
Get this from Marc Morano’s Climate Depot: NBC New York cites professor who links climate change to recent earthquake: Excess rain leads to floods that ‘could result in landslides’ that can ‘lubricate’ faults leading to more earthquakes.

Now they’re coming for your pants! Wearing BLUE JEANS creates huge carbon footprint: Study reveals wearing a pair just once is the equivalent to driving a car for 6.4 miles

African nation becomes ‘first country’ to outlaw entry of gas cars! EVs only! Ethiopia announces plans to ban import of gas-powered vehicles ‘to reduce its output of planet-warming pollution’ — But only 54% of people have ‘access to electricity’

Marc Morano on OAN TV about Harvard screening ‘How To Blow Up A Pipeline’ Film – ‘Students at Harvard are being exposed to what NASA scientists & Hollywood have promoted’

Wait, Jeff Bezos just bought a 90 million mansion on a man-made island after screaming about sea rise…

Is life crazy or what… It really comes down to the need for truth and integrity. Hang on, the news is going to be wild.

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum.

A TOUCH OF FREEDOMColorado Makes Lane Filtering Legal For Motorcyclists…For Now

State governor Jared Polis signed the bill into law on April 4, 2024, but it’s currently for a limited time only. This law will come into effect on August 7, 2024, so hold on to your temptations.

SB 24-079 was sponsored by state Senators Nick Hinrichsen and Jim Smallwood and state representatives Javier Mabrey and Ron Weinberg. It will make legal for two-wheeled motorcycles to overtake or pass another vehicle in the same lane as long as certain criteria are met.

This law is not applicable to trikes, sidecars, or autocycles.

Conditions to be met to benefit from lane filtering law in Colorado State are:

  • The motor vehicle you pass is stationary / not moving.
  • Vehicles in adjacent lanes are moving in same direction as the two-wheeled motorcycle and those vehicle are also stationary.
  • The ‘driver’ (as per the bill) of the two-wheeled motorcycle is on a road with lanes wide enough for allowing safe passing through lane filtering.
  • The two-wheeled motorcycle can only pass / overtake at a speed of 15 mph or less
  • the road and traffic conditions permit prudent operation of the two-wheeled motorcycle during overtaking / passing.
  • If the vehicle you are overtaking starts to move, you will cease to overtake or pass them on your two-wheeled motorcycle.

Then there are other conditions about two-wheeled motorcycle behaviors not allowed which are also applicable:

  • The two-wheeled motorcycle ‘driver’ cannot overtake on right shoulder.
  • Not to overtake on right of any vehicle in farthest right-hand lane if the highway is not limited-access.
  • Not to overtake in a lane of traffic that is moving in opposite direction.

Yet, this detailed law on lane-filtering in Colorado’s is only temporary for the moment.

This law is intended to help the Colorado Department of Transportation in gathering safety data proving whether lane filtering is, in fact, a safe and viable permanent law change that needs to be brought into effect in the state.

In current form, this new law will be repealed effective September 1, 2027.

It will be legal to filter as long as riders adhere to the criteria mentioned above. During the applicable period of this law, CDOT will collect data for analyzing how it affects drivers and riders, and whether any changes need to be implemented.

CDOT will be analyzing specifics such as:

  • Motorcycle rear-end collisions, before and after the date that lane filtering is temporarily made legal in the state.
  • The comparative severity of motorcycle rear-end collisions in heavy traffic before and after the effective date of this law.
  • Motorcycle side-swipe collisions while overtaking and/or passing at a rate of 15 miles per hour or less before and after the effective date of this law.

Let’s hope that good sense prevails upon all vehicle drivers and that licensed two-wheeled motorcycle ‘drivers’ (the law uses the word ‘driver’ instead of rider) will pay attention to dates, conditions, circumstances and the long road ahead!

Bikernet Blog Editor™

JOIN US– in Carmel, CA for the BaT Moto Gathering at The Quail

We’re happy to announce that we’ll be holding our second BaT Moto event in conjunction with the 14th annual The Quail Motorcycle Gathering in Carmel, California. Meet us on our own section of lawn at the The Quail Lodge and Golf Club on May 4 from 10am-4pm to enjoy camaraderie, special edition BaT Moto swag, and a whole lot of interesting bikes owned by members of the BaT community.

If you’d like to bring a classic, unusual, or otherwise compelling bike to display with us, please click the button below and fill out the form to register your interest.


If your bike is accepted for display, we’ll cover admission to the adjacent Quail Motorcycle Gathering for you and one registered guest. We’ll prioritize motorcycles that were purchased on BaT, but will host as many as space allows! Please note that this is a motorcycle-only event.


The notion included over $500,000 in protective barriers and over 10 meetings with the city and the AMA race promoters.

The city passed the notions and the five-year plan, but a boastful councilman caused the public to rise up and file a petition for a vote. The vote took place earlier this week and only 20 percent of the residence voted. It failed to pass.

Another quirky aspect of this election was the written word. If you wanted the race program to proceed, you voted “No.” If you wanted the races shut down you voted “Yes.”

Bottom line, racing is coming to Sturgis in a big way. A few brothers are researching a possible 3-5 mile strip of land for Land Speed Racing.

Woody at the Buffalo Chip is building a race track, plus there are other racing efforts in the wind. Hang on!



YOU could WIN our 2014 Silverado 4X4 High Country giveaway!

Every $1 you spend at gets you entered to WIN!

…but not only will the winner take a truck home…

You could also WIN a custom Sportster and $5,000!

Merch, chopper parts, riding glasses, EVERYTHING gets you ENTERED to WIN!

Get entered Now!

-Throttle Addiction


I recently introduced a movie producer to my books, stories and series in Bandit’s Cantina. She pitched them to Hollywood, but unfortunately Hollywood is currently under the doctorial requirements of DEI and OSG. It’s a mess of unreasonable restrictions and requirements.

For some odd reason, I was inspired to write a Biker story that flew in face of the dictates and exposed the hypocrisy. I went to work. It wasn’t difficult to weave a tale based on real life and unreal regulations.

I hammered my computer keys to tell a story about regular blue collar oil field workers/bikers who are attacked by doomsday proponents who want to shut down all the basic fun-loving necessities in life, over-throw society and take control.

This creative narrative is actually an account of what any sensible society would do if faced with a challenge. They would test it on a community to see if it worked before dictating untested requirements on an entire nation. Seems sensible enough.

I can’t give away the ending, but like so many times before, Bikers are the bastards brave enough to step up and make freedom and the truth shine again.

If you would like to read this epic. If you would like to be proud of being a biker once more, check it out: Brothers for Truth on

GREASY KULTURE NEWS– issue 98 is shipping right now!

So who was Don Fera – and why’s he on our cover?

Years ago when we first saw the great Bob Magill photo of Don we’ve used for the cover of the new issue, we wanted to know who this guy was.

We discovered he was one of the ‘greatest generation’… a WWII fighter pilot, racer, tuner, actor, stunt man – his life was extraordinary. Even more amazing is that the Harley he rode in The Wild One movie still exists – and it’s in issue 98, thanks to its current custodian Danny Zandona.

Do not miss this one!

–Greasy Kulture

BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!

I HAVE A DREAM BIKERNET WEEKLY NEWS for April 4, 2024–click here to read

Good Post. Keep Up The Fight. Continue to educate those younger and to help them take over what was started so long ago– But Needs To Continue To Survive. Ride Free Brother.

Palm Bay, FL


At the 2015 AMD Europe held in Sweden the Best in Show and Chopper class winning bike was “WSA” by Veikko Sikiö of Juupajoki, Finland.

The bike was entirely hand-built – including the engine. Using casting techniques in his workshop he created the 800cc V-twin motor, carbs, and many other parts for his build. The only parts to be bought were the Bobbin Wheels and rear brake. They manufacture helmets.

–Sam Burns
Feature Bike Editor™


Bikes, greasy treasures, scratch & dent parts, food truck & good times…

Check out all the basic info and sign up for your free vendor spot if you haven’t already!

Last Spring we had over 100 vendors and about a thousand people come through during the day. This is going to be a good one!

There are always lots of cool bikes riding in to drool over, a food truck for breakfast or lunch, and piles of greasy treasure to dig through!

And as always, vendor spots and admission is FREE.

See you at the Lowbrow Swap & Meet!


Irish rich after healing from surgery recently started working in his shop again. He’s allowed to lift up to 45 pounds, so he dug into the Dick Allen Springer project. “Have to hold on until the #8 tapered reamer gets here for the spring rods, slow shipping,” Rich said. “I got the bushings sized for the rockers.”

He went to Clauser’s Machine in Spearfish to have Reno make the pivot spuds for the ends of the springer legs. “Oh, and the rocker studs you turned down for me,” Rich added. “The tap we couldn’t find to clean out the internal threads was 9/16-24. It costs $40.00, yikes.”

We will follow this process till the end and we witness an historic Dick Allen Springer come to life.

–Bandit and Irish Rich
Shamrocks Fabrication
Sturgis, SD


Let us Live in the Present Today

May we make peace at last, with the pieces of the past. –Monica Kramer

In this moment, we embrace the gift of the present, shedding the weight of past grievances and embracing the peace within. As Monica Kramer beautifully expressed yesterday, may we make peace at last, with the pieces of the past.

Yesterday, her message was, to release that which no longer uplifts our souls. We understand that dwelling on the past stifles our ability to fully embrace the present. Those who dwell in the shadows of yesterday often find themselves consumed by anxiety about tomorrow, trapped in a cycle of dread and anticipation of further pain. This mindset robs the present of its serenity, making restful sleep elusive and dampening the natural exuberance that should greet each new day.

Yet, today beckons us with an invitation to release the past, to learn from the lesson and then let it go. Though we cannot erase yesterday’s chapters, we can revise our interpretation, learning from missteps and granting ourselves forgiveness. Today offers us the chance to embrace new perspectives, to relinquish the grip of resentment and to reclaim our personal power.

Today’s affirmation: I declare my worthiness of peace, abundance, and joy. I choose to view past challenges through the lens of growth, recognizing that they have served their purpose, and it is now time to forge ahead. I release the burden of old wounds, surrendering to the beauty of the present moment. With Gratitude, I acknowledge my freedom from self-limiting beliefs and embrace the Transformative Power within.

Today, I stand in gratitude for the opportunity to fully embody my Divine Gifts, unencumbered by the weight of the past. I rejoice in the simplicity of being, celebrating my existence in this moment, here and now.

And so it is.


When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. –Lao Tzu

Senior Monk
Bikernet Thought Temple


Their 3rd date by JJ Spain

He introduced Mary to her first motorcycle ride. He pulled alongside a Ford Focus using the right turning lane. At the last second, the Ford also decided to turn right. The car’s front fender gave the cycle an extra boost off the two-lane, crashing through a picket fence.

Able to slide to a stop still upright, he sighed. His left knee put a dent in the black tank. His date was scared and crying. The bastard driver of the car didn’t stop. They rode to her house to ice his knee.

Two years later, he took a knee and she said, “Yes.”

–JJ Spain


Forgot to mention, while I may not get an Academy Award for best video, I’m sure to take home the cinema photography top honors! Plus, you should share this Celluloid Masterpiece with the Bikernet readers.

People don’t seem excited about my video. I don’t know why, it’s only 7 seconds. Carb side, I have no running light, bulb looks good? Dorman sockets, but made in China.

We had some major weather come through around 2:00 this morning and another cool front I’m trying to enjoy before they end.

Working on putting the Dyna’s bars on the Shovelhead with the original small button controls. Have everything identified, now to hook it all up. Currently in search of another small hand held butane soldering gun, had one I bought at Radio Shack in ‘92, finally gave up a few years ago. I replaced it with a BernZoMatic that’s great when I can get it lit! But I currently don’t have any chickens to sacrifice, so connectors for now.

It was just the bulb on the FXRP signal, now to see if the bikes wires are actually connected? Don’t recall seeing a flasher? Compared to building that beautiful Knuckle, turn signals aren’t much. But drivers in Houston apparently no longer understand hand direction signals & the only one they do know I’m trying not to use anymore. Think the Dyna’s rear LEDs and equalizer may become RP mounted.

My brother mentioned he thought 1157s ‘cause getting harder to find. When I picked up the second socket for the turn signals, I was going to grab a pack as I wasn’t sure where mine were? $13 for 2 bulbs & only the one package. I believe they might have been super white? And then all these bulbs and no 1157s!

I did find two more 1157s separated out, most likely off the Shovelhead. Which brings up another issue that’s her 7-inch H4 conversion on the RP currently.

Texas Weather Reporter


Celebrate a Milwaukee icon this 4/14 Day

The biggest Milwaukee Day party is found at the crossroads of 6th & Canal.

Milwaukee, get ready for the largest 4/14 Day party in the city at the world’s only Harley-Davidson Museum this month. The legendary story of H-D could not be told without the support of Mil-town, and every inch of the H-D Museum™ campus will be celebrating the city we love, and the city Harley-Davidson has called home for more than 120 years.

Of course, the collection within the halls of the H-D Museum brings to life the story of an American icon that is renowned the world over.

Celebrate the stories of our employees, dealers and enthusiasts who have made Milwaukee Iron our city’s number-one export. And the museum is offering an exclusive 414 deal where 414 people can buy $4.14 admission tickets to come see the museum on 4/14 day (while supplies last)!*

Test your Milwaukee history bona fides with trivia from Quizmaster. And even more giveaway winners will go home with tickets to Harley-Davidson Homecoming,™ Milwaukee Brewers games, Wisconsin State Fair, Milwaukee Admirals games and Summerfest!

At MOTOR, Chef Doug Stringer has enlisted the help of local purveyors, butchers and more to highlight the unique culinary menus of Milwaukee this month. Bratwursts, stuffed pretzels, sauerbraten wings and even a jumbo “dream puff” will have guests singing a song of gemütlichkeit. And if you’re looking to test the limits of your gastronomy gusto, the famed 4.14-lb burger eating contest makes a triumphant return and will take place after the official city toast of 414 day taking place at 4:14 p.m. on April 14.

And get set for viewing the MotoAmerica Mission King of the Baggers Races at MOTOR Bar & Restaurant. Come watch the H-D® Factory Race Team take the track in April at the MotoAmerica Mission King of the Baggers Races, April 12-14 & 19-21 (exact race times TBD – posted by MotoAmerica one week prior to race weekend). Come for lunch or dinner and stay for the races to cheer on 33 Kyle Wyman and 43 James Rispoli.

• April. 12-14. Circuit of the Americas Races (Austin TX)
• April. 19-21. Road Atlanta Races (Braselton, GA)

With factory-sponsored racing efforts dating back over 100 years, Harley-Davidson proudly supports racers and series across multiple disciplines. From MotoAmerica Mission King of the Baggers to Mission Super Hooligan and Progressive American Flat Track, there are Harley-Davidson motorcycles lining up at road courses and dirt tracks across the country in 2024, all hoping to take the checkered flag. Don’t chance it – make your reservations at MOTOR online or by calling 414-287-2778 to ensure your seat at the table.

The recently revealed 2024 Hydra-Glide Revival model, the fourth installment in the Harley-Davidson Icons Motorcycle Collection, celebrates the 75th anniversary of that 1949 landmark bike, a champion of the Panhead era. And the new bike could be yours. Visit the H-D Museum to check out the original 1949 model in the H-D Museum’s Motorcycle Gallery. Then throw a leg over the 2024 Icon in the Experience Gallery and learn how you could be riding home on one of these limited-edition bikes.

[page break]


Here is current seat in the works for Johnnie Macs Chopper House for the Folds of Honor charity build. We are going with a chestnut color for the leather.

Also doctored up a couple cigar boxes made for the leather products.

–Adam Croft
Master Leather Smith


Attached is the flyer for Mid-South MILE 2024 in Hot Springs, Arkansas. March your calendars for Oct 25-27 and update the Road Show list. Jacque and I will be attending for the MRF and whoever else wants to attend.



Fuel Tank J & JD Harley Davidson 1918-1924. They are all steel with soldered brass bungs in place. Be very careful when selecting tanks. Different years, different motors make a difference…

Regular price $1,085.00

Shipping calculated at checkout.

THE RED CONNECTION New Bikernet Reader Comment!

I HAVE A DREAM BIKERNET WEEKLY NEWS for April 4, 2024–click here to read

Hey Bandit, Another great post! Wanted to thank you for your expert write up on springer vs hydraulic front ends. Just what i needed to know without all the endless ego and hype. Keep up the great work!

Just wanted to ask if you were aware of Lil Red Rider up in Canada? Great gal with a great head on her shoulders. Rides a springer shovel and wrenches on her own ride. She’s an ex-HD tech i believe? She deserves a look anyway.

If you can hook her up with subscribers or use her tech YouTube etc. it would be great. We need more like her. Her dad is great wrench as well. Showed us how to fix a hole in a primary case and more. Check it out when you have a chance!

— Kolohe West
Citrus Heights, CA


–Sam Burns
Talent Scout™


The master got a new dog. He had one of those rat dogs previously. I asked if this mutt ate it?

He said, “Yep.” There you have it.

The man and his recent handywork.

He’s rapidly wrapping up this Panhead project.

And the lovely Maxine, who is rapidly becoming a tattoo artist and currently studying in Japan. She’s sporting our special designed woman’s hoodie leather jacket.

Check ‘em out.


Indian Scout Bobber

Stripped down with an aggressive stance and raw power, the Scout Bobber is the perfect expression of iconic bobber style. Blacked out front to back with chopped bobber fenders and headlight nacelle, it leans hard into a mean bobber vibe. A solo bobber-style seat reinforces a minimalist bobber aesthetic—without trading comfort—and firmly plants riders in control under hard acceleration. Slammed two-inch suspension creates a low stance for an aggressive, custom look. Bar-end mirrors give the bike a cut down and clean look with improved visibility.

Indian Sport Scout

Inspired by history but redesigned for the style of today, the Sport Scout gives a more aggressive spirit to the Scout lineup. Stylish gloss black six-inch moto style risers with machine highlights come standard. Machined triples and moto handlebars complete the package, both in custom looks and dialed ergonomics that fit its menacing style with improved reach and control for aggressive riding. The sport-style seat provides riders more back support and comfort to ride longer and harder, without compromising the bike’s sleek style.

The quarter fairing gives the Sport Scout a stylish and custom look straight from the factory, while also providing protection from the wind. The 19-inch front wheel adds to the aggressive nature of the Sport Scout – both in style and agile handling.

Indian Scout Classic

The Scout Classic is where heritage-inspired design meets the needs of today’s American cruiser rider. Premium chrome, classic Indian Motorcycle flared fenders, and flawless paint will turn heads at every intersection. Wire wheels add to the timeless, authentic style. A low seat height and relaxed ergonomics makes for an easy, confident ride at every speed, whether commuting or going on a weekend trip.

Indian Super Scout

When the goal is to hit the open road, riders must ensure no corners are cut or details overlooked. Built for any type of riding, saddlebags, wire wheels, windshield, and passenger pillion all come standard. Super Scout’s saddlebags allow riders to effortlessly carry essentials and offer simple ease of use with a quick pull tab.

The quick-release windshield comes off in seconds for a different look, while its three inches of suspension travel increases comfort to ride longer and farther. Premium chrome finishes and flawless paint add to the timeless styling born from the Indian Scout’s heritage.

Indian 101 Scout

Rooted in history as one of the greatest motorcycles ever made, the Indian 101 Scout is purpose built to be the highest performing Scout Indian Motorcycle has ever offered. When it comes to capability and style, the Indian 101 Scout resets the bar for American V-Twin cruisers. With adjustable piggyback rear shocks, inverted adjustable front forks, and dual disk Brembo® brakes, the Indian 101 Scout is packed with premium components that make a statement about the rider’s ability to go fast.

A custom-stitched, gunfighter-style solo seat provides premium comfort to match the bike’s premium performance – delivering unrivaled rider confidence. Up top, stylish gloss black six-inch moto style risers with machine highlights, machined triples and moto handlebars tie it all together, with custom appeal and purposeful ergonomics that fit its aggressive character. Exacting attention to detail finishes the look with 101 Scout badging and exclusive paint and graphics.


Patrick is part of the Prism design team and he clearly knows what it takes to build a killer chopper. Check out the gallery to see his bike and the Prism parts he used for his 1948 PanShovel build.

RIGHT TO REPAIR–Must Be Protected

The Right to Repair affects all of us whether we work on our own bikes or have a shop work on them. The information and tools necessary to make repairs must be available to independent dealers and individuals. Not everyone who owns a newer motorcycle (under ten years old), wants to go to a franchise dealer (regardless of the brand), to get their bike serviced or repaired. We should not be penalized with the threat of losing our warranty for taking our bikes to our favorite independent dealer, whom we have trusted and supported for years. Furthermore, if your bike is over ten years old, most franchise dealers will not even work on that bike.

Most bikers I’ve met enjoy working on their bikes as much as riding them. It is part of our culture to hang out with our buddies and help each other. Most franchise dealers would prefer to eliminate independent dealers and then charge us outrageous prices for parts and labor. Franchise dealers and manufacturers work hard to restrict parts and updated information from the Independent Motorcycle Aftermarket. Even worse than the high prices is the ridiculous amount of time they want to tie your bike up for service in the middle of riding season. The existence of independent dealers is essential for the survival of our culture, riding lifestyle and the future of motorcycling.

Harley stopped the production of carbureted bikes in 2007 and will not work on your carbureted bike because it is over ten years old. Few have the technicians on staff with experience to work on older bikes. If you own a 2007 – 2013 Harley, where do you go for an electronic fuel injection tune? Harley no longer supplies programable ECUs for these bikes and the EPA has restricted the Aftermarket from selling the current generation of modules to street bike owners. There is even a campaign to penalize any dealer willing to tune your fuel-injected bike. All this is supposedly to help create a clean climate. However, the EPA will not even publish emission standards/limits that are acceptable for the Independent Motorcycle Aftermarket so that it can manufacture the components that will be environmentally compliant. It may seem like motorcycle manufacturers would like to sell you a new bike, service it twice a year and sell you another new bike in five years, but End-of-Life Directives for motorcycles are another issue for discussion at another time.

The MRF has been fighting for our Right to Repair and has pledged its full support to the Independent Motorcycle Aftermarket to continue this battle. We cannot do it alone. We need your support by joining the IMA today so that we may continue fighting this attack on our rights and lifestyle. I will address our Right to Modify and build custom bikes in your next issue of the American Biker Journal.

Bob Kay is the Chairman of the Independent Motorcycle Aftermarket Council (IMA). Formed by the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF), the IMA is a council to review the challenges that independent motorcycle dealers and custom bike builders face. Independent motorcycle dealers and custom bike builders wishing to join the Independent Motorcycle Aftermarket Network can click the links below and select the Independent Motorcycle Aftermarket membership type.

Bob Kay – IMA Chairman



[page break]


America’s First Motorcycle Company Activates Sponsorship with Season’s First Owners Ride, Custom Bike Display, and Demo Rides of All-New Scout Lineup

Indian Motorcycle, America’s First Motorcycle Company, today announced sponsorship of the renowned Handbuilt Motorcycle Show in Austin, Texas, taking place April 12-14. In conjunction with the show, and in celebration of riding season, Indian Motorcycle will kick off its 2025 Indian Scout demo tour, host its first 2024 Rider Series owners ride, and showcase a lineup of artfully designed custom motorcycles.

The Handbuilt Motorcycle Show presents an awe-inspiring display of creations from builders and artisans who blend expertise, craftsmanship, and innovation to craft truly unique hand-built machines. This event presents Indian Motorcycle with an opportunity to showcase its legendary and truly iconic machines in the city of Austin, while simultaneously celebrating the city’s iconic motorcycle culture.

“As a brand deeply entrenched in motorcycle culture, we are thrilled to be part of the Handbuilt Motorcycle Show in Austin, where riders bond over an electrifying blend of racing, custom craftsmanship and community spirit,” Aaron Jax, Vice President for Indian Motorcycle. “This year, in conjunction with both the Handbuilt Show and King of the Baggers race, we’re excited to welcome and host our legion of owners for our 2024 Rider Series kick off ride in Austin.”

Scout Demo Rides

From April 12-14, at The Handbuilt Motorcycle Show, showgoers will be among the first to throw a leg over the all-new 2025 Indian Scout lineup. Building upon its rich history, the new 2025 Scout lineup continues its iconic legacy. With five models and three trim levels, the lineup blends authentic Scout DNA with all-new rider centric technology. Packing an all-new, 1250cc SpeedPlus engine, delivering up to 111 horsepower, and the industry’s lowest seat height, the 2025 Scout lineup delivers a legendary balance of power and control.

Following The Handbuilt Motorcycle Show, the Indian Scout demo tour will continue at The One Moto Show in Portland, Oregon, April 19-21. For more information about the Scout’s national demo tour and Indian Motorcycle events, please visit Indian Motorcycle’s events page.

Indian Motorcycle Rider Series

To kick off the 2024 riding season, Indian Motorcycle will begin its Rider Series owner ride in Austin, April 11-13. Owners attending the ride will immerse themselves within Austin’s renowned motorcycle culture, beginning with an exclusive event with live music in downtown Austin on Thursday, April 11.

On Friday, the group of riders will depart for a ride through Austin countryside, followed by an event experience at The Handbuilt Motorcycle Show’s opening night. On Saturday, owners will witness history within a hospitality area, as MotoAmerica’s King of the Baggers will serve as the support race during MotoGP’s U.S. round at Circuit of the Americas.

Whether a seasoned rider or new to the community, these rides provide a welcoming environment for all participants to connect and enjoy the open road. Indian Motorcycle encourages attendees at the Handbuilt Show to join them for this inaugural ride, which can be signed up for at Indian’s booth at the event. Keep an eye out for upcoming rides that will be added to this new series.

Custom Bike Displays

Adding to The Handbuilt Motorcycle Show’s full gallery of custom motorcycles are three custom Sport Chiefs. Featured within Indian Motorcycle’s 2023 Forged custom series, which can be viewed here, each bike was closely documented as three renowned builders, including Carey Hart, Yaniv Evan from Powerplant, and Jake Cutler from Barnstorm Cycles, each handcrafted a stock Sport Chief motorcycle into a rolling piece of art. The custom bikes are amid a custom bike tour, which began at Daytona Bike Week and will continue to The One Moto Show and Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, before making their way to their individual owner, actor Norman Reedus, UFC champion T.J. Dillashaw, and freestyle-motocross rider Jeremy “Twitch” Stenberg.

–Jeff Millard
The Brand Amp

QUICK, New Bikernet Reader Comment!–

BUY AN ELECTRIC CAR, GO TO PRISON—click here to read

This story is probably happening all over and never makes the news for obvious reasons. Electro rage.



We’re thrilled to announce the release of our latest video, Cutting Exhaust Tubing With CT Newman Fixture! We can’t wait for you to see it. You can watch the video now on our website Grease & Gears TV – please feel free to share it.

We hope you enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed creating it.

Thank you for your continued support!

–Chris Callen


The Black Hills Motorcycle Show is back for its second year in Deadwood!

It is going to be a full weekend of fun on Memorial Day Weekend. Several Hamsters are already involved or planning on attending. Cory Ness is the Show’s Celebrity Builder Guest this year. Paul Yaffe and Donnie Smith will be in attendance, also giving specialty awards out.

Flash will be setting up another “kid’s corner” with bouncy castle. Greg Wick is leading the cadre of talented judges. James Patience is making the specialty awards. Several of the Black Hills Hamsters have already registered their bikes for the show.

Schedule of Events:

Friday May 24th, 2024 at 7 pm until ? – Meet & Greet Party at Saloon #10, 657 Main Street, Deadwood, SD 57732. All are welcome to meet the sponsors, vendors, and competitors of the 2024 show.

Saturday May 25th, 2024 from 12 pm to 8 pm. – Black Hills Motorcycle Show at the Deadwood Mountain Grand. 1906 Deadwood Mountain Drive, Deadwood, SD 57732

Please visit for more information.

Sunday May 26th, 2024 from 1 pm to 6 pm – Private Hamsters & Friends Party at Deadwood Custom Cycles, 10 Lee Street, Deadwood, SD 57732

This party is not open to the public, but please bring whomever you want. There will be an Open Bar, Catered Lunch, and Live Music. Compliments of Jason & Charlie Mook and Oyster Bay.

We have a block of rooms at the Deadwood Mountain Grand. The block of rooms will expire on April 25th, 2024. Please use the link below if interested.

Bike Entry:
If anyone is interested in putting their bike in the show check out the site. Don’t hesitate, spots are filling up fast!

Looking forward to seeing everyone Memorial Day Weekend!



Powered by D-air from Dainese Technology and Sized for Men and Women

The new Harley-Davidson Smart Vest combines comfort and style with advanced airbag protection to offer riders peace of mind. Powered by proven D-air from Dainese Technology, the Harley-Davidson Smart Vest is designed to instantly deploy in the event of a collision on the chest and central back area to add potential impact absorption.

The Dainese D-air airbag technology is backed by more than 30 years of research. A series of sensors monitor what’s happening around the rider more than 1,000 times per second and constantly process the data in real time. It is designed to deploy instantly on impact in the event of a collision with objects, with other vehicles or in a rear-end collision event. The airbag covers the chest and central area of the back and form-seals with the rider’s helmet. The system is powered by a rechargeable battery with up to 26 hours of life and is charged with a common USB plug.

Both the Men’s Harley-Davidson Smart Vest (P/N 98017-24VM, size S to 2XL) and Women’s Harley-Davidson® Smart Vest (P/N 98021-24VW, size XS to 2XL) feature a black heavyweight cowhide leather perforated shell for cooling airflow and stretch side panels for superior comfort.

Both designs feature zippered handwarmer pockets, 3M Scotchlite Black Carbon reflective material to enhance nighttime visibility, and embossed Harley-Davidson branding across the back shoulders. The slim design limits bulk, and the vest may be worn under or over a riding jacket (if worn under, allow about two inches of space in case of deployment).

An indicator light on the left chest reports the status of the jacket. When the vest is zipped and the snap-tab power switch is fastened, the indicator light colors report battery status and flash blue when the vest is ready to trigger the airbag as needed.

The vest also vibrates to indicate that it is ready. The vest is activated when it senses the vibration of a running motorcycle engine or speed exceeds 6.2 mph (10 kph) – the vest will not deploy away from a running motorcycle, if the wearer were to trip and fall, for example. If the vest is deployed the airbag and two gas generators must be replaced by a select authorized Harley-Davidson dealer.

Learn more about the Harley-Davidson® Smart Vest and the complete selection of Harley-Davidson MotorClothes riding gear by visiting an authorized Harley-Davidson dealer or at

ANOTHER New Bikernet Reader Comment!


Well written article. Will help all the newbies understand the old days and where some of us old timers are coming from and why we still ride and behave the way we do. Too bad past days can’t be revisited. However, I still try and hang-on to those “74” years as much as possible.

I embrace the saying “Old School or No School” I’m 77 and installed a jockey shift on my ‘02 Road King an am digging every mile. A lot of riders look at me and the King and just shake their heads. I just tell them ‘You’ll never be there’ and just grab some gears and throttle down the black top.

Ride Hard ~ Live Brave

–Stony Monday
Ames, IA


The Runaways – an all-girl teenage rock ‘n’ roll band from Southern California – were not born until a decade after the birth of the chopper in the early ’50s. Yet this five-piece group, whose average age is only 16 years, seems to express in their music the same recurring themes that have followed biker crusades over the decades.

Freedom. Justice. Rebellion.

Myth or not, riding a chopper has always been a symbol of staying young, never growing old. A 39-year-old guy mounted on his chopper, wheeling along the Pacific Coast Highway, somehow looks at least ten years younger…

Click the link on their website to read the interview with Joan Jett, Lita Ford and the Runaways.


As more & more counties get more solar farms…..
From a STEPHENVILLE resident, George Franklin:

I am a retired aerospace engineer. A literal rocket scientist if you will. I worked on MX (Peacekeeper) Space Shuttle, Hubble, Brilliant Pebbles, PACOSS, Space Station, MMU, B2, the Sultan of Brunei’s half billion dollar private 747 with crystal showers, gold sinks and 100 dollar a yard coiffed silk carpets. I designed a satphone installation on prince Jeffry’s 757. I did all of the design work for the structure of Mark 1V propulsion module currently flying on at least 3 spacecraft that I know of. I am also am FAA certified glider pilot and FAI certified gold glider pilot. I fly both full scale and model sailplanes. I am Microsoft certified and ComTIA A+ certified.

SOLAR PANELS are at best about 20% EFFICIENT. They convert almost 0% of the UV light that hits them. None of the visible spectrum and only some of the IR spectrum. At the same time as they are absorbing light they are absorbing heat from the sun. This absorbed HEAT is RADIATED INTO THE adjacent ATMOSPHERE.

It should be obvious what happens next. When air is warmed it rises. Even small differences in ordinary land surfaces are capable of creating powerful forces of weather like thunderstorms and tornadoes. These weather phenomena are initiated and reinforced by land features as they are blown downwind. It is all too obvious to me what will happen with the heat generated by an entire solar farm. SOLAR FARMS WILL BECOME THUNDERSTORM and TORONADO INCUBATORS and MAGNETS.

Solar panels are dark and they emit energy to the space above them when they are not being radiated. This is known as black-body radiation. Satellites flying in space use this phenomenon to cool internal components. If they didn’t do this, they would fry themselves.

So solar farms not only produce more heat in summer than the original land that they were installed on, but they also produce more cooling in winter, thus exacerbating weather extremes.

So I conclude with this. THERE IS NOTHING GREEN ABOUT GREEN ENERGY except the DIRTY MONEY flowing into corrupt pockets.

There is no such thing as green energy. The science doesn’t exist. The technology doesn’t exist. The engineering doesn’t exist. We are being pushed to save the planet with solutions that are worse than the problems.


Industry Veterans Marilyn Stemp and Steve Piehl Appointed to Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame’s Board

The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum and Hall of Fame recently named Marilyn Stemp and Steve Piehl to its Board of Directors.

Marilyn Stemp is a pioneering figure in the motorcycle industry, founding IronWorks Magazine with her late husband, Dennis, and becoming the first female editor of a nationally circulated, mainstream motorcycle magazine.

She also revived their trade magazine, Iron Trader News, edits the monthly Kiwi Indian News, contributes to several powersports media outlets, and is the founding editor of Sturgis Rider Daily. Stemp is a noted editor and writer of several motorcycle-focused books.

Her consistent support for charitable efforts in the industry include the annual Biker Belles Celebration, Las Vegas BikeFest, and as campaign chair for the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum’s development plan in 2014. She co-founded the Flying Piston charity events that take place in Daytona and Sturgis each year and is a National Ambassador for All Kids Bike.

Stemp was inducted into both the Las Vegas Motorcycle Hall of Fame and the Sturgis Museum’s Hall of Fame in 2018, and in 2022 was recognized as one of the Top 100 Women in Powersports by DealerNews.

Steve Piehl’s appointment brings decades of industry experience to the board, in both his own consulting firm and in the 36 years he spent working at Harley-Davidson. Piehl led the team responsible for launching innovative event strategies, such as Harley’s motorcycle demonstration ride program, a Traveling Museum and the ground breaking LiveWire Experience tour.

Early in his career he was asked to create the Harley Owners Group (HOG), a membership program that connects riders with the Motor Company. He was part of the company’s launch of rider training programs and served on the Motorcycle Safety Foundation’s Board of Trustees.

Piehl was inducted into the Sturgis Museum’s Hall of Fame in 2012 and received the Pappy Hoel Award at his induction. Piehl’s communications consulting firm serves several companies in the powersports industry in the US and Europe. He volunteers for the USO and the Boy Scouts of America and is a National Ambassador for All Kids Bike.

“We are delighted to welcome Marilyn and Steve to our Board of Directors,” said Board President Craig Bailey. “Their exceptional backgrounds and unwavering dedication to the motorcycle community, along with the talented individuals already serving on our board, will propel the Museum to deliver an experience like never before.”

Stemp and Piehl will begin serving on the board immediately.

AMA NEWS– Adventure riding is one of the fastest growing classes of motorcycling for good reason.

The Triumph AMA National Adventure Riding Series offers the best routes, roads and two-track trails for showcasing the abilities of adventure bikes and their riders.

The Beta AMA National Dual Sport Series includes some of the most amazing single-track trails in the country, all tied together by incredible back roads through America’s countryside. Designed to provide the perfect off-road riding experience, these events include ample, challenging routes that are well marked and well designed.

The event below is part of both series. There are many more to come throughout the year:

Midwest Trail Riders Association, Show me 200/500

When: May 18-19, 2024

Where: Bixby, Mo.

Questions? Contact Midwest Trail Riders Association at (314) 409-6936 or
Please Note: AMA membership is required to participate. Join the AMA today!


Remember…you can vote once per day, so be sure to vote often!

“The longest running indoor car show in the world, the Grand National Roadster Show, celebrating it’s 75th anniversary, brings together more than 500 show vehicles competing for awards, as well as up to 800 vehicles taking part in the annual Grand Daddy Drive-In. Plus, you may get to see a celebrity face here and there.”

Don’t forget that the Sacramento Autorama is coming up!

The almighty ONE MOTO SHOW is happening next weekend in Portland.

Grab a ticket now with 15% OFF using the code ONESHOW15 then come say hi to us in the DicE Booth.

Bring beers…

XDA Racers Ready to Eclipse Competition at the 2024 Season Opener

Set to unfold April 19-21 at the renowned Maryland International Raceway (MIR), The Xtreme Dragbike Association (XDA) is on the throttle, accelerating into the 2024 motorcycle drag racing season. The season opener is poised to kick off another unforgettable year of drag racing entertainment with the iconic 30th annual Platinum General Services Spring Nationals

“We’re very excited about the 2024 season”, said Jason Miller, Promoter of XDA. Our lineup of events promises to raise the bar even higher, with strong competition and unforgettable moments on and off the track. The XDA is more than just a series of races; it’s a community. The camaraderie among riders and fans alike is truly something special, and it’s what keeps us growing year after year.”

With over 700 Professional, Sportsman, and Grudge motorcycle racers expected to compete at every event throughout the season, fans can look forward to witnessing some of the best riders in the sport battle it out for glory. And with cash purses totaling over $90,000 at each event, the stakes are high.

–XDA Media Staff

ONE MORE New Bikernet Reader Comment!

The Endless Highway – Part One

Great story! I have had the pleasure to meet Billy and have followed his great adventures.

My story, One afternoon I had to go to the grocery store Market Basket in Epping, NH. As I pulled out on to RTE 125, I got behind this man riding this old nostalgic motorcycle, and I was intrigued automatically.

It turned out he rolled into Market Basket also. I just couldn’t help myself. I felt the need that I had to talk with him to find out a little bit about his story. And I’ve been following him on Facebook ever since. He truly is amazing. He’s a Viking. Thank you for putting this story together. I hope to see more stories in the future.

–Vickey Cutshall
Lee, NH


Charlie and I took a run out to Belle Fourche to look at a drag strip for sale. Of course, I was thinking land speed record racing. Even a quarter-mile drag strip doesn’t hold a candle to 3-5 mile land speed track effort. We checked it out, and if we could buy another 200 acres past the drag strip and it was straight and flat, we might have a shot. Just dreaming.

When he dropped me off, I pointed out the clutch plate in his car. He sought out a welder to make a clutch drum removal tool. I volunteered.

Charlie asked me if I was going to sign the tool. Here’s my signature on my primary chain guard…

Quirky weather, a shot from a couple of days ago, and then suddenly it’s snowing like crazy. Did you know 8-inches of snow represents 1 inch of rain.

Almost had an entire day in the shop. I made a to-do list and went to work. I needed to measure and order a clutch cable from Barnett’s. It’s coming. I had lots of sparkplug wires and found a length of old school solid wire. Tons of brass coil connectors but not one for the sparkplugs. O’Reilly’s had a kit.

I ran all the oil lines and grappled with the fittings on the oil filter mount from S&S. I was short on 3/8-inch I.D. oil line, so I worked in some copper tubing.

My neighbor came over to help with the driveway. A day later it snowed more, but the temps melted it away within a few hours, amazing.

Suddenly I discovered I forgot my regulator mount. I had one notion, but it didn’t work. I dipped into the scrap bin again and discovered a chunk of looped metal I recently used. I went to work and success.

Didn’t do too bad this day. I now have Castrol 20-50 non-synthetic for the break-in period. I ordered a single brake-line from Luke at Taylord’s shop in Spearfish. By next weekend I’ll be in the middle of wiring it…

In the meantime, stay sane and free.


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