We’re back from Australia and the news is cranking. The girls complained that my intros have been too intense. Sure, there’s a side of me that wants to weld, drink whiskey and chase women all day, but that’s not happening at the moment.
I suppose, in a sense, I reflect what’s current with myself and the gang here and my limited touch on the industry. So take it or leave it, this is what’s happening right now in the life of Bikernet. When it becomes all mellow again, I’ll let you know. Or just tell me to shut the fuck up.
I would like to offer this news as a tribute to Wil Phillips who passed away about two weeks ago. Wil designed the Rubbertail frame, the first true rubbermount Softail, and lots of other products including the lifesaving True-Track system for touring Harleys. Wil was a damn good friend who was surprised by terminal cancer only a couple of months ago. He was our suspension designer for our V-Panhead, the Salt Shaker, last year, and we looked forward to working with him this year. Hopefully his good friend, Ronnie, will pick up the True-Track product line and run with in.
Let’s hit the news, then I’ll pour my guts out once more:

BIKERNET NUMBERS FOR MARCH–We have a Web Trends software system linked to Bikernet constantly. It reads our numbers 24 hours a day and we download a report every month. Over the last three years Bikernet readership has grown more than 285 percent thanks to you.
Here’s our numbers for March:
Unique Users: 303,625
Impressions or page views: 1,113,000
Visits: 625,000
Hits: 10 million
NEW BLASTING SERVICE– Bearing Distributors Incorporated, my current employer, offers a new service that involves cleaning with dry ice. I don’t know a lot about it, but I know enough to know that it is pretty badass. It is as precise as bead blasting and you can adjust the size of the bead as you work. Also, the dry ice cleans grease and grime as well as paint, and evaporates on contact.
Here’s a link to our company website www.bdi-usa.com. Check it out when you get some free time. This may be something that the restoration guys might be interested in.
–Peter Jean
They are going to send us one of these units to test.–Bandit

SAMANTHA DEATH RIDE CONTROVERSY–I just checked out the site again and I LOVE the additional pictures you added to it of the vintage stuff! Just a couple of things still need fixed (unless you did and I just pulled up an old version of the page)- sorry and I hope you don’t regard me as a pain in the ass.
The bike I rode for Jay Allen was his ’46 Indian Chief – NOT the Harley you have pictured. I am enclosing a picture of his bike in this email.

I hope this does not cause you to throw away the article, because it is awesome and is getting LOTS of attention. Also, I am sorry to be the cause of so many problems. I know you have a business to run and don’t need hassles like this. I even linked to it on our (me & Goth & Sara Libertes’) www.motorcyclefemmefatales.thrillarena.com website.
–Sam Morgan
Check the article on the Home page about Samantha’s history at the American Motordrome and her crash. There were some discrepancies with Sam’s descriptions, and we’ve pulled quotes from the owner and a member of Cycle Source Magazine staff, plus Dave Nichols at Easyriders. So all is well in Bikerdom once again and Sam can heal in peace.–Bandit

NEW FROM WIND VEST–Come see us at the Laughlin River RunApril 25th – 29thWe’re located at the Riverside!
PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE TOMMY THOMPSON SAYS HE FAVORS FREEDOM OF CHOICE FOR HELMET USE–I still don’t understand why people are running for President two years before the election, but fortunately one individual is a biker. Over the months ahead, we will bring you his views on several topics. You decide.
Rogue is our correspondent for Tommy Thompson and claims that he favors freedom of choice when it comes to the helmet issue. Here’s a strange one. We are constantly hammered, by the press, anytime a biker goes down. They’re all too happy to give up freedom for insurance profits, but when it comes to freedom of speech they go berserk. I don’t get it. Isn’t freedom on all fronts important?
–Rogue and Bandit

GANG OF WILD HAMSTERS RAID EASYRIDERS DENVER SHOW–Denver police report that Hamster motorcycles and yellow shirts made children cry and spectators were unable to view motorcycles for the glare. Young hot babes were harassed.
“We promised to drink more beer,” said Harlan, Hamster member representative.
“We set up additional security around the show trophies and bikini girls,” said John Green, Easyriders Show promoter.
No arrests were made.
“The finals are right around the corner, May 5 in Kansas City,” John Green said. “We hope to have the Hamsters under control during the 2007 Invitational finals and Pro Class finals. All 2008 Centerfold Builders will also be selected in KC May 5. I know some Hamsters are in the competition. It could get ugly.”

EASYRIDERS BACKS AMERICAN MOTORDROME–“Jay Lightning and his team put on a helluva show. The Motordrome is apart of two wheeled history that needs to be embraced by riderseverywhere. Watching these trick riders do their thing is truly amind-blower.
If you see the Motordrome at a bike show, rally or run, makesure to take the time to support it. Without your help this amazinghistorical attraction could go the way of the Dodo bird. We don’t wantthat.”
–Dave Nichols
Editor Easyriders & V-Twin Magazine
Paisano Publications, LLC
POT SMOKIN’ JUDGE NOT ARRESTED, WHY DOES THAT NOT SURPRISE ME?–BROWARD COUNTY, Fla. — A Broward County judge accused of smoking marijuana in a Hollywood park is taking a leave of absence while his legal situation plays out.Last month, Judge Lawrence Korda was in Stanley Goldman Park near Hollywood Boulevard when police patrolling the park smelled marijuana, followed the scent and found him seated on a bench, police said.
Korda, 59, was not arrested but was issued a notice to appear in court and faces a charge of marijuana possession, according to police Korda was recently reassigned from Family Court to Probate Court, a move that had him swap jobs with Judge Larry Seidlin. Both judges made national headlines for their involvement in the Anna Nicole Smith case.
Korda begins the indefinite leave of absence Wednesday.
Sturgis Freedom FightersMotorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

APRIL IS CHECK YOUR HELMET MONTH FOR HARLEY-DAVIDSON– Dealers Offer Helmet Information, Purchased-On Date Stickers;New Helmet Section Launched at h-d.com.
MILWAUKEE (April 11, 2007) – How often should a helmet be replaced and how snug should it really fit? These are two key questions that many enthusiasts regularly ask. April is Check Your Helmet Month and MotorClothes specialists at Harley-Davidson dealerships are available to answer these questions and others regarding helmet fit, function, care and replacement.
As the riding season begins to ramp up, it is important to ensure a helmet is ready for the rides ahead. During April’s “Check Your Helmet Month” and throughout the year, enthusiasts are encouraged to visit their local Harley-Davidson dealer for personalized helmet fitment advice and a free helmet check.
Based on helmet manufacturer and SNELL Memorial Foundation recommendations, helmets should be replaced every three to five years, depending on use and wear. This info and more is also available in “The Heads-Up on Helmets” brochure which is available at dealerships.
Harley-Davidson carries a range of helmet styles including Half, Three-Quarter, Full-Face and Modular helmets to meet rider needs. In addition to learning about styles, materials, fit, and more, Harley-Davidson is helping to make it easier for customers to manage the lifecycle of their helmets with the use of Purchased-On Date Stickers. Starting this month, dealers are adhering Purchased-On Date Stickers at the time of purchase on the inside of helmets under the comfort liner. This provides customers with an accurate date of purchase and a useful reminder for when to replace their helmets.
In addition to the information provided by MotorClothes Specialists at local dealerships, consumers can visit

AMERICAN PERFORMANCE CYCLE ANNOUNCES FREE DEALER FLOORING–American Performance Cycle (APC) has announced that dealers who qualify can get up to 12 months worth of free flooring (through GE Capital).
Mike Sample snr, CEO stated: “We realize that the market is experiencing a little downturn in recent months, and we are always thinking of ways to assist our dealers.”
APC sales are up according to Mike Sample Jr, Vice President of APC. Sample Jr. added: “We feel that our bikes are at the perfect price point for where the market is today. Our bikes are CARB and DOT approved. They are world class custom production bikes and are listed in NADA and Kelley Blue Book.”
The company has recently hired three new builders to keep up with their current demand and has appointed Matt Dahlin as its new General Manager. Matt has been in the motorcycle business for 19 years and brings to APC a wealth of retail knowledge. “We feel very privileged to have Matt join our family and look forward to his expertise regarding our forward progress. Matt is already an extremely valued part of our executive team,” concluded Sample Sr.
APC also has a unique program for dealers who aren’t able to get their customers financed. APC uses a variety of lenders that they have established credit with, so if a dealer is having problems financing a deal, and if it’s an APC bike, the dealer can ride off of APC’s coattails and get their customer financed.
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Tel: 702 314 5272
Fax: 702 314 528

DANA GELINAS WINS MARCH’S THUNDER SADDLE CONTEST– Dana Gelinas has won the March contest with his patriotic tattoo and will receive a custom Thunder Saddle with his tat embroidered on the seat.
Dan rides a 2001 Harley-Davidson Pearl White FLSTFI Fatboy. His riding takes place on the weekend running along the coast or up the mountains from his home base in Massachusetts, weather permitting,
Enter The Contest
Entering is easy. Just send an email to tat@horsepowermarketing.com with your:
- Name
- Telephone number
- Picture of you and your tattoo
- Year and model of motorcycle
Take a moment and look at February’s contestants. Or click here to get all of the contest details.

NEW CHASSIS FROM WIDE OPEN CYCLES– The bike pic I sent you is of Wide Opens own new chassis called the Bitch. That bike is named Solid Gold and is number two of a set of ten being built and designed by Wide Open. Solid Gold was completed at the end of Jan. 06 for the Florida bike build-off conpetition which we won for the second time.
Right after that we took the bike to Cincy V-Twin and on to Louisville Easyrider show where we qualified for the finals in Kansas City. The bike is nine and a half feet long with a seat height of 17 inches while still maintaining a frame to ground clearance of 4.5 inches. The powerplant is a El Bruto 120 backed up with a Baker 6-speed rsd trans and Jaybrake trans brake. Tauer machine designed the extended primary that ties it all together. A 5 inch coil over shock under the seat provides the cushion for the rigid chassis with a Metzeler 300 on a Renegade wheel brining up the rear. PSI big air carb delivers the fuel needed thru it’s new no jet design. Wide Open then finished the bike with Pagan gold paint to accentuate our exotic and sanitary flowing fab work. The bike as are all of of our bikes our built to be true rideable works of art.
Wide Open Cycles

CRAZY HORSE PAINTING TO BE FEATURED ON THE TODAY SHOW–I found out back in Feb that I was going to be profiled on the Weekend Edition of The Today Show. And Tuesday they filmed me.
The preparation for this was more extensive than I had imagined. Getting the studio, shop and place looking good and polished. I know shops that spend weeks getting ready for a filming. Now I know what they go through.
Most of my time during the winter and spring is spent working and my place gets trashed. I spread out my spring cleaning and organizing over several months in late spring.But this year, I had less than a month to get it all done and still find time for work.
Well, the filming is behind me, and I’ll be in the studio doing 16 hour days (and nights) until each and every paint job is out the door.
Being on The Today Show is the kind of thing I could never even imagine. I was shocked when I got the email that started all this.As for when the show will air, it will most likely be in the next 4 weeks. It will only be about 3 minutes long.
They liked the fact that if you go by my place, it looks like just another anonymous house in the country. No clue that an Easyriders cover bike (that I ride the living shit out of), show winner, and a bike that most everyone on the m/c industry recogonizes lies just beyond the plain tan garage door. There are no flames on my mailbox, no signs, but go past that door and some very intense bikes are there. I had my chopper, the sporty, and a customer’s ’51 Panhead chop here at the house for them to film.
Plus they also filmed down at my husband’s fabrication shop at the H-D dealer. You go from flowers and trees backwoods to the chrome and neon of Jim’s shop. Plus there are about six of our full blown custom bikes there on display.
The whole thing was quite a ride. They wanted to present me as an artist/writer/journalist/spokeswoman for women riders.
They filmed the reporter Jay Gray and I riding. He rode my Sportster and I was on the chopper. They also filmed me blasting down the interstate on the chopper. They filmed me in my studio airbrushing on a fender. They interviewed my in the garage and some of the inprocess bikes we are building.
As soon as I know when the show will air, I will post it.

SHANGHAI RIM MANUFACTURER REACHES OUT TO BIKERNET–We are very glad and solemn to send you this introductory letter, hoping that it will be the prelude to mutually beneficial relations between us. We learned that you are specialized in motorcycle spare parts especially on Rims from your homepage. we are the biggest Motorcycle Wheel Rims Supplier in Shanghai, and we mainly cooperate with big and famous company due to their needs, so we recommend our company to you in the hope of receiving your orders on motorcycle rims from time to time. As one of the biggest Motorcycle Wheel Rim Manufacturer in Shanghai, We specialize in manufacturing and selling special aluminum alloy rims, including alloy professional rims and alloy rims for models of motorcycles like scooters, choppers, dirt bikes, off-road and so on. In our minds it’s our obligation and desirability to produce good quality products to serve all customers in the whole world. Till now, our motorcycle rims sell well and the output increases year by year, we are awarded of good reputation with excellent quality Wheel Rims and best service. Unison Rim masterpiece would satisfy all your rim – needs for safety, new profiles and durability.

Our company is a Sino-us JV company formed by two investors: America Sunrise Group and Shanghai Guanghong Group. It is the biggest specialized manufacturer of aluminum extruded profiles and aluminum products in Shanghai district.
Sino-U.S Shanghai Unison Aluminium Products Co., Ltd.(Motorcycle Wheel Rim Branch)
–Simon Young
You do know this is us trying to be funny by posting this, right? Layla

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