Continued From Page 1

THE RIGHT BOBBER AT THE RIGHT TIME– Reduce your cost, carbon footprint & commuting time? We are all looking for alternatives to do more with less. The Model 1 embodies our current realities with a traditional old-school design wrapped in a flat black tuxedo that is available at just $15,995.

Our custom-production Digger delivers over 50+ mpg, reduces the cost of insurance and enhances your commuting fun factor. With the satisfying basso profondo from the D&D exhaust and the lightning quick response from the throttle you will be hard pressed to remove the adrenaline induce smile during your blasts on the weekend.
It has got the look and the quality? Only $15,995 for a custom Harley-Davidson powered motorcycle. Get the details here
–Jeff Najar

BIKERNET MEDICAL CENTER FINDINGS FROM DR. WEIL, 4 Ways to Live Past 100–If living a long life is important, you may want to adopt some of the habits that super centenarians have in common. Super centenarians – people who live to be 110 or older – share four common characteristics that may support their long life spans. Throughout their lives, they have remained:
Physically active. Even as you get older, daily physical activity should be a priority. Modify your routine to incorporate small steps, such as daily walks, using the stairs instead of the elevator, or taking up hobbies that involve exercise, such as gardening, playing tennis or hiking.
Positive. Maintaining an optimistic outlook is important to managing stress and preventing related health issues such as heart disease. You can easily train yourself to start looking at the glass as half full. Begin with some simple self-reflection and meditation, and use humor for coping with negative thoughts.
Social. A network of family and close friends is vital to optimum health. You can enjoy the benefits of a well developed social life by spending time with people who make you happy, joining community groups or clubs, volunteering, and participating in support groups. The Community is a wonderful place to make connections with like-minded people.
Spiritual. Regardless of your religious affiliation (if any), feeling a connection with nature, a higher being or purpose cultivates spirituality, and is an important part of graceful aging.

Malcolm Smith Protest A Success–Malcolm Smith leads the industry on the rogue path to protesting the CPSIA.
Many are currently fighting the injustice of the CPSIA ? which has banned the sale of youth OHVs ? by going by the book to make their voices heard. But Malcolm Smith remembers a time when motorcyclists were rebels. He, and a number of others in the motorcycle industry, decided to take the rogue path and protest to the CPSIA in a more aggressive manner. Yesterday, industry, media and supporters rallied at Malcolm Smith Motorsports in Riverside, California to witness Malcolm publicly selling three banned youth OHVs.
“We’re selling a few bikes, and only a few because I can only afford so many fines!” Malcolm Smith said with a laugh. “I’m going to have to ask the public to donate to pay them if they put me in jail.”
In the most extreme circumstance, Smith was prepared for the possibility of being arrested in his bold act of defiance, but no such thing happened… which may have been a let down for some. Husqvarna’s Scot Harden showed up with a “Free Malcolm Smith” t-shirt on that he had made just for the occasion.
While “Johnny Law” wasn’t present at the rally, Malcolm Smith Motorsports could still face harsh penalties from the federal government ? namely a fine of $100,000 per offense (totaling a possible $300,000 fine).
“I don’t think they’ll do it, but if they do, it’s going to hurt right now considerably,” Smith admitted. “I’ll have to get a loan to pay it. Hopefully everybody will send five dollar checks in or something.”
Smith went into the rally with eyes wide open, aware of the possible consequences. In fact, he’s ready to take the next rebellious step in protest if the CPSC doesn’t respond in the next few weeks. Malcolm has declared he’s going to “Boston Tea Party it” in the Long Beach harbor.
“I’m going to get a little motorcycle, get it certified that you don’t have any oil in it or any pollutants ? gasoline or anything ? put it on the back of a Sea Doo, get a couple girls with bikinis and ride around Long Beach Harbor where all the containers are coming in, go in front of the Queen Mary and push it in the ocean,” Smith declared.

One thing is for sure: Malcolm’s not going to stop protesting until something is done to resolve this issue.What does the rest of the industry think of his bold tactics? While the MIC and SVIA are keeping it clean and taking the proper channels, they are (on the record) steering clear of being associated with Smith’s renegade tactics. Still, on a personal level, Smith has received overwhelming support from just about everyone in the industry.
“I actually had some high up industry people call me and say, ?This isn’t the official word, but we’re personally backing you. We’re glad you’re doing it,'” Smith said.
He’s not afraid to put his name and his business behind his public act of defiance, and neither are Troy Lee of Troy Lee Designs, Glen Helen Raceway owner Bud Feldkamp or racing legend Jeff Ward, all of whom purchased an OHV from Malcolm Smith Motorsports yesterday at the protest.
“This has been ridiculous for a while so I’m glad Malcolm is putting his foot down and saying, ?Hey I’m going to sell bikes and I’m willing to face the consequences,'” Troy Lee commented just after buying a KTM 65 SX for his son, Max. “I want to ride with my kid. He’s at a really fun age and we have some of our best times on our way to the races and from the races, talking about the day and what happened. I just feel it’s so wrong.”Kids made their own picket signs in the parking lot of Malcolm Smith Motorsports, while inside, the “grown-ups” signed letters which were faxed to California Senators on the spot.
Malcolm showcased his outrage at the “lead law” by carrying around a baggie of pure lead fishing weights which were purchased that day by his wife.
“We’re trying to make the government listen to us that we have a right to ride and that the ruling is just absurd,” Smith said.Smith has been in contact with mainstream media including USA Today, and even had a spot on KFI 640 AM with John and Ken on March 19, following the protest.Smith summed up his intentions to the crowd of supporters on hand at the protest: “It’s just a big hill and I’m going to go up it one way or another.”
–Cycle News
–from Rogue

Mandatory training bill in North Carolina?now with mushy language–This is how it started in Florida and Now if you want a Motorcycle License it is Mandatory you take the class at a average of $300.00 per course.
The course gives you a certificate to turn in to the Department of Motor Vehicles who issues a license. It should be noted: Applicants are no longer tested, and Everyone is Forced To Pay to get a Motorcycle License. Do Not Let This Happen Elsewhere.–Rogue
Two years ago, the Concerned Bikers Association/ABATE of North Carolina successfully beat off a mandatory training bill?but you can’t keep a bad bill down. It’s back and its passed the Senate and is before the House.
Last time, the bill would’ve abolished permits altogether, and the problems with that are both obvious and were obviously heeded. This time it does allow a rider to have a motorcycle permit?a rider just can’t renew it. This makes sense?a rider needs a permit to practice but should move on to endorsement or give up a privilege that was only meant to be temporary.
What’s most interesting about this year’s rendition is the editions it has gone through and how the language has changed?and what happens as a result.
Under NC’s current law, to obtain a motorcycle endorsement, a rider must prove competency to “drive” a motorcycle by passing a road test, passing a written or oral test and paying a fee.
Senate Bill 64 Note the difference a few words make. The rider must pass a riding skills test but only has to successfully complete a training course to get a motorcycle endorsement. While one can assume that there’s no difference between the two that’s not what is says and this is exactly how loopholes are created. Whether it’s meant or not, the effect is to remove the legal requirement to have to demonstrate the skill and competency required to operate a motorcycle?in addition to having to prove one can operate that motorcycle in traffic. The second edition?and third?change that language is even more radical ways: “To obtain a motorcycle endorsement, a person shall demonstrate competence to drive a motorcycle by passing a written or oral test concerning motorcycle and providing proof of successful completion of one of the following: The second edition adds the written or oral test back in but makes competency to drive a motorcycle a matter of passing either a written or oral test. This time, however “or” is replaced by “and”?taking a course is now required but the rider still has to only prove successful completion of a course. From having to prove competence on the road, to having to prove competence in skills?all mention of the necessity of skill has been removed in the text of the bill. Once again, we trust that skills testing is essential to passing the course because we trust that the state motorcycle safety program would allow nothing else?and we have means, as citizens, to insist that be so. But it’s no longer just the state program that has the right to set the standards for successful completion. The bill adds not one but two other avenues to taking a course that would yield a motorcycle endorsement at the end: The Motorcycle Safety Foundation Basic Rider Course or Experienced course or “Any course approved by the Commissioner.” In what is surely an accident, MSF is given first place above the NCMSEP, but, at this time at least, the NCMSEP teaches the MSF course. It would appear, then that it is redundant to mention both. However, it allows any provider?including dealerships?that uses MSF curriculum to operate apart from the NCMSEP without any oversight or approval. Or I allows MSF to set up its own system of franchises. But more importantly, this isn’t the driver’s license-waiver?this is the endorsement itself. As such, anyone who teaches MSF curriculum can hand out motorcycle endorsements for “successful completion” of the course without any outside authority determining what “successful completion” is. Unless, of course, MSF is going to start operating a state or national system to provide oversight to providers who are not part of the state system. Say, for example, from MSF’s regional “campus” in Georgia. Even so, we know what the MSF courses teach and that there are evaluations as part of successfully graduating from the course. We know that actual riding skills are minimally tested. That is now, however, and no guarantee that the standards will remain the same in the future. One of the more subtle effects of the bill is to remove the power of the state to determine what the standards of competency are for motorcycle operation in any way. The Division of Motor Vehicles no longer is responsible and those through the NCMSEP apply only to that option for getting a motorcycle endorsement. Instead, a trade group of motorcycle manufacturers who have a financial interest in more people “successfully completing” the course and buying motorcycles have the power to determine the standards for a state and to exercise what has been?and still is?seen as a necessary government function?granting a motorcycle endorsement. As long as the good riders of NC believe that there will be some skill level required to “successfully complete” some no-name or brand name course that should be good enough. Loopholes schmoopholes, right? –from Rogue

Limpnickie Lot & Cycle Source are having a party and you are invited… It’s called The Big Mountain Run 2009 and kicks off on June 18th, 19th and 20th. Just $10 day pass.
Get more great Biker entertainment in Studio.
The Big Mountain Run 2009–The Cycle Source Magazine and the Limpnickie Lot Builders present the first annual ?Big Mountain Run? in Tennessee June 18, 19 & 20. Three days of camping, white water rafting, riding the Smokey Mountains and music featuring national recording artists ?Nine Pound Hammer?. Vendors as well as food will be on site and the whole deal is just $10, for a day pass, $20 for two and $30 to stay all three and that includes your camping.
The campsite is the Hiwassee Outfitters in Reliance TN and it sits right at the edge of some of the greatest riding in the whole country. And if all that isn?t enough, we?re throwing a bonus round: Make it to Tilley?s Harley-Davidson by noon on Wednesday June 17th and you can leave with all of us on a two day Gypsy run. We?ll be stopping the first day at the Wheels Through Time museum in Maggie valley for a private tour of the best motorcycle museum in the land. After camping that night, we?ll hit Deals gap that next morning where we?ll take on the Dragon, the Cherohola Skyway and finally drop down route 315, ending at our camp and event site in Reliance.
For more information, maps, local hotel info or to purchase your advance tickets, go to It might be a good idea to buy a ticket now since we are limiting the amount of tickets sold for the main campground to the first lot sold.
–Jeff Najar

BILLY LANE Plea deal at impasse, Lane faces June trial– Attorneys have reached an impasse on a plea deal in the DUI manslaughter case against celebrity motorcycle builder Billy Lane.
Lane, 39, was not present in court Tuesday morning for a docket hearing, where it was anticipated he might enter a plea.Circuit Judge Robert Burger set a June 9 pretrial conference. If no plea deal is reached by then, Lane’s trial is tentatively set to begin the week of June 15.
Two separate hearings were delayed last week because of ongoing plea negotiations.Lane was charged two years ago with one count of DUI manslaughter in connection with a Labor Day 2006 traffic accident in which 56-year-old Sebastian Inlet park ranger Gerald Morelock died.
Police said Lane’s blood-alcohol level was more than twice the legal limit when he crossed a double-yellow line to pass slow traffic on State Road A1A south of Melbourne Beach and crashed his Dodge pickup truck head-on into Morelock’s small Yamaha motorcycle on Sept. 4, 2006.
In light of ongoing legal discussions over the permissibility of blood evidence at trial, prosecutors in late December added an alternative charge of vehicular homicide, which requires the state to prove Lane was driving recklessly but does not include the drug or alcohol element needed to prove DUI manslaughter.
Both charges are second-degree felonies, punishable by up to 15 years in prison.Defense lawyer Greg Eisenmenger had said in February the amended charge factored into Lane’s decision to consider a plea agreement.
But Eisenmenger said Tuesday that prosecutors and defense attorneys realized they had different interpretations of verbal negotiations on the plea deal.”We had reached what we thought was a plea agreement in this case. We disagreed with the interpretation of what that agreement meant,” Eisenmenger said Tuesday.
“I’m cautiously optimistic we’ll be able to work through that impasse,” he said.
–from Rogue

RUSH SLIP-ON MUFFLERS FROM BIKERS CHOICE– For performance, quality and sound, there is nothing else quite like a RUSH Performance Slip-On Muffler. These mufflers have been engineered through thousands of hours of development, real world application and have been independently dyno tested in order to guarantee you the best performance and sound in the industry. RUSH mufflers feature baffles that are wrapped in a high tech mat designed to disperse heat and retain sound, and will give you up to a 5 horsepower increase straight out of the box. Rush mufflers are 3-1/2? and come in a variety of baffle sizes for the right sound and flow for your bike. These pipes also come in a variety of different cuts including Slash down, slash up, straight cut, boloney cut, and tip compatible. The tip compatible mufflers have over 20 different tip designs to choose from. For more information, visit or visit your local Biker?s Choice? Dealer.
Biker’s Choice New Dealer Development
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Our Biggest Party Of The Year, This Saturday!– Renegade Motorcycles is 5 Years Old and that calls for a PARTY!This Saturday is our 5 Year Anniversary!
Event Schedule;
Store Opens at 9am.
11am to 5pm food and beer service.
11 to 5pm Live Music with The Flavours!
2:30pm and 4:30pm Bikini Contests.
Alexis from 93.3 The Bone, 12-2pm!
Crash from Lone Star 92.5, 2-4pm!
Music & fun with DJ Joey D, ALL DAY!
There will be Super One Day Only Specialson bikes, apparel, parts & accessories!
This Thursday is Lone Star 92.5 Bike Night at Spencers!Spencers Corner Bike Nights!
Visit Our Web Site!
New Motorcycles
Victory Motorcycles
Pre-Owned Motorcycles
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We hope to see you soon!
2618 I-20 West, Grand Prairie, Texas 75052At the NW Corner of I-20 and Great Southwest in Grand Prairie
Local 469-348-2222, Toll free 877-976-BIKE
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SHASTA SALUTE TO AMERICA MOTORCYCLE RALLY SIGNS PAT TRAVERS–We just signed Pat Travers for Friday, July 3rd, opening night, of the Shasta Salute to America Motorcycle Rally Sponsored by
–Jeffrey Kraus, “EzJ”
South Bay Biker Productions, Inc
1922 E. Gladwick
Compton, CA 90220

on! Today, Crane Cams announced that it is “…committed to its scheduled auction date of April 22, and is entertaining as many interested buyers as possible.” Crane Cams further stated that “Crane has no agreement to sell its assets to Scorpion Performance, nor has it received any offer of any kind from Scorpion.”
LiquiTec was retained by Crane Cams to conduct a public auction of the company’s assets on April 22, 2009 and is also working to sell the assets before the auction to a variety of buyers who have expressed interest in the company’s very well-established high-performance valve-train and ignition components and product lines.
LiquiTec is handling all negotiations in connection with the sale of the Crane Cams’ assets. Contrary to public statements and news releases issued by Scorpion Performance suggesting that a transaction with Crane Cams was “nearly complete,” and that Scorpion Performance was meeting with Crane Cams to “finalize the details,” LiquiTec has had no discussions with Scorpion Performance whatsoever.
Bob Gaudiosi, Vice President of LiquiTec Industries in Mequon, Wisconsin said, “Scorpion’s repeated public statements suggesting their purchase of Crane Cams was imminent has created significant confusion in the marketplace. However, let me assure you, the sale is on and always has been.”
LiquiTec is currently working with a variety of buyers who have expressed an interest in buying Crane Cams and related trademarks, its very popular product lines and related intellectual property, its inventory and its machinery.
Don’t be misled. Everyone has an opportunity to buy the Crane Cams assets. Act now because there are just 9-days remaining. LiquiTec is accepting bids now for inventory, trademarks, patents and product line IP. An auction sale of all remaining inventory and machinery will take place on Wednesday, April 22, 2009 at the company’s former headquarters in Daytona Beach, Florida.
The sale will also be broadcast over the internet via For more information or to register to attend the sale, visit

LE PERA RECEIVE EXCELLENT SEAT REVIEW AND FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE–I am writing this to let you know how pleased I am with my experience with Lepera, especially Stephanie. She worked really hard to help me design a very unique seat!!
I received the seat promptly! I love it!! I feel like Stephanie treated me like a friend, not just a customer. This is the best seat company for our American made motorcycles!!!
Thanks again!!
–Dennis Ivey Williamsburg, Va.

BIKERNET NUMBERS FOR MARCH–In March 308,000 riders came to Bikernet 503,000 times for 864,989 Page views or impressions, and 8 million hits. Every year we grow 30-40 percent. Let’s see how we grow this year.
–from the entire staff, thanks for your support

BUSINESS OWNERS FIGHT MYRTLE BEACH HELMET LAW–MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WMBF) – A group of business owners have joined forces with a state representative to fight Myrtle Beach’s helmet law.The Business Owners Organized to Save Tourism (BOOST) announced Monday morning they are taking steps to encourage bikers to visit the Grand Strand and salvage tourism dollars they say have been driven out by the mayor and City of Myrtle Beach.
The group announced plans to file a lawsuit against the City of Myrtle Beach, claiming its new helmet law and administrative court system are unconstitutional.
The group is represented by State Rep. Thad Viers (R-Horry County) of Coastal Law, LLC., and Todd Kincannon of Barnes Alford Stork & Johnson of Columbia.Viers said Monday he has petitioned the South Carolina Supreme Court to exercise “original jurisdiction” so that the court could take the case immediately in hopes that a speedier resolution will result.
In a press release, the group said they were hired to “help defend bikers who have been ticketed by the City under its new helmet law and challenge the legality of specific elements of the ordinances.”
Viers and company claim the helmet law, which requires cyclists wear DOT-approved headgear goes above and beyond the South Carolina law.”BOOST believes the ample laws exist to reduce the congestion, noise and limited behavior problems associated with the longstanding rallies and that the new ordinances were not designed to control or improve the problems, but to eliminate an entire segment of tourism,” said spokesman Tom Herron in the release. “We find it appalling that the City would first raise taxes by 3 mills in June and then, three months later, decide how to spend those tax dollars to drive away the rallies. This is clearly an example of government excess.”
Additionally, they claim the administrative court the city created was done so outside of the South Carolina court system. Viers called the system “something you’d see in an Eastern European country before the wall fell.”
In the meantime, BOOST said it is launching a campaign to welcome bikers to the area through billboards and fliers. They say bikers are encouraged to obey local laws, but that they are welcome and events are still planned.
In its press release, BOOST said the program includes an advertising campaign to inform bikers that the May rallies have not been canceled; an effort to restore some portion of the moneys lost to hotels, restaurants and other businesses; a campaign to inform residents that the elected officials have increased taxes while “practicing selective tourism – a practice which effectively decreases tourism revenue that would obviate the need for additional taxes;” and encourage bikers to “have fun, ride safely, obey the law and respect our residents.”
BOOST describes itself as “the fast-growing group that’s been organized to fight back against what it calls ‘blatant anti-rally actions and statements by the City of Myrtle Beach and other local governments and months of intentionally negative press’ that members say are taking an unnecessary additional toll on tourism in the already sagging economy.”
–from Rogue

MASSACHUSETTS BAN ELDERY NUDITY–I recently read about an new law in MA. Apparently there was a problem with abusing an coercing our older generations into posing for nude photos, so the state of MA decided to ban it.
Massachusetts Revokes Consent of Adults Over 60 By Dr. Marty Klein
Massachusetts state representative Kathi-Anne Reinstein has introduced a bill making it a crime for anyone over 60 to pose nude or sexually for a film or photo. The person taking the photo?whether a lover, artist, or commercial porn maker?would also face jail time.
Adding insult to injury, the proposal amends a bill designed to punish those who make child pornography. It treats fully functional adults who happen to be over 60 the same as children under 18; it explicitly takes away their right to consent to be photographed in a lascivious way.
Reinstein’s office says she proposed this bill in response to requests from senior advocacy groups. They claim there’s an epidemic of “elder sexual abuse,” and cite a handful of ugly cases. What pressure groups and legislators fail to mention is that there are already laws criminalizing coercion, and protecting the mentally incompetent. Other than that, Massachusetts’ millions of older people have the right to make their own choices, poor or not.
The law also criminalizes nude or sexual photography of the physically disabled?again, regardless of mental capacity. Apparently, in Massachusetts you lose control over your sexuality when you lose control over your legs. And don’t forget the small matter of the U.S. Constitution; see Marc Randazza’s excellent coverage of the legal aspects of this law.

Continued On Page 3