Photo from Bob T.
First and formost. Congratulations to our troops for an excellent job in Iraq. May Iraq become a model democracy for the region and the people live in peace for every more. The world is a strange place. Each situation is not meant for everyone. To some, peace is no fun. Violent conflict makes the day.
Okay, I have a tech question. I installed the new cast black mags on the Road King with a 150 Avon. I thought later models were set up for the 150 tires? Does that new rule only apply to Softails with narrow belts? The belt rubs the tire. Plus the tire seems to be off center. Who knows? Let’s get to the news:

H-D PERFORMANCE HIT HARD–Two nights ago Harold Pontarelli’s shop was broken into and stripped of parts and five state-of-the-art bikes. “These are not run-of-the-mill scoots,” Harold said today. “These are blown, fuel-injected monsters.” Each one will sport a wild Pontarelli’ paint job. We will post shots of these scoots quick. They also hauled off Harold’s Performance Machine inventory, dual carb set-ups and velocity stacks. If you see or hear of anything don’t hesitate to call (707)453-1649. Let’s find ’em. Harold is a good guy in the industry and a talented builder.
This is why I don’t like that, “ride it like you stole it,” shirt.

BIKERNET CHARLOTTE REPORT– My day started off great. Rolled out of the sack, got the coffee a goin. Then I made a killer ham & cheese omelet for breakfast. After doin breafast and old Mr. caffeine starten to kick in I turned on the TV.
Good news this morning with 7 Pow’s finding safe harbor. I decided to head out and go for a ride up to the North Carolina foothills. Fired up the Buell and headed up the road leaving the madness of the inner city behind.

The sun was shinning and the Buell was sounding real strong at 80 mph. That’s the sweet spot with this bike. You can just roll on the throttle (“Twist the Grip”) and it’s over 120 like now.
I’m ridin along thinkin about this summer, the 100th etc. trying to figure all B.S. from this winter out. Lot’s of stuff goin on in my head, the war, our troops. Ya know just stuff.
I’m on N.C. 321 jammin, I make Hickory, then Lenoir. I’m keeping my eyes peeled goin’ through town looking for my turn off to the twisty’s on N.C. 268. I check the trip meter on the speedo (Old timers gas gauge) and figure I better gas up.
So I roll in to this Amoco gas station right at the cross roads of N.C 321 & 268. I top off the gas tank. It takes 2 gallons, not bad for 93 miles. I find the head, and drain the “Old Lizard”.
Now, I’m ready for the good part of the ride. The twistys through the NC foothills. I turn on the gas, hit switch and the bike turns over but won’t fire!! Wha’da the fuck? It’s spinning over, I have gas but no spark, shit!! I do a quick check for stupid stuff but no luck.
Remember back when you and Layla were out for the “Smoke Out” and “Run for Breath” last summer. It was like a million degrees out and my bike just quit running on the damn highway in the traffic jam!!
Well this fucken grimlin was showing it’s ugly head again this fine Sunday. All I can do is call my buddy “Old Bob”, ask if he can drive up from Charlotte and rescue Pablo. So he says hold on he’ll be up as soon as he can.
So now what. Well, I buy the Sunday paper & read the headlines. Fortunately for me the Amoco station also has a restaurant and a TV goin’. The Martinsville Nascar Cup race is on getting ready to start. So I just try to relax and figure I could be worse off.
Well the wait went fast. I started jawing with the locals watching the race. The people there watching the race were in some kind of Nascar Pool, and we all were really getting into it. Old Bob finally gets there. I say adios to my new friends. Old Bob and me load up the Buell and head back to Charlotte.
Old Bob is a “Boozefighter”. He likes the green of North Cackey Lackey. Me I like the brown of the Southwest. We have had many friendly heated discussions on this, almost daily. Old Bob would give you the shirt off his back but not his hat. Never the hat. It’s his old narly blue Buell hat. The one his beloved “Face” (his Rot) chewed on when left laying around for to long.
Even with the gliches the day turned out to be a very good. Lot’s to be thankful for. The return of the seven Pow’s, my new friends in Lenoir and of course my compadre Old Bob. A real Bro and upholder of the “Code of the West”.
Later, Pablo
P.S. We figure the grimlin in the Buell might be the 30 amp main circuit breaker. Bob had the same symptoms on his Softail. Will carry a extra one with from now on.

1. We took Iraq in less time than it took Janet Reno to take the Branch Davidian compound. That was a 51-day operation.
2. It took less time to find evidence of chemical weapons in Iraq than it took Hillary Clinton to find the Rose Law Firm billing records.
3. It took Teddy Kennedy longer to call the police after his Oldsmobile sunk at Chappaquiddick than it took the 3rd Infantry Division and the Marines to destroy the Medina Republican Guard.
4. We took Iraq in less time than it took to count the votes in Florida in the year 2000! And the Democrats called the Iraq effort a failed plan?
–from Rev CarlR

Diet Snapple 16 oz $1.29 ……… $10.32 per gallon
Lipton Ice Tea 16 oz $1.19 ……. $ 9.52 per gallon
Gatorade 20 oz $1.59 …………. $10.17 per gallon
Ocean Spray 16 oz $1.25 ………. $10.00 per gallon
Brake Fluid 12 oz $3.15 ……….. $33.60 per gallon
Vick’s Nyquil 6 oz $8.35 ……… $178.13 per gallon
Pepto Bismol 4 oz $3.85 ………. $123.20 per gallon
Whiteout 7 oz $1.39 ……………. $25.42 per gallon
Scope 1.5 oz $0.99 ……………… $84.48 per gallon
and this is the REAL KICKER……Evian water 9 oz for $1.49 …….. $21.19 per gallon.
$21.19 FOR WATER! ….and the buyers don’t even know the source. Yes, and the name Evian, is Naive turned around, and the Canadians are selling it by the millions of gallons to the US.
So, the next time you’re at the pump, be glad your car doesn’t run on water, Scope, or Whiteout, or God forbid, PEPTO BISMOL or NYQUIL!!!!
Just a little humor to help ease the pain of your next trip to the pump………..!
–from Chris T.

LETTERS REGARDING THE BIKERNET DISCOVERY RIDE REPORT–Jose,it’s interesting to read your perspective on the discovery ride. I’m a Hamster from maine. I went to the ride to have fun, which I did.
I think if Billy and his friends had shown up, maybe we all could of had a better time together. What little time I talked to him, he seemed real cool. When Billy blew his belt, Dave gave him one within 10 minutes. I was there.
You seem to promote an “us against them attitude”. As far as easter egg colors, weren’t Billy’s bikes orange and red?Does it matter what people ride, as long as they like it? It’s cool with me. I ride what I want. If anyone else doesn’t like it, tough.Dave and Billy were both cool. Maybe in Sturgis we’ll have a beer and a laugh.
I was reading with great interest about the most recent “Biker Build-Off” article you submitted to Bikernet. As I read it, you really painted a picture about the animosity between the two crews, and how they just didn’t seem to get along this time, unlike the chemistry from the last build-off. I’ll be interested in seeing if this translates to the video when it is aired sometime in the future.
It’s been great to see the Discovery Channel take such a huge interest in the motorcycle industry the past couple of years. On the other hand, shows like “Monster Garage” and now the weekly “American Chopper” seem to have taken some strange and cartoon-like overtones. While I love to watch these shows to see the fabrication and details put into the project, I think they are losing touch with reality.
I have a proposition for you. I am very serious about this, and extremely committed to this proposal.
Considering you have connections to the Discovery Channel through Billy Lane, or even a few of your own, I’d like you to consider pitching a “Biker Build-Off” to the producers that would involve Caribbean Custom Cycles against myself, and the crew that built my bike. I believe that a smaller shop like yours, and a home builder would bring the show “back to Earth.” It would give it another dimension, showing a more realistic view. It would also open it up to show how a motorcycle can be built without using an “elite” builder, with an unlimited budget. I think more people would relate to that kind of story.
I think Caribbean Custom Choppers would get great publicity, not to mention we would be representing home builders everywhere.
Design, fabrication, construction and paint are already in place on my end. If I had a firm commitment from the Discovery Channel, I could start putting together a parts list. I would only need a filming schedule to complete the arrangements.
I think my bike is as good as the things I have seen on some of these shows. I also know that given a challenge like this, we would be a worthy opponent to you and your crew.
Please let me know if this is something you’d be interested in. If you are not, maybe you can put me in touch with someone at the Discovery Channel who would be interested in taking this idea further.
Sounds like you had an eventful trip. Too bad Imissed it, I would like to have gone with you guys.So you have no immediate plans to join the Hamsters? Dave’s bike was cool. From the few photos onBikernet, Billy’s looked real cool. I’d like to see somemore photos.
Hit me back, Jesse Rooke
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