The Salt Torpedo Meets Atomic Art–5-Ball Racing 2015 Chapter 6

It all started with our 5-Ball Racing search for our trike streamliner name, which quickly centered around the “Salt Torpedo.” Then the Prince stepped up from his mountain top castle and said, “There’s only one artist on the planet capable of this lofty task.”

When I asked, “Who?” he suddenly disappeared on a bike show rampage at over a dozen locations around the country. We couldn’t reach past his vast and unrelenting staff for a moment of his precious time until the snow thawed and the show season culminated in a grand finale somewhere in the Himalayas. He sent a small donkey–riding Sherpa out of the hills with his response etched into a dark chunk of lava rock. It said, “Speak only to Mrs. Atomic.”

The next thing we knew, during a top secret Bikernet and 5-Ball Racing editorial meeting a fax caught fire as it buzzed and squeaked from the antiquated staff fax machined and drifted to the deck in flames. Several members stomped the singed paper into the pure white pearlescent carpeting and handed the remnants to me. Here’s what it said:

“No one speaks to Mr. Atomic and I can’t speak to him unless I’m naked,” It was signed by Mrs. Atomic. No wonder the fax caught fire.

Another fax sizzled from the rusting machine:
“I’m Mr. Atomic’s wife and president of Atomic Dice Studio Arts LLC. I am very excited to hear about this opportunity. We can talk on a conference call with Mr. Atomic, and me to make sure we get all the information for the drawing, timeline, and we can review cost.

“Are you available this afternoon around 4:00 p.m. for a phone call? I expect it to last around 15-20 minutes. Our workload this weekend is light and we believe we can get started on the project ASAP.

“I have a Masters degree in Organizational Leadership and I’m helping The Atomic Team with business details, so he can focus on what he does best, his extraordinary artistic talent.

“I think a redhead with big tits will be a lovely asset to the bike, but I prefer blondes. Ha-ha-ha!

“Mrs. Atomic to you, pal.”
Cell – (330) 581-7501

The entire Bikernet staff stood at their gold-leafed milk crates and saluted. We were impressed, but that was just her initial letter.

The next day after I FedEx’d a small bag of gold to the Atomic Ivory Towers, I started to receive sketches. The Atomic Team rapidly became the most responsive art team I have ever had the privileged to work with. Sketches flew in, from rough concepts, to minor and major detailed adjustments. We discussed position and backgrounds, and Mr. Atomic never hesitated to try something new.

Within a couple of days he inked a final, but I had a question about the girls helmet and sunglasses. “I dig the character of our mascot, but was her whacky sunglasses and helmet position intentional?”

Mrs. Atomic chimed in immediately. Then a memo flew in from the mountain where Mr. Atomic’s father resided in his high-security, most secret art studio. A vote was taken and the girl’s features aligned for the final drawing.

Color was added and we were ready to rock. I was so impressed with the team, the art and the speed of delivery, we immediately started on the next Salt Torpedo artistic hurtle—a concept drawing.

Again, the masterful Mr. Atomic started to hit the nail on the head, but we need something more with a lowrider flair, and stealth like. Watch for the full report in the very near future.


Bob McElroy

Atomic Dice Studio Arts LLC

10985 Johnson Rd

North Benton OH 44449

To get in touch, please use my online form or call

(330) 277-9279.

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