The ’74 Triumph Chopper Project (Cont.)

When I last left off with this build up, I was building a long bike, and was knee deep in engine work.Since that article, a lot of things have changed, and many miles have been traveled in getting this project rolling.I would love to be able to say that I built this bike all alone in a non heated 1 car garage with nothing but handtools,except nobody reading this would believe me.

So I feel it would be best to allow the person that actually built therolling chassis for this project to have his say on the what actually transpired ongetting this bike as far as it is. Without further intruduction here is the Builder & sponsorof this rolling chassis Hackasaw from Bikes & Bits in Tennessee.

-Old Wolv

Standing in my shoes in the midst of this very rustic and backwoods bikeshop/treasure trove ofchopper and motorcycle history, it goes like this:

I was just minding my own business one day when apparently I caught the attention of yet another semi-internetfan or stalker who felt compelled to call. I could tell he was toying with me a bit to find out abit more what the shop and myself are about and the conversation lead to serious talk about trading for bike parts.

We discussed many possibilities and OldWolv did tip his hand in regards to a recentlyacquired 750 Triumph that had been stored for 20 years the arid dessert. It sounded perfect andthe more he told me about it and his world, the more I thought we could gel. I had no idea atthe time we could visually pass for brothers.

Oldwolv on left with Hackasaw on right

So the man has taste and had done his homework, he was aware of some of the choice goodiesI had stashed and also was able to read between the lines well enough to know there was more here,missing pieces to the puzzle, if you will. He was also determined to have the good stuff and clearlydemonstrated that he would.

The scarce long rigid seemed to smite him as did the inverted clamps he scouted on yet another project.Of course when he found out that those trees and LONG tubes where from the same YZ125 that the wheelspictured ON YET ANOTHER BIKE, the weasel in his thick cranium was churning full bore. I’m thinking,this guy really has a sharp eye and the desire as well. So we’ll do an exchange.

Now, call it “Do Right” or “Jaded” but I get gun shy when somebody is just too damned goodto me or shames me into saying “that is too much” because well, I have found out that it can costyou dearly later. Old Wolv is a true gent and showed he was without unreasonable pretense and trulyhas a good heart. I wish there were more like him in this world.

Well, SEVERAL phone sessions later where a few tips and suggestions as to what to dowith the engine and so on, I love it when good advice is well heeded and acted upon withcompetence, the story turns to “lets YOU build ME a long bike and you know, that blue chromePaughco looks killer” hmmmmmmmmmm.

Original concept of project Ol English

Simultaneously, after hearing my diatribes on magnetos/electronic ignitions for these bikes, he just had tonotice I had a NOS Joe Hunt that had never even had a serial number stamped on it’s tag. Wrapped in a 1975issue of the LA Times. Damn, you know what happened so here I go!

Cut the frame, turned the spuds, and was waiting for CK Spurlock, of Gambler Motorcycles,to get back frm his cross coutry jaunt so I could use his NC tubing bender to cold bend thebackbone and downtube into beautiful stallion lines. In the mean time, Old Wolv had gotten theengine finalized and save some coin by simply being able to DO for himself and I was veryglad to assist him. One beautiful thing about them is their simplicity.

Old Wolv was turning up the heat and even arranged for a rather priceless gift from Bandit,thanks Bandit and OW…… that means a lot to me. So the next thing you know, I amretrieving OldWolv and SheWolv from the Nashville Airport as they are here to visit for severaldays and help make some STUFF happen! It was great to hook up and they are now family.

Kat and SW were going to attack our website at,with SW giving extensive tutorial to Kat while also working on the dynamite color ad for the HorseBackStreet Choppers Mag. They hit it off very well and stayed busy so OW and I did a lightningbolt run up north were we did fast an furious pit stop and Dave Stube’s Fetish Bar in Chicago,”The EXIT”. We got there in time for the stripper modeling with one of Dave’s bikes and thepurpose of the pix was for the cover of a Chicago Biker Bar mag. From what I understand, theyfound the added beauty of OW and I in the pix favorable and perhaps you will see us both whenthe book hits the stores!

The Exit has TALL DRINKS for under 5 bucks and man are they stiff.No shortage of folks there hooking us up and damn we met some great people and madea couple friends. It was a very unusual experience and the patrons there could easilyupstage all the people at a good carnival. Picked up the Ironhead we went for and thenover to my old pal Pappy. OW was in second heaven and again, we loaded more but thistime to max capacity with cool old stuff. One item was a complete , cherry 45 springerthat OW put dibs on. Of course we got to see lots of stuff and then we lightning boltedback to Tennessee. Got there in time to find the girls nearly destitute and perished fromlack of discipline and service but they did accomplish the building of Rome virtuallyovernight. Of course they were attended to and then much needed sleep was gotten.

Springer with Rims & hubs after powdercoating

I forgot to mention how hard we partied the day we got here. However, sinceI was running wild and would probably rather forget about shaking myparty parts at everyone, ( or at least that’s what they tell me….) I’ll not mention it.Of course OW and I started out later the next day than originally planned but we did get there in time.

Why the short springer you ask???? Well, before we partied, OW was offered a ride on myCabballo Diablo bike and when he got back, the verdict was a resounding, “scratch the long bike,we are building a caddy bobber like that”. I didn’t mean for him to fall in love with the bike orderail our well planned build, but what the hell.

The girls attacked the crusty parts we brought back and we were all in the shop on Sunday.Springers being unsprung, frames being unframed, wheels being married to frames, engines juggled,and in general………. The normal cavorting like a wild beastie and running amok that I (also referredto as Captain Chaos) typically have happening daily. SW and Kat were covered in grime and gettingpretty sassy so you know what that meant, time to shw them the ropes, whips, and chains and callit a day of the lightweight chopping and move on to some heavy action. My round bed that SW and OWslept in will never be the same.

Building a short bike now, OW and SW are now back in Cali and he is growing stir crazyand pacing the floors of his quiet garage so I send him the cut frame and slugs for himto play with while I roll on with powder coating, lacing, tab work, forward control fab,laying aout, cables, bars, risers. Axles, spacer, disc brake setup, keeping him happy, answeringthe phone, working 29 hours a day, and in general……… a lot of forking off if you get the picture.

Frame as it was coming together in OldWolv’s Garage.

He is appeased for a while but soon demands MORE. We are a bit further with this projectthan the pix on the site show and the goal is Laughlin. Now the engine is on its way and I’llget to ride the bike too. OW’s best hope my fattier Trident doesn’t “talk to me” too much between now and then.


Finished rolling Chassis

Hackasaw with his soon to be turboed triple & my roller

Some quick specs of what we are NOW building……..

Year: pre 71 frame and 1974 engine which is a bolt up FYI
Forks: HD springer fitted with Timken tapered bearings via our conversion kit
Wheels and Brakes: 1989 YZ 125, alloy rims and hubs powdered in silver, stainless spokes. Wheels laced by Ol Coot and adapted by Hackasaw including brake mount fab.
Rear rim off 1975 XL250 Honda as 19 inch rear tires stink.
Tires: Avon AM20 90/90H21 – Avon Super Venom AM18 140/70V18
Rear Sprocket:42T in T-6 alloy for highway cruising
Headlight: Off Rolls and fitted via hand fabbed stainless mount
Forward controls will be hand fabbed in house from stainless and plates are cut.

Watch for more details coming soon!

-Old Wolv

Back to Part 1……..


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