United States Constitution. PLEASE explain to them helmetscannot prevent crashes, and all mandatory motorcycle helmet laws do is makenegligent, care-less, distracted and impaired motorists feel less guiltyabout maiming and killing motorcycle riders.
–Bruce Arnold

CHAMPIONS PARK TO HOST WORLD’S FASTEST MOTORCYCLE–IN another initiative designed to guarantee profile and visitor traffic for exhibitors at Champions Park, Sturgis (the hot, new exhibitor facility on Lazelle Street), the 4.5 acre site is to host the world’s fastest motorcycle for the duration of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.
The BUB Racing ‘Lucky 7’ streamliner has drawn huge crowds wherever it has appeared ever since setting a new 354 mph Motorcycle Land Speed Record at the International Speed Trials by BUB in September last year.
Toll Free From North America
Tel: 866 849 5704 Fax: 866 521 0099
Tel: +44(0)1892 511516 Fax: +44(0)1892 511517

STROKERS HOSTING EASYRIDERS V-TWIN BIKE SHOW IN DALLAS– The Easyriders V-Twin Bike Show Tour is coming to Dallas on April 21st and Strokers is hosting the party!
Join us at Strokers Dallas and Strokers Ice House for the official Easyriders Pre-Party on Friday, April 20th. We’ll have plenty of Bikes, Babes, and Beer to go around with live music 7-11pm. Then come back on Saturday and catch one of our free shuttles to and from the show all day long.
No need to worry about traffic or finding a parking spot at the show, just park here, grab a beer, and let us take care of the rest! At the show you’ll get to see Rick and several of his famous custom bikes, including the Bettie Bike, as featured in the May issue of Easyriders Magazine.
C-Ya there!
–Rick Fairless and the Strokers Dallas crew

FLATHEAD FROM EUROPE–seen In Faak (Europe) !Opmerking: Sommige e-mailprogramma’s staan ter beveiliging tegen virussen het verzenden of ontvangen van bepaalde bestandsbijlagen niet toe. Controleer de beveiligingsinstellingen voor uw e-mail als u wilt weten hoe bijlagen worden afgehandeld.
Regards from Belgium
Het bericht kan nu met het volgende bijlagen of koppelingen worden verzonden:

ANOTHER BIKERNET ART EXHIBIT, ARE WE CULTURED OR NOT–Hey man, what do you think of this oil (I believe)? It’s a friend of mines daughter’s, lemme know if you want to do something with it, I’ll talk to her. What do you think of my bike?
— Young, Charles R
MICHEL AMALRIC AND HIS BUELL XBRR WIN FRENCH PRO-TWIN SEASON OPENER–On March 31 and April 1, the first round of the French Pro-Twin championship was fought at an unseasonably cold and wet Ledenon race track in Southern France by the Macadam Moto Team’s Buell XBRR. The XBRR, ridden by Michel Amalric, faced up against many Ducati motorcycles, as well as a few Suzuki and Honda motorcycles.
In qualifying, Amalric won the first pole of the season, challenged only by another Buell XBRR ridden by expert French rider Bruno Destoop, as well as veterans Louis Luc Maisto and Jean Yves Bonnet and newcomer Jeremie Rasting.
The day of the race, riders were faced with good and bad news. The rain that poured down all day finally stopped in time for the start of the race, however riders were still faced with a rain soaked track. For Michel Amalric, running with full wets, the race was won comfortably with a 5.909 second gap over second place finisher Jean Michel Molinier. French female racer Fabienne Migout battled Destoop for third place and prevailed. Out of 40 starters, only 22 riders finished the race.

2 ARM CYCLE WORKS– is proud to announce a new product The Contaminated Oil Removal System CORS for short. The CORS system allow you to remove 99.9% of the old contaminated oil from your American V-Twin motorcycle engine.That is left in there after every oil change! With no pre installation kit needed no oil line(s) to cut no special tools or fittings needed.
There is as much as 32 oz of contaminated oil left in an EVO and 16-20 oz left in a Twin cam A and at least 20oz in a Twin cam B. CORS can be used everytime your oil is changed.
It is easy to use and only takes in few minutes as part of your regular oil change. CORS also works great for converting over to Synthetic oil from regular oil.
CORS will work on most Evo’s and Twin cam A and B and most after market Twin cam top end Evo bottom end engines. The benefite of using CORS ,
CORS purges out the contaminated oil from your engine which means cleaner oil and better lubrication, which means Less internal engine heat, which means Less internal parts wear , which means Better performance- no loss of Horsepower due internal engine heat.Less of a chance of internal engine parts failure and breakdown, and the costly repair bill and loss of valuable riding time,
And best of all CORS IS PROUDLY MADE IN THE USA. Suggested retail price is $19.95.
web site
CORS is also sold by J&P Cycle and for Dealer by Midwest Motorcycle Supply.
Continued On Page 4