Continued From Page 1
THE BIKERNET OZARK REPORT–The names have been changed to protect to innocent. Man, things change quick. I don’t know what’s up with Skitzo. He’s been seeing this chick and that’s no big deal. I know he’s spending most of his time with her, and I’m ok with that. But I haven’t heard from him in about three weeks except one time when he needed something. I just figured he was spending his time with her. But you know I see that girl that no one knows. I’m seeing and I get told stuff that I ain’t supposed to know and can’t tell.
Well I found out that he’s not hanging out with the chick that much, and he’s still not calling or coming around. I haven’t done anything to piss him off or anything but he’s obviously avoiding me. Now I’m pissed at him. I am very direct with people, and if I’m pissed at someone, they’ll know it.
Next time I talk to him I’ll straighten it out, but I ain’t calling him. In the meantime me and mark rode with Dan out to a prospect party at the shop where Paul works. Pete met me there. We met the president of the Illinois club and arranged a big old thing at Marks club for a book signing party for Sonny Barger.
We found out that Paul quit working at the shop, but it must’ve been friendly because he was at the party. He told me he was opening his own shop in a small town nearby, so I told him he was welcome to eat at my house anytime he wanted to. He’ll need it. There’s already too many shops around and Paul isn’t the most skilled mechanic. He’s got alot of friends, though, so you never know. Anyway, he’ll always have a cold beer and a hot meal at my house.
Mark and Dan left the party early because Dan was playing drums in a band at a club later that night, and Mark had to go open his club. Pete’s drinking again. This is bad and good. It’s bad because he’s one of those guys who slowly but surely loses control and ends up in jail. It’s good though because he’s my best party pal and when he’s on the wagon he’s no fun at all. I tell him that he shouldn’t drink, but I’m not his keeper. He’s a grown man. Me and him stayed at the party until it started thinning out, and then we rode that 30-mile trip home. I was fucked up and I can’t remember when I’ve enjoyed riding more than that. We took a curvy back road for the first 15 miles and got our fill of that. We jumped on the freeway and hammered like there was no tomorrow. God I love the freeway. Pete got in trouble with his new girl for being gone all day and coming home drunk, so he called me Sunday to go to the river in her boat. It was raining and cold but we went anyway to get away from the bitches. Both his girl and mine were pissy from the all-day partying. We had all kind of trouble with the boat, but who cares. We were out, had some cold buds and no bitches to nip on our ass.
Now for the update on the secret girl. my goal of hitting that a time or two has been realized way beyond my wildest dreams. It’s now mine for the taking. She isn’t all up in love or anything, but she appreciates that I can hit it and keep it to myself. She’s a beautiful girl of just barely 21, with a goddess’ body. She’s not slutty and doesn’t give it out much. It pisses her off more than anything to treat her like a trophy, and most every guy whose hit it has told everybody they know. You know I want to tell it, too, but I’m not stupid. I can call her at anytime, day or night, and she’ll ditch whatever she’s doing and meet me at the fleabag. Who would screw that up just to be the man? But believe me, it would make me the man, if everyone knew. I know that this kind of shit always comes out, so I’m going to ride the wave and try my best to keep it quiet. When it does come out somehow, it won’t be my fault. My girl will beat her ass to a pulp, and everyone will talk about it. Damn, I’m gonna hate that.
–Ozark Ed

SONS OF LIBERTY RIDERS E-NEWS– A lowlife scum stole a deployed service members ride!See pictures and flyer at motorcycle was stolen just days after its owner Michael M. was deployedin the Iraq War
The motorcycle was stolen from his residence on Brabham Drive in Dalzell, SCthe night of March 17th while his Wife and Daughter slept.1994 Kawasaki ninja zx-9r.. It is red, black, and silver.. the vin number isJKAZX2B12RA006212
Thank you for your help..My husband is really upset about this, and he hasmore important things to worry about.. his name is 1lt Michael P M. … onthe left side of the bike on the frame near the chain there are three stripson the frame where the paint was taken off when the battery had ashaw afb sticker on the husband is currently in the middle east ..he works for the 609th ACOMM at shaw afb…anything you can do to help willbe greatly appreciated..Thank you,Sarah M.
If you have any information or questions please contact 843-345-5926
Another stolen bike in Pa.Our Bike link above has pictures of bike.1999 FXSTS yellow and copperGMK47vin 1HD1BLL11XY026962Stolen out of garage in Harrisburg PA about 6am April 2 2003
Contact Dubois Danielswebmater@starroute.com717-213-0970

Social Burden?From the ABATE of Wisconsin State Office The following is a letter sent to the Behnke Insurance Agency in Fond duLac ( the agency’s phone number is 920-922-3850). This agency has taken outan ad in a local shoppers guide type paper stating that non-helmetedmotorcyclists are a burden to society, and therefore motorcyclistsnationwide should be required to wear helmets. We are urging everyone to write and or call thisagency and let them know how you feel about their advertising. –Ed Williams 02, 2003 April
Mr. Scott Behnke
Behnke Insurance Agencies, Inc.
17 Forest Avenue
Fond du Lac, WI 54935

Bikers Win Final Appeals Case.Break out the bikes.The Appellate Division of the District Court Department, Northern District,issued its decision March 28 on the final case pending before it involvingthe “Newburyport noise” citations.
The decision was received March 31 at the Law Offices of Joseph S.Provanzano, general counsel of the Massachusetts Motorcycle Association(MMA).
A three-judge panel reversed and vacated a trial court’s responsible findingand dismissed the citation against the defendant, who was cited foroperating a motorcycle with an exhaust system that had been modified toamplifies the noise emitted by the exhaust. The judge’s panel, however,ruled there was insufficient evidence that the decibel reading was louderthan the sound produced by the original exhaust system.
Provanzano’s office has since requested that the Newburyport District Courtreview the decision, along with those issued earlier this month findingother riders not tested by a sound meter also “not responsible.” The lawoffice also advised the court on re-hearings for all prior issued citationsgoing back to the 2000, 2001 and 2002 seasons and those “stayed” pending theoutcome of the four recent appeals court decisions.
Late last month, the Appellate Division of the District Court, NorthernDistrict, reversed the lower court’s findings for three other motorcycliststicketed by the Newburyport Police for “excessive noise” violations, therebyvacating the judgments and dismissing the citations.
“This reaffirms what other district courts have decided in similarsituations, ‘no test, no ticket,'” said Paul Cote, legislative director ofthe MMA. “The court’s decision also shows riders can alter their exhaustsystems so long as they do not exceed the state’s allowable decibel level of99.”
Late Breaking News…… Nebraska needs help!!!!Tomorrow (4-8-03) the helmet bill will be decided by the whole legislature. We could use the help of all to get LB303 passed. We have been hit by 3 terrible amendments they are trying to attach to the bill.
1) we would be required to be organ donors
2) we would be required to carry long term health care insurance.
3) we would not be allowed to use Medicare/Medicaid if involved in a accident without a helmet.
We are completely against these amendments and need to see them defeated before LB303 is voted on. I know this is very short notice as the vote will be taken tomorrow. Any help you and the S.O.L can give in the form of e-mails, will be greatly appreciated.The address for the Nebraska Legislative WebPages is –Breeze Grove BIKERNET RELATIONSHIP ADVICE–Here’s a card for your girl: I admire your strength, –from Ken Miller A BROTHERS TRIBUTE– I have attached a shot of the the tribute photo that was done by the local racetrack for my friend. I apologize for the quality. If it is useable by all means use it. Danny and I often laughed over and discussed your column. He also lived by the code of the West always there for a friend but once you messed him over you were on his out side. A story you might like. There were three of us who rode to Sturgis one year. Danny and I rode up from Lousiana and met another friend of mine in Denver. We toured and camped the area thru the week. One afternoon we went on a “buffalo” hunt riding through the black hills looking for a herd to photograph. After awhile we saw a herd and rode down to check things out. Danny and Bo rode ahead while I stopped to get out my camera. When I caught up I found Bo parked amidst a group of excited tourists. I asked where Danny was and Bo pointed to the herd. There was Danny in the middle of the herd in a standoff with a large bull. He would rev up his FXR and move up a couple feet. The bull would paw the dirt, snort and shake his woolly head. All the time the herd was milling about encircling the two of them. After a minute or two the bull turned and trotted away. Danny rode out of the herd laughing and said “let’s ride”. With that we left the buffalo and stunned tourists and headed into town. Be cool and ride safe! –Anson Continued On Page 3
I admire your spunk;
But the thing I like best
Is getting you drunk.