NCOM Biker Newsbytes July 2020


Missouri has become the 32nd state to repeal theirall-rider helmet law when Governor Mike Parson (R) signed House Bill 1963 intolaw on July 14; a massive transportation bill that includes aprovision to allow adults to ride a motorcycle or trike without a helmet,provided they are at least 26 years old and have appropriate healthinsurance.

The new rules, which will go into effect August 28,also restrict police from pulling over helmetless riders tocheck f they have the required health insurance.

Sponsored by GOP Representative Travis Fitzwater,H.B. 1963 states inpart:

“Currently, every person operating orriding a motorcycle or motortricycle is required to wear protective headgear(Sections 302.020 and 302.026). This bill provides that persons under the ageof 26 who are operating or riding as a passenger on a motorcycle ormotortricycle shall wear a helmet when the vehicle is in motion. Similarly, aperson who is 26 or older, is operating a motorcycle or motortricycle, and whohas been issued an instruction permit shall wear a helmet when the vehicle isin motion. No political subdivision of the state shall impose a protectiveheadgear requirement on the operator or passenger of a motorcycle ormotortricycle. No person shall be stopped, inspected, or detained solely todetermine compliance with these provisions (Section 302.020.2). The bill alsoprovides that qualified operators who are 26 or older may operate a motorcycleor motortricycle without a helmet if he or she is covered by a health insurancepolicy or other form of insurance which will provide the person with medicalbenefits for injuries incurred as a result of a motorcycle or motortricycleaccident. Proof of such coverage shall be provided on request of lawenforcement by showing a copy of the qualified operator’s insurancecard. No person shall be stopped, inspected, or detained solely to determinecompliance with these provisions (Section 302.026).”

“We really feel everything in this billhas been well vetted,” Tony Shepherd, who lobbied in support ofrepealing the helmet law for a motorcycle rights group, ABATE for Missouri,told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.  Other organizations supporting themeasure were the Missouri Confederation of Clubs &Independents (CoC), and Freedom of the Road Riders of Missouri(FORR-MO), which has been lobbying to repeal the “Show Me”state’s helmet law for decades, successfully getting a billon their governor’s desk four times since 1999 only to bevetoed.

Last year, Gov. Parson vetoed a similar measurethat would have allowed anyone older than 18 to ride without a helmet, thoughhis veto was centered on a separate provision in that legislation.


On July 1, 2020 the House ofRepresentatives passed by a vote of 233-188 its signature infrastructurelegislation, the Moving Forward Act, H.R.2 (previously the INVEST in AmericaAct); providing over $1.5 trillion in federal spending across a wide range ofinfrastructure areas including surface transportation, water, aviation,broadband, healthcare, and energy.

Included in the massive 2,213-page plan to rebuildand expand America’s transportation infrastructure like highways,vehicle safety and public transit, the new 5-year federal funding measure alsoaddresses several concerns voiced by motorcyclists.

As originally introduced in June, the INVEST inAmerica Act included a provision to increase Motorcycle Safety Funds to statesby 25%, to $5.8 million.  Added by unanimous consent during markup ofH.R. 2 by the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee were threeamendments to: Extend the prohibition against using federal funding formotorcycle-only checkpoints and also prohibits using federal funds to profileand stop motorcyclists based on of their mode of transportation or style ofdress; Require the Department of Transportation to consider motorcycles insafety studies on autonomous vehicles and includes a motorcycle safety group inthe DOT working group on autonomous vehicle deployment; An extension of theMotorcyclist Advisory Council including a seat on the council formotorcyclists’ rights groups and manufacturers.

An additional motorcyclist-friendly amendment wasapproved during the final floor vote in the House to provide federal monies tocollect state profiling data regarding traffic stops based on “modeof transportation.”

H.R.2 now goes over to the Senate for furtheraction, where Republicans have expressed opposition to the bill as written bythe Democrat-controlled House, as well as a veto threat from the Administration,citing the Act’s spending levels, regulatory changes, and climatechange-related provisions.


A Congressional Resolution, H.Res.1041 wasintroduced in the House to recognize July 11, 2020 as “AntiqueMotorcycle Enthusiast Day” to recognize “the preservation,restoration, and operation of old-time motorcycles in the UnitedStates.”

Sponsored by Representative Troy Balderson (R-OH)and co-sponsored by GOP Reps Michael Burgess (TX), and Tim Walberg (MI), HouseResolution 1041 states;

Whereas many people in the United States own,restore, preserve, study, or admire motorcycles that fall into the antiquecategory, meaning they are at least 35-yearsold;

Whereas the collection, restoration, andpreservation of motorcycles is an activity shared across generationsand across all segments of society;

Whereas thousands of local motorcycle clubsand related businesses have been instrumental in preserving a historic part ofthe heritage of the United States by encouraging the restoration and exhibitionof such historic works of art;

Whereas the restoration of motorcyclesprovides well-paying, highly skilled jobs for people in all 50 States;and

Whereas, for over a century, motorcycleshave been a source of family enjoyment, photographs, songs, movies, and aniconic fashion statement in the United States: Now, therefore, be itResolved, That the House of Representatives–

(1) supports the designation of“Antique Motorcycle EnthusiastDay”;

(2) recognizes the effect of the more than 120-yearhistory of the American motorcycle and the economic surgethat celebrated over 120 American brands in the United States in the first halfof the 20th Century;

(3) recognizes that the collection and restorationof vintage and classic motorcycles is an important part of preservingthe technological achievements and cultural heritage of the United States;and

(4) encourages the people of the United States toengage in events and commemorations of“Antique Motorcycle Enthusiast Day” inaccordance with public health guidelines that create opportunities forantique motorcycle owners to educate young people about theimportance of preserving the cultural heritage of the United States, includingthrough the preservation of antique motorcycles.


After a strong start to 2020, motorcycle salesplummeted in March when the Coronavirus forced most of the world’spopulation into lockdown, but with life gradually resuming,sales are bouncing back better than expected despite — or perhaps because of– the pandemic.

An increasing number of pundits and publicationspredict that the pandemic will encourage more people to turn to motorcycles andscooters for transportation — the perfect type of commuter for socialdistancing.  Although the first quarter of motorcycle sales are down10.6%, they’re selling better than cars which are down 12%.

In the U.S., according to,Honda, BMW, Suzuki, and Yamaha’s North Americanbranches reported that sales are thriving since the beginning of theyear, particularly in the off-road segment.

The European market is showing a similar,positive trend; Italian sales numbers for June 2020 show a 37%increase over June 2019, while sales in the U.K. surpassed June 2019levels by 14.3%.  The market is also on the mend in hard-hitIndia where local branches report sales are on the rise after the Mayslump.  In the Land Down Under, according to theAustralian Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries, sales for thesecond quarter were also up year over year.

In spite of a rocky Q1, the global motorcycleindustry is faring far better than most expected.


South Dakota health officials are sending 20COVID-19 testing machines capable of producing tests in minutes to help carryout the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally amid the Coronavirus pandemic.

The 80th edition of the annual rally is expected toattract thousands of people to western South Dakota for the iconic biker rally,running August 7-16.  The Rapid City Journal reports that the citycouncil decided to cautiously proceed with the 10-day rally after realizingmotorcycle enthusiasts were going to show up regardless.

Likewise, the Horry County City Council realizedthat there was no stopping the Myrtle Beach Spring Rally, which has gone on for81 years, despite being postponed from May to July due to the virus. The 97th Laconia Motorcycle Week has been similarly rescheduled from June toAugust 22-30, with their City Council’s consent.

ABATE of Iowa reportedly held an “AmazingWeekend” 36th annual Freedom Rally in Algona over July Fourth, andeven county officials were “pleasantly surprised” by theresponsible behavior exhibited by thousands of motorcyclists in attendance.

Unfortunately, though, an estimated twenty-twomajor rallies have been canceled so far this year, including the NationalH.O.G. Rally on the Gold Coast, Americade, Hog Wild, Mountainfest, Panama BeachSpring Rally, Roar on the Shore, Rolling Thunder, ROT Rally, Smoke Out, Thunderin the Smokies, Thunder in the Valley, Quail Motorcycle Gathering, Wauseon,Wing Ding 42, and INTERMOT, the motorcycle industry’s big show inGermany, was canceled, while America’s AIMExpo was“postponed” to next year.

Many races have also been canceled or postponed;World Superbike and MotoGP races, American Flat Track, Isle of Man TT, PikesPeak, as well as Motocross and Supercross.  Easyriders has canceledtheir Bike Shows and Rodeos.

But as of now Arizona Bike Week is still on,October 7-11 in Scottsdale, as is the Four Corners Rally over Labor Day inDurango, CO, Reno’s Street Vibrations’ Spring Rally waspostponed but their Fall Rally, Sept 24-27 is still “scheduled tohappen,” Daytona’s Biketoberfest Oct 15-18 is currentlyproceeding, Golden Aspen canceled their May Aspen Cash Rally but reports theirGolden Aspen Rally September 16-20 in Ruidoso, N.M. is still on, the Lone StarRally in Galveston, TX has been “postponed” until November4-7, 2021, Harley Rendezvous postponed, Mama Tried postponed, and AMA VintageDays postponed, with new dates TBA.


Thousands of motorcyclists joined forces acrosscentral Europe to protest against motorcycle bans on certain Alpine roads, asdemonstrations took place in a number of German cities and coincided with thelaunch of an online petition that garnered 199,663 supporters.

Protesters oppose unfair and largely unjust bans onmotorcycles from certain roads, citing exhaust noise as the reason for thebans, although loud cars are not prohibited.



With the 35th Annual NCOM Convention inIndianapolis now just weeks away, the National Coalition of Motorcyclists isrequesting that MROs, motorcycle clubs, and riding associations submit thenames of those members and bikers’ rights activists who have diedsince last May’s Convention, so that we may honor their memoriesduring the traditional “Ringing of the Bell” tribute tofallen riders. Dedications can be hand-delivered at the Convention to“Doc” Reichenbach, NCOM Chairman of the Board, or e-mailedin advance to Bill Bish, NCOM Public Relations Liaison, at

This year’s NCOM Convention, rescheduledfrom Mother’s Day weekend to October 16-17, 2020, will be held at theMarriott Indianapolis East (7202 East 21st Street in Indianapolis).

Meetings, seminars and group discussions will focuson legislative efforts and litigation techniques to benefit our right to rideand Freedom of the Road.

Pre-register by calling the National Coalition ofMotorcyclists at (800) 525-5355 or visit For more info, click on


QUOTABLE QUOTE: “Before God we are allequally wise and equallyfoolish.”

~ Albert Einstein (1879-1955) German-born NobelPrize-winning physicist

–Vintage Photos from the  Bob T. Collection–

ABOUT AIM / NCOM: The National Coalitionof Motorcyclists (NCOM) is a nationwide motorcyclists rights organizationserving over 2,000 NCOM Member Groups throughout the United States, with allservices fully-funded through Aid to Injured Motorcyclist (AIM) Attorneysavailable in each state who donate a portion of their legal fees frommotorcycle accidents back into the NCOM Network of Biker Services ( /800-ON-A-BIKE).

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