A Pure Example of Misguided Over-Regulation Gone Wild

If you have time, and most of us don’t, check out this court decision from New Hampshire. It’s the perfect example of over-regulation in this country. You’ll run across federal regulations, state regulations, and some damn city’s new regulations, all to kill the life-saving sound your motorcycle makes.

I say this is misguided because the rumble your motorcycle makes could save your life, but some citizen call noise a “Quality of Life” issue, and of course, it’s his or her right to have Quality of Life, right? At one point, quality of life in America represented a roof over your head and a square meal. Now, god forbid, someone smokes a cigarette a block from your home, or one loud motorcycle blasts past. If tomorrow we are bombed, or the economy tanks again, nobody will care about your exhaust pipes, they’ll be worried about finding a job or a bomb shelter.

Daytona has a simple anti-revving law to deal with out-of-hand guys, so why doesn’t that work?

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