
On the flight back I caught a cold. I thought I had it under control until Tuesday night. It kicked my ass… I couldn’t sleep. Wednesday was supposed to be devoted to writing the Indian Roadmaster review and Daytona Bike Week, but I was down for the count.

Small bursts of energy were used with the dogs and handling business. Fortunately all the books and leathers were shipped before my meltdown.

Life is so interesting now, as you will see in the news. We live on this tiny planet in a universe so large we are nothing but a spec. Yet, countries are still fighting over nothing or bullshit from the past. Evil still persist, no matter how much we know, someone is always trying to pull some bullshit, control us, or take our shit.

I’m just glad I’m a biker, one of the last bastions of freedom in this country, and that we have Bikers Rights groups all around us trying to keep us free.

Let’s hit the news:

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown and, Sturgis Museum. And the Smoke Out.


Milwaukee Eight Left Main Bearing Installer

With a retail price of $86.00 the JIMS left main bearing oil seal installer (Part no. 5810) not only assists with perfect installation but it has the added advantage of allowing the alternator stator to remain in place during the operation.

For more information please call us at (805) 482-6913, email us at, or visit

TIME MAGAZINE TROUBLES–Meredith to Lay Off 1,200 Employees as Part of Time Inc. Integration–Time, Sports Illustrated, Fortune, and Money are all up for sale as part of a plan to reduce costs by up to $500 million.

Meredith Corp. announced Wednesday that it plans to lay off 1,200 employees and sell Time and Sports Illustrated, among other assets, as part of an aggressive series of cost-cutting measures following its $2.8 billion acquisition of Time Inc. in January.

About 200 employees were let go this week, the company said, with another 1,000 to be laid off over the next 10 months. Those cuts are on top of the previously announced elimination of 600 positions at Time Inc.’s former subscription fulfillment operation, Time Customer Service.

The downsizing is aimed at lowering Meredith’s annual costs by between $400 and $500 million, the company said. Other actions will include bringing “advertising and circulation performance of the Time Inc. properties to industry norms,” and to raise profit margins on Time Inc.’s digital business to “Meredith’s levels.”

Additionally, Meredith CEO Tom Harty said, the company plans to sell Time, Sports Illustrated, Fortune, and Money, confirming earlier reports.

“These are attractive properties with strong consumer reach,” Harty said in a statement. “However, they have different target audiences and advertising bases, and we believe each brand is better suited for success with a new owner. We are pleased with the inbound interest we have received.”

Earlier Wednesday, Folio: reported that Bloomberg was not one of the suitors interested in purchasing Fortune, contrary to rumors.

This is a developing story.
–By Greg Dool

If all the major titles with the very best minds are in trouble, I don’t feel too bad about the state of Bikernet after 22 years.–Bandit

QUICK, OPEN THE BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY– Paddy & Mick find three grenades, so they decide to take them to a police station.

Mick: “What if one explodes before we get there?”

Paddy: “We’ll lie and say we only found two.”

–from Joe Smith

BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!– Crazy-Fast Cracker in Los Angeles

I have been into custom bikes my whole life, and I believe when you see something special it pulls you in like a dream. Well this bike did that to me.

I haven’t seen a bike like this in along time… WOW!!!!! This bike is in my top five favorite bikes in my whole life an I’m 38 year’s old…. Great bike Tom…..

— Dyna matt
Pawcatuck, CT

You just made Tom’s Day. –Bandit

HARLEY REVIEWS FROM DAYTONA BIKE WEEK–I rode three different bikes from H–D’s new Softail line in Daytona. I’ve been curious about them since the big announcement. I also tried the Goldwing Tour with DCT 7-speed trans and a Hyabusa (for the fun of it). I did my 202 mph run at the Mojave Magnum on a turbo Hyabusa in 2016.

I’ve got to say that the offerings from Harley left me wanting more. I’ve heard a lot about the power of the new 107 Milwaukee 8 engine but I cannot say they did it for me. Full confession, my daily rides are now Indians. I have a Chief Classic and a Scout, I also have a ’74 Ironhead Sportster and a ’05 Road King. At Aeromach we manufacture aftermarket parts for Indians as well as Harley-Davidsons and many metric bikes.

The bikes I rode were:

1. Sport Glide – It took a little getting used to the display on the tank, single brake disc on the front for a nearly 700 lb bike is a knock I’ve read and I agree. Nice features with “quick” release bags and mini batwing fairing.

2. Lowrider – This is the one that on paper I wanted to like but liked the least. The rear brake pedal was a little like my Sporty but a whole lot less effective. I had to push extremely hard with my heel to get any response. The guy at the check in told me that was because the bike had a lot of test rides on it! The bike only had 800 miles on the clock. Wrong answer buddy.

3. Softail Slim – This one I liked the best. Good ergonomics for my riding style. Nice handling, nice traditional looks (is that OK with you Mr ManBun millennial?), good looking “hollywood handlebars” and the least space age looking headlight. Strangely the “N” light doesn’t light up on the gauge face for neutral but instead, it’s a green “N” on the dash. Side mount Sportster style plate mount, not my style.

The common thread among the three bikes is they felt very weak to me when getting on the throttle. The exhaust is so choked up they sound like Subarus to me. I know that’s the heavy thumb of the government on manufacturers. Good news for the plethora of exhaust aftermarket guys.

Another interesting fact, three of the H-D employees staffing the display only got their motorcycle endorsement in the past 6 months! Harley made great hay with training an entire town how to ride and their employees are not even all licensed.

For what it’s worth that is my $.02 on my Daytona test ride experiences. I’m not a professional test rider and had just a few minutes on each model. I will stick to kicking my old ’74 and cruising on my Road King for now thanks H-D.

As for the Hyabusa, yes please!

–Paul Aiken
Aeromach manufacturing

All you guys need to see what Tom Ingram has been doing
at Viva Las Vegas for 20 years for some east coast inspiration.
He had about 1000 traditional period correct hot rods and bikes last year
and about 30,000 rodder/greasers/pinups from around the world.

The casino hotel sells out in 40 minutes. That’s 19 floors. We have been a sponsor for many years.

–Geno Dipol

The BAIL REFORM Movement is a Thing–
In case you haven’t heard, the bail reform movement is definitely picking up steam.

A federal lawsuit in Florida alleges that the state’s bail system is unconstitutional and seeks to force judges there to consider the defendant’s ability to pay when setting bail in misdemeanor cases. A bail reform task force in Ohio has developed a set of recommendations to prevent defendants from being kept in jail before trial simply because they cannot afford to post a bond.

Mr. Liberal Moneybags Tom Steyer is funding efforts to change the bail system in California.

Delaware has joined other jurisdictions in reducing reliance on cash bail, including Arizona, New Mexico, Maryland, New Jersey and the District of Columbia. In all, more than 40 states are considering changes to their bail and pretrial detention procedures. Among the alternatives being considered are ankle monitors and evidence-based risk assessment tools to gauge flight risk.

A class action suit in Houston, Texas alleges that Harris County’s system of setting bail for indigent misdemeanor defendants violates the equal protection and due process clauses of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

In a preliminary ruling in February, the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed that the complainant class would likely succeed on the merits of its due process and equal protection claims. The case has been returned to the trial court for further proceedings. [Southern District of Texas #: 4:16-cv-01414]

The 14th Amendment states: “nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

Bail in Texas involves posting a 10 percent bond, usually through a bail bond agency, or being released on personal recognizance but becoming liable for the full amount if the defendant fails to appear for the court date. Under the Texas Criminal Code, a hearing officer or judge is supposed to review the defendant’s financial circumstances, flight risk, and other factors in setting bail. But personal recognizance is denied and upfront payments are required 90 percent of the time in Harris County, which strikes me, based on my experience as a criminal defense attorney in D.C., as inordinately high for misdemeanor cases.

In Harris County, bail amounts are supposed to be reviewed by a different judge within 24 hours, but defendants routinely wait days, then come under tremendous pressure to accept time-served plea deals before they are even appointed a lawyer.

In D.C., by contrast, indigent defendants are appointed lawyers up front before the first hearing. Harris County deems failure to own a car as a strike against personal recognizance, so there is a circular loop where indigence itself increases the likelihood that an indigent defendant will have to post cash bond. That’s weird.

The trial court reviewed the data and found that the imposition of a financial bond does not make defendants any more likely to appear than personal recognizance does. The trial court also found that defendants who were detained because they couldn’t post a financial bond had worse outcomes than those who could.

They pled guilty more often, got jail sentences more often, the jail sentences were longer, and these defendants were more likely to lose their job. The whole exercise appears to be counter-productive because these defendants were also more likely to commit other crimes in the future.

Harris County’s bail system treats similar flight risks differently based merely on financial circumstances. Under case law, imprisonment solely because of indigent status is considered invidious discrimination that offends both due process and equal protection. In this case, the 5th Circuit gave the bail reform movement a lot of what it wanted. Defendants must be given a meaningful opportunity to show what they can or cannot pay, the court ruled.

For you equal protection geeks out there, the 5th Circuit applied a heightened but intermediate level of scrutiny because inability to pay was resulting in deprivation of a basic liberty interest – freedom from incarceration.

Maybe I’m just a mushy-headed defense attorney, but Harris County’s bail system strikes me as unjust. However, the problem may not be the imposition of cash bonds per se, but the customary infrequency with which personal recognizance is granted in Harris County and other places around the country. I was talking about this with someone a few months ago. They said cash bond was a big problem in Philadelphia.

I said it wasn’t a big problem in D.C. when I was doing criminal cases there. The difference may be that personal recognizance is pretty routine in D.C. for misdemeanor cases. Most misdemeanor defendants are released on personal recognizance and almost all show up for their court dates.

Maybe the answer is as simple as setting the presumption in favor of personal recognizance in misdemeanor cases, while retaining cash bond for demonstrable flight risks. This would reconcile the competing interests at stake and afford adequate due process as well as equal protection of the law to indigent defendants. But regardless of how it’s done, we should all be able to agree that poor people should not be kept in jail or pressured to plead guilty simply because they don’t have any money.

New BANDIT’S CANTINA Reader Comment!–DAYTONA ACTION SUNDAY POST for March 19, 2018

It’s odd about brakes on the Harley test rides. Myself and friends rode several up to a stage 3. Hot roomy wife and daughter both trIed a lot of the different Harleys, no problems.

My wife rides a 113 Ultima Softball. She is not a beginner. One of my friends left his phone on a bagger. The Harley people went out of their way to track him down. It was a very good day.

— AJ
Deland, FL

DAYTONA NEWS–Making Riverfront Park vendor-free is a good first step.

While the community awaits the recommendations from the Beachside Redevelopment Committee on how to invigorate State Road A1A, Main Street and other areas of Volusia County’s main tourism corridor, change already is happening on the other side of the Halifax River.

The 77th Bike Week, which concludes today, will be the last in which itinerant vendors can set up on Daytona Beach’s Riverfront Park to promote their wares. The City Commission in January voted to terminate a contract with the company that hosts the vendors at the park during Bike Week and Biketoberfest. City Manager Jim Chisholm informed the company that the city is “modifying elements of motorcycling events.”

That’s an ominously vague notification. It will be interesting to see just how far those “modifications” will go. But making Riverfront Park vendor-free is a good first step.

Naturally, the city’s move elicited howls of despair about it marking the end of Bike Week, that Daytona Beach is signaling it doesn’t want motorcycles around here anymore, that’s it’s throwing away millions of dollars, etc. Anything that upsets the status quo, especially something as entrenched as bike events, is going to be perceived by some as an apocalyptic rip in the space time continuum.

However, just because the riverfront has hosted motorcycle vendors for years doesn’t mean that’s always been or will be the best use of that prime property, or that it’s most beneficial for the surrounding commercial district. It may be lucrative for one segment of the business community for roughly two weeks out of the year. But what if it hampers the growth of several others?

The city in 2010 created a Riverfront Master Plan aimed at enhancing the 14-block park that stretches from Main Street to Orange Avenue. It envisions the northern end of the park, where the vendors traditionally have set up, as a “nature” area. In addition, the riverfront received an enormous catalyst when insurance giant Brown & Brown Inc. last year announced plans to build a 10-story headquarters on Beach Street across from Riverfront Park. That’s expected to bring hundreds of new jobs, creating a lot of foot traffic for Beach Street businesses, as well as opportunities for residential development.

That vision may not reach its potential if that area has motorcycles and vendors taking over for two or three weeks every year. It’s the same challenge Main Street faces. It’s the historic home of Bike Week and Biketoberfest, ground zero to many biker events. When the roar of the cycles is in town, Main Street is hopping with crowded bars and wall-to-wall vendors.

The other 340 or so days of the year, though, Main Street struggles to remain relevant. When the itinerant vendors depart, they leave behind vacant lots and storefronts that stand as stark reminders of what that corridor could be year-round.

The community is split on whether bike festivals are an obstacle to redeveloping Main Street. Some business owners and residents believe the noise and crowds discourage year-round investment. Others believe the bikes are a vital part of that area’s culture, and several bars and retailers there depend heavily on the festival traffic to survive.

The riverfront, though, is not Main Street. Over the last decade, Beach Street has improved significantly from a facelift and the addition of several restaurants and shops. But it needs more fuel to thrive. If itinerant vendors and motorcycles are an obstacle to achieving that, then they should be moved to a more suitable location. That’s not a thumbs down to bikers, but a thumbs up to Beach Street.

–Daytona Beach New Journal

I don’t know how you guys will respond, but we’ve seen this scenario over and over. Bikers bring business and money, so a community starts to upgrade and suddenly they don’t want bikers around. –Bandit

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UNCLE MONKEY ON OPEN ROAD THERAPY– The open road stretching out to the distant horizon. It draws us out of our 9-5 lives back to where our soul belongs. We use the highway as therapy to cleanse our souls, to work out the problems that need to be dealt with. We scream at the top of our lungs cursing the woman who did us wrong; lament the friendships that went sideways.

Hours on the road pondering where the country is going and belief that in the end we’re on the right side of good. The injection of fresh oxygen straight into our system lets us think more clearly and sometimes we don’t like the answer we hear blowing in the wind. We’ve wronged people for our own greed that never came to fruition and now must figure a way out.

Sometimes the road tells us where we are suppose to be. It tells us when it is time to put a ring on a finger, when it is time to start a family. We listen to the rumble of tar snakes under foot painting a map of the years to come, optimistic that we are making the right choices at the right time.

Maybe it is pulling up stakes and getting out of town, maybe it is hammering those stakes in deeper to claim your own portion of the pie. As the miles roll by we realize the importance of those by our side.

We use the road to clear our minds, to let them wander in their own thought so those impossible problems can find their own answers in the clutter. We find the solution as to why something doesn’t fit, why it is not going the way that it is suppose to.

We find inspiration in the passing trees, in the swaying grass. An open palette to paint new dreams and hopes in a world that once was grey.

It is all these reasons why we throw our leg over our machine and point towards the open road. To find ourselves, to find our souls.

-bad Uncle Monkey

New S&S Bikernet Reader Comment!–Twin Cam Gear Drive Set Installed

Really good job, but did u show that only .030 thousandths is allowed on the pinion shaft run out? I installed as gear drive & cams.510 & p/rods several years ago. Dial indicator needed to check the run/out. I added a new cpu(commander) & dyno tuned it. I also put a larger (capacity) oil pump! Along w/ stealth coils, eliminating the stock coil & plug wires.

Allegedly achieving a better spark, fuel burn. As adj. pushrods & yes red line oil. Hadn’t worked on a big bike in 20 years. Also rear wheel H.P. 80. Oh, bike is a 2006 FXSTBI nightrain. I retired from the Railroad. Got lots of bikes in Mobile. Good Luck & thanks again bro.

One more thing? The twin cam tensioner chains & shoes are the “Achilles Heel” for Harley chain drives per Peterson. Out

— David Hopkins
Mobile, AL

Motorcycling and freedom are under assault. The Road to Zero is a Department of Transportation public relations effort to bring highway fatalities to zero in the next 20 years. Great goal!! However, in the DOT’s infinite wisdom, motorcycles have not been included in the plan. And, there are over 8.4 million registered motorcycles in the U.S.!

Add that omission to the fact that the MRF must repeatedly insist that the manufactures of driverless vehicles include motorcycle recognition algorithms as standard equipment as part of these vehicle’s guidance system– before they are made available to the public!

And if that isn’t enough, law enforcement agencies across the country are bending the laws and using profiling to surreptitiously attack motorcycle clubs, club events, and people associated with motorcycle clubs.
The threats against motorcycling and the freedoms that motorcyclists enjoy are under attack.

The bureaucrats and politicians attacking motorcycling are not as obvious about it as they were 30 years ago. There are no blatant attempts by legislators to write laws that would outlaw sport bikes, or brand motorcycle clubs as criminal gangs, or blacklist certain motorcycles from insurance coverage. No, this new bunch is a lot more sophisticated than the bunch we had to deal in the ’70s and ‘80s. They’re putting motorcyclists on ignore and forgetting us.

Ten years ago, one motorcyclist was responsible for organizing the first Bikers inside the Beltway. That direct lobbying effort was started so that motorcyclists could remind members of Congress in their offices that we will no longer be ignored and forgotten.

On May 15, the legacy of Boz Kerr will continue when your MRF leads Bikers inside the Beltway to the Capitol steps and over 100 motorcyclists meet with their members of Congress. We would like you to join us on that ride as we take our message directly to our friends and our adversaries.

With events like Bikers inside the Beltway, The MRF is making the voice of motorcyclists heard so that the Road to Zero will not be built on the frames of outlawed motorcycles or the spirits of freedom loving motorcyclists.
Again, the MRF would very much like for you to join us in bringing our message to Congress. I understand if you may not be able to fit this ride into your schedule. However, your support of Bikers inside the Beltway is just as important.

The ancillary costs for printing, permits, and related expenses are over $4,000. Since January, with the contributions from freedom loving motorcyclists, we have raised nearly $2,000 toward the goal of supporting Bikers inside the Beltway without tapping into the MRF treasury.

I believe that you value your motorcycle and your freedom as much as I value mine. Your contribution of $10, $20, $50, or $100 will help your MRF bring the voice of motorcyclists to members of Congress. With the leave-behind handouts that your contribution helps purchase, members of Congress and their staff will be reminded that the MRF is not going to be ignored, forgotten, or go away!

I greatly appreciate your support and the support you generously give to the Motorcycle Riders Foundation. The efforts to promote and protect the rights of motorcyclists could not be done without members such as yourself.
Yours in Freedom,

–Fred Harrell
MRF Director, Conferences & Events

P.S. Rooms at the Best Western and Governor’s House Inn are still available. However, this year’s Bikers inside the Beltway may be better attended than last year’s record setting attendance. The event is free, but you must make reservations now.

P.P.S. Still too busy to make the trip? Go to and support our efforts to raise $4,000 with your $10, $20, $50, or $100 contribution to offset the printing and administrative costs of sponsoring Bikers inside the Beltway. Thank you and I hope to see you in Washington!

The Road to Zero seems like a neat notion until you think about it. It’s against the code of the West. So what is the bottom line freedom or safety. Think about it.—Bandit

VETERANS NEWS–The Bay Pines VA Healthcare System will observe National Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Day throughout the week of March 26 – 30, 2018 as part of the Nation’s continued commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War. Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Day is formally recognized on March 29 of each year.

Throughout the week, Vietnam Veterans will have the opportunity to receive a special commemorative lapel pin at the C.W. Bill Young VA Medical Center, the Lee County Healthcare Center, and the Community Based Outpatient Clinics located in Bradenton, Naples, Palm Harbor, Port Charlotte, Saint Petersburg, Sarasota and Sebring. Supplies are limited.

Living U.S. Veterans who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces at any time during the period of November 1, 1955 to May 15, 1975, regardless of location are eligible to receive one pin. Proof of service is not required. Former service members can simply identify as a Vietnam Veteran to receive a pin.

Specific information about the date, time, and location of pin distributions is provided below.

March 26 – 30, 2018 (All Week) | 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Pins will be available for pickup at the primary check-in desks at all CBOCs and at the main volunteer/welcome desk located on the first floor of the Lee County Healthcare Center.

Address information is available at

Monday, March 26, 2018 | 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. VA and MyVA Community Engagement Board leaders will distribute pins at the C.W. Bill Young VA Medical Center’s Lakeside Clinic (building 102), Veterans Canteen (building 1), primary entrances of the hospital building (building 100), and mental health center (building 111). Click here to view driving directions and a campus map.

Thursday, March 26, 2018 | 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Pins will be distributed at the Bay Pines Fisher House open house event. The house is located on the campus of the C.W. Bill Young VA Medical Center.

The week of Vietnam Veteran recognition activities is a continuation of several events conducted by the Bay Pines VAHCS as an official an official commemorative partner of the United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration authorized by Public Law 110-181 and by Presidential Proclamation.

Since becoming an official partner in 2016, the healthcare system has distributed more than 9,000 commemorative lapel pins to Veterans of the Vietnam War.

For more information, please contact the Office of Public Affairs at 727-398-6661, extension 17935, or email

NEWS FROM THE CLIMATE DEPOT—I’m reading the new easy-to-read book by the boss of the Climate Depot, Marc Morano, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change.

I’ll throw some tidbits at you each week: “Pacific islands are growing not shrinking.”

A 2013 study in the journal Global and Planetary Change found that global sea level rise decelerated 44 percent since 2004 to a rate of only 7inches per century. It will take 3,500 years to make Al Gore’s predictions.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has estimated that the polar bear population was as low as 5,000 to 10,000 bears in the 1950s and 1960s. A 2002 U.S. Geological Survey of wildlife in the Artic Refuge coastal Plain noted that the polar bear populations “may now be at historic highs.” And in 2016, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature estimated the current polar bear population at between 22,000 and 31,000, which according to Crockford is “the highest in 50 years.”

So my question is why? Did Al make all this shit up to make money, control the earth or because he wasn’t elected President? I don’t get it?–Bandit

BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY OPEN FOR LUNCH–Mick goes to the vet with his goldfish. “I think it’s got epilepsy”, he tells the vet.

Vet takes a look and says, “It seems calm enough to me”.

Mick says, “I haven’t taken it out of the bowl yet”.


Paddy was driving home, drunk as a skunk, suddenly he has to swerve to avoid a tree, then another, then another.

A cop car pulls him over as he veers about all over the road. Paddy tells the cop about all the trees in the road.
Cop says “For God’s sake Paddy, that’s your air freshener swinging about!”

–from Joe Smith

USA PAVILION – Early bird ends March 31
Be a unique highlight at INTERMOT and save on your USA Pavilion booth! Contact us now before the early bird deadline ends:
Koelnmesse – we energize your business since 1924

EXHIBIT CHOICES: USA Pavilion, custom services or your own booth construction. Let us guide you through the many options & cost scenarios.

The best access to the global motorcycle industry & key markets
On target to repeat the success of INTERMOT 2016: 40 premieres by motorcycle manufacturers; 1,133 exhibitors from 32 countries (+17%); 220,000 attendees from 95 countries; including an amazing 26% trade visitors. That’s 59,000 buyers! The exhibition area will again span over 750,000 sq.ft. of space.

NEW: E-MOTION will be in Hall 10.2 (upper level), right above CUSTOMIZED on level 1.

–Rita Dommermuth
Sales & Project Manager
Koelnmesse Inc. – Chicago

As a thank you for subscribing to the email list and being part of the Revival and Handbuilt family we want to give you a heads up that Handbuilt ticket prices will go up tomorrow, Thursday day, March 22nd!

Snag tickets at a discounted price while you can. We look forward to seeing you at the 5th Handbuilt Motorcycle Show.

Handbuilt Show Supporter Badge – Pre-Order

Thursday Pre-party perks:
-(from 7pm-10pm) Access to the “Supporter areas” at the pre-party down at the South Congress Hotel with free drinks, fancy gourmet hors d’oeuvres (while they last) and a preview of some of the Moto wonders you’ll get to spend more quality time with down at the main show later.

Friday April 20th -Sunday April 22nd Main Show perks:
-3 day skip-the-line access to the main event taking place at Fair Market at 1100 East 5th st. (VIP entrance)
-3 day skip-the-line access to as many Wall-of-Death shows you can squeeze into 3 days
-25% discount on all merch at the Revival merch booth
-3 day access to “Supporter Bars” that offer shorter lines and prime spots for socializing
-3 free drink tokens
– Free parking (subject to availability)

SMOKE OUT ACTION–OK Chopper Jockeys, Final Days For Maximum Discounts–You can save enough on your ticket price for a year’s supply of Beard Pomade

The Smokeout Rally enters its 19th installment this year.

SO19 is the destination for custom choppers and builders, the event has mutated over the years to become not just a bike show, but an opportunity for many to collectively let their hair down.

The Smokeout is essentially North Carolina’s largest private party where the beer is cold, the bikes are hot and the action rarely stops.

Go ahead and order your ticket today, you know you want to, Plus we’ll discount it $10 bucks a ticket. We won’t be discounting this price much longer, so you need to hurry – click here.

Rebel Son Concert on Friday Night

Of course we will have the Smoke Out stacked with bands throughout the weekend. Rebel Son is our Friday night headliner, don’t miss that!

Smoke Out 19 is two days to look at fine chops, listen to good music, relax, catch up with old friends or make new friends, eat good food, take a couple nice puts in the countryside, drink some beer, shop the vendors wares… and on and on…


We need your help to promote SO19. Here is a link to the SO19 poster, would you post it to your social media pages? We would appreciate it. Here is the link to the poster.

– Edge

With the increasing popularity of three-wheeled vehicles (HERE from LA Times), Mississippi has joined the growing list of states to now classify vehicles such as the Polaris Slingshot as an “Autocycle.” Despite being federally classified as a motorcycle, 43 U.S. states do not require a motorcycle endorsement for drivers. Drivers do follow the state’s motorcycle helmet laws.

Slingshot received support from Mississippi State Senator Walter Michel, who understands the value reclassifying driving requirements to not only allow more people to enjoy the fun inside a vehicle like Slingshot, but also help small businesses who sell three-wheeled “Autocycles” to expand and create more jobs. (quote within release)

Attached is the official release announcing Mississippi’s reclassification for three-wheeled vehicles.

Please let me know if you’re able to help spread the word.

Polaris Industries

The 2018 NCOM Convention in Mobile, Alabama is right around the corner– so the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) requests your kind assistance in promoting this important event by helping distribute the attached UPDATED flyer in your publication and/or website/Facebook or e-Blast.
THANK YOU in advance, and we hope to see you there!
–Bill Bish, 
NCOM  Board of Directors / Public Relations Liaison
The 33rd annual NCOM Convention is coming soon, so plan now to be a part of one of the largest gathering of motorcycle rights activists in the world.  This year’s NCOM Convention, to be held Mother’s Day weekend, May 10-13, 2018 at the Renaissance / Riverview Plaza Hotel, located at 64 S. Water St., in Mobile, Alabama will draw hundreds of concerned motorcyclists from across America to “The Port City” to address topics of concern to all riders.
Agenda items will cover legal and legislative issues, with Special Meetings for Veterans Affairs, Women in Motorcycling, Clean & Sober Roundtable and World of Sport Bikes, as well as the Christian Unity Conference and Confederation of Clubs Patch Holders Meeting.
Among this year’s featured seminars, the NCOM Legislative Task Force will host a Mock Legislative Session to provide attendees with insight into the process of making laws; Jesse McDugald will present “You & Our Constitution”, and Slider Gilmore will discuss “What Successful People Do.”
All motorcyclists are welcomed and encouraged to participate in the many meetings, seminars and group discussions that focus on legislative efforts and litigation techniques to protect our riders’ rights and preserve Freedom of the Road.
In the meantime, the National Coalition of Motorcyclists is requesting that MROs, motorcycle clubs, and riding associations submit the names of those members and supporters who have passed away over the past year, so that we may honor their memories with the traditional “Ringing of the Bell” tribute to fallen riders during the opening ceremonies.  Dedications should be e-mailed in advance to Bill Bish at, or can be hand-delivered at the Convention to “Doc” Reichenbach, NCOM Chairman of the Board.
Be sure to reserve your hotel room now for the special NCOM rate of $114 by calling (251) 438-4000.
Registration fees for the NCOM Convention are $85 including the Silver Spoke Awards Banquet on Saturday night, or $50 for the Convention only.  For more information, or to pre-register, call the National Coalition of Motorcyclists at (800) 525-5355 or visit

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Hey y’all, if you want your chance at this 1946 Knuckle chopper built by Matt Jackson, you best get on it.

You do not have to be present to win! Online purchases end at midnight tomorrow, Thursday, March 22nd. This is the last chance, aside from at the show at the River Road Ice House in New Braunfels, Texas (Saturday, March 31st).

WALMART ALERT–After I retired, my wife insisted that I accompany her on her trips to Wal-Mart. Unfortunately, like most men, I found shopping boring and preferred to get in and get out. Equally unfortunate, my wife is like most women – loves to browse & leaves me with endless time to fulfill. Yesterday my dear wife received the following letter from the local Wal-Mart:

Dear Mrs. Knox:
Over the past six months, your husband has caused quite a commotion, in our store.
We cannot tolerate this behavior and have been forced to ban both of you from the store.

Our complaints against your husband, Mr. Knox, are listed below and are documented by our video surveillance cameras:

* 1. June 15: He took 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in other people’s carts when they weren’t looking.

* 2. July 2: Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5-minute intervals.

* 3. July 7: He made a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the women’s restroom.

* 4. July 19: Walked up to an employee and told her in an official voice, ‘Code 3 in Housewares. Get on it right away’. This caused the employee to leave her assigned station and receive a reprimand from her Supervisor that in turn resulted with a union grievance, causing management to lose time; and costing the company money. We don’t have a Code 3.

* 5. August 4: Went to the Service Desk and tried to put a bag of M&Ms on layaway.

* 6. August 14: Moved a, ‘CAUTION – WET FLOOR’ sign to a carpeted area.

* 7. August 15: Set up a tent in the camping department and told the children shoppers he’d invite them in if they would bring pillows and blankets from the bedding department to which twenty children obliged.

* 8. August 23: When a clerk asked if they could help him he began crying and screamed, ‘Why can’t you people just leave me alone? EMTs were called.

* 9. September 4: Looked right into the security camera and used it as a mirror while he picked his nose.

* 10. September 10: While handling guns in the hunting department, he asked the clerk where the antidepressants were.

–from Rogue

Ace Cafe at 29th Spring Daytona Turkey Run
Daytona International Speedway

Stop by and see us this weekend at the 29th Annual Spring Daytona Turkey Run, Friday – Sunday.

Ace will be located on the northeast side of the car corral, S2A — we’ll have a raffle + $10 gift certificates available at our booth (first-come, first-serve)!
Three days of classic cars & family friendly fun.

More information visit:

Here is the other trike company we talked about. They look cool as hell.

We are discussing a Trike and Sidecar only show to focus on the growing trike sector and the massive advancements in Trike technology plus the custom jobs.

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or setting up at the Buffalo Chip drop me a line at:

Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong.

–Sidehack Jerry

BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY IS STILL OPEN–One day my housework-challenged husband decided to wash his Sweatshirt.

Seconds after he stepped into the laundry room, he shouted to me, ‘What setting do I use on the washing machine?”

“It depends,” I replied. “What does it say on your shirt?”

He yelled back, “OHIO STATE !”

And they say blondes are dumb….

–from Sidehack Jerry

Introducing new TEXA Diagnostic Package– designed specifically for North American brands of motorcycles, scooters, ATVs, snowmobiles and PWC!

The package includes TEXA universal scan tool! NAVIGATOR TXB Evolution wireless hardware interface that works with a PC or a Windows tablet (neither PC nor tablet included) and the powerful IDC5 BIKE BASIC software (included). You’ll be able to run full diagnostics and perform adjustments on North American motorcycles, scooters, ATVs, side-by-sides, snowmobiles and even PWC, including:


The NAVIGATOR TXB Evolution scan tool comes with the IDC5 BIKE BASIC software for North American brands and ONE YEAR of free updates – all for only $1,350.00.

Get the essential cables for North American brands in a convenient carrying case for only $999.00!

Supported operating systems: Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows 10 We recommend using a powerful laptop such as Microsoft Surface with 256GB hard drive and 8GB RAM. For optimal performance, we recommend using a PC dedicated or the workshop.

Get free shipping* if your order a TEXA North American Diagnostic Package by March 31, 2018! Just enter TEXA0318 coupon code when you check out and save instantly!

* – Free shipping within the continental US only.

TEXA Powersports Diagnostics Software – Global Search Example
Have questions about the scan tool or would like to see a product demo? Just email us at We’ll be happy to help!

BIKERNET GUN NUT REPORT– California: Another Bill Gutted, This Time Prohibiting Firearm Raffles by Charitable Organizations

On Tuesday, March 20, Assembly Bill 3199, sponsored by Assembly Member Chris Holden (D-41) was gutted and amended from legislation pertaining to California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) to legislation that prohibits firearms as raffle prizes by charitable organizations.

This legislation will directly impact many charitable organizations that work hard for the benefit of California communities and beyond. The charitable organizations that will be impacted include Friends of the NRA, CRPA, various sportsman, community and veterans groups, all who may offer a firearm as a prize as part of their fundraising efforts.

In 2017 alone, Friends of the NRA Programs in California gave more than a million dollars in grant money to benefit youth firearm safety and education, range improvements, and Second Amendment education programs.

Firearms that are used as raffle prizes must be transferred through a licensed firearms dealer where the prospective recipient is subject to all California and Federal laws, including a background check, proof of a firearms safety certificate or alternative, a safe handling demonstration and a 10 day waiting period.

AB 3199 has been referred to Assembly Governmental Organization Committee where it awaits a hearing date. The legislature will be off next week for Spring Recess and not returning until April 2.

Continue to check your inbox and the California Stand and Fight web page for updates on issues impacting your Second Amendment rights and hunting heritage in California.

I read a story in the Week Magazine about the history of the NRA. It’s worth checking out, or google the NRA History.–Bandit

Bloomberg Is Not Interested in Acquiring Fortune, Per Source–
Fortune is one of four former Time Inc. titles reportedly on the block at Meredith Corp.

Contrary to speculation that it had emerged as a suitor to acquire Fortune from Meredith Corp., a source with knowledge of the situation tells Folio: that Bloomberg is not interested in making an offer for the 88 year-old business magazine, and no such deal is imminent.

Fortune is one of four magazines being shopped around by Meredith following the completion of its $2.8 billion takeover of Time Inc. at the end of January (Time, Sports Illustrated, and Money are the other three).

Reps for both Bloomberg and Meredith declined to comment on this story.

Meredith—the Des Moines, Iowa-based publisher of titles like Better Homes & Gardens and Martha Stewart Living—announced that it had completed a sale of Time Inc.’s former UK division on Monday, and is on Wednesday announced plans to lay off 1,200 employees over the next 10 months in an effort to reduce annual costs by $400 to $500 million.

Bloomberg Businessweek, which Bloomberg acquired from McGraw-Hill in 2009, is a competitor to Fortune, along with Forbes and Mansueto Ventures’ Fast Company.

–By Greg Dool

Leaving Bangkok today the 21st. Almost 24 hours door to door.

A real ice cream sandwich. Bread with ice cream.

Didn’t try one. Not sure if color has flavor.

Motorbike rental shop

My new business venture. Not!!

This building has long story of many violations bought with tea money. Too tall. Encroachment on public land. Elevators wrong. Stairs wrong. Construction stopped when military took over three years ago

–Art Hall
Bikernet International Correspondent


The movie stars Good Time Charlie over at Bikers Inner Circle Radio as well as members of the Bandidos Motorcycle Club and streams of Independents. This isn’t one of those BS movies that typecast bikers as Drug Running, Gun Dealing murdering POS like the BS Sons of Anarchy. This is actually a movie you can sit and chill with your son and watch.

Bikers are always getting a bad rap, especially those with 1%er motorcycle clubs. This is a whole different truthful look at the biker lifestyle. So I encourage everyone to head over to Rebel on the Highways websiteand help out some of our own. There is a good article below talking about how the movie was shot.

Regular price $24.99

CLASSIC MOVIE DEAL OF THE WEEK–Due to the recent reductions in tax rates for corporations and individuals, and other benevolent events, we are reducing the price of our 4,400 Title Classic Film Library by 45%!

Do you need a large number of Classic Movies and TV Series to service your clients? We can offer a large Library of 4,400 Titles with wonderful classic movies.

This week we’re featuring a number of great classic RACE CARS and MOTORCYCLE movies with recognizable stars.

INCREDIBLE—Hell, I don’t know where to start. I’m hanging for a call from Paughco or some progress photos of our Salt Torpedo frame. Then I will arrange a trip with Rick Krost from U.S. Choppers to pick up the rig and get to work.

I need to make a quick weekend blast to Deadwood to look at some properties. We may retire to the Badlands. I like the thought of that, but the dice need to roll my way to make it happen.

I’m working on a couple of techs and the Bikernet Bagger team has an article ready for posting. Hang on for that tomorrow.

In the meantime feel better so we can ride free forever.


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