Happy Easter: “We’re Living in the Best of Times”

Mark 9:23
Jesus said unto him, “If thou can believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.”

Hey Folks,

Hope you are with friends and family and grateful! We all at Bikernet.com and 5-Ball Racing Shop wish you the very best.

Happiness may be a state of mind but it is also obvious that we have amenities, services, products, opportunities, information and a lifestyle that presents us with everything imaginable to envision success, if not get up (or) get out and do what our heart desires.

Past generations may have had a simpler existence, but the immense possibilities for life to be healthy and joyous has never been so easily and readily available to the masses.

As Bandit says often, “We’re living in the best of times” and this is not just a cause for celebration but also our stoic responsibility to not allow anyone to make it otherwise. Whether it is their greed or power or insanity, we need to be able to defend our right to be joyous in our humble existence, with integrity, ethics and honesty in arts and sciences (media and technology).

Not to “burn daylight” as Bandit says, have a blessed Sunday and stay positive, fruitful and grateful.

your Bikernet Blog Editor
illustration titled “a new day, everyday” by Wayfarer

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