PRE-XMAS BIKERNET WEEKLY NEWS for December 17th, 2015


It’s been an incredible year, and it’s not over. Hang on for this report.

Our Bikernet news is proudly sponsored by Iron Trader, Cycle Source, and ChopperTown.

Let’s hit it, then the holiday cheer.

Good guys need guns to target terrorists.

One of the great things about being Sheriff is that you are expected to do and say what needs to be said and done to protect your citizens and community.

I want to start by saying that our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and families of the recent San Bernardino terrorist attack as well as the Law Enforcement Officers and other first responders that faced the horrific carnage in their community.

Like each of you, I have had enough of terrorists and others deciding to target U.S. citizens because they want to make a statement or get their 15 minutes of fame. I believe that the fear of terrorism is much larger and encompassing than the terrorists themselves.

I encourage our media partners across the country to stop giving these terrorists the benefit of having free advertisement by printing or broadcasting their propaganda or actions. These despicable individuals want to be

“… We ask our citizens to remain vigilant and to remember if you see something, say something.”

Sheriff Wayne Ivey

Paraded around and revered for their actions, so why give them anything they want?

The purpose of this column is to tell our citizens that if a terrorist attack or active shooter scenario can happen in California, Texas, South Carolina, or Paris, it can happen right here in our own back yard.

In fact, active shooter scenarios have already occurred here dating as far back as 1987 with William Cruse, who killed six people in Palm Bay and as recent as February of this year at the Melbourne Square mall.

Now, more than ever before is the time for law enforcement and our citizens to be fully prepared to immediately respond to an attack or active shooter scenario with the right tools to eliminate or, at the very least, disrupt the attack.

It is a known fact that the best law enforcement agencies in the country have response times in minutes, yet violent criminals can take our lives in seconds. Law enforcement officers in San Bernardino arrived on scene about 4 minutes after the incident was first reported. Even with that incredible response time, they arrived to find too many dead or critically wounded.

As a Sheriff, an elected official and citizen of our great country, I am personally disgusted by the senseless attacks and murders of “good people” by “bad people” with evil intent who have for too long been allowed to act in this manner. Equally concerning is the fact that there are those in our country who are in a position to speak out by voicing strength and taking action who appear more concerned about being politically correct than they are about protecting those they took a constitutional oath to serve.

In this unique time, our country needs to unite and stand up as leaders and citizens and clearly state that we have had enough, and will no longer tolerate such behavior and acts of evil. Let there be no mistake, this is not about politics, religion, ethnicity, race or social status, but instead is about our freedom, humanity, way of life and the future of our great nation.

It is time to stop reacting and instead proactively engage anyone who threatens harm through terrorism or mass killings. It is time for national and world leaders to stop worrying about being “politically correct” and start worrying about what needs to be said and done to target, yes I said “target” terrorists.

When did being politically correct become more important than punishing criminals? It’s time for PC to become the acronym for protecting citizens, which is government’s first and only priority to its people.

It’s time for America to get back to being America. It’s time for politicians and law enforcement leaders to be bold, patriotic and aggressive in protecting our country, and it’s time to say what needs to be said in order to do what needs to be done.

So let there be no mistake in what I am about to say … the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. If you are a person who is legally licensed to carry a firearm, now is the time to realize that you alone may very well be the first line of defense for you, your family, and others around you in a terrorist or active shooter based scenario.

I have always had absolute faith in our citizens to partner with us to help protect our community and I want our citizens to always be alert and vigilant. However, let me be very clear in saying that this is much deeper, this is about being able to defend and survive an attack by armed evil people until the cavalry can arrive. I am no way suggesting that we as citizens take on a vigilante role. What I am saying is that we need to be mentally and physically prepared to respond to an attack so we can effectively defend and protect ourselves in an emergency.

Our communities are blessed with many military veterans and other incredible citizen heroes who are willing and ready to stand up and say enough is enough and this will not happen on my watch. Together, we can make a difference. Evil people look to take advantage of weakness, but one good person at the right place and time will make the difference!

If you are not someone who is comfortable with a firearm, then we encourage you to always remember these three things when faced with a violent individual or active shooter:

» Run. Think beforehand about how to escape in an emergency. Don’t stop to collect your things. Warn people to stop them from entering the area.

» Hide. Get out of view, preferably behind a locked door. Barricade furniture in front of the door and turn off lights. Stay quiet, silence your cell phone and wait for the first responders to appear.

» Fight. If you are unable to escape by running or hiding, then there is only one other option — to fight with every ounce of passion you have. Arm yourself with anything available and remember this is not a fair fight, it is a fight for survival, for your life.

If you are someone who has a concealed carry permit or is interested in obtaining one, I invite you to take advantage of our Self Defense Through Tactical Shooting and Decision Making course that is held at our Firing Range on the last Saturday of each month. This one-of-a-kind course teaches attendees about tactical positioning, laws relating to Stand Your Ground and self defense, as well as self defense through mental preparedness.

For more information on the course and to register to attend, please visit our website at or contact our Career Development Unit at 321-264-5201.

Please remember that this message is not intended to scare, but to prepare for the remote possibility that you find yourself in a violent confrontation. This message is about not waiting to take action!!

In closing, we ask our citizens to remain vigilant and to remember if you see something, say something. In the aftermath of almost every mass shooting or terrorist incident there have been those that came forward and said, “I knew something was wrong” or “I didn’t want to report something suspicious and be wrong.” On behalf of our agency and community, I encourage you to contact us if you become suspicious in any way of anyone who causes you concern.

If your suspicions turn out to be wrong, that’s okay, as we will all still be safe, but if your suspicions are right by partnering with us, we may very well prevent the next tragedy in our country.

On behalf of the 1,500 proud men and women of the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office, thank you for your continued support of our agency and for doing everything you can to help us keep Brevard County a safe place to call home.

— FloridaToday

–from Rogue

Cobra Diamond for Dynas:
Is there a seat style out there that offers more of the classic chopper style than the Cobra?

We think not! This bad boy will single handedly capture the heart and soul of any Dyna stock or custom.

Simply put, the Cobra is one righteous around town, bar hoppin’ seat.
Now available with our bitchin Diamond or Pleated stitch!

Rider seating area is 10.5″ wide. Passenger seating area is 7.5″ wide.

Driver Seating:

10.5 inches Wide
Passenger Seating:
7.5 inches Wide



Part Number:

LK-071DM [’06-’15] Dyna


A male patient is lying in bed in the hospital, wearing an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose. “Nurse,”‘ he mumbles from behind the mask, “Are my testicles black?” Embarrassed, the young nurse replies, “I don’t know, Sir. I’m only here to wash your upper body and feet.”He struggles to ask again, “Nurse, please check for me. Are my testicles black?”

Concerned that he might elevate his blood pressure and heart rate from worrying about his testicles, she overcomes her embarrassment and pulls back the covers.She raises his gown, holds his penis in one hand and his testicles gently in the other.She looks very closely and says, “There’s nothing wrong with them, Sir. They look fine.”

The man slowly pulls off his oxygen mask, smiles at her, and says very slowly, “Thank you very much. That was wonderful. Now listen very, very closely: Are – my – test – results – back?”

In football, it pays to scout the competition. The same holds true when it comes to fighting tickets.

With that in mind, we’d like to review some interesting articles we found on, which is a news and information site targeted toward police officers.

The site is definitely worth a look because the content reflects the officer’s viewpoint, and these articles may give you a fresh perspective on what to do during a traffic stop and in the courtroom.

The first, titled “How Traffic Cops can Defend against 3 Common Attacks on a Traffic Citation,” comes from ex-prosecutor Val Van Brocklin. In it she describes three defense strategies that can torpedo police testimony: 1) challenging the officer’s subjective conclusions; 2) challenging the officer’s observations; and 3) claiming the driver’s behavior was justified on safety grounds.

Beyond recommending officers take detailed notes of the traffic stop and draw a diagram of the scene (sound familiar?), Van Brocklin counsels officers to ask the drivers lots of questions during the traffic stop: “… ask the defendant on the scene whether any road or other physical condition contributed to the violation and report this question and the defendant’s response. The officer can then testify to this on direct examination.”

If the driver claims his actions were justified on safety grounds, like swerving suddenly to avoid a hazard, Van Brocklin advises: “You can eliminate such defenses by describing the driving behavior you observed and asking the driver if there was any reason that might explain it. Note your question and the response in your report and testify to both on direct examination.”

Finally, Van Brocklin tells officers to target potential witnesses at the scene, ask them to identify themselves and describe what they saw. If a witness refuses to comply, the officer should note that for later reference in court.

The full report will be posted to the site in the next few days. –LaLa


–from Bob Clark

Chaos Cycles takes the Win at the 2015 NYC edition of the J&P Cycles Ultimate Builder Custom Bike Show

It was hot in New York. And the wool Pendleton board shirts and a heavy jacket were overkill for the 60 degree December weather. It was even hotter in the Javits Convention Center because it was packed wall-to-wall with enthusiasts. 

Jeff Holt from Hot Bike Magazine and Street Chopper Magazine awarded the Editor’s Choice awards to Pat Isaacson for his 1975 Harley and Nick Beaulieu of Forever Two Wheels for his bad ass chopper. Up on stage Holt gave a rousing speech about builders and the commitment it takes to show up and put your creativity on the line. 
In New York we had two awards for Peoples Choice, one at the show and one for online. The in-person award went to Paul Andrecola of G Clean for his 2013 600 HP Custom Trike. He took home a Bell lid. Isaacson picked up his second award for the online People’s Choice. He received a power washer from G Clean.
The SHO DOG award went to the hardest working builder promoting his work at the show. This year The Leatherworks solo bag went to Scott Avery of North Jersey Customs. 
J&P Cycles provided a goodie bag with a t-shirt and G Clean threw in a full package of green-cleaning supplies.
After the builder’s came up on stage for their pictures, it was time to get down to business and award some cash. 


Keino of Keino Cycles brought in two bikes and came out the winner with his 2014 XJR 1300 Yamaha. The custom featured a springer frontend, custom pipes, tank, tail section and saddle. This bike could take you on a wild ride. He took home a check for $750.
Keino Sasaki, Keino Cycles – 2014 XJR 1300 named Rhapsody in Blue
Chris Zahner – 2014 Royal Enfield Continental GT


If you were paying attention to the International Motorcycle Show social media posts then you were seeing the build of Evan Favaro’s custom a piece at a time. With this Speakeasy Motors bike, the whole is much better than the parts. It features prototype billet/lexan valve covers, hartailed frame, custom neck, Leaf spring front end by kiwi Indian, Bevel gear throttle, hand fabricated split tanks and fenders. Handmade stainless exhaust stainless seat with hand-tooled pad, 21” front wheel, custom intake and custom rear brake. He took home a check for $750.
Evan Favaro, Speakeasy Motors – 2015 Custom named Ethel
Justin Reid, Longwood Customs – 1972 Bonny named Amalgamation

Dell Battle’s custom Sportster has only been in two shows and it took a 1st at the Harley-Davidson Museum Show and second at the CIA OC Bikefest Custom Bike Show.

This bike features a stock but highly-modified frame with air ride front and rear with a radical custom paint job. He took home a check for $1,000.

Dell Battle, Dangerous Designs – Custom Sportster

Scott Avery, North Jersey Customs – 1991 H-D Softail Springer

George Stinsman of Chaos Cycle took the win over Nick Beaulieu by a single point. That is how tight the competition was in NYC. The paint, style and fit and finish was on Nick’s column but Stinsman’s motor won the day. It’s called a Shovester and features a Shovelhead top and Sportster bottom. Stinsman’s bike is an interpretation of the 70’s era drag bike. He clipped the tranny and installed a Baker 6. A slick for the rear tire and a custom Chaos Cycle front wheel gives it a down and dirty look. He took home a check for $2,000.
George Stinsman, Chaos Cycle – 2016 Custom named Thugnificent
Nick Beaulieu, Forever Two Wheels -2015 FTW Pan Chopper named Darkest Day
Throughout the 10 show series approximately 400,000 enthusiasts will see the custom bikes. The total cash and prize package for the series is $100,000. The Chicago round will host the US Championship and will provide $50,000 in cash and awards. Sponsors include J&P Cycles, Harley-Davidson, Progressive Insurance, Bell Helmets, Speakeasy Original, The Leatherworks and 5 Ball Leathers.

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1975, the Bonneville Salt Flats is an awe-inspiring geologic phenomenon. For motorsports enthusiasts world-wide, it is much more. It is hallowed ground.

From the first speed record attempts in 1914 through present day, thousands of records have been set and reset in many automobile, truck and motorcycle classes.

The U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) manages Bonneville, and the salt flats are currently threatened with destruction. Despite designating Bonneville as an area of Critical Environmental Concern in 1985, for the past six decades, the BLM has permitted millions of tons of salt to be transferred away from the historic racetracks to an adjacent mining operation.

The once 13-mile International Track now measures only eight miles and is no longer safe for the fastest jet cars that riveted global attention during World Record attempts.

In 2015, all scheduled races, as well as the world-renown Speed Week, were canceled due to the poor conditions and wet weather.

The Save the Salt Coalition and Utah Alliance is positioned to help. The Coalition and Alliance are comprised of a number of organizations, companies and individuals that work with the land speed racing community with the mission of restoring the Bonneville Salt Flats.

The current mining company, Intrepid Potash, has already pumped millions of tons of salt brine onto the salt flats in recent years, but that has not replaced the estimated 50-75 million tons lost before 1997.

As a result of the cancelled racing season, Bonneville is now in the spotlight. Representatives from the BLM, Intrepid, land speed racers, elected officials, geologists and engineers have identified ways to restore Bonneville and protect it from future harm.

The plans will be finalized into a Land Speed Racing Position Statement that will be announced in the next few weeks. They will include protecting the racing area from mud run-off from neighboring mountains, increasing salt brine pumping and implementing a program to increase the success of the pumping operation.

“Although concerns about deterioration at Bonneville have existed for decades, this is the first time officials representing government, industry and racers are sitting at the same table to discuss solutions,” said Doug Evans, Chairman of the Save the Salt Coalition. “We are finally at the starting line in the race to save Bonneville.”

How You Can Help

The Coalition is working with the Save the Salt Foundation on fundraising to pay for restoration efforts, which will include costs for equipment and labor. To make a contribution, please visit the donation page on

Save the Salt Foundation is recognized by the IRS as a Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization qualified to receive tax-deductible contributions. Visit the website for ongoing information about these efforts.

The Utah Alliance is the “tactical” unit working at the local level to effect positive remediation to the famed speedway. The website offers a look at the situation with video, photo and historical documentation.

Go there to find a sample letter you can send to the BLM.

— Louise Ann Noeth


Yes yes, once again the Main Street Station in sunny Daytona kicks it up a notch. Check out the Bikini contest shot by our own Chopper Dave from Biketoberfest 2015. Good lookin’ ladies to say the least, only in the Bikernet Cantina!
Co-Editor of Bandit’s Cantina 

This Holiday Season, Give the ZIPPER’S Gift of Performance!–

Give them performance this holiday season! Red Shift Hi-Torque series cams will keep them smiling through the years! The perfect gift for any H-D rider looking to add some horsepower to the sled.

Don’t know what to get that special someone in your life? A perfect gift for any motorcycle enthusiast, prepackaged in a box that will fit wonderfully under your tree, just add the wrapping paper and a bow and you are all set!

Zipper’s Chain Conversion Kits
Love the nostalgic look? A chain kit from Zipper’s will give the vintage feel to your cycle with the added benefit of no more broken belts!

WIN A CUSTOM BIKE TO CURE THE KIDS– Twenty-eight thousand people in the US are living with the diagnosis of a pediatric brain tumor. The Ride for Kids program, a national series of motorcycle rides that supports the work of the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation, made it their mission to eliminate the challenges of childhood brain tumors by funding medical research and family support programs.

Brian Klock of Klock Werks said he felt humbled to be able to help kids and families, and also honored to be paired with “two of the most iconic names in the industry, American Honda and Cycle World.”

“When I was told 13 kids are diagnosed every day, I thought, what can we do to help?” Brian Klock, President and Visionary of Klock Werks said. “Kids are the future of our industry, and of our world, so when you get a chance to help out, you should.”

And that’s exactly what Klock set out to do with the benchmark standard for touring bikes. The new Ride for Kids/Cycle World project bike raffle features a Honda F6B donated by American Honda and customized by Klock Werks. It was on display at the New York International Motorcyle Show December 11th-13th.

“The F6B is a new platform for Honda, designed to bring in a different crowd. It has everything that riders love about a Gold Wing, but is a sportier version of the touring standard.” Klock said. “If you would have told me we could design a windshield to help a Gold Wing handle even better than it already does, I would have doubted it, but when we tested our Flare Windshield on it, it did just that!

We are really excited to add Honda fitments to the available line of our original Flare Windshields, and are proud to be able to showcase our Flare along with other custom touches on this project.”

Klock donated his team’s design and labor time for the F6B project, as well as the original Klock Werks Flare Windshield. Other donated parts and accessories include front 180/55-18 and rear tires from Avon Tyres, raked 180 tree kit from Hannigan Motorsports, drink holder, saddlebag trim, floorboards and rear reflector from Kuryakyn, Cerrakote flat black exhaust by Liquid Designz, Mustang seat and backrest pad, Eclipse series “Temper” front wheel from RC Components, SoCal Moto Gear’s HID headlights and smoked mirror turn signals, Monster Oval exhaust system from Vance and Hines, and custom badges and license plate frame, courtesy of XYZ Machine.

“It was great to get our hands on this bike,” Klock said. “We gave the F6B an even thicker look and more attitude with a 180 front tire, along with the rest of these subtle, but custom, touches.”

The winner of this decked-out Honda F6B will be drawn in May 2016. Tickets are available one for $5 or five for $20 at the AIMExpo, the International Motorcycle Shows, the Honda tent in Daytona, the MotoGP in Austin, and The Quail Gathering. They can also be purchased at .

[page break]

Every moment is a dawn,
Every challenge an opportunity,
Every adverse circumstance a test,
Every good deed a creation.

–The Venerable Master Hsing Yun

IVM and Koelnmesse extend successful cooperation–
IVM (German Motorcycle Industry Association), conceptual sponsor of INTERMOT, and Koelnmesse are laying the early groundwork for the successful further development of INTERMOT Cologne and extending their strong ties beyond the coming event.

“Since 2006 we – IVM and Koelnmesse – have steadily raised INTERMOT Cologne to the next level and positioned it as the leading business platform for the motorised two-wheeler sector. This long-term contractual agreement underscores our mutual faith in close, intensive, cooperative partnership and in the common goals, which we have set for the future.

At the same time, we want to send a clear signal to manufacturers, traders and motorcycle fans. “Also in the future, world premieres, trends and innovations in the world of motorized two-wheelers will continue to be on show at INTERMOT in Cologne”, say Gerald Böse, President and Chief Executive Officer of Koelnmesse GmbH, and Reiner Brendicke, Managing Director of IVM, in a joint statement.

With its around 960 exhibitors, INTERMOT Cologne 2014 delighted more than 200,000 trade visitors, motorcycle fans and media representatives from 105 countries with numerous world premieres and, last but not least, with its display of the entire product range around the motorised two-wheeler.

The proportion of trade visitors was around 30 per cent with a foreign share of 42 per cent. At INTERMOT Cologne 2014, 960 companies from 37 countries took part in the fair. The share of international participation amounted to 69 per cent.

–Volker De Cloedt
Communications Manager
Koelnmesse GmbH
Messeplatz 1
50679 Köln
Phone + 49 221 821 3881
Fax + 49 221 821 3544

An Australian man of Vietnamese origin is furious that Facebook keeps deleting his account because the site refuses to believe his name is Phuc Dat Bich. After being kicked off the site three times, Phuc Dat Bich—prounounced Phoo Da Bic—posted a photo of his passport to prove his name is real.

–The Week Magazine

BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!–


WOW, in all my years (70) of chasing redheads, Barry Greens ‘Redhead of the week’ is what I want for Christmas. Please show us more and send me a photo of this goddess if possible.

Thanks and keep up the fight.

— Andy

Talmage, CA

Küryakyn Bantam Throttle Servo Motor Cover for H-D–

The all-new Bantam Throttle Servo Motor Cover from Küryakyn has a streamlined and compact design, but packs a punch full of style. Grooved accents flow into a contoured scoop that tastefully hides the unsightly servo motor and wiring on electronic throttle-controlled Harley-Davidson models. A tight, minimalist appearance makes the Bantam a clean complement to any Küryakyn or Crush air cleaner, and it also works with most aftermarket air cleaners including H-D Screamin’ Eagle Stage 1 and Heavy Breather kits.

The Bantam is constructed from quality stamped steel available in chrome or satin black finishes for the following Harley-Davidson models: ’08-’16 Electra Glides, Road Glides, Road Kings, Street Glides and Trikes, ’16 Softails, ’11-’12 FLSTSE, ’13-’16 FXSBSE, and ’14-’15 FLSTNSE.

P/N 9845 – Chrome, MSRP: $69.99
P/N 9846 – Satin Black, MSRP: $69.99

The teacher asked the class to use the word “fascinate” in a sentence.

Molly put up her hand and said, “My family went to my granddad’s farm, and we all saw his pet sheep. It was fascinating.”

The teacher said, “That was good, but I wanted you to use the word ‘fascinate,’ not ‘fascinating’.”

Sally raised her hand. She said, “My family went to see Rock City and I was fascinated.”

The teacher said, “Well, that was good Sally, but I wanted you to use the word ‘fascinate’.”

Little Johnny raised his hand, but the teacher hesitated because she had been burned by Little Johnny before. She finally decided there was no way he could damage the word “fascinate,” so she called on him.

Johnny said, “My aunt Carolyn has a sweater with ten buttons, but her tits are so big she can only fasten eight!”

The teacher sat down and cried.

–from Art Hall

I want you to try one if these out on one of your projects. Let me know if you have something with a noisy compensator or a big motor project coming. Easy to install, saves weight. Instructions attached.

Reduces spinning weight by 4.8 lbs.
• Improves starting and starter life
• Machined from 4140 heat-treated steel
• Fits 07-15 Big Twin models and 2006 Dyna
• Made in USA

Retail price 199.00

–Biker’s Choice

Power Tune 4-inch Race/Tour mufflers with billet end caps for 1995-later Harley-Davidson touring models are now available with Power Band or Power Thruster end caps, in chrome or black ceramic coated mufflers!

S&S Marketing Manager, Patrick Garvin explains. “We’ve created a high performance 4″ muffler with a removable baffle allowing the user to choose between two unique sound levels”.

The S&S Power Tune mufflers uncork the true sound of your Bagger and can be set up for a deep but mellow growl or more wide open and aggressive rumble. For more information, contact your S&S customer service representative or go to .

Not legal for sale or use on CA or EPA pollution controlled motorcycles originally equipped with mufflers containing a catalyst.

–Patrick Garvin
S&S Cycle

This is my neighbors bike. He has a few more things to do, like the
seat, but… All self made bike.

— Peter Linney
Official Bikernet Feature Photographer

I thought you may be interested in featuring the Kyle Petty Charity Ride Across America, one of, if not the only, week-long charity motorcycle rides, in an upcoming article, focusing on the more than 200 bikes and team of support technicians.

This spring, the 22nd Anniversary Ride will begin in Palm Springs, California on April 30 and end in Biloxi, Mississippi on May 6.

The Ride, founded by former NASCAR driver and NBC Analyst Kyle Petty, raises funds for Victory Junction, a camp that enriches the lives of children with chronic or life-threatening illnesses with memorable, fun and empowering camping experiences.

Victory Junction was brought to life in honor of Petty’s late son Adam. Since 1995, more than 7,750 riders have logged 11.4 million cumulative motorcycle miles and raised $16.5 million for Victory Junction and other children’s charities.

–Ginny Talley


A targeted search is underway, at this time we have no one identified. After the first of the year we will be releasing a job description and an announcement of the opening on the electronic job boards that staffers and lobbyists use.

If history remains consistent when we do this we will get flooded with inquiries and very few of them will meet our requirements, case in point when we hired Jeff we only chose to interview two people, luckily Jeff was one of the two.

Since it has been 11 years since we have done this we are also taking an opportunity and investigating two other options for this position. And lastly, our highest priority has been focusing on the highway bill and watching that like a hawk, now that we have that behind us we can spend more energy on a legislative representative.

–Kirk “Hardtail” Willard

Specially formulated to protect American
V-Twin motorcycle engines operating under extreme conditions.

• Special additive package extends engine life and boosts performance by allowing the engine to run cooler

• Protects against corrosion, sludge and varnish build-up

• See your owner’s manual for the proper SAE grade oil for your riding conditions

• Meets or exceeds all manufacturer’s warranty criteria and will not void your new vehicle warranty

The Best and Most Effective V-Twin Engine Cooling System in the World!

Love Jugs can now be in your dealership adding to your revenue stream with our new dealer program. Dealers everywhere can now Increase their Bottom Line Profits with Love Jugs! Motorcycle riders all over the world are thrilled with the results and the performance of Love Jugs. Its’ innovative patented design helps keep Harley riders cooler…especially in stop and go traffic since V-Twin air cooled engines can approach and exceed 500 degrees.

Temperatures this high will destroy the lubricating capabilities of your engine oil, damage your power plant and generally ruin your riding day by “shutting down”. The ONLY way to cool things down is to consistently run a powerful stream of air across the engine’s cooling fins. That’s the job the Love Jugs does best. Its patented dual fan cooling system delivers more cooling air that any other product on the market today.

New Dealer Support Program Includes:

* FREE compact Display Stand which shows off the Good Looks, the Power and the Functionality of Love Jugs

* Your Dealership in the Find-A-Dealer Locator listed on the Love Jugs website so potential customers can find you

* FREE DVD or Thumb Drive Promo Loop to play in your showroom or at events

* Dealer Information Packet will contain all relevant product info to assist your sales staff

* Personal Sales Training and/or Installation Training Upon Request

* Photos, Artwork, logos, videos, etc. available upon request

* Computer Links between Love Jugs website and your dealership

* NEW PRODUCTS COMING SOON for Indian and Victory motorcycles

* Monthly Dealer Conference Calls to exchange ideas and information, challenges and opportunities.

* Personal Attention from the company CEO and Unsurpassed Customer Service…Steve West is available 24/7 to respond to emails or speak with you directly

We look forward to a mutually profitable relationship…

–Steve West
Love Jugs
For more information, please contact Hammerhead Engineering CEO Steve West at or visit the web site: Dealers and Distributors are invited to sign up now!

Visit Our Website…Click Here!

–Rick Raus

With a cool wind nipping at your fingers it is that time of the year when we come together with family and friends to celebrate the holidays.

There will be plenty to eat, plenty to drink, stories of the good times. Time to right what is wrong with this world even if it is only yelling out the back door. There will be presents for the kids, presents for the kids at heart. It is a time of year that brings family together and a time to remind you why it is only this time of year.

You look back at the year that was. Drink a toast to the celebrations; drink another for the sad times. We are all a little older, just a little bit wiser. There will be parties to attend and pretty girls under mistletoe. There will be turkey on the table and dancing elves in our dreams.

This year seems like it is going to be a quiet one for many families. Sick of the commercialism, sick of trying to be the Jones. It sounds like many will be keeping it simple this year with just a couple thoughtful gifts shared between.

Time will be spent with the kids; time will be spent with the parents. It seems that we are getting burnt out on all of this world – well at least those that have looked up from their phone this year. It is a chance to connect, to feel the warmth of another living, breathing human.

For the Monkey family the Christmas forest has been reduced to one, the brightly colored boxes few and far between. Instead of turkey it will be plates of Chinese food and laughs. An open invite to family and friends to leave gifts at home and for them to be present for our home.

There are a few more I’s to be dotted, a few more T’s to be crossed. There is still time to ask whether that person really needs more things to collect dust in the basement.

There is still time to give of your time helping those less fortunate. Maybe you and your family and friends will volunteer at the shelter, maybe you will sing Christmas carols to those in a home, maybe you will sit with a stranger in a hospital because they have no one. This season share of yourself as you have shared the road.

-bad Uncle Monkey

Another scam

Just a heads up !

As if we don’t have enough to worry about during the holidays, some knuckleheads have come up with a new scam.

The newest virus circulating is the UPS/Fed Ex/USPS Delivery Failure. You will receive an e-mail from UPS, Fed Ex, or USPS along with a packet number. It will say that they were unable to deliver a package sent to you on such-and-such a date.

It then asks you to print out the invoice copy attached. DON’T TRY TO PRINT THIS. IT LAUNCHES THE VIRUS! Pass this warning on to all your PC operators at work and home. This virus has caused Millions of dollars in damage in the past few days. Snopes confirms that it is real (

–from Joe Smith

Check out the collection from Iron and Resin. 

New Bikernet BAGGERS Reader Comment!–

2015 RoadGlide Windscreen Shootout

I own the Windvest 10-inch screen and compared it to the KW Sports this weekend and honestly both screens provide the same amount of protection.

I too read this review and it was the deciding factor in purchasing the Windvest, glade I did; getting the same protection as the KW for half the cost.

However, I have to say that the KW is a sexier looking windshield but my bars are 12-inch apes and makes contact with the KW when turning my handlebars to the left and right.

Stafford, VA

S&S Announces Long Block Replacement Engines For 1984-99 Big Twins.

S&S cycle announced the introduction of V80 and V111 Long Block engines as an alternative to rebuilding stock 80-inch Harley-Davidson Evolution big twins. Both Long Block engines are set up to use your ignition and induction systems.

The V80 is a great stock displacement engine for 1984-’99 big twins, and provides extra kick. For the rider who is looking for substantially more performance, the V111 Long Block’s 111 cubic inches makes it an excellent choice.

Both engines fit in a stock chassis without modifications, and both will run well with a re-jetted stock carburetor or re-calibrated EFI system. Of course, for maximum performance, an S&S Super E carburetor or EFI upgrade kit is recommended.

S&S Long Blocks will appeal to the Evolution owner who is faced with the choice of rebuilding his worn out stock engine or replacing it with a new power plant.

“You spend a bunch of money rebuilding a stock engine and…well, you’ve still just got a stock engine. An S&S Long Block will deliver way more performance than a rebuilt stocker and is available off the shelf right now.” Explains S&S VP of Marketing, David Zemla.

S&S Long Block engines are built using the same premium quality, U.S. made components that are used in S&S complete performance engines, assuring you of superior performance and long, trouble free engine life and S&S stands behind it with a two year warranty.

For more information, visit S&S Cycle on the web at

–Patrick Garvin


THE CAPITAL, TALLAHASSEE, December 10, 2015……….Acknowledging “momentum” behind a proposal that would allow people with concealed-weapons licenses to openly carry guns, the Florida Police Chiefs Association said Thursday its board of directors had voted to back the controversial measure — as long as changes designed to protect law-enforcement officers are included.

A spokeswoman confirmed that the police chiefs’ group had contacted the sponsors of the proposal (SB 300/HB 163), Sen. Don Gaetz, R-Niceville, and his son, Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fort Walton Beach, who both say they’re on board with the changes.

“The police chiefs understand that momentum is building,” association spokeswoman Sandi Poreda said. “And because of their concerns for police officers’ safety, they wanted to go ahead and reach out to the bill sponsors and work on these amendments, which they believe will better protect officers.”

If the measure passes, 1.45 million Floridians with concealed-weapons permits would be able to openly carry guns. Opponents — including a number of Florida sheriffs — warn that people who openly display guns could get hurt as a result, either by criminals or law enforcement.

Gun bills will be heavily debated during the 2016 legislative session, which starts Jan. 12. Along with the open-carry proposal, lawmakers are looking at allowing people with concealed-weapons licenses to carry guns on college and university campuses and are considering a proposal to shift a burden of proof in “stand your ground” self-defense cases.

By a vote of 15-7, the police chiefs association’s board of directors — who represent law-enforcement agencies in different districts of the state — agreed to support the open-carry bill when the amendments are adopted.

In a “Red Alert” email Wednesday to association members, Executive Director Amy Mercer cautioned that the police chiefs’ group “reserves the right to oppose the bill in the future, particularly if our amendments are changed or removed or if other amendments are added that are found not to be in the best interest of the FPCA and our members.”

Lawmakers will consider four proposed amendments, which have not yet been filed.

One amendment would add a provision to the Senate bill. The amended version would include House language stating that a person who displays a firearm “intentionally … in an angry or threatening manner, not in necessary self defense” is not covered by the proposed open-carry law.

Second, both current versions of the proposal would allow fines to be imposed on people — including police officers — who infringe on others’ rights to openly carry guns, unless probable cause exists to believe that crimes have been committed. A proposed amendment would ease that standard for law officers, who would be required to have “reasonable suspicion” before stopping people to verify or investigate the carrying of guns.

Third, the current proposal states that no one who infringes on the right to openly carry guns — including police officers — would be immune from legal consequences. However, the agreement between the Gaetzes and the police chiefs association specifies that nothing in the bill would be intended to restrict a law enforcement officer’s ability or authority to conduct investigations as otherwise allowed by law.

“Sovereign immunity is a vital tool that allows law enforcement officers to perform their duties without fear of frivolous lawsuits,” Mercer wrote. “Officers will not fear losing sovereign immunity when investigating a person open or concealed carrying.”

The fourth amendment would require a holster for purposes of openly carrying a firearm.

The original versions of the bills have started moving through House and Senate committees. Matt Gaetz said Thursday he expects the changes to be added when lawmakers return to the issues after the first of the year.

“In the next committee in which the bill is heard, either the House Judiciary Committee or the Senate Judiciary Committee, it is my expectation that those amendments will be adopted,” Matt Gaetz said.

The Florida Sheriffs Association would not comment Thursday. But Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri, a staunch opponent of open carry, said the four amendments wouldn’t make the bill acceptable to him — or safe for people who openly display their guns.

For instance, he said, if an officer arrives at the scene of a crime and sees someone with a weapon, “At a minimum, they’re going to be thrown down on the ground with a gun pointed at them — or worse.”

And if good citizen with a concealed weapon walks into, say, a bank during an armed robbery, Gualtieri added, “he’s going to take one in the chest because he’s a threat.”

“It’s not good for Florida, it’s not good for the economy, it’s not good for tourism,” he said.

Don Gaetz, however, pointed to the emerging differences between opponents such as Gualtieri and the police chiefs association.

“Well, he now will have the opportunity to debate that issue with his fellow law-enforcement officers who are taking a different view than he is,” Don Gaetz said.

National Rifle Association lobbyist Marion Hammer, who strongly backs the measure, dismissed the critics.

“That’s rhetoric. That’s reaching,” she said. “Every time we do something to protect the rights of law-abiding gun owners, somebody will come up with a ‘what if?’ “


–from Rogue

ALLIGATOR KILLS Barefoot Bay Burglary Suspect–
Brevard County deputies have determined that Matthew Riggins, 22, was killed by an alligator in a Barefoot Bay lake on Nov. 23 while possibly hiding to avoid law enforcement.

Investigators say that Riggins had told his girlfriend he would be in Barefoot Bay to commit burglaries with another suspect who is now in custody but not cooperating with officials, according to Maj. Tod Goodyear with BCSO.

Deputies responded to calls in Barefoot Bay on Nov. 13 that there were two men dressed in black walking behind area houses, who ran from responding officers. Later that day, Riggins was reported missing to the Palm Bay Police Department.

Police searching the area reported hearing “yelling” but could not determine the source that night, Goodyear said.
Ten days later, Riggins’ body was found in the lake.

Sheriff’s dive team members encountered an 11-foot alligator behaving aggressively while recovering the body, according to BCSO.

“When the body was found, it had injuries that were consistent with an alligator attack,” Goodyear said. “We had trappers euthanize the gator and when we opened it up, there were some remains inside that were consistent with injuries found on the body.”

Riggins died from drowning, and bites were discovered along his legs and body that led investigators to determine he had been dragged underwater by the massive animal.

Goodyear said that burglaries reported by snowbirds returning to their homes for the winter are being investigated in connection with Riggins and his unknown accomplice.


–from Rogue

 From our families to yours, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Now get the out of here and go spend time with the ones you love. Safe travels.

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