You may have caught much of our event coverage by Crazyhorse, the newest addition to the Bikernet Staff. In addition to all the fast and fantastic coverage she has provided us, she will soon be assisting with the Bike Show.

I recieved the following e-mail from Bandit yesterday with the attached photos. We just wanted to share them with you to show off her talent. If you’d like her to paint your machine, click on the banners for more information

– Digital


I had 3 bikes in shows down at Daytona this year (March 2001). I have attached pics of two of the tanks to this email. One is of the Purple Haze chopper that won in Columbus, the other is the top of a black prostreet that was down there. Purpel Haze did ok in Daytona and Arlen Ness had Click park the black prostreet at his display as it has many Ness parts on it.


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