Leesburg Motorcycle Rally 2014

Rally coverage is not my bag, and there are plenty of other guys interested in that job, so I’m not going to get into it. For me Leesburg was about seeing a lot of old friends and meeting new. Think I’ll talk about pals for a few minutes. 
I’d been bullshitting with Ken and Tara on the internet for quite some time. Both have a big interest in hitting the road for longer periods of time. For this ride they had two weeks and decided to make camp at my abandoned trailer park for the duration of the rally. Just down from my camp is a beautiful spot with a huge droopy tree giving them plenty of shade, dew coverage (morning dew generally won’t creep under trees), and privacy.
I hooked them up with a free week gym membership for showers. We stayed up late nights sitting on the boat dock that I make camp on, smoking cigars and talking late into the night. We talked of philosophy and dreams, and the time, at least for me, was really positive. 
Although Ken has a good paying job, it seems to be draining the life out of his spirit and he aspires to a change. This was the first time he’d taken Tara camping and Ken was nervous about it. But the chick seemed tough as nails and, aside from complaining about nothing, it was obvious that she really enjoyed her time out here. By day we would eat at the $6 Chinese buffet before they wandered off to explore the rally. 
On the last morning he showed up at my camp about 11:00am while Tara continued to saw logs. Ken and I walked to the gas station for coffee, and once Tara finally woke, we all hung at camp till about 2pm. Both seemed exceptionally mellow then.
Sometimes my camp spots are very natural and beautiful and I’ve seen them drain the nervous energy from those who’ve come to escape, leaving them more akin to jello. When I asked if they’d rather be in a hotel both answered, “Nope.” Sometimes the virtues and calmness of Mother Nature are lost to this modern world.
Those two headed off for Daytona after the rally, a place they’ve been to before, to rent a hotel on the beach. But, after getting such a late start, Ken didn’t want to spend the money for such a hotel short stay, and that night they put up in my abandoned trailer out on the coast. It was also a great place to stay and they sent photos. Probably see them again since both want to visit Panama before returning home.
Tom showed up and although he’s walking, he’s not yet able to ride, nor does he have a motorcycle after the crash on the way home from Daytona this year. Because of this Bruce drove down to Punta Gorda in his truck to grab Tom and bring him to the rally. They set out lawn chairs in a doorway on Main St. and I hung there a lot. We ate pizza.
Ursula The B.R.O.A.D was here and it was good to see her back in the scene again. After the accident, which cost her part of one leg last year, she is obviously not 100% yet. With  reat quantities of spirit and tenacity she exudes, her comeback seems uncommonly quick to me. A type A personality, already she continues broadcasting her radio show. 
Sassiee Nichole showed up with her squeeze Pierre. Big mouthed, boisterous and fun, I’d been talking with her over the net but we’d never met before. They took me to the VFW for lunch. Aside from food, the place had a band and there was “chair dancing” of all fucking things.
I think those drunken chicks just made that one up on the spot. It was funny as hell though. Afterwards Pierre and I sat outside talking bikes. But that conversation soon faded into philosophy. Pierre is a registered nurse and he spoke of how this job nourishes his spirit. Say’s he just bullshits with people as we were doing at that moment, but helps them with their needs at the same time.
All great religions and philosophies contain a common mantra. If one is able to forgive his enemies and help his fellow man then his own spirit will gain a deep sense of fulfillment and happiness. This is not a thing I was born knowing and after taking myself to the depth of hell in those younger years, I was forced to open my mind and become willing to learn these truths from those who would teach me.
Through the years of experience, I have learned these philosophies and the things of which Pierre spoke. One must give with no thought of repayment if he is to receive anything truly worthwhile in this world. Still, the idea does not always come easy to me. Pierre seemed to have a much better grasp of it, and I could only agree with him. I personally believe the object is not to get to heaven, but instead to create some semblance of it here in earth.
Jena was in town and gave me a call on the last day. She and a friend met me at the Chinese place for lunch. I’d not seen her in years. An exceptionally tall woman who retains a certain sexiness about her, Jena is a girl who will ride across the country by herself and has also made solo journeys to other parts of the world as well. A very interesting chick and it was really good to see her again.
As for the rally… 
Leesburg is always hot and it never rains on this show. As the rally has continued to grow, this was the first year it was just too fucking crowded. All day and night it was assholes to elbows and after a couple hours you just wanted to get out of there. Hopefully they will expand it, but the surrounding area is residential, so I’ve no idea what is going to happen.
My next stop would be Panama City in the panhandle of Florida, the 350 mile journey had to be made in one shot. Wednesday I’d start working on motorcycles there for a mobile repair shot run by Easy Eddy.
You can follow Scooter Tramp Scotty through his Facebook page.
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