The 3rd annual Hot Bike/Bikernet.com West Coast Super Show Sponsored By Bikernet.com delivered as promised.

The on grounds bike parking was filled to capacity though out the weekend with thousands of bikes. The owners made their way through the rows of 120 plus vendors in the Performance Machine motorcycle market place. Everything from the latest creations from Phantom Choppers and Thunder Mountain Custom Cycles to the hottest new riding fashions was available Saturday and Sunday June 4th and 5th at Hidden Valley Park in Irvine California. Not only was the vendor field 100% larger than last year the entertainment line up was the best the motorcycle industry has to offer.
On the Lifestyle Cycles stage Caravanserai filled the valley with Santana tunes and The Fryed Brothers cranked out all their biker favorites.

This was a special event for the HOT BIKE crew, with the editors of Street Chopper and now the new rag BIKE WORKS replacing Hot Rod Bikes launching in the October issue. It will hit the stands in August with old Salt Frank Kaisler at the Helm.

There where custom bikes galore with over 15 custom bike builders displaying their custom fab work. Master builder Mitch Bergeron flew in Fitto the world famous airbrush artist from Montréal Canada to paint in his booth through out the weekend.

Speaking of custom bikes the Ego Tripp custom bike show was loaded with the West Coast’s most unique show pieces. The best in each category went home with custom made Ego Tripp billet wheel trophies.

Lindsay Fletcher Horse Power Promotions show coordinator stated “with the increased participation in this years Hot Bike Super Show and the amount bike shops in the Orange County area this show explode in 2006.
To keep that Hot Bike fix going check out:

5th annual Hot Bike Mid-State Rally in Paso Robles, C.A on Sept. 2nd ,3rd,4th 2005.
The Hot Bike Kentucky Super Show is coming to Louisville Kentucky on Sept. 10th and 11th.
The Hot Bike Trail of Tears show will be held in Florence Alabama on Sept. 16th, 17th, 18th 2005.