Black Bart Returns

Carlini lead
The Carlini name took hold in 1969 in Detroit when Tony had a small shop and worked his ass off to build a wild name in the industry. The crazed psychedelic Italian from the tough motor city streets made a name for himself quick. He became a Hamster, moved to Laguna Beach, California, designed the Carlini Torque Arm, tank/paint savers and dealt in exotic cars. A work-alcoholic he pushed his son, T.J., to keep up from the moment he was able to push a broom.

Carlini primary profile
“I grew up in a rich neighborhood,” TJ said, “but Dad taught me middleclass work ethic from the first moment I strolled into the shop and he kicked my ass.” Tony Carlini passed on to the metal flake gods in the sky five years ago, and for the last decade his son has been working at the every level of the company. “I worked for my dad, as his little soldier, snorting polishing dust until I couldn’t stand it,” TJ said. “I quit him and went to work for my mom. She handled the books.”

The Carlini design team is now up to 100 part numbers. “The public runs the company,” Tony said. “Customers tell me what they want and we design it.

Carlini profile
His dad built this bike years after the Black Bart Honda Four he built in the ‘70s and it was featured in Easyriders while I was the editor. He also designed and built the Studebaker to match. TJ rebuilt both vehicles as a tribute to his father’s spirit. TJ jumped back into the shop when his dad was diagnosed with prostrate cancer and stayed.

TJ also had quirky teenage years through his father’s customers, like Dennis Rodman, Michael Jordon and Hulk Hogan. He was hauled, first class, high class and no class from front row basketball court seats onto private jets. “Willie G. came to my dad’s garage and taught me design,” TJ said. “Dennis taught me the evil side of money, the streets and fame. Hulk Hogan gave me his National Championship Wrestling Belt. He taught me about working out, having class and how to be humble.”

Carlini and parts
The first product TJ designed after his dad passed away was his Clean Sweep Handlebars. He’s kept the Carlini flame alive and has plans for numerous other products mostly revolving around stock Harleys and metric cruisers. Watch as we cover more of the Carlini history and future growth.

Carlini family
TJ with his hardworking wife and helper.

Carlini rear

Owner: Tony Carlini
City/State: Newport Beach, California
Builder: Carlini Design
City/state: Santa Ana, California
Web site:
Fabrication: Carlini Jr. Frank Hanrahan, tracy Spencer

Carlini honda
The original Black Bart, Honda Four, built in the ‘70s.


Year: 1993
Make: H-D
Model: Dyna
Displacement: 80 cubic inches
Builder or Rebuilder: Hal’s H-D
Cases: H-D
Case finish: Powder black between fins and polish
Cams: Redshift 575

Carlini honda tanks
The original Honda Tank art.


Year: 1993
Make: Evo
Gear configuration: 5-Speed


Make: H-D
Style or Model: Dyna
Stretch: 2.5 inches out, 3 inches up
Rake: 36 degrees
Modifications: smoothed

Front End

Make: H-D
Model: Dyna Wide Glide
Year: 1993
Length: 8-over
Mods: Carlini tooled lower legs

Carlini tank home
Sheet metal

Tanks: Carlini/Palmer
Fenders: Carlini


Sheet metal: Carlini
Molding: Morris
Base coat: Byron
Graphics: Carlini

Carlini and dog

Make: spokes
Size: 21-inch
Brake calipers: Performance Machine
Brake rotor(s): Performance Machine
Tire: Metzeler 90/90/21

Make: spokes
Size: 16-inch
Brake calipers: Performance Machine
Brake rotor: Performance Machine
Pulley: Custom Chrome
Tire: Avon


Foot controls: Performance Machine
Finish: Chrome
Master cylinder: Peformance Machine
Brake lines: Custom Chrome
Handlebar controls: Peformance Machine
Finish: Chrome
Clutch Cable: Custom Chrome
Brake Lines: Custom Chrome

Carlini lights

Ignition: Custom Chrome
Headlight: Carlini
Taillight: Carlini

Carlini car and bikes
What’s Left

Seat: Carlini/Mauricio
Pipes: Modified Ness
Exhaust finish: High Temp Black
Gas caps: Carlini Paint savers
Handlebars: Carlini Lowdowns
Grips: Carlini
Pegs: Performance Machine
Oil filter: H-D

Credits:The construction of Black Bart was a team effort. I’m very fortunate to have worked with such a talented crew. Thanx, TJ

Carlini TJ

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