It’s another strange week. The Iraqi war created stress all over the country, especially when folks fear the President lied about going there. Here’s my theory: His dad told him, “Son, if you get elected President, you’ve got to promise to finish my botched job in Iraq.”
“But Dad,” George Jr. said.
Don’t sass me, son,” Bush Sr. said, “You’ll come up with a reason, make something up. Just do it.”
So that’s my theory and I’m sticking with it.
This year is just rolling and it’s been packed with opportunities, controversy, regulations, and many good things. We’re faced with EPA stuff that’s constantly changing. I had the chance to become a partner in a bike show and write a book for Motorbooks, consult for TV, write for more mags and work with a lot of terrific builders.
I’ve grappled with some, had to say no to others and enjoy the hell out of a few. There’s something in my soul that wants to help and do everything, but that’s not possible.
Let’s hit the news and I’ll finish this discussion at the end:

Hallo Leute,–wir w?rden uns freuen, wenn ihr die folgende News in einer eurer n?chstenAusgaben ver?ffentlichen k?nntet.Im Anhang findet ihr das dazugeh?rige Bild.
Mit bestem Dank im voraus,euer Team -Choppers World Gelsenkirchen-
Seitenweise geile TeileDie Jungs von der Choppersworld haben keinen Winterschlaf gehalten. Vielmehr rotierten hier die grauen Zellen auf Hochtouren, um s?mtliche Teile ausder eigenen Fertigung zu katalogisieren. Das Ergebnis kann sich sehenlassen: Sauber gegliedert finden sich auf den ansprechenden Seiten dieunterschiedlichen Felgendesigns genauso wieder, wie die T?V-gepr?ften Rahmenaus der eigenen Produktion, zahlreiche GFK Parts, oder ungez?hlte, n?tzlicheKleinteile. Gewerbliche Wiederverk?ufer sind hier genauso willkommen, wieder Privatmann auf der Suche nach hochwertigen, aber bezahlbaren Parts.Gegen eine Schutzgeb?hr von 5 Euro k?nnt ihr das Werk direkt bei derChoppers World ordern.

JIMS TOOL OF THE WEEK–This is it. New JIMS tools. JIMS make a incredible array ofspecial tools that will make all the difference in the world toalmost any Harley mechanical task. We’re going to start to run atool of the week in the news, but we’re kicking it off with thisbatch in the garage.http://www.bikernet.com/garage/PageViewer.asp?PageID=830
If you don’t see a tool you can use here, click on thebanner above and check the JIMS web site for thousands ofspecial tool. I wish I could afford all of ’em.

Fat 5 Transmission Trap Door Puller & Bearing Tool–
This tool will remove and install the transmission door bearings. It can be used to remove the transmission door for replacement without removing the complete transmission assembly. Door bearings must be replaced if using this tool to pull door from case. Replace bearings with JIMS No.8992.
No. 1077 – Use on JIMS FAT 5 Overdrive Transmissions.

DEER ATTACKS ANOTHER RIDER WRITER–I just learned from Bill Stermer that Rider’s Safety Editor, Larry Grodsky, was killed Saturday night when he hit a deer as he tried to make it to his mother’s birthday party after attending a safety conference.
There must be some cycle in effect. I had just heard today about Johnny Chop .I had recently done a lengthy interview with him and as a result knew about much of his life and family. Then I get a phone call and it’s all over. And I remember when Christian died testing the Ural sidecar last year. A deer, a truck, a faulty heart…Fate has a wide choice of implements.
Mortality has taken firmer shape since my last “milestone” birthday. I think now in terms of things I want to get accomplished. It’s all about time. Not enough of it. Every minute counting, something I need to remember. Time with our children. Time to contribute to making the world a better place by some degree.
I am back on my motorcycle, though limp back and forth to it upon arrival at some destination. Last night I finally saw “The World’s Fastest Indian” and I was amazed at my emotional response when I saw the band of riders on old Brit bikes snarling their way along the beach. I had this sudden realization of how much I loved motorcycling. I didn’t expect it,but valued my own reaction. It’s good to care about something.
–Paul G.

See our last event, 9-11 Patriot Ride on Speed Channel’s American Thunder.Click Here!
–Lisa Dalgaard
Associate Publisher
Quick Throttle Magazine
Free Wheelin Magazine
949-677-2453 cell

KIDS & CHROME IS CALLING YOU-OWN THIS BIKE–The Kids & Chrome benefit at the Sturgis Rally last August drew the support of some of the biggest names in the motorcycle industry. The sponsor list read like a “who’s who” of our business, helping raise $500,000, a big down payment for the new kids’ hospital. This year’s event is shaping up to be bigger and better than last year, with new sponsors signing on almost daily, according to Bob Illingworth, Kids & Chrome Director of Fundraising. www.kidsandchrome.com

One of the most exciting deals with Kids & Chrome is the opportunity to own one of two hot new motorcycles. The bike above is a full, one-off custom-designed, built, and donated by the incredible Jerry Covington of Covington’s Customs. Tickets for the Covington bike are $100, or six for $500, with only 1,000 to be sold.

The second bike is a hot, slammed “Frontier” bagger (shown below) from Todd & Shelly Erdman of Thunder Mountain Customs. The tickets for the Thunder Mountain bike are $20, or three for $50 with only 2,500 total tickets to be sold. Tickets are available at www.kidsandchrome.com or 605-782-2331.
The drawings will be held at this year’s Kids & Chrome dinner and auction, to be held on Wednesday, August 9, at the Spearfish Holiday Inn Convention Center. The evening’s five star dinner will be truly first-class, including an open bar. Tickets for the event are $175 per person, or an eight-person table can be reserved for $2,500. The doors open at 5:00 pm, with silent auction bidding and social hour until 6:30. Dinner is at 7:00; followed by the presenting of the 2006 Teresi Prize, live auction, and bike drawings.
The Kids & Chrome dinner and fundraiser sponsored by Bikernet.com, gives everybody not only the opportunity to help a great cause, but also to meet the finest people in the motorcycle world. To get involved in this exciting event, contact Bob Illingworth 623-544-2923, lobbymc@yahoo.com
Remember, to really be an industry leader, you gotta have a heart.
Kids & Chrome
2501 West 26th Street
Sioux Falls, SD 57105

WORLD’S FASTEST INDIAN DVD TO BE SOLD ON BIKERNET–Damn! Too bad! I was going to buy you a bunch of JD (yeah, easy for me to say, now, eh???) in Laughlin.
Hope to see you at Bonneville. Finally saw the World’s Fastest Indian a couple of weeks ago. I wish I’d known Munro. I like that guy’s style. The movie really fired me up to come out to Bonneville at the end of the summer and see The World’s Fastest Editor.
Ride Safe, Brother. Trip report from Laughlin, especially if I get in trouble….

Click here to purchase your own Bed Roll or Day Roll.
BIKERNET DAYROLL APPROVED–Just got the Dayroll. Just too cool fer skool! Thanks again and keep up the good work. (Maybe I can retire to such a vocation!)

EPA ISSUES TO BE DISCUSSED–Based on numerous discussions and meetings held in Wisconsin at S & S Cycle and at Bikernet Headquarters in California recently as a follow up to our meetings in Cincy here is what I believe we have agreed upon we the MRF will carry into the EPA this week in an attempt to better align our collective agenda’s.
1) Modifications should be allowed that are better (lesser or equal value) from an emissions standpoint than the worst case scenario the certification would occur under
question: who defines and how determined, method of acceptance
2) KEY-No current exemptions lost at the expense of the Engine Certification-Letter of Guidance
question: can they in fact be expanded to say something such as “limited use” rather than “to and from show bikes” and can we broaden the one per lifetime to something such as “one at a time” within the same Letter of Guidance
3) further discuss the Pay to Play option initially brought up by the EPA, the MRF found more support than we were told we would find amongst V-Twin Committee members
4) question: any way to expand the “kit bike” definitions
5) update the discussions with the EPA on the World Cycle Test Cycle Emissions testing platform and their thoughts on the recent push within UN-ECE Working Party 29 and GRB to assign lomit values to the test procedure.
Kirk “Hardtail” Willard
MRF Vice President & MRF International Motorcycle Cooperation Group Representative
Motorcycle Riders Foundation
BIKERNET INVESTIGATES CARBON FIBER FRAME AND ROLLING CHASSIS FROM REVOLUTION– Speaking of your carbon fiber frame…take a look at this…will get you more details… This was published on Kneeslider.com.
A few days ago, Update Just had a comment posted mentioning Carbo Tech with a link to
–from Paul Garson

BIKERNET VISITS ILLUSION MOTORCYCLES- Check in our Special Report section-Behind the Scene– the article on Rusty and Rod’s Illusion motorcycles. You’ll see more in the HORSE shortly and on Bikernet.
Helluva team and a story.

Friday, APRIL 14th and Saturday, April 15thORANGE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS,Costa Mesa, CA,www.ocfair.com–Thunder Mountain Customs of Orange County and Orange County Harley-Davidson are thrilled to present the first Motorcycle Expo at the Orange County Fairgrounds in 5 years Sponsored by Bikernet.com!
We will kick off the riding season on Friday, April 14th & Saturday, April 15th at the Orange County Fairgrounds & Exposition Center, 88 Fair Drive Costa Mesa, CA 92626
The purpose of this 2-day event is to bring riders, vendors and manufacturers together, 2 weeks before the Laughlin event.
In one location, riders will be able to buy a new motorcycle by Thunder Mountain Customs, Orange County Harley-Davidson and many others. You will be able to get an oil change on your bike, buy parts, chrome, a GPS, a new seat and see all the latest gadgets and gizmos that make your lifestyle that much better.
You can watch a fashion show by Lifestyles Cycles and get yourself some new leathers and other clothing, talk to your favorite motorcycle attorney, sign up for other events that are happening later on in the year, meet and greet your favorite builder, meet your favorite Celebrity Biker Branscombe Richmond and may of his celebrity friends. Check out the KLOS 95.5 radio goodie Van, watch a pin stripping demonstration by Rock & Roll Paint or win the $1,000 gift certificate toward your very own custom paint job, enter a raffle to win a one of a kind NASCAR motorcycle or a very unique chopper, listen to your favorite music watch a biker movie and even bring the kids over to see the farm animals and visit with the Easter Bunny!

CYCLEDOME PROVIDES A GARAGE IN MINUTES– Protection Has Never Been So Easy, The unique new CycleDome takes only minutes to assemblewith a screwdriver and a pair of pliers. Then, simply roll thebike in and pull the cover shut–it’s that easy. It is the idealsolution for any motorcycle enthusiast who wants to protecthis/her bike from dirt, dust and other damaging elements.
The CycleDome features a rugged, powder-coated frame, zinc-plated fasteners and water/UV-resistant laminated polyester fabric.It also comes with a hard surface anchor system for extra securityin extreme weather that can also be used for a locking device witha standard padlock.

The hard surface system, designed for set-up on concrete orpavement, includes flat head screws, clamping brackets and PVCanchors.
An optional soft surface anchor system, for surfaces such as grass,dirt, etc., includes clamping brackets, plates and ground screws.
Once set-up is completed, the Cycle Dome can be deployed orcollapsed flat for easy storage in seconds.
For information, visit http://www.cycledome.com or call 800) 735-2822.
PDK Automotive
4590 W. 61st Ave.
Hobart, IN 46342

NEW!! Calendar Show Exotic Motorcycle Auction–Got your last year’s Hot Custom or an old Show Bike and its time to move it out the door?Place it up for sale With or Without a Reserve at our exciting new Saturday evening Calendar Show Auction.

Email us a picture of the bike and we will preview it on our website: Click Here

NEW SUCKER PUNCH SALLY BIKE ON BIKERNET–It’s one of the boss’s new rides. Check the story in the Bikernet Bike Feature area. We’re also waiting on a Saxon bike to road test. Seems a mag writer tried his hand at a burn-out and lost it. It’s being repaired at LA Chop Rods up the street. You’ll see it soon.

BIKERNET MARITIAL COUNSELING–A man was having problems with premature ejaculation. This was affecting marital relations with his wife so he decided to go to the doctor. He asked the doctor what could he do to cure his problem.
In response the doctor said, “When you feel the urge to ejaculate, try startling yourself”. One the way home the man went to a sports store and bought himself a starter pistol. All excited to try out this suggestion he runs home to his wife. When he gets home he is surprised and delighted to find his wife in bed, already naked. He’s so horney and keen to try out his new ‘system’ that he doesn’t think twice and leaps on board.
After a few minutes, slap and tickle? they find themselves in the ’69’ position. Sure enough, only moments later the man feels the sudden urge to come. Following doctor’s orders, he grabs the starter pistol off the bedside table and fires it.
The next day, the man went back to the doctor. The doctor asked, “How did it go?”
The man answered, “Just great, asshole…when I fired the pistol my wife shit on my face, bit 3 inches off my dick and my neighbor came out of the closet naked with his hands in the air!”
–from Joe Lankau

Continued On Page 2