This is the craziest notion I’ve ever run across. It was developed by a madman, the only member of the Weasels to ever be ousted. Chris Hill designed the Hill Bars and tried to make a go of them for over a decade. People still inquire about the ugliest bars on earth. “There’s too many goddamn variations to making handlebars,” Hill said. “I gave up.”
He continues to build his chroming services business, Chromeservices.com. “I can chrome wood,” Chris said, and I handed him a fifth of Jack Daniels.
“Yeah sure,” I said. “Drink this.”

So recently he developed the finest detail component for a glide ever. We’ve been waiting for these for 20 years. In most cases, to clean up a glide, you need to replace the whole goddamn thing with a Pro One or Perse front end.

“I purchased the 2000 Road Glide special order at Bartels HD mid 1999,” Mr. Bad as Hell said. “In late October a prototype cap was designed. The very first prototype I designed was for my 1995 Dyna Glide and it worked for three years. The Road glide had a larger front axle so a second design was made by widening the first design. This did not work perfectly, cosmetically. I had the new prototype part on my bike another three years with no failure.” Stronger means safer and the weak link was the stock lower axle cap. The stock cap is gravity fed casting, Hill’s is the strongest billet, 7075. “Not even Arlen Ness uses billet this strong,” Hill said. “Aerospace canceled 6061-T6 20 years ago, yet bikers think this is strong, but not as strong as current Aerospace. The 7075 product was made the new choice and then reduced to a lesser 7050 standard, but I’m keeping to my guns STRONGER IS SAFER.”“ Any upgrade can be made to your bike, pipes, seats, or handlebar,” Hill said, “but my part should be a safety issue.” He also has a thing about acron nuts. “I get to use my favorite saying ‘cuz acorn nuts are for squirls’,” Hill said and took another swig of Jack.
His specialty 12-point hardware is Nascar and NHRA design. ARP designed the hardware he’s using. He reproduced it himself so a standard 12 point socket could install the caps. They are “Grade 8 flange nut 5-16, 18 thread” Black oxide color.
I installed it on my 2003 Road King. Basically the cap makes both sides for the lower fork legs look identical. It’s a detail thing that takes 20 minutes to install.

First I removed my H-D custom fork axle-nut cap with an Allen wrench. I packed the inside of the cap with clear silicon when I installed it, to prevent vibration that could back out the Allen and toss the cap onto the freeway at 90 mph. It would shatter a following windshield in a flash.

At this point, the cap on the right was still on tight, so I loosened the axle.

Next I loosened the bottom cap, and then with a punch and mallet, tapped the axle to remove the pressure on the edge of cap to be replaced.

Below are all the elements side by side. The Bad As Hell cap comes coated with black powder, polished or chromed. They’re all the same price.

I installed the cap using Red Loctite, but I shoulda used Blue. If the Red grabs too much it could pull the studs the next time I need to remove it. Also, make sure the threads are clean or the Loctite won’t work.
I didn’t tighten it all the way at this point, since the axle was slightly out of place. I went back to the left side and tightened the axle nut. If the axle turned, I would be forced to remove the other chrome cap and prevent the axle from turning, but it pulled right into place.

Then I tightened the speciality 12-point fasteners and was ready to wipe it down.

She’s a thing of beauty to have both sides of the classic glide match. My only problem with this small detail item is the price, but I assume that once he sells a few, the price will drop significantly.
Ride On,