The Bikernet Code of the West Seminar

There are two stereotypes for bikers. Some people believe bikers are something a little more than human… and some people believe we are something a bit less. 
Those of us who actually ride know that the mores, are generally the correct assumption. True bikers ride farther, laugh louder, live harder, and fuck longer than the average person. We brave elements that send most humans scurrying for shelter, whether its sunshine cooking us into beef jerky or rain running down the cracks of our asses.
 I generally strive to write about the mores, not the lesses… unfortunately, this makes me an oddity in journalism. Entertainment and media have long battered our lifestyle with the ‘dirtbag’ persona, chittering in glee when some biker scuffle happens, especially amongst patches. This brings me to write something that has been on my mind for a few weeks.
You see, there have been two mass shootings and several scuffles in recent current events involving bikers. I have refused to write about them, because I am tired of small popup clubs picking fights with old 1%er clubs and people dying and getting hurt, and I am tired of the cops and the media always blaming the big 1% clubs for what happens, no matter who started the fight. I won’t give those small clubs the honor of me even writing their names and giving them notoriety… because I honestly believe it’s a pussy bitch move to pull that Jack McCall shooting Wild Bill stunt to make a name for your club. 
But, then, I woke up Memorial Day weekend and saw there had been a shooting at the Red River Run. How much more could you embarrass all of bikerdom than to have something like that splashed all over the holiday news when we are supposed to be honoring the people who died for this country? As many of us are bikers and military families, it turned my stomach to see what was playing out on my tv… to see my friends and loved ones on Facebook terrorized and worried they were going to get shot or arrested or all of the above, at a Memorial Day bike rally or on the way home.  
So, this is what I have to say about all of that. This shit has got to stop. There is absolutely no reason to be having shootouts in public places. It’s time to go back to handling your business like real men, with fisticuffs, instead of like ghetto rats shooting into crowds of innocent people. 
You don’t like the 1%ers in your area? Then don’t go where they are and where they have been going for twenty or thirty or forty years. Because here is a little biker knowledge for you puppies and bantem roosters… you are not ever going to bring them down. Those big clubs have thousands of members all over the world and thousands more who love and support them. They have been around since you boys were still shittin’ yellow at your mama’s tit, and they will still be around when you are shittin’ your pants in a nursing home. 
You are accomplishing some things with your behaviors, alright. You are making all those people hate YOUR club. You are making all bikers look like crap in the media, who we know are always smacking their lips for sensationalist reasons to yell about ‘biker gangs’.. you are giving cops a reason to fuck with ever biker on the road. You are making the public fear us. You are ruining events that are enjoyed by many innocent people and screwing up the cash flow of all the vendors and bars and restaurants involved in your spat. 
You are handing the FBI and the RICO laws and the gang databases a free ticket into all of our lives. You are taking a giant shit on all of the hundreds of people who spend countless hours and thousands of dollars a year in MROs and the MRF fighting for our rights. 


You are endangering our 2nd Amendment rights, our 14th amendment rights, and every gathering of bikers in every city in America, running around playing your little cowboy games and pissing contests. Every damned shooting puts us one step closer to another Waco happening. And, most importantly, you are taking husbands and fathers away from young mothers and little kids over stupid fights that coulda been handled with a couple of black eyes out behind a clubhouse… instead of literally taking someone’s life, over trivial bullshit. 
So, on behalf of bikerdom, I wanted to say to you all… you really need to stop making us look like street gangs. When you open fire in a crowd, you are no better than one of those camo’d and manifesto’d little shits who walks in shooting up a school or mall or church. Please start dealing with your shit like real men, so everyone lives to fight another day. Strive to teach the members of your clubs to be more than human… not less.


–The Wicked Bitch


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