Builders demonstrated expert “how-to’s,” bikes were an omnipresent shrine, babes inspired the crowd and the Bandit was unmasked, making the 3rd annual All American Motorcycle Madness the place to be in Santa Maria on May 19-21, sponsored by Bikernet.com.
Thorsen Motorsports, the local Suzuki and Kawasaki dealer, brought a new spin to the traditional American V twin show.

Johnny Chop, scheduled to help Mitch Bergeron build the giveaway bike at the show for the second year in a row, was sadly missed. His untimely passing sparked the idea for a tribute bike build in his memory. With a little help from his friends at S&S, Jims, Performance Machines, Drag Specialties, BDL, and Custom Chrome, he won’t be forgotten. The best part is that anyone can win this bike by purchasing a ticket for $30.00 and each ticket comes with a tribute t-shirt.

Mitch Bergeron, Kirk Taylor, Tom Foster, Counts Customs Crew, and Cole Foster all joined together at the show to get the project started and it was looking good on Sunday. After three days of work you could almost picture Johnny doing a smoke out with it.

With a surge in the number of vendors – two buildings full – and dozens around the park-like setting of the Santa Maria Fairpark, it was a record event for product sales.

The spotlight was on the $15,000.00 street chopper build off. Thirteen talented builders went head to head with their best bikes but it was Mike Stafford from MGS Custom Cycles who took the grand prize. In second place was Aaron Greene Paramount Custom Cycles, and third place was handed off once again to Cole Foster from Salinas Boys.

Dodge Truck stage became music central, filling the air with sound. Live bands rocked all weekend and this show has become famous for its steady beat of talented musicians that perform during the weekend for the three custom bike shows.

Seventeen categories were awarded to first and second place winners with Incubus Alloy one-of-a- kind trophies. The honors went to the top 15 bikes of the show, the pro builders novice builder competition as well as the Budweiser sweepstakes judging.

The dazzling Kerri Kasem represented the babes and bandit cateogry at the BMC Chopper booth, autographing photos and directing everyone at the show to sign up to win a BMC Chopper. Don’t worry if you were not at Santa Maria: You still have a chance to sign up for your chance to win at the Rose Bowl BikeFest June 24th and 25th and the Grand National Bike Show Oct. 14th and 15th . Some lucky biker fan is going to get one cool chopper for just being at a Horse Power Promotions show.

Keith Ball “the Bandit” was also on hand signing books, giving away Bikernet.com stickers and hitting on all the girls. Make sure you check out Bikernet.com for the latest news and goodies on the biking world.

From bike builders to Leather, from parts to Santa Maria style BBQ, All American Motorcycle Madness once again filled the appetite of bikers from near and far. For more information on the Santa Maria Fairpark event and more Horse Power Promotion shows, check out www.HorsePowerPromotions.com

NEXT HORSEPOWER SHOW–The West Coast motorcycle world comes alive on June 24th and 25th 2006 for this annual show in Pasadena, CA. Ride out from the stress of the city to the scenic hills of Pasadena is why The Rose Bowl is the perfect venue for this event. This site will be able to handle the steady growth of this show.

Builders from the California area such as Scott Long of Central Coast Cycles, Gard Hollinger from LA County Chop Rods will mix with talents from far away like the Martin Bros just to name a few. If you think the Incubus Alloy Custom ride in Bike Show will be showcasing all the hottest bikes around.

The Rose Bowl Motorcycle Marketplace, sponsored by Bikernet.com, will be filled with the industries top manufactures and vendors selling everything from custom motorcycles to the hottest apparel and more for the motorcycle enthusiast.

Glendale Harley-Davidson Buell will be crowning the most beautiful Harley at the show as well as showcasing their latest products from the motor company.

David Chaves European Trails rider will thrill the crowds both days with his trials trick riding. The summer heat should be just right for the Ultimate Bikini Contest and great live music playing all weekend on the Lifestyle Cycles stage. Don’t miss the Lifestyle crew replacing an 115,000 mile S&S Motor with a brand new S&S power plant. This all makes for a great ticket price of only $15.00 with free bike parking.

For more info visit www.horsepowerpromotions.com or call (805) 686-2007