What a crazy day. We are working a deal with Primm, Nevada to bring some motorcycle action their way. One of the VPs, Joe Zanelli is a biker, so they’ll take care of bikes. Just tell Joe, Bandit sent ya.

We joke around about it being the year of the Sportster, in addition to being the year of the Vet. Well, we have three Sportster builds coming, a Nightster road test later tonight or tomorrow and Mark Shubin called this morning, nervous as a black cat on a freeway at midnight. He’s headed over to the Arlen Ness facility today to interview Arlen on some Sportsters he built back in the ’70s. Hang on.
I’ll shut up now, ’cause the new is packed with hot info:

SAXON MOTORCYCLE EUROPE LAUNCHES CLIP ON YOU TUBE, FEEL THE SAXON EXPERIENCE IN PARIS– Saxon Motorcycles Europe has launched a clip of the Saxon day at the dealer ́s in Paris, France. This clip can be seen at their website www.saxonmotorcycles.eu or at YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BSyjryc5Ks

?We wanted to show people our bikes in action: driving, feeling and with all kinds of graphics and accessories? explains Frank Vermeulen. ?It is great that the French owners of Firestorms and Warlords wanted to share their experiences of driving their Saxons? adds Rinke Andringa. ?Saxon bikes do not only look great, but are comfortable driving them, in a city as Paris but also on the countryside. See for yourself in the YouTube clip.?
At this moment Saxon has authorized dealers in France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland and Hungary.

More information about Saxon Motorcycles Europe and the Warlord and Firestorm can be found on the internet www.SaxonMotorcycles.eu.

BROKEN SPOKE SECRET DISCOVERED–We live in a ghetto and panhandlers will attempt to sell us anything. Recently a guy on a ratty red FXR with Bonneville numbers painted on the side roared up to the building. He jumped off and stuck this illustration in my hand and stuck out his other hand. “It’s secret,” he muttered through stained teeth. “I need some gas money to get back to the Badlands.”
I slipped him a fiver, he jumped on that fast FXR and peeled down the street. It’s a sneak preview at the pool rendering for the Broken Spoke County Line camping facility, Groundbreaking is May 1st. Sorta looks like a wrench.

A QUICK BIOGRAPHICAL LESSON–A little girl asked her mother, ‘How did the human race appear?’
The mother answered, ‘God made Adam and Eve and they had children and so wasall mankind made.’
Two days later the girl asked her father the same question.
The father answered, ‘Many years ago there were monkeys from which the Humanrace evolved.’
The confused girl returned to her mother and said, ‘Mom, how is it possiblethat you told me the human race was created by God, and Dad said theydeveloped from monkeys?’
The mother answered, ‘Well, dear, it is very simple. I told you about myside of the family and your father told you about his.’
–from Rev CarlR

HOW TO BUILD A BONNEVILLE BIKE BOOK SOON TO BE RELEASED–You can pre-Order this book written by our boss Keith R. Ball, which documents the trial and tribulations of building a world land speed record motorcycle. It’s the Worlds’ Fastest Panhead, ridden by the lovely Valerie Thompson. The book follows every wild aspect from the initial design to finding parts.
Don’t miss the dream become a reality. Pre Order books through Wolfgang.
–Timothy Remus
Wolfgang Publications
PO Box 223
Stillwater, MN 55082
Office: 651-275-0198
Fax: 651-439-7052
24 Hour Order Line: 651-275-0194

BIKERNET WEEKLY TOOL RECOMMENDATIONS– TABLE SAW: A large stationary power tool commonly used to launch woodprojectiles for testing wall integrity.
HYDRAULIC FLOOR JACK: Used for lowering an automobile to the ground afteryou have installed your new brake shoes, trapping the jack handle firmlyunder the bumper.
EIGHT-FOOT LONG YELLOW PINE 2X4: Used for levering an automobile upwardoff of a trapped hydraulic jack handle.
TWEEZERS: A tool for removing wood splinters and wire wheel wires.
–from Buckshot

ZANIK MOTORCYCLE DESIGN OUTTA CHICAGO– Let me introduce myself, my name is Tim Turbett, President & Creative Director of Zanik Design – Kustom Motorcycle Konsulting and long-time motorcycle enthusiast.
Why are we writing you? We feel we have created a very unique service that your readers would love to learn more about by seeing it in your fine publication!
Zanik Design is an exciting new and unique motorcycle design service based out of the Chicago area. We have launched a new personalized design service we call “Kustom Motorcycle Konsulting” ? see the attached press release for more info.
In addition, I have attached 2 of our most recent projects…which are at the opposite ends of the spectrum of motorcycles (a V-twin Pro Street and a 1995 Ducati 916) to help illustrate our scope! You can also visit our website @ www.zanikdesign.com
We are not a direct builder or parts supplier, which means our number one priority is our customer?s satisfaction. Kustom Motorcycle Konsulting is a unique client-interactive process which allows us to take advantage of the full marketplace of options when creating a design with the look, feel and style our customers are envisioning.

Our process is similar to that of an architect. We start with a design consultation to explore our customer?s vision and budget without being constrained to pushing our customer in any particular direction. Then we tap into our substantial database of parts suppliers, painters, and builders to create a build plan which includes multiple concepts for design direction, a detailed list of component parts, and recommendations regarding qualified resources to implement the plan. We also act as the “General Contractor” with a lot of our clients to make sure the project gets done…perfect, on time, and on budget!
Any make. Any Model. Any Style! Our approach works regardless of what our clients ride or are into ? for example, we are currently working on projects for Harley’s, Yamaha’s and a Ducati’s running the range from Old School to Pro-Street in terms of style.
We recently exhibited at the International Motorcycle Show and intend to continue attending shows and sponsoring events. And we’re working with dealers to offer our program as a value-added service for their clients as well as to help build up their parts and service business.
Please review the Press Release and contact me with any questions you may have. We can help write the article as well as provide professional photography to make it as easy on you as possible.
–Tim Turbett
President/Creative Director
Zanik Design – Kustom Motorcycle Konsulting
507 N. Dee Rd.
Park Ridge, IL 60068

BRASS BALLS UPGRADES COMPONENTS WITH AMERICAN MADE PRODUCTS–Here are the links to the new components we will be using as standard features on all Brass Balls Bobbers going forward (after successful testing scheduled to be done end of next week).
Hand controls and switches http://hawghalters.com/hand-controls.html
Brake calipers http://www.wilwood.com/Products/001-Calipers/029-GP/index.asp
— Dar

NEW WIDE REACTOR CUSTOM WHEEL FOR VRSC MODELS–Five-Spoke Reactor Wheel Now Offered to Fit a 240mm Rear Tire.
MILWAUKEE (April 29, 2008) ? Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories has released a new Reactor Five Spoke Custom Wheel (P/N 4728-08, $1,399.00) designed for 2007-later Harley-Davidson VRSC models with a 240mm-wide rear tire.
The 18-inch-diameter rear wheel matches the 19-inch Reactor front wheel (P/N 43219-08, $1,230.00) designed specifically for the VRSC platform. Five slim ?ball-milled? spokes radiate from the center hub to blend with the machined rim for a light, sporting profile. The smooth curving rim is highlighted with machined grooves. Raised bosses on the chrome hub carry the original equipment floating brake rotors.
Finish off this new rear wheel with a matching five-spoke Reactor Billet Sprocket (P/N 40161-09, $499.00) and Reactor Sprocket Compensator Bowl (P/N 40168-09, $39.95), also new from Harley-Davidson.
All H-D wheels bear DOT and JWL markings, ensuring that they passed the strenuous tests and meet the requirements of those agencies. Certain wheel kits require separate purchase of a model-specific Wheel Installation Kit. See dealer for fitment details.
For additional information on Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories, see your local Harley-Davidson dealer or visit the Harley-Davidson Web site at www.harley-davidson.com. To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada.

BIKERNET INTERVIEWS TODDLERS–“You can’t hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk.”-Amir, age 9
“Don’t wear polka-dot underwear under white shorts.”-Kellie, age 11
“If you want a kitten, start out by asking for a horse.”-Naomi, age 15
“Felt-tip markers are not good to use as lipstick.”-Lauren, age 9
“Don’t pick on your sister when she’s holding a baseball bat.”-Joel, age 10
“When you get a bad grade in school, show it to your Mom when she’s on the phone.”-Alyesha, age 13
“Never try to baptize a cat.”-Eileen, age 8
–from Rev CarlR

DOUG AND LIZ LOOK AT BIKERNET FOR ADVERTISING–We met this last year at the Artistry in Iron show during Bikefest and I would like to get a price to place a banner ad on your site with a link to ours. You provide a lot of information and entertainment to the motorcycle community and we feel linking with you would be a good thing for us both. If you would like to check out our site here is the link!! www.creativecycles.com I look forward to hearing from you!! –Liz O’Brien Bikernet advertising it cheap and very effective. We love this industry so we keep the prices low, besides we want to support our industry during tough times. Click on the banner above for all the info.–Bandit SHERIFF CHECK IN FROM VEGAS–BACK IN LAVLV WAS A GREADY EVENTWILL BE CHANGES NEXT YEARNEXT STOP MALIBU PEACE BROTHERS AND SISTERS –SHERIFF
Doug Keim Creative Cycles, Inc.
PHONE: 46-766 4923 66

BIKERNET AND ROLLIN’ SIXES SUPPORT TROOPS– Here is a letter from some of the troops that we sent T-shirts to for Christmas. I guess it takes along time to get there and to the guys. Thought you like to see it.
Rollin Sixes Choppers n Rods.
I’d like to take this opportunity to Thank You for the box of shirts and hats that you sent over that arrived here in Iraq after I had already left for the states to attend a military school. I returned to Iraq this past Saturday and was told about the boxes so when I got in this morning I opened them up, sorted them by sizes and put the word out. It wasn’t long before I was swamped with people wanting a shirt. I have a few left and I doubt they’ll be here much longer.
Again, Thank You for the support and let everybody else there know how much we appreciate the shirts, hats and more importantly the support of the American people. Take Care!
–Jeffery S. McCourtney
Armament Repair Technician
B Co. 426th BSB
1st BCT/101 ABN (AASLT)
COB Speicher
APO AE 09393
If you want something done; ask a Soldier.
If you need it done right; talk to Chief.

Continued On Page 2