
Hopefully the brothers are flying towards Vegas on their Dynas, one sporting a new set of Samson Pomona duals.

This bring up a topic. A few years ago I saw an ongoing need for an industry council to fight government intervention back. We approached SEMA and they wanted us to sell booths at their massive Las Vegas show. I guess they weren’t rich enough.

The MIC told us not to do it. They even sent a contingent to lean on me at the Bikernet Headquarters. They said they had it covered with the V-Twin committee. Ultimately I attended a meeting with Tim Buche and told him that if the MIC changed their membership rules, they had a chance to represent a larger segment of our industry. He declined, but several years later they started a dealer program. Interesting.

We approached the Motorcycle Riders Foundation with our notion and they accepted us, and we thought we might see progress. Immediately MRF board members quit going to the V-Twin show in Cincinnati. I was made a liason to the board, but it didn’t last and communications became sparce. Hell, maybe I didn’t brush my teeth. I don’t know. After a couple of years I wondered if the MIC influenced the MRF, who knows. We kept trying and supporting the MRF.

Chris Callen, the Supreme Editor of Cycle Source Magazine Empire, and I continue to believe the custom motorcycle industry needs a strong aftermarket voice to fight for the freedom to build custom bikes and modify stock bikes. Since the ARB in California got away with their 1913 muffler certification law, the industry is now tied with pipe regs on any bike 2013 and newer. We need to fight back unless we want to ride only stock bikes in the future.


 Let’s hit the news: The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by Cycle Source magazine, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation, and Iron Trader News.



INDIAN SUMMER ISN’T OVER UNTIL YOU SAY IT IS– The Never Ending Summer offers have been extended until October 31st.

• Complimentary 5-year warranty on all 2015 motorcycles (excluding Indian® Scout®)

• $1,500 credit* for accessories or apparel when you purchase a 2015 Indian® Chieftain® or Indian® Chief® Vintage

• $0 down on all 2015 motorcycles

Talk to an Indian Motorcycle® dealer today about your new ride.

2016 CLASSIC TRIUMPH CALENDAR– This TR6 from 1969 is just one of 12 stunning Triumphs seen in the 2016 Classic Triumph Calendar published by Wolfgang Publications with photos by Timothy Remus.

Get yours at, just scroll down the home page and click on the cover. $19.95 + S&H.


His wife’s graveside service was just barely finished, when there was a massive clap of thunder, followed by a tremendous bolt of lightning, accompanied by even more thunder rumbling in the distance.

The little, old man looked at the pastor and calmly said, “Well, she’s there.”

There were four sophomores taking chemistry and all of them had an ‘A’ so far. These four friends were so confident that the weekend before finals, they decided to visit some friends and have a big party. They had a great time but, after all the hearty partying, they slept all day Sunday and didn’t make it back to Florida State until early Monday morning.

Rather than taking the final then, they decided that after the final they would explain to their professor why they missed it. They said that they visited friends but on the way back they had a flat tire. As a result, they missed the final.

The professor agreed they could make up the final the next day. The guys were excited and relieved. They studied that night for the exam.

The next day the Professor placed them in separate rooms and gave them a test booklet. They quickly answered the first problem worth 5 points. Cool, they thought! Each one, in a separate room, thought this was going to be easy … then they turned the page.

On the second page was written…
For 95 points: Which tire?

–from Rogue and Jerry

RARE HARLEY BARN FIND breaks auction record in Australia– Early 20th Century Harley Davidson motorcycles are rare enough items in themselves. But when one surfaces that was uncommon even when new, and from a line of racing models largely destroyed over the years in the pursuit of speed, you know that you probably have an exceptionally scarce item on your hands.

So when a barn-find Harley-Davidson racing machine and sidecar is found after 50-plus years in storage in Australia and then sent to auction, the bidding is sure to be fierce. With a final winning bid of AUD$600,000 (US$420,000) – and a new Australian auction record – that was certainly the case.

These racing machines were very popular with oval track racers at Maroubra in Sydney, and the … Rare in its day with only 50 models ever made, it is even more rare to … The motorcycle is in original, unmodified condition Many of these racing bikes ended their lives in spectacular fashion in the pursuit of faster …

The circa-1927 FHA 8-Valve V-Twin racer complete with its scramble-type sidecar was one of fewer than 50 built and an exceptionally rare machine anywhere in the world. So for one to turn up in an Australian shed after decades certainly set the motorcycle collector world abuzz. With bids coming in from all around the globe, the rare Harley was auctioned at Shannon’s Melbourne Spring Auction on September 21.

In the mid-1920s, Harley-Davidson’s F-head Twin Cam racing bikes were the vanguard for the factory race team until the American Motorcycle Association brought in a new “Class C” for production-based 45-cid motorcycles. These new rules rendered the Twin Cam machines obsolete on the track in America.

This was not the case in Australia, however, and a number of these machines made their way across the Pacific during this time. They were very popular with oval track racers at Maroubra in Sydney, the Motordrome in Melbourne, and other circuits around the country. Running on racing mixtures that often consisted of 75 percent wood alcohol and 25 percent benzol, these motorbikes had higher compression ratios than the standard units and, as a result, much higher outputs than their strictly gasoline-only road-going brethren.

Unfortunately, many of these racing bikes also ended their lives in spectacular fashion in the pursuit of faster speeds and ever more dangerous competition.

With a “no reserve” ticket allocated to the lot, the seller really had no worries about securing a good price, particularly with its incredible rarity value. Nevertheless, the clinching bid of AUD$600,000 (US$420,000) well and truly exceeded all expectations. Even taking exchange rates into account, this sort of money would not have been out of place amongst the notable sales of early and uncommon Harleys at the recent E.J Cole auctions in the United States.

Sure to be eligible for inclusion in Gizmag’s list of the top 100 motorcycles to go to auction, this ultra-rare example of Harley-Davidson motorcycle racing history is destined to stay in Australia according to its new owner, so we may well see this particular example one day restored to its former glory and on display Down Under.

Source: Shannons

NEW FROM THE 5-BALL RACING LEATHER LINE, The IKE – Boot Tough & Rattlesnake Slick–

5-Ball Leather’s IKE Jacket is a 5-pocket Buffalo Leather jacket — Features two chest pockets and two waist pockets, snap down collar and one inside gun pocket. Classical styling.

“Gun pockets make for very secure and deep valuable containers. You can comfortably carry a camera, your cell phone, or a note pad,” said Bandit.

The IKE is Boot Tough & Rattlesnake Slick – check them out at

Jeffrey Najar, Partner
Biker Pros
c. 919-450-5060

“Biker Pros – We mean business.”

“Life is like a Bank account, you can only take out what you put in, sadly most people are living on over draft.”
“Successful people go after what they want, non Successful people avoid what they don’t want”

As for Cycle Source we WILL NOT be covering TROG this year as we have since the second running of it. Nor will we ask our staff to sign an agreement that hands off their hard work for the right of use to that organization and requires them to pay admission, pay for the privilege of being allowed access.

Furthermore, I think that any event that has used our media outlets in the past, when no one cared about their function, only to raise awareness and build their brand but now would belittle our contribution deservers no further support.

And it doesn’t stop there, additionally they expect the journalists to not only sign away all their rights to any photos for any use they see fit and expect those same journalists to not only get signed waivers for anyone that might be in a photo but also accept the liability of any legal action ensuing from any person in any photo.

Heather Callen
Managing Editor
Cycle Source Magazine
Office – 724-226-2867

Bikernet will not support or cover this event. In fact, we are starting our own event. The Race of Rascals. Everyone is invited—Bandit


— should be like Sunshine,
and convey a bright view

–should be like a flower,
and convey a fragrant thought

–should be like pure water,
and convey clear notions.

–Venerable Master Hsing Yun

Harry’s Oldstyle Bikeshow is gaining momentum. The line up is getting bigger, and the event is going to go off.

We have our regular sponsors on board this year, including, as well as some new faces. Plenty to see and do.

31st of October, Halloween.
Free camping Friday and Saturday night.
Dinner supplied at a small fee on Friday night.
Bar will be open.

Early entrants and campers will be arriving from all over from Friday afternoon. Gates open to entrants and vendors from 6 am Saturday. Public welcome from 9am.

Registration for bike show from 9am to 1pm.

tattoo show,
art show,
live music.
bike games
trade stalls
food and beer
kids entertainment. (kids out by 7pm)
plenty of giveaways and prizes.

Our charity recipient this year will be Wounded Heroes, so they will be there, raising money for returned soldiers and family. They are a grassroots organization, not for profit ,and 95% of all the money they raise goes to soldiers and families.

All money raised by the “rev it til it blows” bike will go directly to them.


Yeah, Yogi will surely be missed.

Berra-isms (colloquial expressions that lack logic) are now countless, and many of them are just attributed to Berra, even if he never actually said them. As he so perfectly put it: “I never said most of the things I said.” Here our favorites.

1. When you come to a fork in the road, take it.

2. You can observe a lot by just watching.

3. It ain’t over till it’s over.

4. It’s like déjà vu all over again.

5. No one goes there nowadays, it’s too crowded.

6. Baseball is 90% mental and the other half is physical.

7. A nickel ain’t worth a dime anymore.

8. Always go to other people’s funerals, otherwise they won’t come to yours.

9. We made too many wrong mistakes.

10. Congratulations. I knew the record would stand until it was broken.


BRAND New Bikernet TRIKE Reader Comment!–

TRIKE REVIEW: 2012 Roadsmith HT1800 Gold Wing Conversion

Article so good I would love to have the ht1800 kit to install on my 2012 Gold Wing. Going to save my money, who knows maybe next year.

— Jerry Shaffer
Charleston, AR

LAS VEGAS BIKEFEST THIS WEEKEND– Registration Price Increases On-Site


Prices go up on-site.

Daily & Weekend Passes Available NOW

Purchase your daily or weekend Rally Central passes now and save. Click here to purchase your tickets today.

(Daily and weekend passes do not included tickets to the Friday and Saturday Night Concerts.)

Reminder: There is a New Location for
Las Vegas BikeFest

Fremont East – Downtown Las Vegas
Between 8th and 10th Street

Rock Out Friday & Saturday Night

Presented by:

Friday Night – October 2 (8pm – 11pm)

CANTINA HAND PICKED DEALS EVERY WEEK— See all the deals by joining the Cantina, but here’s a teaser: 1966 Harley-Davidson Electra Glide FLH 1340

Used Touring Motorcycle in Monroe, NC 28110


1966 HARLEY-DAVIDSON Electra Glide FLH 1340, Beautiful motorcycle. Fish tail exhausts; extra chrome; white-wall tires; has been restored – very nice!!! For additional information please contact Stan, or any member of the Iron Horse Motorcycles’ sales staff at 704-283-9467 or and refer to stock number H16111.


Co-Editor of Bandit’s Cantina

JUST IN FROM THE CENTER FOR PUBLIC INTEGRITY– Presidential candidates in fantasy land over health care.

Commentary: candidates say this and that about health care, but it’s the insurers and pharmaceutical companies that call the tune.

–By Wendell Potter

Presidential candidates from both parties are full of sound and fury about various aspects of the U.S. health care system, but unless we as a nation get serious about big money in politics, all the noise will ultimately amount to nothing.

Every one of the Republican candidates has pledged to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. But I’m not sure they realize that the interests of the insurance and pharmaceutical industries, as well as hospitals and physicians, were considered first and foremost as the law was being drafted.

Yes, Obamacare has brought some needed reforms to the insurance marketplace and has enabled millions of previously uninsured Americans to finally get coverage. But health insurers have not only thrived since the law was passed, they are more profitable than ever, and that has made their executives and investors happy—and richer. The stock prices of the five largest for-profit insurers have tripled and in some cases quadrupled since the law was passed.

And now that many more people can afford to see a doctor and pick up their prescriptions and hospitals are not having to provide as much charity care, most health care providers would be just as upset as the insurers if a repeal of the law became a real possibility.

On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have both announced plans to fix some of the problems not addressed by the ACA. Both of them said they favored allowing Medicare to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies for lower prices and they both want to make it legal for Americans to re-import drugs from Canada and elsewhere. They also criticized the outsized profits of many drug makers and pledged to force the companies to provide more information about how much they actually spend on research and development.

Clinton also proposed capping out-of-pocket drug spending for some people with chronic conditions at $250 a month. Even though her campaign acknowledged that the cap would apply to only about a million people, the proposal drew sharp rebukes from both the insurance and pharmaceutical industries.

Former CIGNA executive-turned-whistleblower Wendell Potter writes about the health care industry and the ongoing battle for health reform.

America’s Health Insurance Plans, the industry’s largest PR and lobbying group, said it opposed any plan “that would impose arbitrary caps on insurance coverage.”

AHIP even criticized Clinton’s and Sanders’ plans to enable Medicare to negotiate for lower drug prices, saying that imposing caps and “forc(ing) government negotiation on prescription drug prices will only add to the cost pressures facing individuals and families across the country.”

If you’re wondering why insurers don’t want Medicare to have the ability to negotiate with drug companies, here’s why: it would make their Medicare Advantage plans, which offered prescription drug benefits to seniors long before the traditional Medicare program could, much less attractive. The irony is that private insurers can negotiate with drug companies but the federal government cannot.

And if you’re wondering why that is, here’s why: lobbyists for drug companies and insurers have defeated every bill that has been proposed over the years to allow Medicare to negotiate for drug prices, just as they have been able to defeat every bill—even those with bipartisan support—that would allow Americans to order medications from Canadian pharmacies.

When Congress was considering legislation to add a prescription drug benefit to Medicare in 2003, industry lobbyists insisted that language that would have authorized the government to negotiate with drug companies be stripped out of the bill. Six years later, they won again when they the Obama administration caved in to pressure from the drug companies and made certain that the ACA would not include drug negotiation authority for Medicare. This despite the fact that Obama had said when he was a senator from Illinois that, “Drug negotiation is the smart thing to do and the right thing to do.”

In fact, the drug companies always win, which is why Americans pay far more than citizens of any other country for prescription medications. We pay exactly 100 percent more per capita for pharmaceuticals than the average paid by citizens of the 33 other developed countries that comprise the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Obama also once supported drug re-importation, as did Sen. John McCain, the Arizona Republican who lost to Obama in the 2008 presidential election. In 2012, two years after the passage of the Affordable Care Act, McCain teamed up with Sen. Sherrod Brown, (D-Ohio) in another attempt to get Congress to pass a drug re-importation bill.

When it became clear that his bill would not pass, McCain took to the floor to denounce the ability of well-financed special interests to control the federal government.

“What you’re about to see is the reason for the cynicism that the American people have about the way we do business in Washington. (The pharmaceutical industry)… will exert its influence again at the expense of low-income Americans who will again have to choose between medication and eating.”

Don’t expect that to change anytime soon. As long as interest groups can spend unlimited amounts of money to influence elections and can hire hundreds of lobbyists to do their bidding, millions of Americans will have to decide between health care and eating, while executives and shareholders get richer and richer.

Wendell Potter is the author of Deadly Spin: An Insurance Company Insider Speaks Out on How Corporate PR is Killing Health Care and Deceiving Americans and Obamacare: What’s in It for Me? What Everyone Needs to Know About the Affordable Care Act.

–from the Center for Public Integrity

Anomia: uh-NOH-mee-uh

Medicine/Medical. the inability to name objects or to recognize the written or spoken names of objects.
Lilian’s anomia, her problems with finding words, had increased, too. When I showed her some kitchen matches, she recognized them at once, visually, but could not say the word match, saying, instead “That is to make fire.”
— Oliver Sacks, The Mind’s Eye, 2010
Anomia entered English in the early 1900s and is a New Latin construction. It’s a combination of the Greek a- meaning “not, without,” the Latin nomen meaning “name,” and the suffix -ia, which is often added onto words to denote a name of a disease.

[page break]

NEW FROM Bates Footwear Introduces Versatile Touring Boot “Beltline”–
Bates Footwear has released the “Beltline” as part of their new PowerSports footwear line, offering motorcyclists a new choice in high performance touring boots.

Bates Footwear developed their PowerSports line utilizing high quality materials and more than 100 years of experience making technical and functional footwear for the United States Armed Forces. The Bates Beltline offers motorcyclists protection, performance and all-day comfort both on and off the bike, making this versatile boot perfect for sport touring and adventure riders.

The waterproof Bates Beltline is constructed of double stitched full grain leather and nylon, with molded TPU heel protection to provide structure and protection. PORON XRD high impact foam provides both inner and outer ankle protection, and TPU toe reinforcements protect from gear shift lever wear.

The hidden lacing system and the patented molle strap allows laces to be tucked out of the way of moving parts. An internal EVA midsole provides all-day comfort, while the oil and slip resistant rubber outsole provides firm footing both on and off the bike.

Bates Footwear “Beltline” $195
High Performance Leather and Nylon
PORON® XRD® Ankle Protection
Molded Heel Protection
Molded Toe Shift Reinforcement
Hidden Lacing System
Molle Strap Lace Restraint
Oil and Slip Resistant Rubber Outsole

Colors Available: Black, Black/Red

Check above to see the Beltline product video from YouTube.

The Beltline by Bates Footwear is now in stock and available for purchase online and through select PowerSports dealers. Visit to learn more, and join the conversation by following them on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

I do appreciate the private confirmations and additional contributions – even if you weren’t there, it’s extremely valuable to have this information!

I’ve also taken the opportunity to reorder them alphabetically… Additions welcome up to the MRF Reports Deadline…


I captured 30 States reporting, 32 SMROs, and Canada… In the order they presented, although AR and UT added via email later:

Coalition targeting putting Driver Ed back in public Schools (currently privatized)
Moose Federation addressing Roadkill by requiring DOT to clear RoW for visibility

Finally has a “M” Endorsement!
Driver Education Program being added

Arkansas didn’t have any legislation with the wording of motorcycles in it this past session.
Arkansas general assembly only meets every other year, so good until next session, but may be facing a challenge to Adult Helmet Choice next year.

Handlebar Height Passed!
Red Light Bill
Lane Splitting Bill
New Membership Program being moved to online server – looking for help/advice

Has Mandatory Rider Education for Motorcycles – Added Evergreen Safety Council S/TEP for 3-wheelers
Autocycle Helmet Choice Passed
Elio Motors assisted as Lobbyists

MOST (Motorcycle Operator Safety Training) issues
MSF awarded the program administration
$35 fee taken away, ABATE wants to eliminate the program
Shot down in the House
“Tuk Tuk” Rickshaw-style Autocycle doesn’t require Motorcycle License
HOV Lane use – motorcycles must pay for transponder
Lane Splitting Bill

Autocycle Bill PASSED!
Reduction of permit renewals to 1 Passed
Tar Snake Bill
Ride Sharing Program being explored
Lane Sharing to be explored
STAR Program reviewing a “2-up” curriculum

Accent Lighting Bill Passed
Creation of an “Autocycle” category to separate statistics

Passed autocycle legislation that prevented “steering wheel” from being added to the definition of a motorcycle.
Passed legislation that removed any restriction regarding handlebar height. As Jigs said, “as long as they can clear the overpass”.
Law requiring motor driven cycles (mopeds) to be registered took affect 1/1/15.
ABATE of Indiana continues to provide rider education (as we have for 37 years) despite the MSF being awarded the state contract.

RoW Bill in Committee
No Rider Education in KS currently
Many bills passed years ago including Handlebar Height, Helmet Choice, & “Dead Red”

Working on Adult Choice (Helmets)
Motorcycle Definitions (Autocycle) – Elio (steering wheel) lobbying hard
RoW Penalties Increased

2-year Legislative Session
Successfully passed 1 Bill last session – adding a MMA designee to the Governor’s Highway Safety Committee
Also stopped 8 Bills that were anti-motorcyclist including one that would have imposed a 6-month loss of license and $250 fine – worse than a 1st time DUI – for no EPA stamp
New Session filed 7 Bills:
Accounting of Motorcycle Safety Fund
Sound Emissions to use existing objective testing standards rather than “harsh and unreasonable”
Adult Helmet Choice
“Dead Red”
RoW Penalties (currently only $35!)
Motorcycle-only Checkpoints
Equal Access (Parking)
Also working to STOP at least 14 anti-motorcyclist Bills, including
Vulnerable Roadway Users
Alternate Sound Testing (j2825) (filed twice – House and Senate)
Stealing the Motorcycle Safety Fund to Driver Education Program
Requiring Junior Operators to have mandatory training and a 6-month “clean” driving record PRIOR to MC Permit
Working with local Law Enforcement to do voluntary sound emissions testing and training

Advisory to Coalition of Clubs
Helmet Choice did not get a vote
RoW – bill to have penalty include mandatory appearance – ran out of time
Profiling Bill passed the Senate unanimously, but is stalled in the House
Anti-checkpoint Bill passed

40% of Fatalities due to unlicensed riders
Temporary Instructional Permits
Waiver for Written Test
Checkpoints declared unconstitutional by Attorney General
Potholes Bill
Money being used for vests – $38/vest, $21,000 to ship
government waste!
$0 being spent on LOOK TWICE program!!!

Adding new License Plate
Profiling Bill
Reckless Driving Bill (added “Gross Misdemeanor” category

St. Croix Valley Riders (MN)
No more than 2 headlamps on a motorcycle modified to 4

HB 650 – LED Lighting Passed!
SB 254 – Vertical License Plates Passed!
Helmet Law Amended – did NOT pass
RoW Tiered Penalities Bill in process
PAC Fund Patches being sold

Liberty Bill (Adult Choice Helmets) did NOT pass
Working on access to public access facilities
Anti-profiling did not pass – objection from Law Enforcement
Driver Ed funding restored! In session, but addressing 27,000 driver ed students annually!

40th Anniversary
Autocycle Passed
Move Bee Hives away from ditch not successful

Profiling Bill
Exhaust – looking for advice – current law prevents change
Checkpoints began in NY – working with Suffolk County to prevent future checpoints (successful!)
PSA program using celebrities – “Watch for Motorcycles”
Monitoring Court Cases for Motorcycle Injuries and filling the courtroom with vests!
Coalition of Independent Riders (COIR) – joint membership with ABATE

Handlebar Bill Passed (Shoulder Height, but not being hassled for higher)
Purple Heart Plate Passed and in production
Pink Ribbon Motorcycle Plate in Senate
Road Guard Bill in process, but opposed by Law Enforcement

Motorcycle Funds to an agency – control of spending oversight by committee, ABATE participating
$1.8M collected for motorcycles since 2010
47th State to adopt texting while driving bill
Turnpike Bill to reduce toll fees for motorcycles
Uninsured Driver Bill
OKC hosting MoTM 2016!

Must take Team OR Rider Ed for endorsement
7/10 are single-vehicle accidents in OR
Governor Resigned – new Governor is open to ABATE’s ideas
Can’t Stand up on pegs – repeal passed!
Dead Red Passed
Lane Splitting did NOT pass
Resigned from Governors Highway Safety Committee – anti-motorcycle

Volunteer Fireman killed – Bill 853 addresses Distracted Driving Penalties Increase
Red Light Bill
Lemon Law for Motorcycles
Motorcycle-only Checkpoint Bill

35th Anniversary of Helmet Choice
Lemon Law Bill – MIC opposition
Permit Bill (currently requires PARENTAL supervision – even for adults – after 8pm)
Language to change to “Licensed Operator” in Senate
Safety Survey

Handlebar Height Repeal Passed!
Worked with Highway Safety and Highway Patrol to accomplish their goals
Hosting Heartland STEAM

“Don’t Ride Fried” Program
Impaired Riding program with the Governor’s Highway Safety Council
Rider Education Funding passed as a regulatory (not legislative) item
Lane Filtering Position Statement
Funeral Ride Helmet Choice exemption passed

CMT/ABATE had a four point legislative agenda for 2015, the first year of the two-year 109th General Assembly:

FUNDS: The Governor had passed an addendum to the budget in 2014, allowing him to “attach” any and all reserve funds to balance the budget.
The previous Governor had passed such a bill in a very lean year (2008) and took 890,000 of the Motorcycle Rider Ed Program funds.
CMT was able to successfully resolve the 2014-2015 concern administratively and were one of only 3 funds that remained untouched.

FILTERING: introduced lane splitting bill. New issue in Tennessee. Did not “run the bill” in 2015, but worked diligently educating legislators on what lane splitting/filtering actually allows. Bill still alive for 2015 session. Success

FUNERALS: Tennessee already allows freedom of choice regarding helmets in parades at 30 mph or less. This bill allows freedom of choice regarding helmets to allow for the show of respect during memorial rides, funeral processions, body escort details. Passed both houses and signed by governor. Gives CMT a “roll call vote” to refer in working the Freedom of Choice bill. SUCCESS.

FREEDOM: Bill passed through House and Senate Transportation committees. For the first time ever in Tennessee this issue has a positive fiscal note instead of a negative fiscal note. This should help in 2016 when CMT will work to pass through Budget committee in House, and Finance Committees in House and Senate and go to floor votes for SUCCESS.

Need EVERYONE in EVERY STATE to fill out and send in Tourism template letters. Letters packets passed out to everyone at MOTM. Thanks to all who are helping to provide this data to be taken to Department of Tourism, Fiscal Review Department and committee chairmen and members. ABATE of Illinois has sent in over 100 letters so far. THANK YOU. email if you want Tourism template letters and info page sent to you for your own use AND forwarding to EVERYONE.

Tickets were being issued for riding while “standing” on pegs – being repealed
Auxiliary Lighting Bill being revisited using the IL template
Adult Choice NOT signed by Governor

Currently in a holding position.
There have been several cities that have been flexing noise ordnance regulations by giving warnings; they have not set up real testing stations thus the warnings.
ABATE of Utah has formed a new chapter, Southern Utah ABATE, that represents the Saint George area.
Lane splitting may be a topic in our next legislation session.

Helmet Choice did not pass
Lane Sharing almost passed – stuck in committee
No Motorcycle Insurance required – but trying PIP for Helmet Choice

40th Anniversary
37 Years Helmet Free!
Building a relationship with DOT
Tractor Trailer obtained for motorcycle awareness
DOT spent $750K
ABATE only spent $1,000 on the trailer!
Joint Letter to riders regarding motorcycle registration
Presenter at Governors Highway Safety Committee
Class on “how to get 600 people to a Lobby Day”
Working with Polaris on Autocycle Bill
Black Box Bill
RoW Violations Bill – adding types of RoW violations & requiring mandatory retraining
Ethanol Letter to congress
Young Riders are priority #1
Held a Sport Bike Event, drew 400 attendees

Motorcycle Awareness National Campaign May 2014
Completed a Socio Economic Study
Website for “Everything Motorcycle” in Canada
Adopting MSF Dirt Bike Training
Held the 75th Annual Motormaids Convention
Splinter Group took Auto Insurance Board to court, putting legislative activities on HOLD
Land grant for dirt bikes on “Crown Land”
Free Parking for Motorcycles being revoked in Toronto
Insurance (public) rates on the rise
Mandatory Licensing for Dirt Bikes

–Doc D’Errico
MRF Board of Directors

LOVE RIDE OPPORTUNITY PRIZES– Each year, the Love Ride offers a variety of opportunity prizes. Opportunity prizes are awarded based on a raffle drawing at Castaic Lake.

The purchase of a Love Ride ticket automatically entitles you to one opportunity ticket where you will have a chance to win exciting prizes. Prizes include a new 2015 FLHX Harley-Davidson® Street Glide in black.

Additional opportunity tickets will available for purchase.

OHIO AND MARIJUANA– Ohioans to vote on marijuana legalization in November
Ballot measure has been described as an ‘oligopoly’ for growers.

A controversial measure to legalize marijuana in Ohio will go before voters this fall.

Ohio’s elections chief on Wednesday confirmed the measure would make the Nov. 3 ballot, approving the signatures the pro-legalization group collected in a 10-day make-up period after many of the first 695,000 signatures were found to be invalid.

The initiative would change Ohio’s constitution to legalize medicinal and recreational marijuana use and also give the exclusive right to grow and sell wholesale pot to 10 farms, all of which are owned by the ballot measure’s financial backers.

But the measure, which critics say amounts to a “marijuana oligopoly,” won’t be alone on the ballot. Opponents in the Ohio legislature sent a competing amendment to voters that would outlaw constitutional changes that benefit limited economic interest groups, like those behind the marijuana proposal.

“Hopefully the people of Ohio will decide to protect the clean constitution,” said state auditor Dave Yost, a critic of the marijuana measure. “The door remains open for cannabis legalization by petition by initiative. What we won’t have is this current system that’s poorly thought out and favors a few rich investors.”

Now that the marijuana measure is on the ballot, Responsible Ohio, the group backing it, is expected to start spending a large portion of its $20 million budget to convince Ohioans to vote “yes” in November.

“It’s time for marijuana legalization in Ohio, and voters will have the opportunity to make it happen this November — we couldn’t be more excited,” said Responsible Ohio Executive Director Ian James in a statement. “By reforming marijuana laws in November, we’ll provide compassionate care to sick Ohioans, bring money back to our local communities and establish a new industry with limitless economic development opportunities.”

The group began running TV ads in Ohio during the Republican presidential debate on Aug. 6. Responsible Ohio is also promoting a new series of videos on its website.

“This amendment will give Ohio a once-in-a-generation opportunity to be the national leader in a multibillion-dollar industry and create new jobs,” one of the videos says.

But Responsible Ohio may not be alone in pushing a marijuana message on Ohio’s airwaves this fall. A coalition of opponents plans to fund ads advocating against the measure, said Elise Spriggs, a Columbus lawyer and spokeswoman for the group. But their fundraising won’t match Responsible Ohio’s millions, she said.

“Whatever we raise it’s never going to be near the same as what the monopoly interests have raised and are raising,” she said.

The Responsible Ohio group is facing another obstacle as well: The Ohio Secretary of State appointed a special investigator to look into what he called a “possible case of election fraud” related to discrepancies in the group’s signatures.

Even if Responsible Ohio’s measure doesn’t pass, the political consultant who came up with the idea for the measure and is running the campaign, Ian James, will rake in cash. His company, The Strategy Network, has already been paid $2.5 million for gathering signatures, according to the most recent campaign filing. James is an extreme example of the network of politicos who profit in the world of direct democracy, an earlier investigation by the Center for Public Integrity found.

But if voters turn down legal pot this year, the Ohio marijuana investors may be back in 2016.

“If something goes wrong the first time, we’ll put up the money the second time,” investor Alan Mooney said.

NEW FROM KURYAKYN– Tri-Line Headlight Vent Accents & Windshield Side Trims for Road Glide, Road Glide Ultra

New from Ku¨ryakyn are a pair of trim accents that offer instant enhancements to Harley-Davidson Road Glide outer fairings. The sleek new Tri-Line Headlight Vent Accents and Windshield Side Trims are the first in a series of upcoming Ku¨ryakyn product releases designed specifically for the redesigned Road Glide models.

Tri-Line Headlight Vent Accents for ’15-later Road Glides & ’16 Road Glide Ultra

Ku¨ryakyn Tri-Line Headlight Vent Accents are easy to install and deliver an incredibly effective custom upgrade for Road Glide fairings. The durable chrome-plated ABS trim accents are applied via high- strength 3M VHB adhesive for a subtle style enhancement to the vacant black areas surrounding the headlamp assembly.

A clean touch of scalloped chrome seamlessly hugs the headlamp housing, leaving airflow and light output unobstructed. Available in a flawless show chrome finish, installation of the Tri- Line Headlight Vent Accents does not require or impede removal of the fairing.

P/N 6925 MSRP: $49.99

Windshield Side Trims for ’15-later Road Glides & ’16 Road Glide Ultra

The new Windshield Side Trims for Road Glide and Road Glide Ultra models address another area of the outer fairing in need of attention. The contoured trims create a clean, smooth appearance by completely covering the rubber-molded base for a classic transition that flows with the fairing and windshield.

The lightweight injection-molded ABS accents are offered in chrome or gloss black finishes and measure approximately 10-1/2” long x 1-1/2” wide. Sold as a pair, gloss black Windshield Side Trims reuse OEM hardware, while the chrome versions include stainless steel replacement screws.

P/N 2632 (Chrome), 2633 (Gloss Black) MSRP: $79.99


A Windshield Center Trim Accent offering full coverage of the lower windshield will be available soon, along with a series of Tri-Line accents for the Road Glide’s inner fairing.

BIKERNET BAGGERS BRINGS YOU Havoc Motorcycles– founded by some guys who love motorcycles, and who follow their passions and dreams no matter what the world thinks about it. We refuse to give up, slow down, or relent. Retreat is never an option, no matter how bloody the battle. Eventually, we’ll surrender to death. Until then, when we’re knocked down, exhausted, bleeding, blurry-eyed, and the world is counting us out, we get up. And cry Havoc.

We get up because an inner strength takes over, picks us up, makes us stand, and pushes us forward. That inner strength is a relentless gladiator. It’s defiant, powerful, invincible. The gladiator is our companion, our hero, our friend. It makes our lives exhilarating, victorious, and complete.

A Havoc Motorcycle is designed to show the world what that inner gladiator looks like. It’s the personified spirit, energy, and power, of the inner gladiator.

Like the legendary Iron Mike Tyson, a Havoc Motorcycle shows sleek agility, unwavering will and unapologetic determination. It strikes fear into those who doubt your resolve to achieve your dreams.

We’re not alone. Armies of men and women ride at our shoulder. They’re athletes, fighters, and soldiers. They’re trades-people, and workers. They’re business people and professionals. They’re fathers and mothers.

Havoc riders are everyone who reaches for the stars, follows their dreams, lives their passion, and befriends their inner gladiator. They’re you. If you dream it, and ride the hell out of life.

Cry Havoc. No retreat. No surrender.

Here’s on of their models: Slayer

US$43,199 /CAD$53,999

Modern rebellion doesn’t come from a catalog of chrome trinkets. Even if it’s a scary skull. Urban badass isn’t about the continual quest to upgrade every part of your motorcycle just so you can find it in the parking lot. Badass transcends that whole game. It’s the calm toughness that projects from your character. It’s about the attitude. Without you saying a word.

[page break]

ISLE OF MAN MANX GP RACER BREAKS RECORD ON AVON TIRES– Rod Hodson, 28-year old Wigan rider, took on the Isle of Man mountain course on his JGH Racing Kawasaki ER-6f with Avon’s 3D Ultra Xtreme tires and set a new lap record of 114.55mph.

Competing in Supertwin, this was the first win for both Hodson and the Xtreme’s on this mountain course. Hodson also beat the overall race record, finishing the 150-mile race in just over an hour and 20 minutes with an average speed of 113.057mph.

Avon racers also dominated the Classic TT in both the 350 and 500 classes – TT stars Dean Harrison, Ian Lougher and Lee Johnston earned first, second and third place respectively in the 500, and Michael Rutter earned first place in the 350.

“We’re proud to see these racers accomplish so much on the 3D Ultra Xtreme tires,” stated Ken Warner, Vice President of Marketing for Avon Motorcycle Tyres North America. “The Xtreme has a super sticky race compound for ultra-high performance. It warms up quickly to deliver the ultimate grip and agility in dry conditions and at high speeds, as well as solid handling at lean angles, through hard turning, hard braking and quick acceleration – perfect for this race environment.”

[photo 6465]

For more information, visit

The good doctor is a talented individual, but also a terrible procrastinator. His 650 ATK sprung a gas tank leak several months ago, and it’s not healing itself.

We are working with ATK on a replacement tank, but since Dr. Feng is a professional welder, the job has options. Here’s a conversation we had recently:

Dr. Feng,

You can fix anything. You know the next one will have the same problem, most likely.


That is possible, however, with new one, might be remedied, as Frank suggested they had a recall….
In addition, if I have new one on the bike, it will give me a chance to do a thorough repair, and have spare available.

–Dr. Feng

Yes Dr. Feng,

That’s one way to look at the situation. A chancy, dangerous, death defying angle, to view a potential life altering situation, but your call. Just don’t light a cigarette close to your bike…

–Bandit, the steel prophet

The mighty Bandit has spoken, about the tank that’s broken… A fine turn of phrase, in these troublesome days… Well stated, and I’m not jokin’

–Dr. Feng

So Sublime
The ATK Lines
And the daily thrill
Of riding the potential bomb up Knoll hill

It’s just a roll of the dice
Until it’s welded twice


So far the tank leaks a gallon a day, and it’s a daily rider. Hang on for more reports.


LIFESTYLE DEAL OF THE DAY– 2011 Special Construction Chopper
Our Price

Exterior: Burgundy
VIN: 1D9SS64D5AH251017
Mileage: 999,999 miles

– See more at:

LIMITED EDITION Black Finish SuperSaver Mufflers from Klock Werks– Lower price does not mean less quality with Klock Werks SuperSaver 4-inch Slip-on Mufflers! These mufflers contain the same baffle style as Klock Werks Platinum Series mufflers, same steel construction, flawless chrome or black finish, and rolled end. Great value and style in big, 4-inch slip-on mufflers.

“Our customers are the type of riders who concern themselves with mixing performance and style. The SuperSaver mufflers do just that, at an affordable price. We are excited to offer a limited run of our popular SuperSaver 4-inch mufflers in BLACK finish in two different styles”, states Laura Klock, Vice President of Klock Werks. “While quantities last, riders can choose straight cut or slash up, black finish SuperSavers in the 28-inch length. They are available now on our website, and when they’re gone, they’re gone!”

Klock Werks states that what you will love even more than the low price is the SuperSavers throaty rumble at idle, that decreases to a low hum at cruising speed. These mufflers are loud when you want them to be! SuperSavers are all steel construction mufflers with 2-inch spiral-louvered fiberglass-wrapped baffles that are removable and repackable. They fit 95+ FLT, FLHT, FLHX, FLHR, FLTR Models and are available in three styles in chrome, and two in the limited edition Black finish.

Klock Werks SuperSaver BLACK Mufflers are available exclusively at for the great price of $399.95. Chrome options are just $414.95 and can be purchased on Klock Werks website or your local Drag Specialties dealer.

Special Thanks to Pico’s Garage, Sioux Falls, SD for the Images.

For More Information please contact Sara Liberte at

With a handful of bikes on the go at once, now it is easy to get overwhelmed. Each one needs some kind of part; every one needs attention.

One cool aspect, with so many bikes you constantly collect extra parts, all squirreled away in a corner. Maybe a cheap set of spot lamps leaves an extra OEM one on the shelf. Some parts are like brand new; some have a little wear and tear on them. What isn’t acceptable on one is right at home on the next.

Round and round we go juggling which parts go where, trying to keep track of which parts go to which bike. Sometimes parts are robbed from one to get another finished a little sooner. You would think I would eventually run out of parts but it seems the more I use the more are left behind for the next project, the next bike.

-bad Uncle Monkey

Here’s a tip. Sort parts, so all the lights are in one spot, all the axles in another, all the wiring elements in another. Take the time and you’ll save bunches the next time you’re in need.


BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY IS OPEN AFTER HOURS– Long ago, when men cursed and beat the ground with sticks, it was called witchcraft. Today it’s called golf.

Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me, I want people to know ‘why’ I look this way. I’ve traveled a long way, and some of the roads weren’t paved.

After nearly 40 years of marriage, Charlie and his wife were lying in bed .. Suddenly the wife felt Charlie begin to massage her in ways he hadn’t done in quite some time . .

It almost tickled as his fingers started at her neck, and then began moving down past the small of her back . . . He then caressed her shoulders and neck, slowly worked his hand down, stopping just over her stomach . . . . He then proceeded to place his hand on her left inner arm, working down her side, passing gently over her buttock and down her leg to her calf . . .

Then, he proceeded up her thigh, stopping just at the uppermost portion of her leg . . . . He continued in the same manner on her right side ….then suddenly stopped, rolled over and became silent.

As she had become quite aroused by this caressing, she asked in a loving voice…. “Honey, that was wonderful …. Why did you stop?

To which he responded…. “I found the remote

–from Rogue and Jerry

No 754 Saddlebag Latch Rivet Tool

Whether changing a latch or tightening rivets on an older hinge, JIMS Saddlebag Latch Rivet Tool delivers professional results at a much better price than the factory tool.

This tool will support the head and flare the hollow end of OEM rivets with a ¾-inch wrench. JIMS No. 754 is made in the USA, guaranteed for life, and has a MSRP of $197.50. For all Harley-Davidson fiberglass or ABS saddlebags and Tour-Paks.

For more info, contact, visit, or call (805) 482-6913.

5-BALL RACING CROSS COUNTRY INDIAN TO BE FEATURED IN CYCLE SOURCE I sent the small jpeg shots of the 5-Ball Indian Custom to Mrs. Heather Source, Queen of Cycle Source Magazine, as instructed. Get to work on the story.



Sturgis Rally & Events Director to step down after 27 years with City.

The City of Sturgis announces the resignation of Rally & Events Director, Brenda Vasknetz, following twenty-seven years with the City including the past seven years as Director of the Rally & Events Department.

Ms. Vasknetz began her career with the City’s Water Department in 1988, assisting the City Engineer and overseeing utility billing. In 1997 she became Deputy Finance Officer, handling accounts payable, liquor licensing and voter records. In September 2003, Ms. Vasknetz became the Assistant Director of the newly formed Rally & Events Department.

Ms. Vasknetz has successfully led the Rally & Events Department since 2008. She also served as a Board member for the Black Hills Badlands & Lakes Tourism Association. In 2013 she was voted Employee of the Year by her peers. Most recently, she was named by the Rapid City Journal as one of the top 5 people to watch in 2015.

Vasknetz was instrumental in the development of the Mayor’s Ride and the Rally’s Military Appreciation Day. She also worked to establish the annual Supermoto races through downtown as another “must see” destination event for the Sturgis community. Ms. Vasknetz’s decision comes after the recent successes of the 75th Sturgis Motorcycle RallyTM. The pre-planning and preparations for the 75th were several years in duration.

Ms. Vasknetz released the following statement, “Following a successful 75th Motorcycle Rally Anniversary, my family and I have made the decision to close this chapter in our lives and move on to other endeavors. Right now I have several opportunities to explore, but nothing I’ve committed to. My last day with the City will be the 12th of October, but I am committed to providing a smooth transition for Rally & Events staff and to the City while the City recruits for a new leader for the Rally & Events Department.”

City Manager Daniel Ainslie says, “Brenda has done an admirable job of shepherding the City through the many challenges that annually face the City in the form of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. Brenda has been instrumental in helping the City gain a far higher return from the Rally and the Sponsorship Program. I wish her and her family the best as they explore this new chapter in their lives.”

“I have had the great pleasure of working with Brenda in her many capacities over my tenure as Mayor. She has been an ambassador for our community within the motorcycling industry and community. While I know this is the right decision for her and her family, she will be missed by her City family.” Stated Sturgis Mayor Mark Carstensen.

The City will begin the recruitment and selection processes to fill the Rally & Events Director vacancy in the upcoming few weeks. Questions regarding the recruitment and selection process should be directed to the Human Resources Department at (605) 347-4422 ext 221.

BIKERNET FEATURE PHOTOGRAPHER RECOGNIZED AT EMMYLOU HARRIS CONCERT— “Emmylou Harris & Rodney Crowell harmonizing at The El Rey Theater in Los Angeles Sept. 28,2015,” said Markus Cuff, Bikernet feature photographer. “Top notch. And there was Pedal Steel Guitar, to!“

Markus, a former drummer for Emmylou photographed the concert and was applauded by EmmyLou from the stage. But the next day he was back on the job editing feature shots for Bikernet, American Iron, and Cycle Source.


BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!–

Bikernet’s Johnny Humble Dabbles in Religion

I think that’s a great idea Johnny.

Ride safe, god bless.


MONSTER SCOOTER PARTS OCTOBERFEST DEALS– Today’s electric bikes fill the recreational and personal transport needs for many people. For those of you who won’t settle for anything less than the power and torque that a gasoline engine provides, we offer this 48cc 2-stroke bicycle engine kit.

If you aren’t afraid of a little do-it-yourself elbow grease, this kit allows you to transform just about any standard pedal-powered bicycle into a gas-powered miniature motorcycle.

Engine: CDH 48cc
Type: single cylinder, air-cooling, two strokes gasoline engine
Bore & stroke: 40 mm x 38 mm
Ignition mode: CDI ignition
Starter: Kick start
Compression ratio: 6:1
Transmission ratio: 18:1
Cooling: air cooled
Weight: 23 lbs.
Fuel tank capacity: 5/8 gal.


BIKERNET ASSOCIATE EDITOR DISCOVERS INTERNATIONAL PLOT– It’s lunar eclipse time and I’m standing on my street corner with some neighbors. We watched the moon disappear and wait another 15-20 to see what happens.

Not much and the clouds cover moon. The rest of the people left, but I stayed as I’ve been trying to snap images of the moon with little success using my cellphone.

I turned to head back to my place and I glimpsed an odd cloud I hadn’t seen before. I have a cloud thing, so snapped several images with my cellphone in the night mode, the flash off.

When I looked at the image, something looked a bit odd. I blew the images up on my computer. You see what lurked beneath the cover of the “clouds.” I knew it. The Chinese caused the eclipse to control their stock market.

And your thoughts on the matter…?

–Paul Garson
Exclusive Bikernet Vintage Motorcycle
and Cloud Commander in Chief

STREET HEAT Saturday October 17th – 9pm–

For more info click banner above or click here.

Anyone can come out and run on the 1/4 mile dragstrip with their car, truck or motorcycle! Or just hang out and watch the show!

for more information

Improved stroker pistons for Harley 45s

WICHITA, Kansas based performance specialist Truett & Osborn say that their new cast stroker pistons for Harley 25 inchers are “the perfect choice to go along with our stroker flywheels for the 45 cubic inch flatheads.”

Made with correct cam grind and material to eliminate problems with piston seizing and loose fit, they come complete with rings, pins and clips and are available in Std, +.010, +.020, +.040 and +.060.

These pistons are said to arrive at the same height in the cylinder as a stock piston, when used with 4 7/16-inch stroke. They are also available for 4 ½ and 4 5/8-inch strokes. The piston will arrive approximately .030” higher in cylinders with 4 ½-inch, and the piston will “pop-up” above head gasket surface when used with 4 5/8-inch stroke.

This year again sees Truett & Osborn sponsoring their 44th annual Motorcycle Drag Races on August 15-16 at the Kansas International Dragway.


–from AMD

REFORMED WHORES COME TO THE BUFFALO CHIP– The Reformed Whores are a colorful pair of ladies who are nationally renowned for what they do with their mouths–sing hilariously dirty country western songs.

However, when these ladies grabbed a microphone and camera and crashed Big Woody’s Panty Party at the Sturgis Buffalo Chip’s CrossRoads, a familiar flicker lit their eyes that hadn’t been seen for a long time.

Will the Reformed Whores keep their resolve, or will temptation provided by a plethora of panty-clad Chipsters prompt a return to their old ways? Watch this video and find out.

Bring on the whores!

Big Woody’s Panty Party was an attempt at breaking the Guinness World Record for most people in their underwear in one place. A total of 182 panty partiers showed up for the attempt, which unfortunately was not enough to break the record. The event’s coordinators have vowed to make as many attempts as needed in order to put their butt prints in the record books.

WayWorn: WEY-wawrn, -wohrn

worn or wearied by travel:
Suppose some of the boys had seen me coming through Canterbury, wayworn and ragged, and should find me out?
— Charles Dickens, David Copperfield, 1850
Wayworn came to English in the 1770s and finds its roots in the Old English weg and werian.


The boss wondered why one of his most valued employees was absent but had not phoned in sick one day. Needing to have an urgent problem with one of the main computers resolved, he dialled the employee’s home phone number and was greeted with a child’s whisper. ‘ Hello ? ‘

‘Is your daddy home?’ he asked.

‘ Yes ,’ whispered the small voice.
May I talk with him?’

The child whispered, ‘ No .’

Surprised and wanting to talk with an adult, the boss asked, ‘Is your Mummy there?’

‘ Yes ‘

‘May I talk with her?’

Again the small voice whispered, ‘No ‘

Hoping there was somebody with whom he could leave a message, the boss asked, ‘Is anybody else there?’

‘ Yes , ‘ whispered the child, ‘ a policeman . ‘

Wondering what a cop would be doing at his employee’s home, the boss asked, ‘May I speak with the policeman?’

‘ No, he’s busy , ‘ whispered the child.

‘Busy doing what?’

‘ Talking to Daddy and Mummy and the Fireman , ‘ came the whispered answer.

Growing more worried as he heard a loud noise in the background through the earpiece on the phone, the boss asked, ‘What is that noise?’

‘ A helicopter ‘ answered the whispering voice.

‘What is going on there?’ demanded the boss, now truly apprehensive. Again, whispering, the child answered,

‘ The search team just landed a helicopter ‘

Alarmed, concerned and a little frustrated the boss asked, ‘What are they searching for?’

Still whispering, the young voice replied with a muffled giggle…

‘ ME . ‘

–from El Waggs

MOTORCYCLE ART OF THE WEEK– Just wanted to send over a painting I just finished up this weekend. This is an original 24×28-inch watercolor.

–Stephanie Russell

Bigtwin Bikeshow & Expo 2015
24th annual Bigtwin Bikeshow & Expo

This year’s annual Bigtwin Bikeshow & Expo in the Netherlands will take place from November 6th to 8th at its usual Autotron, Rosmalen facility near Den Bosch.

With exhibitors reporting excellent aisle traffic and booth interest last year, and with genuine buying interest and intent and the Custom Bike Show attracting a high quality international field, the show is back to its best as one of Europe’s leading specialty v-twin industry event.

This will be the 24th show, and since the show started, more than 2,000 of Europe’s finest custom bikes have competed in front of a total net crowd that must exceed 300,000 visitors.

The show rode the difficulties of the downturn years well and has done much to respond to the changing demographic of the custom market and the new generations of riders looking for custom parts, accessories and bikes in the Netherlands. The organizers (who also publish the monthly Bigtwin Magazine in the Netherlands) say they are confident of at least 18,000 attendees again this year.

–from AMD

SAVE THE SALT— Here’s a clip from a long Salt Flats article currently posted on Hemmings written by Daniel Beaudry:

When I reflect on what the docent said, I can’t help wondering what would happen to Wendover if both the Salt Flats and the mine that depends on them disappeared. The surrounding region is dotted with near-ghost towns barely surviving on casinos, brothels and restaurants serving mainly people passing through. – See more here.

Here’s the last paragraph:

Given the BLM’s stated mission “To sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations [italics mine],” and that the BLM has identified Bonneville as an “Area of Critical Environmental Concern,” perhaps the most responsible course of action, at least until the current study is completed, is to put mining on hold.

Visit to stay up on the situation.

COOL STOCKING STUFFER– The perfect Christmas gift for shop, garage, office, kitchen or wherever, these cool Bagger Key Hangers make for a great conversation piece and perfect way to keep tabs of your keys and doo-dads.

Manufactured 100% in the U.S.A., racks are laser cut from 16 gauge steel. The gloss black powder coat finish looks great as is or you can paint to match your scooter. Fully detailed right down to the bars, pipes, fairing, 5-spoke wheels and bags. Racks measure 13 x 7 ½ inches and have screw holes pre-drilled for quick and easy mounting.

Custom Bagger Key Racks retail for just $24.95 each and can be ordered by calling 714-680-6737 or purchase on line at While there be sure to check out the trick Ford F100, Deuce Roadster, VW Bus, VW Beetle and Funny Car versions. Dealer inquiries invited.

THE BEAT GOES ON— As you can see the MRF and most likely the MIC are faced with numerous challenges. I support the MRF because of their direct link to federal legislative matters. Fewer folks are involved in the fight for freedom, which is another issue all organizations face. Some don’t like the politics, others are confused.

As our population grows, so does the government, and so do the issues. Also the greed level increases. It’s nuts, but we can’t ever give up. Over and over we see how one law leads to another, to another, and ultimately the agency is corrupt and the legal effort fails. Take for instance the war on drugs. And just recently, Obamacare. His notion wasn’t entirely wrong, but the implementation is a mess.

Okay, enough but get involved if you can, even find your local motorcycle rights group and join. In the meantime have a helluva weekend.

And Ride Free goddammit…


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