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WHAT DO MOTORCYCLES, HOLLYWOOD AND PLAYBOY MANSION HAVE IN COMMON–Leather and Lace@ thePlayboy? Mansion,October 6, 2007Los Angeles, California.This exclusive party will invite motorcycle industry entrepreneurs, such as dealership owners, motorcycle rally organizers, and enthusiasts from all over the country who share the common goal of supporting worthwhile 501(c)3 charities.
Party suggestions: ? 5621 Littler Drive ? Huntington Beach ? CA ? 92649Contact Motorcycle Charity Associates for details FREE TRIP TO STURGIS–The SD Dept of Tourism is giving away a trip to the rally this summer. Feel free to forward this to anyone you know that rides or wants to experience the Sturgis Rally The link below is the site…they ask you a lot of marketing questions so I suppose your answering machine and spam filter may get a workout if you reply. SD ABATE has an information booth and internet cafe setup on main street in the Rally Headquarters building, as well as hosting biker rodeo every afternoon at the Chip, come and check us out too. Deadline is APRIL 30…yep, this month. Drawing I May 1. Oh yeah, the last question they ask is about helmet laws…would make my job easier if you would help me out on that one. Help Keep South Dakota Free. –Larry Nielson US CHOPPERS BOARDTRACK BIKE FOR SALE, NEW BABY TO TAKE CARE OF– I’m going to offer up the boardtrack bike for sale. $32500 for her with a $2000 finders fee. If you know anyone… Some highlights on the boardtrack: –Rick TINMAN SUPPORTS THE TROOPS WITH CANTINA MEMBERSHIPS–I went ahead and put two subscriptions to 5-ball inc. on my Pay-Pal. One for K.C. and the other to extend mine. Doesn’t Pay-Pal sound gay as shit or what? Was thinking about leaving an open account for all the whiny fucks that bitch about paying for your time, i.e. news. NOT!! Peace, BIKERNET ART EXHIBIT FOR THE WEEK–Inspired by one of my favorite tunes – The Wallflowers’ “ONE HEADLIGHT”written by vocalist/songwriter/guitarist Jakob Dylan ~ you old as dirt brothers like me, might remember his male parent Bob. Ride Hard, WHO IS JACK SCHITT?–For some time many of us have wondered just who is Jack Schitt? We findourselves at a loss when someone says, ‘You don’t know Jack Schitt!’ Well, thanks to my genealogy efforts, you can now respond in an intellectual way.Jack Schitt is the only son of Awe Schitt. Awe Schitt, the fertilizermagnate, married O. Schitt, the owner of Needeep N. Schitt, Inc. Theyhad one son, Jack. In turn, Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt. The deeply religious coupleproduced six children: Holie Schitt, Giva Schitt, Fulla Schitt, BullSchitt, and the twins Deep Schitt and Dip Schitt. Against her parents’ objections, Deep Schitt married Dumb Schitt, ahigh school dropout. After being married 15 years, Jack and Noe Schitt divorced. Noe Schitt later married Ted Sherlock, and because her kids were livingwith them, she wanted to keep her previous name. She was then known as Noe Schitt Sherlock. Meanwhile, Dip Schitt married Loda Schitt, and they produced a son with a rather nervous disposition named Chicken Schitt. Two of the other sixchildren, Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitt, were inseparable throughoutchildhood and subsequently married the Happens brothers in a dual ceremony. The wedding announcement in the newspaper announced the Schitt-Happensnuptials. The Schitt-Happens children were Dawg, Byrd, and Horse. Bull Schitt, the prodigal son, left home to tour the world. He recently returned from Italy with his new Italian bride, Pisa Schitt. NOW when someone says, ‘You don’t know Jack Schitt,’ you can correct them. –Crock O. Schitt –from Rik Savenko 19th ANNUAL”MAYFIT” RALLYPAWHUSKA, OKLAHOMA,MAY 18,19 & 20, 2007–Located approximately 50 miles north of Tulsa, Oklahoma is home to one of the best bike rallies in the country. Anywhere from 3,000 to 5,000 bikers will ride through the Osage Indian Reservation and the scenic Tall Grass Prairie Reserve to the tiny northeastern Oklahoma community known as PAWHUSKA! Twice a year the Osage County Independent Bikers (OCIB) hold two annual bike parties at Biker Park, USA in Pawhuska, Oklahoma. First in May is “Mayfit”, with a repeat performance in September as “Biker Days in the Great Osage.” Both rallies are for adults only and are not for the meek and fainthearted. If nudity and vulgarity offend you, then you need to stay the fuck home. Pawhuska is not a motorcycle rally, it’s a Biker Rally and known at times to be wilder than a two-bit whore on nickel nite. Known as “Neutral Ground”, Pawhuska is more than just a gathering of friends. It’s a rite of passage for the new rider and a tradition for the clubs. As a matter of fact, Nelson and Pam Carter and the OCIB have been organizing bike rallies for more years than most have been riding. With a schedule of events that include Bike Shows, Burn Outs, to the most down and dirty Skin to Win contest you’ve ever seen, there is no way you couldn’t have fun unless you were either deaf or dumb. Sprinkle all of this with a bunch of ‘neked” girls and cold cheap beer, and you’ve got the ‘makins’ of what an old-school rally is all about! For 2007, MAYFIT proudly features the legendary CURTIS MOORE BAND, for some of the hottest Southern Fried Blues Rock to be heard. Moore, who is commonly known as the “Rowdy Redneck Rocker”, has shared the stage with famous groups like Lynyrd Skynyrd, Molly Hatchet, The Marshall Tucker Band, David Allan Coe and Willie Nelson, to name just a few. You can even sample some of Moore’s menu at myspace.comcurtismooreband. The MAYFIT rally may not be one of the biggest, but it is dam sure one of the best in the mid-west! Admission is $15, with a $15 admission for cars and $50 admission for Motorhomes. No one under 18 admitted. For additional information, call: 918-287-3244. –DynaMike JOHNNY HUMBLE LOWERS HIS SPRINGER–It was recently a stock springer softail until he hit it with rattlecan black and a Heartland kit. He couldn’t stop there, with new Hooker Headers he stepped up to an H-D 95-inch kit and a Terry Components EFI upgrade. DON’T MISS SANTA MARIA MOTORCYCLE MADNESS– BTW I have a dozen of your books in the Trailer ! You can run a piece on your Thursday news that says “Stop by Motorcycle Madness and ask for your free Bandit book at the official T shirt stand.” 1st 10 get a free book! Then look for the Bandit to get it signed ! We are having a wine tour on Saturday at 1pm. It is the 19th. BIKERNET IS THE BEST PERIOD!– Keep up the great work and screw the cheapos who dont wanna pay for the news. Shit newspapers scooter mags are not free! for the work you guys have to do it’s a steal. Plus where else can you get this much info for one price. People just kill me. –Eric F. BRASS BALLS BOBBERS DEAL OF THE WEEK–We will try feature a bike either for sale or a cool build we are doing for a customer. We will also try to keep you informed about what we are doing at the shop. We stay very busy but promise to do our best to keep you informed. Please pass along to friends. Have them sign up too. This is a great bike! Scalloped Old School Sporty tank, rounded rear fender. The finish is Fire Engine Red. Gloss frame w/”Orange Peel” matte tins. Black PM grips, blacked out H-D evo w/6 speed tranny. Standard 1 year warranty. Ready for delivery. Call Dar for more info. 405-285-0808 x208 NEW DOUBLE DD FRAME FROM BILLY LANE–Check out the Choppers Inc. new tough frame, made right here in America. MONSTER 48MM MIKUNI FROM RIVERA– AVAILABLE FOR 1984 to PRESENT EVOLUTION & TWIN CAM BIG TWINS. EACH KIT INCLUDES A 45mm or 48mm CARB FEATURING A THROTTLE SLIDE ROLLING ON STAINLESS STEEL ROLLER BEARINGS, ACCELERATOR PUMP, HIGH FLOW MANIFOLD, FREE-FLOWING AIR CLEANER WITH CHROMED RIVERA COVER, HEADBREATHER KIT AS WELL AS A COMPREHENSIVE INSTALLATION BOOKLET. FITS 1984 to PRESENT ACCEPTS 1990 & UP STOCK-STYLETHROTTLE CABLES RIVERA PRIMO INC. BIKERNET SPORTSTER RIDER NEEDS TECH ASSISTANCE–I was wondering who constructed the offset sprocket unit that was used in the black 1993 Sportster? I need this same unit constructed for my build. Who can I order one of these from? –Anthony BIKERNET READER TECH QUESTION–I have just come into possession of a P & P Girder. I have disassembled it, cleaned all the shafts, bushings, zerks, replaced neck bearings, etc, reassembled, and put it on my ’81 shovel in an ’86 Paughco rigid. It seems to work well, but I was wondering if you might have any info concerning how tight to set the nuts on the crossshafts. I do not know if this affects ride quality or not. Each end has a deep acorn nut on it with a set screw. I do not know whether to tighten them down, or leave a bit of play and then set the setscrews or what. I know you have been at this for a very long time, and perhaps would have some experience with a girder. –Preacher TOMMY THOMPSON FOR PRESIDENT PARTY– I want to thank you for all the help you have been so far in helping Tony and I promote Tommy Thompson for President. We will continue to keep you informed on what progress is being made as well as continue to update the Team website. There are numerous things we are presently involved in and they include getting people to know who Tommy Thompson is. Getting people to attend the party in Ames Iowa on August 10th and then having Iowa residents vote on the 11th Along with getting people to know who Tommy is we have started to contact well know people in the world of motorcycling to endorse him. We are already receiving and have commitments for endorsements from motorcycle publications, Hall of Fame members, Motorcycle Rights Leaders, and others. By all means they should check him out and the website before they do. Endorsements will be posted on the Team Tommy website. I am sure that after Tommy is elected we will look back on these endorsements and the other ways that people helped. I do not feel that there are any other candidates that will be as helpful to those of us that ride and especially to those that have motorcycle related businesses. Asking people and those in the industry to Support One Of Our Own seems like a reasonable request. –ROGUE BIKER INNER CIRCLE TELEVISION–NEW SHOW EVERY SATURDAY. Check Out Our You Tubes. BECOME A SPONSOR — CHARLIE BRECHTEL
Legislative Officer
10th in AMD World Champs 2005
Featured on Bikernet
also in Iron Works (USA), Barnetts (USA), Freeway (France/Spain), Wild (France), Easyriders (Japan), AMD (England) and many others.
Art of the Chopper 2 introduction by Zimberoff
Also Steel Dreams TV
U.S. Choppers
2039 S. Lyon St
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Appointments Only Please
–Tinman a.k.a. John Mills
–Whiplash Biker Photog
12450 Whittier Blvd.
Whittier, California 90602
Tel: 562-907-2600 Fax: 562-907-2606>
209 479-1860< br>

360 DEGREE BRAKE ON STOCK SOFTAIL–This is the type of work Dave Welch of Chopper City USA is doing out of Jacksonville Florida. He spaces the brake to the outside only. Instead of putting the spacer between the brake and the wheel he bolts the brake to the wheel and uses a much smaller diameter spacer between the brake and the swing arm.
Dave Welch
Chopper City USA
–Chet Burozski
Sales and Marketing Director
Baldwin Wilson Development Corp.
1531 E. Northfield Dr.
Brownsburg, IN 46112
W. (317)852-7867
C. (317)370-0920
F. (317)858-9287
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