Continued From Page 3

NEW GIRLS HIT THE CANTINA– Over the next week we’ll have 60 new images of girls circulating in the Cantina, compliments of
Bandit’s Cantina is the subscription-based department on the site with full books to read, our own soap opera, games, naked women and much more. Besides, it’s cheap. Check it out.
STAINLESS STEEEL FOR SALE–The Stainless Steel Network is brought to you by
Stainless Tread (DIAMOND) Plate
304 1/8″ x 48″ x 120″ 3760.lbs $1.00 ./lb
304 1/8″ x 48″ x 240″ 4945.lbs FOB Bensalem
Stainless Coils
038 x 25 1/2″ – 16,075#
038 x 25 1/2″ – 18,660#
038 x 25 1/2″ – 5808#
038 x 25 1/2″ – 5980#
Stainless Sheet PRE-Buff
020 x 48 x 96 10,000.lbs $.85
Stainless Sheet 2b
024 x 48 x 120 5,000.lbs $.85
Stainless Round Bar
316L .5″ x 144″ 14,000.lbs $.95 /.lb
316 .625″ x 144″ 2,000.lbs $.85 /.lb
316 .750″ x 144″ 12,000.lbs $.90 /.lb
316 1″ x 144″ 1,798.lbs $.90 /.lb
304 .375″ x 144″ 3,370.lbs $.78 /.lb
304 1″ x 144″ 1,334.lbs $.76 /.lb
Call us For FLAT BAR!
Your Place for Stainless Today.
Toll Free 800.664.2366
International 215.245.1600
Fax 215.245.6996

Another new design from Cyril Huze. These bars are handmade, are 1 inch diameter, and feature a unique V shape on a strong central mono riser for a very clean and aerial look (3-inch or 5-inch rise).
This mono riser is welded recessed in a platform to be bolted to any triple tree with 3 1/2 inch center to center holes. Provision is made for internal wiring. They work very well with all raked bikes and look great on all styles of bikes, from street racers to choppers. Width: 32 inches Pullback: 12 inches
Two models: for solid or rubber mount triple trees. Sold raw to be painted the color of your bike or show chrome.
Cyril Huze
Tel: 561-392-5557
Fax: 561-392-9923

ANOTHER GODDAMN SENIOR JOKE–Howard is 95 and lives in a senior citizen home.Every night after dinner, Howard goes to a secluded garden behind thecenter to sit and ponder his accomplishments and long life. Oneevening, Annabel, age 87 wanders into the garden. They begin to chat, and beforethey know it, several hours have passed.
After a short lull in theirconversation, Howard turns to Annabel and asks, “Do you know what I missmost of all?”
She asks, “What?””SEX!!!”
Annabel exclaims, “Why you old fart, you couldn’t get it up if I helda gun to your head!
“I know,” Howard says, “but it would be nice if a woman just held it for a while.”
“Well, I can oblige”, says Annabel, who gently unzips his trousers, removes his manhood and proceeds to hold it. Afterward, they agree to meet secretly each night in the garden where they would sit and talk and Annabel would hold Howard’s manhood.
Then, one night, Howard didn’t show up at their usual meeting place.Alarmed, Annabel decided to find Howard and make sure that he was O.K.
She walked around the senior citizen home where she found him sitting by the pool with another female resident-who was holding Howard’s manhood!
Furious, Annabel yelled, “You two-timing creep! What does she have that I don’t have?!”
Howard smiled happily and replied, “Parkinson’s.”

CNN POLL-PERSONAL WATERCRAFT BAN–Here’s another of those CNN polls, only this is on the subject of banningpersonal watercraft from national parks. I don’t know about you, but I’msick of people who don’t happen to take part in a certain activitywanting to spoil it for the rest of us. If they can do it to watercraft,how far behind can motorcycles be?
I urge you to take a minute to vote NO on this poll.
Here’s the link for the CNN online poll on the current PWC ban in ourNat’lParks.
This ban takes effect April 22. Two factors could delay the April22ban.
1) A federal judge in Texas has been asked by a watercraft industry grouptoprevent the ban from taking effect. The judge has scheduled a hearing forApril 17.
2)The House also could vote as early as next week on a bill that wouldpostpone the ban until December 2004, although it is unlikely the billwillmake it through the Democratic-controlled Senate.
Place your NO vote now! At last count: YES-61 percent NO-39 percent (up from 72 percent -28 percentonlyan hour ago!)go to:

BANDIT RETURNS TO BIKERNET– Coral discovered Bandit asleep on his bags behind the headquarters just as a black and white cruiser rolled up and a young officer poked Bandit in the ribs with his night stick. “Homeless aren’t allowed to crash on private property,” he said. “Just move along.”
As Bandit stirred in the morning fog, a half pint of Jack Daniels rolled out of his pocket and shattered. The girls pulled him to his feet as Wrench came out of the garage and Renegade jumped from his pickup.
“See, he didn’t go around the world. The bogus sonuvabitch,” Renegade shouted, “he’s been on a four and a half month drunk.”
Coral reached over, slid her hand down the front of his Levi’s, whispered something in his ear and kissed Bandit deeply. His green eyes opened. He stretched and it was obvious that he had kept up his training routine. He turned to Coral, snatched her around the waist, pulled her to his side and French kissed her. “What the fuck are you looking at?” he said to the cop and Renegade. “We’ve got shit to do.”
Damn, if he isn’t back. –Sin Wu–